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On 2005-04-30 17:37:00, Antigen wrote:

"Who'd'a thunk it! You open up a forum for Program vets and a bunch of damaged people show up. Will wonders never cease!

If they can get you to ask the wrong questions they don't have to worry about the answers

--Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow (Proverbs for Paranoids)


Madness...  ::hehehmm::

Innocence implies the ability to restrain from the initiation of aggression, and to question those who don't.' target='_new'>Sorin Cucerai

The Troubled Teen Industry / WWASP's getting burned
« on: April 30, 2005, 10:16:00 PM »
On 2005-04-30 17:14:00, Anonymous wrote:

"That's exactly what it means. Not that it matters. That process is designed to do two things: create severe emotional stress, and make people dependent on and devoted to the program. Nothing more, nothing lesser. "

 They're right. :tup:

Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow;

He who would search for perls must dive below.

Prolougue (from preface to
the Panther Book)' target='_new'>John Dryden, All for Love, Prolougue

The Troubled Teen Industry / Why WWASP is so dangerous!!
« on: April 29, 2005, 10:40:00 AM » ... um=9#97869

Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.
--James Madison, U.S. President

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Money Newton Theif
« on: April 28, 2005, 12:57:00 PM »
On 2005-04-28 09:11:00, Cayo Hueso wrote:


On 2001-12-01 14:19:38, Antigen wrote:

The loss of time and youth that we all suffered is not insignificant. I'm sometimes very jealous of my husband. He's got a few good friends from his highschool days and they've become some of my dearest friends over the years. But I have none of my own, no memories of normal adolescence, even if I had someone to share them with. And there's no reclaiming the lost oportunities. That's not insignificant, it still hurts; sometimes more than others. And it's always very painful to reflect that my own mother did this to me.

This bothers me a lot too.  I think its one of the main reasons I feel so disconnected from people.  I have no roots.  I have no frame of reference when it comes to going through my kids teen years.  Looking back now that's when a lot of this 'awakening' happened....when my kids reached the age that I was when I went in.  I just tried to follow my instincts as a parent up until then, but when they hit 16 I was lost for a while.   Now my youngest is going to be 18 fairly soon and I just now feel like I'm beginning to get a handle on how all this shit effected me.

There never was a good war or a bad peace.

--Benjamin Franklin, (1773)


Ditto. (Unfortunately) My husband has friends from junior high.  :roll: (But seriously though that's so cool!) His best friends are my friends now too, and I know most of them pretty well. As well as his family is my family now, so the loss of a family to me is a gain in the new and improved, more loving and real family. I can't speak for everyone, but I know a lot of us got some pretty messed up, unhealthy families of the blood relation. I have no blood relatives I speak to except for my sister. It sucks, and it wasn?t fair, but life looks different today.

When you're literally ripped from your natural growth process and forced to be a robot for a few years as a 12-17 year old I'd say yeah, it's a big disconnect from life forever. Those were the stolen years and always will be. I?m just not mourning the loss everyday anymore like I used to. It still hurts but I use that pain as motivation toward the greater good, and in some small way, I try to make a difference.

A student burst into his office.  "Professor Stigler, I don't believe I deserve this F you've given me."  To which Stigler replied, "I agree, but unfortunately it is the lowest grade the University will allow me to award."
--Professor Stigler

EST 1983
Salesmanship Club '84-'86
Straight, Inc. '86-'88

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. ~ Edmund Burke

The Troubled Teen Industry / HELP Doc wants 2 send kid to KHK
« on: April 27, 2005, 09:44:00 PM »
On 2005-04-27 14:18:00, confuzdmom wrote:

"Thank you for your reply. I went to the khk facility this afternoon with my husband.It was interesting to say the least.The "intake" coordinator was just as cute as can be. I asked her age(25,has worked there 1 year)and if she was a "graduate" (no).I did not bring the straight subject at all in the beginning.We were allowed to have a "one on one" 20 minute "private"(?) meeting with a second phaser.Also, as cute as a button. I reviewed my list of questions for the "phaser", and her answers were pretty predictable.I found myself correcting her when she was referring to herself as a loser, etc. I asked her if she hed felt humiliated at all, or if she had to admit to things she would have rather kept private. She said no. And when asked if she had ever witnessed/heard of kids cutting on themselves,answer again, no.Religion crammed down their throats, no, etc etc etc.When she was leaving the room,when the intake girl came back, she kinda gave a little air punch&said "I LOVE IT HERE!! That was overkill for me. Then came the "tour".Joke of a tour..I dont give a shit where Suzie does insurance billing.I wanted to see whe meeting rooms, although we did see the bathroom. Then we were led back to the intake room to see if we had any final questions. I pulled out my papers & fired away. Straight?"Oh no, we're not affiliated with them, but yes, we did buy the building, yes, we follow the same 7 rules, parent rules, phase rules,no contact rules,isolation rules, but we're not affiliated with Straight".Ok, then how do you differ from them..."They were a little rougher" What is the required reading for "phasers"&parents.."The Big Book". Well, who wrote "The Big Book"? "Not sure, I'll check on that".What happens if a phaser becomes ill or violent, or misbehaves?"We intervene & use a time out room" How do you get them to the time out room"Im not sure" We were told if we werent sure this was the right program for our daughter, we could try it out for a 7 day assessment period.What percentage of 7 day assessment kids are recommended for the program in its entirety?"95%" Of course.Maybe it works for a few kids, but its not an option for our family.Thanks again for the info. BTW..we're also going to switch therapists."

Way to go.  :nworthy:  :wave:  :grin:

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.' target='_new'> John F. Kennedy

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Thanks for the Memories...
« on: April 26, 2005, 11:25:00 AM »
Behavior modification has been the "one size fits all" or the "cookie cutter" solution to the common problems teenagers struggle with for way too long now.

According to their "professional opinions" all of my teenager?s friends and my teen qualify for this type of "teen help."

What a money scam for the gullible and the desperate, is there a greedier form of business out there?

What?s worse is that most of the people working in these places, not only have no college degree, but think that by using excessive force, humiliation tactics, demeaning, and degrading confrontation and corporal punishment on children on a daily basis, they?re showing help and love.  

In war, the stronger overcomes the weaker. In business, the stronger imparts strength to the weaker.
--Frederic Bastiat

EST 1983
Salesmanship Club '84-'86
Straight, Inc. '86-'88

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. ~ Edmund Burke

There should be something in there about false advertising. I'm not really sure that's against the law, though.  :roll:

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

If it's passed, it'll be a start in the right direction.

Cops; you wake `em up you gotta dance with `em. They lead.
-- Jack McNulty

"Fined or less than 5 years..." That's a bit of a disappointment to read.

It's sad that behavior mod is still looked at as an appropriate form of "treatment" in the first place.

If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base.
-- Dave Barry

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. We should all contact our state and federal representatives and urge them to look into this national/and state epidemic of child/teen private behavior modification programs basically being private POW camps for kids.

Please, make calls, send letters, start petitions!

All of these[/i] programs coming down is the answer which means we can?t stop until Melvin Sembler, Robert Lichfield, and the like are held accountable!
Use your voice for the power of good.

Thank you ~  :nworthy:  

The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist, poet, philosopher

EST 1983
Salesmanship Club '84-'86
Straight, Inc. '86-'88

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. ~ Edmund Burke

Bill #?

Copy of the bill?

Any more details?

Thanks to everyone who's getting involved.

The people's right to change what does not work is one of the greatest
principles in our system of government

--Richard M. Nixon

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Thanks for the Memories...
« on: April 22, 2005, 05:52:00 PM »
Perhaps people were just searching for answers and comfort but then became seekers of 'fast-food' style enlightenment (like a drug) or became guru-seminar-brainwashing money-grubbers?

Besides, Synanon was for heroin addicts! There is not a drug in the world that is as comparatively difficult to kick as heroin. I think that's where the positive peer culture/behavior modification came into play in the only good way it could. They were consenting-adults, not defenseless children. But then, they saw if they expanded, and developed a ?one-size-fits-all? pitch, they'd be able to market their ?miracle cure for the spiritually unenlightened? in a bottle and sell it, and they did. And oh how the program-marketing wolves love the credulous of society.

Human greed is a repulsive thing.

Forgive, O Lord, my little joke on Thee and I'll  forgive Thy great big one on me.
--Robert Frost, American poet

EST 1983
Salesmanship Club '84-'86
Straight, Inc. '86-'88

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. ~ Edmund Burke

The Troubled Teen Industry / Cross Creek Manor - Report of abuse
« on: April 22, 2005, 05:43:00 PM »
Dolphin, you can't even see right from wrong anymore. It's scary.  You're rationalizing child abuse!

If Christ were here now there is one thing he would not be -- a Christian.
--Samuel Clemens "Mark Twain", American author and humorist

On 2005-04-22 11:44:00, Exit Plan wrote:

"The song they choose isn't just some random choice.

Understand what I am about to explain is after 3 full days of different process' and all the other weird things that go along with wwasp seminars. At the end of the seminar, once the group is done humiliating and verbally attacking each another, there is another strange 'process'. This process involves everyone breaking up into groups of 6 people or so, the lights are dimmed to almost darkness and the atmosphere becomes very surreal, it was very quiet. They play all sorts of cheesy music, for example mariah carey's butterfly, songs like that. One at a time, a person in your group of six was singled out, and brought to the center of your group circle.

They would lie down in the center of everyone on the floor, the lights were dimmed and they would close their eyes. This is where the specific song on your poster comes from, at least in our seminar. There are six different songs played for each person in the group. When the music plays, each person in the group whispers compliments and praise into the ear of the person lying on the ground. Since most of the seminar is spent degrading you with no mercy, this is a definite change of pace. People who were screaming terrible things in your face only one day ago, were now telling you how beautiful a person you are quietly in your ear, while you listen to 'your song' play in the background. Even our family rep came over and whispered compliments into our ear, and how much she loved us. The small people, namely some of the girls, would literally be lifted off the ground and walked around, as if they were floating on air, being told of love in their ear all the while. It was common for the group to pet the individual laying down, in a sense, comfort them as much as they possibly can. It was very child-like, something a parent would do.

To anyone who has read in more detail about the WWASP seminars, or has attended themselves, it will make perfect sense why some people treasure their signs forever. They associate the signs with love, in very real contrast to the hate and pain they also experienced during the seminar. " ... t=40#97220

I recall a similar scenario played out in Straight.

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys

--P.J. O'Rourke

The Troubled Teen Industry / Parents, please consider this
« on: April 22, 2005, 01:19:00 PM »
In which case I would tell you that hysteria is no way to deal with anything. But especially the choices we make with our children.

We will make mistakes. Learning from them doesn't make us heros. It only gives us a passing grade on the evolutionary scale.' target='_new'>Antigen

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