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Messages - TimScrivener

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Quote from: "Guest"
Before you start your explanation, I hope you consider refraining from using the term "brainwashing", since this is not accurate.

If 1,000 kids say a program is just fine, and 4 kids complain that it was abusive, what would you believe? That is the choice parents have today and why the 'anti program movement' is nothing more than a few websites and the crazy people who run them.

Just drink the victim of abuse Koolaid and look the other way. Stop asking such religious nutbag questions. You've been brainwashed.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "TimScrivener"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"

Sorry, I have little patience for overly zealous religious nutbags who think what happened at Roloff's was healthy.

I have less patience for overly zealous victims who call people names just because they don't agree with them. I was in the Lighthouse home, and the City of Refuge, and I was a farm worker, and I'm a member of People's Baptist Church now. What's your experience with the Homes?

None.  What I've read here (edited to add: and research I've done on the methods used at Roloff's) and being in a similar, albeit less religious, program.  Read the post by "notworking" that I just bumped up.

Ah, I see. So you've never been there but you know better what has happened there than myself who has been there off and on from 1981. I live here now. Instead of drinking the Koolaid, why not come down to Corpus Christi, Texas and take a look for yourself? I know you won't, because God forbid you be proven wrong.

I know that just like any organization run by people, not everything that has gone on there over the years was always right. Having said that, I also know that most of the people who have been to the Homes here have had good experiences and not bad. It's just that the ones that have bad experiences are more inclined to come on a forum like this and talk about their experience. As I have read through I have seen several that are positive. I'm sure you conveniently tell yourself that these are the ones that the  brainwashing was successful. Yet, as you say, you have never been here. So then it's just your preference to choose to believe what you want, with absolutely no proof.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"

Sorry, I have little patience for overly zealous religious nutbags who think what happened at Roloff's was healthy.

I have less patience for overly zealous victims who call people names just because they don't agree with them. I was in the Lighthouse home, and the City of Refuge, and I was a farm worker, and I'm a member of People's Baptist Church now. What's your experience with the Homes?

Quote from: "Guest"
..."roloff twisted scriptures, i have spent hours going over his sermons....and i can tell you, that he loved to quote multitudes of scripture, about 6 to 8 verses a paragrah...and then insert his one statement idea....twisting the meanings, and distorting what the original writter meant int he context of the scripture...." :tup:

Please provide for us all an example of Lester Roloff twisting the Scripture. I was under his preaching for over a year in person. I don't recall that ever happening. So I won't hold my breath, nor take your word for it.

Quote from: "Guest"
go study it for your self...
look up the meanings of words, " .  . . :tup:

I could say the same for people who just take these accounts, like the one you  have given, at face value without checking into for themselves.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"

Very strong argument for your side! Except the fact that the Koolaid being served in this forum is that everyone who went thru the homes is a victim. With that in mind, who's really drinking the Koolaid here, you or me?

Quote from: "Guest"

. . . "last night i had a real bad nightmare.i was very much aware of what it had to do with. in this nightmare my right leg was being shackled, i was in a concrete room..i woke up screaming, not from physical pain, but from emotional pain and crying out....terrified....laying there...trying to deny it ....saying it is not true, just a bad dream, but the dream was exaclty the same as the some very upsetting flashbacks...and in rather in a need to rebalance myself, i would insist in my head that it was representing how i was feeling in my counseling work, that i felt shackled to such concrete reality of things....doubling my understanding
but whether it is based in actual memory or whether it is based in symbolic feelings, the fact remains that it manifested itself in my sleep....and broke thru to this surface awareness...and therefore needs light, to let God make manifest it to me, to clarify it to me, to bring to me understanding of it in his time, way and will.....according to how he knows me, and how he understands my limits....etc..."

Former Rebekah Girl -- 1978
Roloff Survivor and now Becoming an Overcomer

This woman's post is incomprehensible. But the idea I got is that the above "dream" she had somehow helps prove that she was a victim of some kind during her stay at Rebekah. What I've noted from reading through about 10 pages of this forum is that there are a lot of mentally and emotionally troubled and unstable people here telling stories of abuse. The problem I have with this is they were mentally and emotionally unstable BEFORE they went into the Home. So how can I put any confidence in anything they say?

Quote from: "Guest"
wish i could remember clearer, its so long ago....about the missing periods, i do recall that once all of the girls in the entire dorm seemed to be on thier periods, adn with the windows all cemented down, the dorm took on the stench...UYUK!.....

wierd, that we all had it around the same time....

but it took me almost two years to conceive my first child...


*i thinkin here....*

It's not uncommon for a group of women who live in close proximity to have their periods become synchronized as you are describing. So far there are contradictory accounts here about girls periods. Some say that none of the girls had them and some say all of them had them. So...what is it? And isn't it pushing it to try to make it seem like her time at the home is what caused her to not conceive for two years?

Quote from: "Guest"
you know it has been confirmed to me recently that my memories are confirmed in the mouth of THREE witnesses about Lester Roloff himself had tapes, what i would call scripts, that he read to us girls in the dorm at nights while we were asleep,

this is a strong brainwashing technique, subliminal messaging...

and without a young persons consent or awareness of the hidden subliminal messages...

Jesus talks about the enemy that sowed when the men were asleep...thought that was interesting, in Matthew 13: 25..... that in the sleep times, is when the enemy will plant in his seeds...when we are in a mode of unconsciousness or unawaredness....

in the Bible it is taught us to be aware, to stay alert, to be awake,
tho they did not teach to us thinking skills (mental alertness and awareness).. in Rebekah dorm, that would cause us to be aware of the distortions and lies and see the truth...nope, they didnt encourage sound thinking to us...cults never do..research on cults and how they control nad manipulate thru brainwashings and not permitting open thinking or difference in thinknig or open debate to search for truth...

truth will set us free, free from the lies, from the distortions and planted bad seeds...Gods word is truth, but we must learn to study it , not thwart it or chunk it but be open to realize it had been distorted to us...

a rebekah survivor
from the 70's...

I'm sorry, but this is just ridiculous. Playing the tapes of Brother Roloff preaching is brainwashing? That's like saying that sleeping with the radio or television on is brainwashing. And being taught Bible principles is not brainwashing either. Nobody can control how you think. That seems obvious to me here on this forum. What they taught you in the homes didn't change the way you think. You kept your anti scripture ideas throughout the time you were there and continue today to have them. No body can force you to believe in God, or in the values and standards found in the Scripture. Not permitted open thinking? Every thing that was taught left you with a choice. You could either receive it or reject it. You rejected it. So no, they didn't brainwash you. Not even close. For you to call this brainwashing is to spit in the face of everyone that had the misfortune of suffering through it. I'm really sick of hearing about the brainwashing that people say went on in Rebekah. You know, you have really been brainwashed by all the so called survivors to believe you are a victim. Be honest with yourself and stop crying about having to hear good preaching. ::deadhorse::

Quote from: "Guest"
*Another thing we had a problem with there, we all had little red bumps all over our legs that we scratched like crazy. Some girls worse than others but almost all of us had it. Some girls legs were just big welps of red and bleeding... and we could not stop scratching. Mine were small red bumps around my ankles and calves, we thought it might be an alergic reaction to something, maybe the laundry detergent (the cheapest stuff) we all had to use. But a few girls were able to have their parents send in good detergent and a staff member would give it to them to use on their laundry day, and it made no difference.*


I'm from Missouri and I think I know what this is. They're called "chiggers"

Quote from: "Meridell"
I don't even understand what I'm reading.  Who could defend these people, satan?  FUCK Roloff, the Camerons, Barrott and all the others.  Screw the child abusers.  We've gone on with our lives and something still haunts us.  SCREW those people who don't get it, who say we are lying.  I know the truth, my truth and theirs, and they know it too.

Wow. And this is the type of testimony we are suppose to listen too? I'm interested in knowing just what is it that you are calling abuse. Seriously. Tell me how you were abused.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "TimScrivener"

I have no idea if it happened there or not.  

And there you go. Thanks for admitting to the fact that as far as what goes on at People's Baptist Church, you have no knowledge.

A matter of opinion.

A matter of opinion based on experience. Far more experience then anyone else posting on this forum, I guarantee.

I challenge anyone on here to produce any proof of any of these accusation.

While not proof, the links below can help to identify cult characteristics.

And still, no proof.

Do not accept hearsay as fact.

What you're saying qualifies as hearsay too.

Hearsay is information gathered by one person from another concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct experience.
While I of course was never in the Rebekkah home for girls or the Jubilee home for women, I was in the Lighthouse home for men and the City of Refuge home for men. What I declare about the ministries of the People's Baptist Church is therefore not hearsay.

People do lie, especially the type of people who come to these homes for help.

People choose to go there or are sent by their overzealous, hyper-religious parents?

Both. People lie, that's human nature. They lie to justify their decision to leave the homes before their time is up.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "TimScrivener"
No girl had a period for the entire time they were there? Really? Did you check all their bathroom trash cans every day or something?

As crazy as it sounds, it's more common than you'd think.  Every single girl I was in Straight with (approx 200 over 2 years) stopped having their period about a month or two after getting there and didn't start back up until after they were out.  How much stress, both physically and mentally, does a kid have to endure that it would actually stop her menstrual cycle??

Sorry, but I know about the Rebekkah home and also the Jubilee and I don't believe it. In fact, I know it to be a lie. While some girls may have experienced this due to their own mental or emotional issues, I know that these homes have to supply the residents with feminine products. These are the kind of exaggerated claims people make in an effort to make their accusations of abuse sound more valid.

Again, The Roloff Homes and People's Baptist Church are not a cult. I challenge anyone on here to produce any proof of any of these accusation. I further challenge you to come visit the Church and the Homes for yourself and make your own mind up. Do not accept hearsay as fact. People do lie, especially the type of people who come to these homes for help. You can also visit the website

Quote from: "Guest"
I was a Rebekah girl in `82.  I know all of this is true.  We chanted, girls kneeled on salt, no girl had a period for the entire time they were there.  
I can remember a girl being chained to a bed after she ran away.  What a mess!!

Chanted? Wow, how horrible. You mean you were made to memorize Scriptures? That's the chanting you're talking about. No girl had a period for the entire time they were there? Really? Did you check all their bathroom trash cans every day or something? I was on the farm in 82. I think you're not entirely truthful.

Quote from: "hurrikayne"
Oh?  And when were you there?  How old were you?  You have no idea what any of the women here describing what they went through, actually went through, because you weren't THERE.  Girls and women were put in that lock-up room for many reasons, NEVER was a police officer called and the abusers had the keys.  

Why don't you look up Texas Monthly Journal and search the name Faye Cameron.  That might give you a clue as to what was happening in the lock up room.  Might give you a clue as to why Faye Cameron is no longer allowed to step into ANY facility where there are children (public or private) in the State of Texas.

I have plenty idea what the women went through there. My ex-wife was in the Jubilee home and never, never, never, saw any abuse by anyone. That's besides all the friends I had in those homes during the time Faye Cameron was there. As for when I was there, try 1980- present, off and on. I was in both the Lighthouse and City of Refuge. My experience there is far more extensive than yours or anyone else lying on here. By the way, Faye Cameron was never in charge of Jubilee. And I don't care what kind of lies there are in any of those kind of magazines because they get their stories from mentally and emotionally disturb people, and liars. I don't need some magazine to tell me what goes on there, I'm there.

And you're lying about police not being called. It's happen on a number of occasions. I've seen it with my own eyes. Women and men have been hauled off by cops.

Now, give me some proof of your allegations. I'll not hold my breath.

For anyone that really wants to know for themselves what goes on there, again, the address is 1355 FM 665, Corpus Christi, TX.

It seems to me that the original poster is wanting to be convinced that there was abuse where there was not. And of course there are those posters here that claim to be abused. I would be curious to hear what kind of "abuse" you experienced. Seems like some of you think it's abusive to be told you're wrong. And as far as a lock up room goes, I know that what you are calling a "lock up" is a room designed to keep violent people from hurting themselves and others. Chances are if you ended up in there the police were called and you were hauled off. Yeah, wow, that's really abusive huh.

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