
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Elan School => Topic started by: Anonymous on June 19, 2002, 03:51:00 PM

Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 19, 2002, 03:51:00 PM
colley hill rd
Gray ME 04039
(207) 657 4421

Someone should send this sick child molesting fuck's number and address to his victim back in the 70's.I'm sure they would pay alot for this info.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 19, 2002, 08:09:00 PM
Marty presently tries to persuade little boys with candy to join him in the back woods of Maine in his TeePee of love.

He was never really affialted with my house when I was at Elan but when a 3 house general meeting was called Marty was the first one there.

Most of these resdients receiving the 3 house didnt really know who Marty was.Marty would join in on the 3 house G/m/'s and would bounce around like as if he was performing some sort of Indian Ritual war dance.
He always had to throw his 2 cents into any 3 house gm.No one realy cared nor did they pay attention to what he had to say, I know I didnt.
He is nothing but a filthy dirty hevan Indian child rapist.
Marty if you ever happen to stumble across this post here's a big "FUCK YOU AND DIE" to ya.
I hope you get whats coming to you boy,you rapist!!!
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 19, 2002, 08:47:00 PM
I remember a time Marty came into our house to help run some encounter groups and he had know idea what half the residents names were.
Anyway he didnt run the encounter group the way we were used to having one.He would sit there and read off the slips to validate why they were dropped on us and he would consider whether or not it was essential if we could express our hostility towrds the person we dropped a slip on.

Most of the residents were extremely disappointed because they couldn't get their feelings off.After the group the house went to dinner and a fight broke out between 2 residents who had built up alot of hostility towards each other.

And why did this fight happen, all because Marty denied them the right to yell at each other in a group.Two days later house in the dining room was called for a ring from the percussion's of the fight,and of as usual Marty was there to watch it.

I think Marty enjoyed when the residents fought in the ring, he got some sort of sick pleasure out of it.That whole incident could've been avoided if Marty allowed them to vent their hostility.

Elan loved to have rings, the staff their totally abused their power and got off on other people's pain.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 21, 2002, 11:43:00 PM
Did you know how they found out Marty raped that boy?The police took a sample of his saliva and found the little boys seamon in his saliva.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Publisher on June 24, 2002, 09:03:00 PM
The sadist cannot stand the separation of the public and the private; nor can he grant to others the mystery of their personality, the validity of their inner order for him to feel his maximum power, he wants the world to be peopled with concrete  manipulatable objects...
-- ERNEST BECKER, The Structure of Evil, 1968.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 25, 2002, 04:08:00 PM
There was an article posted about Marty last year at survivors about him getting arrested for exposing himself to a minor.Anyway David Hirsh got so upset about it he took it down.What I really meant by upset is, Daivd Hirsch used to suck Marty's cock and swallow his loads and when him and Marty went their own seperate ways David never got over it.

He still posses deep meaningful feelings for this dirty hevan Indian, why, your guess is as good as mine.Maybe because Hirsch likes to rape little boys like Marty does.

Anyway I recently have discovered the kid Marty raped, his father was a soilder for a NY mafia family.I am currently in the process of passing on this info to the mob and let them know about Krugliks where abouts.
I would have to venture on saying that Marty will soon be sleeping with the fishes once they find him.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Antigen on June 26, 2002, 12:08:00 AM
Ok, I want to be really careful how I put this so there's no misunderstanding.

I don't know that you can't prove every word you've said here. And, sadly, I don't doubt that any of it is true. I'm not the moderator of this forum, but I am the service provider. I won't interfere with anyone saying whatever they want to say. But, as a decent human being, I feel obliged to make sure ya'll know the reality of anonymous posting.

Basically, you're only anonymous to casual readers who can't or are not inclined to press the issue. If some jackass (ehr... I mean interested party) wanted to pursue slander charges, they might be able to legally force me or my provider to divulge the info needed to figure out who you are. I am MUCH disinclined to do that. But I want you to know that it could happen.

If you can prove whatever you state as fact and make a reasonable distinction between fact and opinion, everything's cool. For example, if there's a news article or something showing the details of that rape and semen sample and luring kids with candy, please do continue to let people know about that. If, in your opinion, this person is an evil son of a bitch, you're free to state it (it ain't slander if it's true, and no one on the planet has a higher claim to authority on your opinion than you do.)

Death threats are never a good idea. I'm pretty sure you're just spouting. And I know good and damned well your life was probably threatened numerous times, implicitly or explicitly, by these idiots behind closed doors. But it would be wise to not do that yourself because some people just have no sense of humor.

If anyone ever wants to take back their own words, hit the edit button and provide authentication. If it's an anonymous post, I will (with adequate proof of identity) delete or edit posts at the request of the author. Aside from that, you're on your own. God bless you.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 26, 2002, 04:41:00 AM
In retrospect...the above post acknowledges responsibility for whatever actions might be taken similar to the words typed herein (threats).

Also..Liability CAN be found in allowing personal information such as unpublished phone numbers and adresses without consent of the owner, to be posted here for public viewing.

A deaththreat, a threat of bodily harm, a suggestion or implied intent for acts such as rape etc. are all crimes. Dont fool yourself by thinking free speech done anonomously is a "get out of jail free card"...quite the contrary. Free speech enables consequence.

At least one person positively identified and requesting criminal charges be filled,  has been implicated here as a potential victim and as a citizen of the people for the people,  I hereby request the identity of those who have threatened ANY individual be identified to the district attorney in both the state of operation of this website, and the state from which threats were submitted.

Anyone with access to this information refusing to divulge said information to the appropriate authority will be considered co-conspirators and at minimum, charged with obstruction and harboring.

Please do not take this lightly...the webmasters, moderators, and any other person or persons enabling criminal actions will be held accountable under the local juristictions of each individual, and may also warrant federal investigation being criminal intent has electronicly crossed state and international boundaries. Efforts to aquire a restraining order to be placed on this website are underway. If successful..further tollerance, as well obstruction of information may likely bring about further charges. In essence..this means if suspected criminal content is deleted, further charges will result.

I am acting in compliance with the duties of an American citizen and have sought the support of the US attorney generals office, and local police.

You are hereby notified.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 26, 2002, 09:09:00 AM
You know its bad enough that the 3 elan sites that are available to "Us" the former resident's do not allow us to vent or express our hostility towards elan and their asshole staff.But to come here and tell us we cant post what we are posting is low.
Elan alumni,Survivors, and Elan memories will not allow us to post what we want, this site does.

So if you do not agree with what is being posted here then dont come here.if any of this site's content was posted at any of the other sites it would have been deleted.

This is freedom of speech, this is our time.We went through 18 plus months of hell taking their shit now it is our time they take ours.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 26, 2002, 10:08:00 AM
Freedom of speech does not allow people to say anything they want. If what you say is criminal or libelous or slanderous you can be arrested charged or sued for it. That is the law in this country. It always has been. Freedom of speech means that you can express religious and political ideas without being arrested for it like you can in some countries. It doesn't mean you can say anything at all about anyone at all any time at all whenever you want.

Posting anonymously doesn't mean anything. There is no such thing as annymous on the internet. The exact computer you used when you posted something can be traced and identified at any time. It is very easy to do.

That is why the other "elan sites" don't let you say illegal, slanderous or libelous things on them. It is against the law. You can be sued or arrested for it. If the webmasters allow it they can also be sued or arrested for it. Besides that, the things you are saying aren't ideas or opinions. All they are is mean.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 26, 2002, 05:33:00 PM
They are all true.I;ve been told by numerous amounts of people that Marty did in fact rape a child back in the 70's.
Jeff Gottlieb himself told me and all other residents in our house that he was a junkie.
And Marc Rosenberg was and still is to this date a junkie.He also was arrested many decade's ago for beating up his girlfriend while under the influence of a controlled dangerous substance.
lynda Roy was fired from Elan for breaking Elan policies,which was considered "Sexual Harrassment" towards Elan residents.

There is nothing here at this site but fact.How could one make this shit up. It is all truth and not fabricated.If you dont beleive me call up Elan and make up some bullshit story that you are referencing Lynda Roy for an application and ask them what she was fired for.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 26, 2002, 05:37:00 PM
And another thing.You say that the content here being posted is vulgar and slanderous?I'm sure if you surf upon a white supremist site you will find more vulgarity and slanderous hate towards minorities and those sites are not being shut down.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 26, 2002, 05:48:00 PM
Okay. It isn't as bad as as a white supremist site. Is that the standard that we want to be held to or judged by? Not as evil as hitler?. Not as insane as manson? Not as hateful as white supremists?

"Not as bad as the worst" isn't what we should be. I thought we were something good. That we were trying to do something good. All I am seeing is hate.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can do or say whatever you want about anyone you want whenever you want.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 26, 2002, 05:53:00 PM
The things you are saying aren't ideas or opinions. All they are is mean.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 26, 2002, 05:58:00 PM
They are the fuckin truth!!!!
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 26, 2002, 08:21:00 PM
I thnk it is safe to say that Marty is the biggest lowlife wanna be Joe Ricci loser ever to work at Elan.This guy is a scum bag, dirty,smelly,poor taste in clothing peice of shit.Where the hell does this scum bag get his clothes from anyway?Salvation Army box?

And to top it all off, he is sooooooooooooo ugly looking.His looks could make a Billy Goat puke.And that dirty unwashed hair of his, "Oh my God".I guess living in the back woods of Maine shampoo is the last thing you think about.
Homeless people smell better then him, and I'm not even gonna get into this man's breath.All I have to say is,Marty, you are one dirty mother fucker!
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 26, 2002, 11:02:00 PM
What they are is mean. Just mean
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 27, 2002, 01:39:00 AM
"What they are is the truth" fucking what!..who cares what some guy in Maine did 30 fucking years want the truth...your sorry ass is still bitching and moaning about 18 months in a fucking place that made sure you ate, had cigarettes, and a bed with sheets and blankets, did your fucking laundry for you, provided an education...allowed you to develop RESPONIBILITY, gave you hope you never had asswad..."he did this and he did that" son, your no fucking angel, get a fucking life instead of wasting your time denying the sick can heal the sick...your an idiot.

Oh, and the anonn is anonn?...hmm, and a proxy is a waste of money? yeah, my IP is logged now...but if I were using a proxy, there isnt a damn thing anyone could do to find me...not the FBI..not the MOB...nobody...I just have no reason to hide from you stupid fucking baglappers who need to blame their problems on someone else, or expose someone else to feel better about themself!..didnt you take anything POSITIVE with you from Elan? Lie and say no will ya.  what the hell is the point of this site?...I really dont understand why adults need to go into a website , spew trash about other people, and WASTE time being angry about something YOU CANT FUCKING CHANGE....I do have a question you really think it helps YOU or anyone else with their emetional imbalance to let us all know how positive you are that someone is a child molester? Hmmm, I sense some shame there. Either your a victim, or a perpetrator...which is it big guy?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 27, 2002, 09:04:00 AM
You obviously dont get the point.You must have AD/HD.I will take the liberty annoy and grant you a nickname "Brainfade".Because you are so stupid and cant understand anything you read.
Hey Brainfade what don't you understand?"Elan is run by criminals"
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Antigen on June 27, 2002, 04:23:00 PM
Dear Anonymous,
  First, please see the "Terms of use" section at the very top of the FAQ located at ( (or click on the FAQ link to the left)

  Second, no you're not entitled to anything from me without my voluntary consent or a legal warrant. You haven't got my consent to gain access to the information you've requestion. Have you got a warrant? Didn't think so.

  Third, assuming you did acquire my consent or a warrant, and your rant on the reliability of proxy servers were even close to technically accurate, to whom would I provide such information?

  In point of fact, publishing a publicly available name, address and phone number that any schmoe with an IQ greater than that of a cocker spaniel could get on their own is perfectly legal. However, providing information leading to the identity of someone who has a reasonable expectation of privacy (i.e. they don't provide the info publicly or to you directly and they have not done anything to draw legal action that migh force me to provide the research needed to ferret out that info.) might well be defined as a serious violation of privacy statutes and, possibly, complicity in criminal harassment on your part.

On 2002-06-26 01:41:00, Anonymous wrote:

I am acting in compliance with the duties of an American citizen and have sought the support of the US attorney generals office, and local police.

You are hereby notified.
What is this, a netizen's arrest? And some people say you have no sense of humor!


Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen

American P.O.W. 10/80 - 10/82

Straight South (Sarasota, FL)

Anonymity Anonymous

[ This Message was edited by: Antigen on 2002-06-27 13:32 ]

Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 28, 2002, 09:19:00 AM
On 2002-06-26 01:41:00, Anonymous wrote:
I am acting in compliance with the duties of an American citizen and have sought the support of the US attorney generals office, and local police.

You are hereby notified
Comply this boy ," GO FUCK YOUR SELF"
Man Elan must of really brainwashed this moron.
Mr. Expeditor of the internet,what happen boy when you were up at Elan?Did they shove cardboard signs deep up your ass?

Wait, I think I hear someone calling!!
Yes they are calling, I got to go, someone just called out for  "Expeditor proxy blackbox" I gotta make my rounds or I'll get blasted.......
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on June 28, 2002, 06:21:00 PM
I have requested nothing...just a simple effort to have you open your eyes to the fact that you encourage criminal behavior...oh, and if you hadnt avoided the other issue aside from publishing someones phone number..I might not think you cant stand to read without reacting.

To Mr potty mouth...whats your point? or do you have one other than displaying your undeserving consumption of space and time?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Antigen on June 28, 2002, 07:49:00 PM
I'm not encouraging anything but open dialog. Read the terms of use, please. All responsibility for anything posted here lies with the author, period.

I wonder of folks could be held criminally liable for covering up the real crimes commited in these gulags.....
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 01, 2002, 02:26:00 AM
i am extremely confused about marty. if this is true, then why isn't he in jail if they have evidence of him raping a boy. can someone tell us how we can find proof of that. i would like to see an article or something because this is very shocking to me. i'm not saying i believe it or not, but i just want to know the truth as to if this is true a/b marty or not. thank you
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 01, 2002, 09:16:00 AM
It isn't true. There is no proof because it was made up.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 01, 2002, 09:17:00 AM
He skated on his jail sentence.By attending Elan he got out of it, plus back then it wasn't as serious as a term in prison you would receive today.
Though their is no current record or file that I can locate about this incident on the internet.The information I know is, the child was a boy at the age of 9 years and was from New York.
He was on vacation in New Hampshire when this took place back in the early 70's.His father was a soildier in the Italian Mafia and had his connections looking all over the tri-state area of Northern New England for the rapist.
A month down the road police caught up with Marty and got DNA evidence that put him at the scene of the crime.
As like some of the students that attended Elan, they were given opportunities to get help or go to jail.
Now these days child rape is a very very very serious crime.I dont think you get opportunities to go to institutions to get out of jail.

I found this information out about Marty when I was at Elan.Marty told us in a house meeting as an attempt to open up the eye's of the current residents who were not taking the program seriously.He told us he was facing "Child Abuse" charges and would've went to prison if he didn't get the help he needed at Elan.
When I finally left Elan I found out the real truth about Marty when I discovered an old newspaper story about a young boy raped while on vacation in New Hampshire.The article was in an old New York Post newspaper which I found while browsing through it.
I cannot rememeber the heading of the article, but it might be abled to be accessed through the internet.It is old so you most likely would have to pay to access old story archive's.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 01, 2002, 04:12:00 PM
What a load of shit that is. What a load of shit you are.

>The information I know is, the child was a >boy at the age of 9 years and was from New >York.

Marty Kruglik was from Evanston Illinois which is a suburb of Chicago. If he had been abusing anyone it wouldn't have been someone from New York.

>He was on vacation in New Hampshire when >this took place back in the early 70's.His >father was a soildier in the Italian Mafia >and had his connections looking all over >the tri-state area of Northern New England >for the rapist.

Also being from the Chicago Suburbs it is fairly unlikely that Marty would have been abusing or raping anyone in New Hampshire.

>A month down the road police caught up with >Marty and got DNA evidence that put him at >the scene of the crime.

Sorry to ruin your stupidity again but in the early 1970's there was no such thing as "DNA Evidence" Nice try.

>When I finally left Elan I found out the >real truth about Marty when I discovered an >old newspaper story about a young boy raped >while on vacation in New Hampshire.The >article was in an old New York Post >newspaper which I found while browsing >through it.

Now, did you just happen to find the 30 year old New York post article flying down the street? was in in New Hampshire where Marty wasn't? or in New York where he wasn't? or did you find this New york post articke flying down the street (just by chance the correct date and edition) in Chicago?
If you are going to make up lies about the guy can't you even make up ones that someone (anyone) would believe?
By the way, what is a heavan? Do you mean a heathen? Are you illiterate as well as a liar? Out of touch with reality, stupid and mean must be a tough combination to go through live with. I'm sorry things have been so diffficult for you.

I am curious. Why do you keep being mean? Do you like to be mean? does it make you feel better? Does it get you hard? I just don't understand why you would want to keep showing up all over the place and be mean to people.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 01, 2002, 04:27:00 PM
This is a beautiful FLAME war. That story is so bulls%*t..LOL
I was wondering what a "Heavan" was as well. We can see that Élan failed someone in the grammar department or maybe he/she(anonymous story teller) failed grammar?

I used SpellCheck. Truth be told my grammar sukz ..OOps
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 01, 2002, 04:59:00 PM
Oh, this isn't a flame war. This isn't a war. I just don't like seeing someone be mean for no reason other than they want to.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 01, 2002, 05:10:00 PM
LOL DNA in the 70's now thats toooooo funny!
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 01, 2002, 09:05:00 PM
Peter Moores sucks Moose Cock
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 01, 2002, 10:52:00 PM
Do you do anything besides be mean to people?
What a mean person you are. I wonder why.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 01, 2002, 11:49:00 PM
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 01, 2002, 11:58:00 PM
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 02, 2002, 01:04:00 AM
I don't know why you're so mean. You're always being mean. Why is that?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Antigen on July 02, 2002, 09:53:00 PM
On 2002-07-01 22:04:00, Anonymous wrote:
I don't know why you're so mean. You're always being mean. Why is that?

Good question. I notice that Elan descussions are a good deal more hostile than your average controversial discussion. Fights like this break out once in awhile in the Straight forums, but over here they're the norm. Same thing with the KIDS forums.

I think it may have something to do with the intensity of the program. KIDS had Miller Newton's full attention all focused on one relatively small group. Elan seems to have been among the most violent and hopeless gulags.

The only other open discussion forum that I know of that compares to the level of anger and abuse seen here is in Usenet. If your browser's set up for it, you can hit that by clicking this ( to see what I mean.

Now, what might be the comonality here?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 02, 2002, 10:46:00 PM
the norm kinda makes you wonder?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 02, 2002, 11:34:00 PM
The intensity of the program?!?! give me a break! the people argueing have been out of the program for 10 15 20+ years!

I suppose the fact that a former Elan/kids resident didnt change his underwear today has anything to do with a verbal reprimand they recieved in 1982?

"Free speech is the right to yell 'theatre' in a crowded fire"

"The only way to support a revolution is to make your own"

     -Abbie Hoffman
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Antigen on July 03, 2002, 07:18:00 PM
On 2002-07-02 20:34:00, Anonymous wrote:
The intensity of the program?!?! give me a break! the people argueing have been out of the program for 10 15 20+ years!

I suppose the fact that a former Elan/kids resident didnt change his underwear today has anything to do with a verbal reprimand they recieved in 1982?

Think of it. People come to this country from all over the world for various reasons. Most of them come here because, for whatever reason, they think this country is better than wherever they came from. Tell someone from Kenya, Haiti, Colombia, Ireland, England or Canada something nice about their country or the political system, they'll either agree with you or maybe disagree pretty politely. Tell someone from Cuba what a really good and decent guy Castro is or a Jewish person how musinderstood Hitler was and you'll get a totally different response.

But there are such people as NeoNazis and Fidel supporters, aren't there? Riddle me this, Anon, what brings you here? What is it that compels you Elan apologists to troll every public forum where Elan is discussion and perpetually insult, ridicule and threaten anyone who says anything negative about Elan?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2002, 09:55:00 PM the next two lines as quoted.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2002, 10:22:00 PM
Why are people who don't believe that Elan was terrible or that they were abused at Elan labeled by you, and other people as "apologists"?

According to what you have said aren't they just people with a different opinion than yours who have a right. like you do, to express it?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2002, 11:11:00 PM
I'm having a hard time understanding that post...apologists is a Dan word...are you speaking to Dan? or are you speaking to the person who quoted Abbie Hoffman (me) because personally I dont think anyone was a victim of any crimes at Elan, and I spent 27 months exposed to all houses there. 82 to 84 (an Era which many claim were the worst years to be there)

Elan may have crossed the line in many ways...but I say so what, the kids who were there had it coming if you ask me.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2002, 11:45:00 PM
I was replying to this one.

"Think of it. People come to this country from all over the world for various reasons. Most of them come here because, for whatever reason, they think this country is better than wherever they came from. Tell someone from Kenya, Haiti, Colombia, Ireland, England or Canada something nice about their country or the political system, they'll either agree with you or maybe disagree pretty politely. Tell someone from Cuba what a really good and decent guy Castro is or a Jewish person how musinderstood Hitler was and you'll get a totally different response. But there are such people as NeoNazis and Fidel supporters, aren't there? Riddle me this, Anon, what brings you here? What is it that compels you Elan apologists to troll every public forum where Elan is discussion and perpetually insult, ridicule and threaten anyone who says anything negative about Elan?  "
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Antigen on July 05, 2002, 05:27:00 PM
On 2002-07-03 19:22:00, Anonymous wrote:
Why are people who don't believe that Elan was terrible or that they were abused at Elan labeled by you, and other people as "apologists"?

According to what you have said aren't they just people with a different opinion than yours who have a right. like you do, to express it?

Yes, they would be just people with a different opinion than mine. I don't label them apologists. I refer as apologists to people who go way out of their way to seek out any public discussion of Elan and then to constantly harass and defame and try to intimidate anyone who tells about the abuse that they witnessed and experienced.  

BTW, quick search on the word "apologist" turns up over 51k hits. Dan, you must be a busy boy! `Course, it's far more likely Elan never was real big on education. And so these folks, believing steadfastly that good ol'e Joe gave them all the 'tools' they'd ever need in life, have never bothered to read enough to stumble accross this very common word. ... =apologist (

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
American P.O.W. 10/80 - 10/82
Straight South (Sarasota, FL)
Anonymity Anonymous

[ This Message was edited by: Antigen on 2002-07-05 14:43 ]
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 06, 2002, 09:51:00 AM
This incident about Marty raping a child has been twisted way out of proportion.Marty never was charged for actually raping him.A friend of Marty's raped the boy.
Marty held the child down while his friend raped him.Marty was charged with attempted rape and conspiracy.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 06, 2002, 11:24:00 AM
There you go being mean again. Why do you say such silly, hurtful and mean things all the time? What's wrong with you?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2002, 10:19:00 PM
"This incident about Marty raping a child has been twisted way out of proportion.Marty never was charged for actually raping him.A friend of Marty's raped the boy.
Marty held the child down while his friend raped him.Marty was charged with attempted rape and conspiracy"
OH! Thats all?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2002, 11:00:00 PM
I don't get why you keep being so mean.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Pete on July 08, 2002, 04:56:00 PM
Pardon me, I had to get my mouth off the moose's cock, as Mr. Anonymous so eloquently puts it, to say something here.

There are no moose in Greenwich, CT.  The zoners would never allow it.  As for this b.s. about Marty, grow up.  I don't like Marty that much but I would be willing to explain to him in detail why I don't like him and maybe even resolve our differences, instead of posting this crap about him raping some boy.

Why would the New York Post care about an incident in New Hampshire anyway?

I generally don't post here because I consider this site to be pretty hate-fueled, although the founder probably has good intentions.  But get one thing straight, I'm not the enemy.  I am going to start a treatment place one day that gets back to the original intentions of Elan before Joe Ricci and others deluded it and fucked it up for a lot of people.  It will also updated for the humanity of the 21st century.  Kids won't be abused.

Also know that I won't post anonymously here.  If someone else posts here under any screen name other than my first and last name (with initial caps on both words), it ain't me.


Peter Moore
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2002, 10:07:00 AM
You know thats funny, I had alot of difference's with Marty when I was at Elan and I tried numerous amounts of time to resolve my differences with him.
I called like 7 groups on him and they always got denied, finally I brought up in an A.M. to go one on one with Marty in the ring, and as  usaully it was denied.
What it all came down to is , Martin Kruglik was a big fuckin coward and had a yellow streak on his back.

I personally feel that these attacks against him on this message board are more then warranted and justifiable.After all he would say viscious and cruel things about us in general meetings in front of the entire house and we couldnt do anything about it at the time.
So if Marty ever happens to stumble across this message board, consider it your fuckin general meeting boy!!
Looks like I get the last laugh after all Marty.
And another thing Marty, my invitation to having a ring with you is still open.It would feel so good to stomp a mud hole in you and walk you dry after all these years.I still and always will hate your mother fuckin guts.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: kaydeejaded on July 09, 2002, 05:05:00 PM
Here is what I would like to say to all of you and feel free to shred me if you care too. I read this site because it is relevent to what I am concerned with,as a parent, a human and a Straight survivor. The only thing I want to know is why you all post anonymously. You are thankfully not in Elan you are free and have a right to speak your mind on any given topic at any time. When I say things right or wrong they are my words and I will always own them. Anyway you know who you are and what you wrote and so the words remain and you have not claimed them. If you feel strongly about something put your name on it, and take whatever words come back at you. I found this website and it was a blessing to me. 13yrs of remembering Straight and no one understood. To find people who knew how I felt and felt as strongly or stronger about the political undercurrent behind places like Elan was healing to me. This is not an angry forum I think it is a wonderful place to come and heal and you guys should pick a name say your peace and realize that being together you can pick up whatever pieces of yourself you lost in your journey and be an individual again with an opinion that you cannot be punished for. You are free now we just have to get everyone else out. Thanks, kady
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Matt C. Hoffman on July 12, 2002, 02:30:00 AM
Well said Kaydejaded your are right we no longer have to fear elan and or it's henchmen .

To stay in topic about kruglik ,If memory serves he wasn't a very tall person .What 5'3" or 4" yet he certainly was a stout solid boxer type boy maybe 240 or 250.
 And the gentleman in the previous post  use to openly challenge him in morning meeting to the ring,my question to you ,are you in the wrestling business or boxing business now?

There was another Director Peter McCann  ,Tall 6"4" 300 pounds (with a 2' cantileverd gut )a very scary boy did you know of him ?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 12, 2002, 08:29:00 PM
Well I read this site because I hate Marty kruglik.Marty is a penis sucking homo and deserves to rot in hell with Joe Ricci.
Sharon Terry's pussy looks like a really bad grilled cheese sandwich.
Jeffery Gottlieb looks like an evil pumkin head when he screams.
Marc Rosenberg is a skinny junkie who is capable of rape towards a young girl.
And finally but not least Lynda Roy is a fat ass foul smelling peice of dirty rotten vomit stain.
And Peter Moore is a Peter Moore.
Just wanted to say to Peter thaT THAT WAS VERY FUNNY WHAT YOU WROTE"Please excuse me while I take the moose cock out of my mouth"
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Pete on July 15, 2002, 03:18:00 PM
Anonymous's quote:

Sharon Terry's pussy looks like a really bad grilled cheese sandwich.

A Kinison fan, huh?  Sam rocked.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 16, 2002, 10:44:00 AM
Yes Kinison was the best.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on September 05, 2002, 08:23:00 AM
Lets go up to Elan and Hang this child raping pediphile loser!!!!
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on September 05, 2002, 07:53:00 PM
also i would like to point out a few things... DNA evidence was not only non-existant in 1970 but, also you would have to take the sample right after the incident becuase it would disappear or become cross-contaminated after a month in the guy's mouth.A news paper such as the Post has a huge legal department that would inform any and all contributing wrtiters to said paper that what they were attempting to put in the paper was slanderous or libel. Three, there is a statute of limitations on all criminal actions with the exception being murder. Four, I was in Elan four two solid years from 93' to 95'. In that time, I went from worker to Full Co of Kitchen. I only saw Marty three times for a grand total of about ten minutes, I was curious how all of the people posting on this site were exposed to Marty for such extended peroids of time. Five, in the brief encounters I did have with that guy he struck me as not so swift( to put it midly, in an attempt to aviod a word war with that Warbis chick  :smile:  ). In fact after swimming through his speech impediment and discovering words in my own Native language( english), it is the opinion of this court that he didn't posses the intelligence to tie his shoes, or write a letter, let alone master mind so criminal enterprise. I think perhaps the real people responsible for the Holocaust style attrocities that took place at Elan, are going unpunished and undiscussed.Finnally, Elan taught hate and negativity to all who attended, argue with me if you like, but it did. Teaching young and confused troubled teens to yell at each other and that wanting to be intimate with the opposite sex is wrong. Thats enough abuse for me, let alone general meetings, the ring, and that fucking Gi'ing crap. Since they alter reality and control the environment when visitors from school districts and law enforcement agencies try to investigate the claims of people like you and I, I am sorry to say, we will never win.

Teach a man to defecate properly, he'll be ok for a day. Teach a man to eat his defecation, he'll be dead in a day.---Anonymous
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on September 05, 2002, 07:57:00 PM
and another thing, why does a duck need a rain coat. Ducks feathers are genetically and specifically designed to resist water.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on September 06, 2002, 08:07:00 AM
Marty is a fuck face mother-fucker loser.I wasn't there from 93-95 but during my time when I was at Elan marty would play a big role in G.M's.
Maybe his envolvement lesson after I left, maybe he finally realized no one cared what he was saying, and no one bothered to listed.
The point is Marty Kruglik's orgonal job at Elan was being a pet for Joe Ricci.
To be blunt, Marc Rosenberg "The dirty junkie kike jewbag" has more brain cells then that dirty Indian Heven Marty Kruglik.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on October 22, 2002, 12:34:00 PM
He would attend general meetings from time to time and pretend he was a Joe Ricci.I guess it took him away from his poor out of style clothes wearing poverty ugly face bad breath reality and made him feel like a real man.
Bottom line, Elan is run by convicted sex offenders and drug abusers.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on October 22, 2002, 12:37:00 PM
Dirty Tee-Pee #1
colley hill rd
Gray ME 04039
(207) 657 4421 ----->I beleive this is a payphone booth phone number located down the dirt road from where he lives.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on October 22, 2002, 12:42:00 PM
Marty's Tee-Pee is all hand made.He made them out of little boy's under garments that he keeps after a successful rape.His Tee-Pee is very very huge.Hell, you might think living in  tee-pee is so 18th century and is not practical for the twenty first century,but in Marty's case,give him a jar of vaseoline and a little boy and the man is in heaven.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on January 24, 2003, 09:14:00 AM
I called this mother-fucker and he answered the phone.Just as I expected he kept to his story when I asked him why he lied on the stand about Elan being a brutal place.
Marty sure chnges his tune when you call him,He doesnt try to act all big and bad when you talk to him.I guess he knows there is nothing stopping you from getting to him now that we are all free.
What a fuckin coward Marty is.Tuck your tail and run boy!
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on February 15, 2003, 10:02:00 PM
is it tru that thay found seman in his saliva if it is that is so sick :skull: and fucking nasty
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on March 24, 2003, 09:29:00 AM
Yes they certainly did find semon in his saliva.I recently found out from a reliable sorce that Marty forced himself upon Peter Moore.Peter was facing being shot down for breaking cardinal rules with Fred Konopasek in house dorms and Marty gave pete in option.Either be shot down or rub Marty offf in Elan one.Of coarse peter being the fagot that he is chose to rub marty off in elan one office.
I could just picture that stupid retarded Jewish mongoloid smile on Marty's face while Peter was pleasuring him.

Marty Kruglik is a very sick man and needs to be stopped.Your kids are supposed to be intrusted in his care and reality is that he is this rapid pediphile on the loose fucking every kid that comes in his path.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on March 24, 2003, 08:39:00 PM
Pete also kissed Gottliebs ass.Pete was always intimidated from all the staff there.He would always have this expression on his face in encounter groups that he was gonna piss in his pants when someone got their feelings off for him.All in all he was a major pussy.
He probably did blow marty
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on March 25, 2003, 09:16:00 AM
Marty also blew Marc "The kike" Rosenberg in Elan one.Both of these men were fagots, I shouldn't really consider them men.A real man does dont suck off another man.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on March 25, 2003, 11:53:00 PM
Marc rosenburg was a fucking junkie, and when he said he had been sober he was lying.  He use to nod off in goups and drool on himslef in 2001 and this is after he left for almost a year.  He came back with his eyes sunk into his head.  I'm not saying he raped people or was a fag, you guys that say that shit are fags.  He is a junkie a real bad one, and he sucks, and he's ugly and has veins sticking out of his face and greasy ugly hair.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on July 18, 2003, 02:36:00 PM
On 2002-06-19 12:51:00, Anonymous wrote:

"colley hill rd

Gray ME 04039

(207) 657 4421

Someone should send this sick child molesting fuck's number and address to his victim back in the 70's.I'm sure they would pay alot for this info."

Looks like Marty disconnected his number as well.Just wanted to say for all the callers that possibly called marty or Marc, good work,you have or shall I say had their numbers then and now.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 15, 2003, 10:11:00 AM
I hate Maty Kruglik. his face looks like a peice of shit.Everytime I saw his face I wanted to puke.What an ugly mother fucker Marty is.Marty's face was designed too suck dick and have sex with little kids.
Just thinking about his face makes me wanna go up to Elan and kick it in.So fuckin ugly!!!Having a face like that would confuse the hell out of me, I wouldnt know whether or not to sit on a toilet and shit or place my face on the toilet and shit.marty's face looks like a real ugly pimply ass.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 16, 2003, 09:42:00 AM
I recall one time when I was in an encounter group they were short of staff for some reason and had Marty run one of the encounter groups.There was this student who Marty pissed off and decided to get his feelings off for Marty in the group.Marty started yelling at him and got up from his seat and threatened to have him put in the corner if he didnt stop.
It was the funniest thing,Marty was caught off guard and this student ripped into him in a big way.Marty called for an immediate general meeting to have this student dealt with.No other students in the rest of the house got up to get their feelings off at the student.The entire house made Marty look so stupid and I think he was embarrassed over it.

That just goes to show that no one liked Marty nor did they respect him.Marty got upset with the house for not getting their feelings off at the student and walked out.
It was kind of funny though because Marty did'nt set foot back into the house for like a month, it was like he knew that the house did not like him.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2003, 11:48:00 AM
There was this student in re-entry who use to wrok in elan 3's kitchen everyday that was so pissed off at marty and elan one for post poning his graduation he pissed on their food.Every day at noon a lunch tray went over to elan one to feed the corruptees.This guy I think his name was Mark or Mike had his graduation postponed for almost 2 months and was pissed!!!

He was involved in some big guilt contract with other students and got demoted for a week then obtained his re-entry position back.Once back in re-entry he worked in the kitchen and literily use to spit on the elan one food tray everyday.One day someone from the house caught him pissing on the food and Mark or Mike told him not to say annything and bribed him with cigarettes.ElAN ONE CORRUPTEE'S ATE IT.

It wasn't until a week later that the guilt came out in a GM and man did he have some hell to pay.marty was out sick for 3 days and had to be administered anti botics via IV for a day in the hospital.He was diagnosed with a bacteria infection which doctors thought were caused by food poisioning.

The student got this huge 3 house GM over it and was discharged that very same day.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2003, 12:34:00 PM
I saw Marty and Marc sniffing lines in Elan one back when I was there.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2003, 01:03:00 PM
What about the student that cold clocked Marty in the jaw?He was a brand new resident that was be admitted into Elan and made it known he did not want to be there.He was at Elan for like 2 hours before he received his first GM which was ran by Jeffery and Marty.
Within his first hour at Elan he managed to start a fist fight with a resident and house in the dining room was called for a GM.Marty adressed his attitude and threatened to put him in the ring if this behavior continued.
Without even saying a word he cold clocked Marty and knock him to the the floor.The student was immediatly sent back to where he came from which I think was jail and that was the end of him.

Marty sported a black eye for a week and a half.Elan always use to say "If you are here this is your last stop, you cannot get thrown out of here". What a bunch of BS, you can get thrown out quite easily if you intimadate Elan.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2003, 02:49:00 PM
I disrespected  kruglik in a GM once.I was getting a GM run by jefferey for some bullshit I was accused of and along cmae Marty who walked into the dining room.He stood there for about 15 minutes watching on as I was dealt with by Jeffery.Then out of know where he started discussing why I was in Elan in the first place.
I quickly interuppted him and said, I"m sorry and you are? Marty got really angry and strted raising his voice and yelling at me.I then interrupted him once again and turned to Jeffery and said, why is the gardner in here yelling at me.At that point there was some laughter amongst some of the residents for my comment.

Marty got very embarrassed and raised his voice and said, " I am a head director at this place,and deserve respect".I said " You certainly dont look like a head director, and you sure did fool me with those gardening threads that you are sporting." At that point I was placed in the corner only to recive another GM later in the week.

While I was in the corner I made Marty's life a living hell.I mocked him when he came into the house, I mocked him when he left and I degraded him at every opportunity.I let this little ugly man know I did not like him or respect him, I also spit at him when he walked by me.

I actually started a little retaliation against him, later down the road during my stay other residents treated him like he was a peice of shit.
Well Marty if you ever happen to come to this site and read this I still want you to know that you are still a peice of shit.I fuckin hate your dirty Indian child raping guts.FUCK YOU MARTY, FUCK OFF AND EAT SHIT YOU LOWLIFE UGLY FACED CHEAP CLOTHES WEARING MOTHER FUCKER......
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2003, 05:26:00 PM
What a dirty peice of shit you are Marty.You are a nasty mother fucker for letting Linda Roy wear a strap on Dildo and fuck you in the ass.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2003, 08:48:00 AM
Marty Kruglik also like to cross dress on occassion's.It was a Saturday morning early and I was pulling all night in house dorms.The sun had just about came up and I just made my run.i was sitting in the bathroom looking at the window unto the parking lot of Elan 3 when suddenly I noticed a woman staggering down the streets if she were drunk.I had a pair of binoculars that I went to retrieve out of my dresser.
As I looked out of my binoculars I thought I recognized the person top be Marty dressed in drag, I said to myself"Nah, it cant be".He was trying to run down towards elan one but kept on falling.
Suddenly I saw another person come running down the street, it was Linda Roy, she was running after Marty screaming at him and had a huge dildo in her hand.she yeild out"c'mere boy,come take in like a man tanto" I then realized they must have beeen getting it on all night , Marty wasnt drunk, he was sore from the dildo penetrating his asshole all night.Linda Roy is a Alice the goon on steriods, she had this on and off sick relationship with Marty.
Anyways Marty made it to Elan one and tripped on the door frame and had trouble getting up, he must of really hurt himself.Linda caught up with him and grabbed him by the back of the head and dragged him inside then shut the door.I can only imagine at this point what was going on in there, I heard screams and moans over the next hour.
Linda was most likely shoveing that dildo so far up Marty Kruglik's ass.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 19, 2003, 05:13:00 AM
Sounds like to me that this Linda Roy character beat the living shit out of Marty, or was it Marty was her sex slave?let me tell you something, I find it so hard to beleive that Linda would have done that to Marty.Linda was 100% pure Lesbian, I should know she fucked Tania Merret in the luggage cabin.more on that later

Back to Marty.....Marty in my opinion was a pediphile.I read the stories of him raping a child and it probably did happen at one time.I was with my house down at the lake and Marty was swimming with all of us,I noticed a different side of Marty that day when we were all in the water together.He seemed very friendly,maybe too friendly.Anyway, there was a floating raft about maybe 10 yards out in the water and students including Marty would swim under it and come up at the other side.Someone was pulling down the shorts of people while they were under water and students started complaining.
I really feel to this day it was Marty Kruglik,because it always seem to happen every time he was under water because he was never around to communicate that it had just happened.
Marty also had a reputation for being able to hold his breath for a longer period of time under water, therfore considering his past I think he was doing it.

When it was communicated to Marty about the problem he didnt seem to eager in finding out who was doing it, his response to the whole thing,"Some people just need to let of some energy".Yeah energy Marty, right....

That day ther was at least 6 incidents of male students shorts that were pulled down while they swam under water, and I know Marty was behind it.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 19, 2003, 09:38:00 AM
Marty likes to smear diareha all over his face.It is a Indian mongoloid Russian Jew tradition.

It also was an improvement to his face considering he was cursed with bad looks.One time when Jeff Gottlieb had an accident in his underwear Jeff gave his soiled pair of under pants to Marty and Marty rubbed it all over his face and sniffed it up.While he was performing this lewd act, he managed to maintain that stupid retarded smile of his.

I once spotted him sniffing Linda Roy's ass in Elan one.Linda was bent over and Marty was smelling her ass, he ask Linda if she could fart in his face because he needed a good enima.

One time when I was returning back from a trip I spotted marty in the woods along side the dirt road running around naked with feathers in his hair,I was like what the fuck?

I cant understand why they let this man work at Elan, his behavior is so disturbing and ludicris.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 19, 2003, 08:53:00 PM
ewwwwwwwwwwwww Martin Kruglik, thats gross!!!!
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 22, 2003, 09:35:00 AM
Marty Kruglik is nothing but a lowlife scumbag cock sucking retarded face mongoloid.I watched the cd-rom that elan offers and seeing marty talking on it makes me sick.I wanted to put my fist through my monitor and break his face.Marty you ugly son of a bitch.

This mother fucker is sitting in Elan 3's living room in front of the fire place with his totally out of style hair cut acting like he's the man.

Well let me tell you something Marty "Rape a baby" Kruglik, you aint shit junior.You still and always will be shit in my eye's.Sharon Terry actaully had to go out and buy him some decent looking clothes for the cd-rom disc in an attempt to make him look like he was important.You aint importatnt Marty, you will always be a pediphile, a scumbag, a lowlife bottom barrel feeding peice of shit.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: SyN on August 22, 2003, 11:52:00 AM
i never met the woman she wasn't active at all in elan 3 where i was. did she use to work in the houses or something. i saw her in elan 1 but that was it.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 23, 2003, 05:37:00 PM
Marty loved sucking dick everywhere on the complex.he had to have sucked dick in each and every building about 5 dozen times.Marty currently holds the record for sucking the most dick on campus, sorry Clare but you have alot of catching up to do.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: SyN on August 23, 2003, 05:42:00 PM
damn seems every post you'v written has to do w/ some sort of sexual activity...wonder why??
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 23, 2003, 05:43:00 PM
Syn there was alot of coruption going on there and I want to expose it.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: SyN on August 23, 2003, 05:46:00 PM
cool... i never saw it but they were all pretty old when i was there. swear gottlieb was gonna have a heart attack or stroke during a gm... only a matter of time..
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 23, 2003, 05:49:00 PM
Due to older age gracing most of them I think the sexual activities that went on amongst them slowly disapated.But I think Clare is still sucking lots of cock on campus but does it in the woods now.Perhaps she comodeered Marty's tee-pee to engage is prostituion.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 25, 2003, 06:34:00 PM
Rumor has it that Marty has a priest uniform and attempts to have sex with alter boys every Sunday in Portland ME.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 27, 2003, 08:05:00 PM
Child raping is a serious offense, Kruglik should be hung for his crimes.I can just about imagine all the child porn he would have on his PC if he could afford one.The FBI would be real curious and grateful to know what exactly goes on in Marty Kruglik's Tee-Pee.

Marty lure's young children into his Tee-Pee and rape's and sodomizes them.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2003, 10:34:00 PM
One time Linda Roy got mad at Marty for soem unknown reason and beat him with a rubber dick.I think this argument spawn because Linda wanted to shove a dildo up Marty's ass and Marty didn't want it at that time.

Linda got so mad she beat him with a rubber dick,Marty came running out of elan one screaming and crying while Linda chased him down and caught him and beat the shit out of him with this ruber dick.It was the funniest thing, the entire house saw it and laughed their ass off at Marty.

Marty was so humilated after that incident that no one saw him for almost an entire month.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 30, 2003, 09:22:00 PM
I just got done viewing pictures over at Ken's site a saw a couple of pictures of Marty.After seeing his face I wanna  spit on him,that ugly mother fucking child raping peice of shit needs to be put in the ring for some discipline.

He is one ugly mother fucker!!!!Marty is the Kenneth Parnell of Maine.fucking child abducting raping peice of shit...
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 30, 2003, 11:21:00 PM
I saw his pictures too, dont they just wanna make you vomit?Why the thought of suicide never crossed Marty's mind we will never know.Not even a ugly aids ridden homeless hooker would fuck Marty, thats how ugly the man is.

Marty should consider suicide.He would be doing the world a favor and also making the lives of small children safer in the state of maine.

I'm sure Marty uses his ugly looks to an advantage in raping children.He tells them to go along with his lewd acts or he'll stare at them.Shit his looks would make a child piss in their pants and possibly shit themself.He is butt ugly.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 30, 2003, 11:27:00 PM
Why is it that everytime you walked near Marty he would smell like urine? Is it becuase Rosenberg use to piss on him while Linda Roy held him down and forced a rubber dick up his ass?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on August 30, 2003, 11:33:00 PM
I never notice the smell of urine on him.I always noticed a smell of butt around him, he most likely smelled like that because he can only afford one pair of underwear.In that CD Rom elan offers Sharon Terry bought him some decent looking clothes so he would look presentable.

Go to Ken's site and look at the pictures of him that were posted.Every out fit he is wearing is cheap and he not only dresses like a slob but is one.

The fuckin man is poor as hell, he cant even afford a decent car.When I was there he was driving some rusted out shitty car.Now Sharon Terry gave me a company car to use, a Lexus, another peice of foreign shit.Well at least it aint rusted out.Lexus is still a peice of shit car anyways.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2003, 12:53:00 AM
Marty Kruglik loves fucking rubber dicks.Linda Roy turned him onto it many years ago.Linda used to shove rubber dicks up Marty's ass and he loved it.One time Linda shoved a rubber dick up her own ass and Marty pulled it out with his teeth and then shoved it up his own ass.
Clare Woodman video taped it so she can use it as a training video to train her kids for a carreer in prostitution.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on September 03, 2003, 10:53:00 PM
It is to be said that one of Clare's children were molested by Marty Kruglik when they were in the program.A group was called on Marty for the allegations but was never granted.
Their was a police investigation but Joe's wallet was able to grease some politician's and it was called off.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on September 03, 2003, 11:37:00 PM
I always hated Marty even from day one.One time he stood me up and said that he was the man and that I better follow the rules in elan or I will suffer the consquences.Well Marty had his day in the spotlight,he felt on top of the world saying that in front of 37 residents.
Well Marty I have news for you boy,I am exposing your sorry ass now and the entire world will know about it.Now who is the man??

You ugly son-of-a-bitch, I aint through with your sorry ass not by a long shot.You will pay the rest of your sorry ass life for talking down to me boy.You aint shit you dirty Indian child raping scum bag.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on September 04, 2003, 06:22:00 PM
When Marty was arrested forraping a 9 uyear old boy the police found the little boys under pants in Marty's car.Marty was arrested and was facing significent jail time.Along came Joe Ricci who saved Marty from certain long term prison term.

Damn you Joe!!!If you would've only let Marty rot in jail like he was destined to do.Now we have a grown man well into his 60's running wild in Maine abducting,raping,fucking,and sodomizing innocent little grammer school boys.Shame on you Joe for letting the devil go, may your soul burn in hell for this.....
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on September 04, 2003, 06:26:00 PM
When ken Z went to visit elan back in 2000, he met marty for the first time and Marty made a pass at him.Though shocking to us all Ken denied Marty the honor and got very angry with him.

What happen was Marty and Ken posed for a picture together and during that pose marty pinched Ken's ass.From what I heard Ken got really mad and decked Kruglik, good for you Ken, we are all proud of you...
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on September 04, 2003, 06:29:00 PM
Isn't that just typical of Marty to go and do something like that?He is a walking sex offender.Its a shame that he was never convicted of that hanis sex crime back in the days.Because he would have to register as a sex offender for the public to see.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on September 04, 2003, 06:35:00 PM
When I use to be part of the service crew we were responsible for also cleaning Elan one where Marty had a small office and desk there.Anyway I was by myself and I opened up his drawer and pissed in it.He had a bunch of files in the drawer which I got my piss all over.
The stupid Indian never figured out what happened and I got a great feeling of revenge on him.I really wanted to shit in his drawer but thought I would get caught.So at a later date I picked up some cat shit near the dumpster where all the stray cats frequented and smeared it all over his chair.I rubbed it in so smooth that the human eye couldn't notice it.
I remember Marty remived the chair and had it thrown out.Again he was so stupid he could never figure out what had happened.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on September 04, 2003, 07:15:00 PM
Fuckin Tanto Indian barn burning peice of shit Marty Kruglik.You horse stealer...
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on September 05, 2003, 09:29:00 AM
Marty's great great gran daddy was hung back in the days for barn burning and horse stealing.Marty never actauall burned a barn or stole a horse.His generation which is also ours became too civilized for that.
Marty might of got upset that he couldnt steal horses of barn burn so maybe thats why he turned to child abducting and raping.
He is an Indian that has gone mad.More like wrong.
I think now he is a wannabe Indian,he is a tribeless fuck, no one wants a child raper in their tribe/club.

It's just a matter of time before Sharon lets Marty go, now that Joe's dead marty's job isnt as secure as it was in the past.Marty also has to be very careful becuase Joe is dead now and he cant rescue Marty anymore.

You are a very lucky man Marty Kruglik, Joe saved you a number of times from going to prison.Now you have to walk on egg shells just like any other pediphile today.Joe can't save you no more Injun, you're on your own kid.

I mean what are you planning on doing now Marty if you get busted commiting some outrageous sex crime?You gonna say "I knew Joe Ricci'
 they won't care about that,the name Joe Ricci didn't save you in the past, it was his wallet that did.I never fugured out still to this day why Joe always saved Marty's sorry ass, but one of these days I will uncover the truth and expose it for all to see.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Marty on September 06, 2003, 10:12:00 AM
Joe was a great man, he cared alot about me, I have the upmost respect for Joe.I see people have been busy telling my life story, thank you, you saved me a great deal of alot of typing.

To all my little friends out there, how are you?I miss you all, especially the ones that opened new doors for me.I know I opened alot of doors for my little friends, showed them things and positions they may have never experienced.

I love all little boys, they really warm my hurt.Going on a  new love search soon, hope to find that special boy sometime soon.I have plenty of wisdom and knowledge to show you.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on September 06, 2003, 03:58:00 PM
To all my little friends out there, how are you?I miss you all, especially the ones that opened new doors for me.I know I opened alot of doors for my little friends, showed them things and positions they may have never experienced.

See, you fuckin sick pervert why dont you just tell us all you raped them?Told you this guy was a child rapist.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on September 06, 2003, 08:03:00 PM
I once witnessed Marty Kruglik sucking Mr.Alboro's asshole in the abandoned dorms located next to re-entry dorms.I was walking down to re-entry dorms to do a sheet run and I heard strange noises coming from the building next door.
I walked over to a window and saw Mr.Alboro and Marty getting it on.Marty had Alboro's legs spread eagle and had planted his face into his asshole.I almost puked when I saw what I saw.

Then Alboro shit and Marty was licking it, it was the most nastiest site I had ever seen.Marty's face was covered in shit and was enjoying every minute of it.

I ran back up to elan 3 and told a staff member what I just saw,they then went down to investigate and saw Marty and Alboro walking out of the building.Marty still had shit covered on his face but claimed he had slipped on some wet mud.The staff member noticed a string odor of fecal matter on Marty but was reluctant to say anything.

The staff member who I will not identify suggested not to tell anyone about it and to let it go.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2003, 03:39:00 PM
Every notice that the shape of Marty's face looks like it was made to slide into an asshole?I wonder how many asses he slide that ugly face of his into?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on September 07, 2003, 07:58:00 PM
Are there any kids out there that come to this site and had Marty tried to make a pass on them?This man is sick and needs to be stopped,He takes advantage of your kids when you sen them to Elan.

This man has a very seriuos criminal tendencies, he will attempt to take advantage of weak students in a pediphile type of a way.Do not trust Elan, it is run by sick people.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on September 13, 2003, 08:43:00 AM
I remembered a couple of times when we had general meetings and Marty would be present , I would go up top the front of the house and get my feelings of at the stydent that was receivimg the GM.But I actually wasn't directing my hostility towards the student,I was directing it toward Marty.There was 2 times where Marty was adjacent to the person reciving the GM and I capitialized on it.

I must have called over 2 dozen groups on marty which were all denied, that fucking coward Kruglik didnt have the balls to be in a group woth me or anyone else for that matter.He is what you would call yellow.
I forgot who was getting a GM that day when I was screaming about Marty, The person getting the GM starting to luagh because he knew what I was doing.Of coarse his snickering lead to more feelings and spit coming his way.

I would really love to know if there is any peers of Kruglik out there.Marty went through Elan in the 70's, I wanna know how much of an asshole he was back then.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on September 14, 2003, 10:46:00 AM
I betcha if anyone called a group on Marty and got their feelings off for him he would piss himself.I called many groups on that cock sucker and they were always denied.He was too scared in my opinion to have someone yelling at him.

Coward Marty Kruglik, what a fuckin little pussy he was.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on September 19, 2003, 08:10:00 AM
one time marty painted himself up in glue and rolled around in a bag of feathers and Linda Roy and Mr.Alboro chased him through the Elan woods armed with rubber dicks and egg beaters.

Marty had a huge smile on his face and appeared to be enjoying this bizar incident.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on September 20, 2003, 09:22:00 AM
Marty would pretend he was a chicken and run through the woods in Elan while Linda and Alboro would play wolf.

It was a sick sexual game that all 3 of them had invented.I think Linda would play the role as a chicken hawk and Alboro played the role as a wolf.

Can you imagine potential students visiting Elan and seeing this bizar behavior????
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on September 23, 2003, 04:44:00 PM
Marty always had cum stains on his shirt when I saw him.He was a filthy unbathed smelly Indian, one day Marty came into work with war paint on and gave the house some lecture on Indian tradion's and customs at Thanksgiving.He brought pictures of Indian tribes celebrating Thanksgiving and was all into it.

I don't know where he was going with this shit, but no one paid much attention to him or his stupid Indian bullshit.As a matter of fact, No one paid any attention to him when he came in the house and lectured us.

After time he got the picture that he was not liked nor wanted and eventially stopped all lectures in the house.He must of been a idiot during his stay at Elan, I could just imagine how stupid he was back then.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on September 27, 2003, 07:37:00 AM
Marty Kruglik's job title is actually called "The Ricci's servant's".Marty serves as a butler and a janitor to the Ricci family.He has too. he has no choice or else Sharon could and will take his house away from him.Actually its Sharon's house, Marty doesn't own a god damn thing.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on September 29, 2003, 06:29:00 AM
I don't know exactly how many children Marty has fondled but from what I hear ther is close to 100 according to records.What amazes me is how he cn manipulate these kids and get away with it.He must drug them using some sort of date rape chemical.

Marty's day will come, and when it does he will pay dearly for his sins.I guess making $200.00 a week and sodomizing children keeps Marty happy.He has no mortgage, doesn't have to pat rent, hell The Ricci's evem pay his electric bill.Marty your entire life is filled with no accomplishments, you have nothing in life.The only thing you own are the cheap clothes on your back.

[ This Message was edited by: nazi on 2003-09-29 03:29 ]
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on September 29, 2003, 07:45:00 AM
Marty and Mr.Alboro one time wrestled each other in the dumpster at Elan 3.They were fighting over a dildo that linda had given Marty as a birthdy gift and Alboro claimed it was stolen from his desk at the school house.
it got pretty serious and both of them winded up wrestleing in th dumpster after Marty threw it in there.
They were both covered in dumpster sludge and acted like children fighting over candy.Anyway the police were called and both men were warned by the police if the police had to come back someone was going to jail.

As far as the dildo, I think the police took it so Alboro and Marty wouldn't fight over it anymore.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on September 30, 2003, 09:06:00 PM
Ok this is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard.   Most of you are just angry because Marty probably gave you an LE or confronted you on something.  If you are all so anti-elan, then why are you all here bitching about it.  Move on, and leave people alone, Marty never did anything to anyone who posted on this site.  I am sure if he had we all would have heard about it a million times over.  So can you all please move on with your lives.  You are not in elan anymore, you all seem like you were eager to leave, so can you please move on with your lives.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Paul St. John on September 30, 2003, 09:54:00 PM
You are not in elan anymore, you all seem like you were eager to leave, so can you please move on with your lives."

Of course, a person could reverse your logic on you, and say that if you don't like what is being said here, then you can move on with your life.

LOL, BTW, does anybody know what here is and is not true?

Paul St. John

I am assuming that Marty was not as big of a fan of rubber dildo as some posts have alluded too..

Does anybody have any legitimate qualms with mr. Kruglic?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Paul St. John on September 30, 2003, 09:56:00 PM
On 2003-09-19 05:10:00, nazi wrote:

"one time marty painted himself up in glue and rolled around in a bag of feathers and Linda Roy and Mr.Alboro chased him through the Elan woods armed with rubber dicks and egg beaters.

Marty had a huge smile on his face and appeared to be enjoying this bizar incident."

LMAO!  :lol:

Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on October 01, 2003, 07:00:00 AM
On 2003-09-30 18:56:00, Paul St. John wrote:


On 2003-09-19 05:10:00, nazi wrote:

"one time marty painted himself up in glue and rolled around in a bag of feathers and Linda Roy and Mr.Alboro chased him through the Elan woods armed with rubber dicks and egg beaters.

Marty had a huge smile on his face and appeared to be enjoying this bizar incident."

LOL @ paul St John's response

LMAO!  :lol:


Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on October 01, 2003, 07:51:00 AM
When Marty entered Elan as a resident he was given a choice, either go to prison for child molesting or go to Elan.Marty chose Elan and was saved my Joe Ricci.
Marty came from a poor Indian mongoloid Russian Jew family and were finacially challeneged, Marty was fined alot of money for his crime against this little boy he raped, he wasn't abale to pay it so thats when joe Riccis stepped in.

Joe made Marty sign a contract which stated he is now the property of the Ricci's until Joe wanted to release him.After leaving elan marty lived on the Ricci's estate and worked for them as a servant.He was housed in a shed behind the Ricci's estate and carried out multiple task's for the family everyday.

From mowing the lawn to being a maid, Marty did it all.After awhile Joe felt it was best to have Marty work for Elan as a staff member and see if he could help out troubled teens.Well Marty took on the job and started working at Elan and Joe liked the idea.

After about a year of him working in Elan Joe liked having him there and struck yet another deal with Marty.Joe proposed to Marty a deal where Joe would buy him a house and house him, provide him with a car and take care of all utility bills for Marty.Marty was aslo given a salary of $200.00 a week which he still makes to this date.Now the stipulation was joe wanted to use Marty as his Fall guy on future allegations that could arise, this way Joe would be in the clear.

As time went on Marty's name was dropped in many allegation's that spawned up and Joe used marty like a shake -n- bake bag.Marty didn't care nor did I think he understood too well, after alll he wa kind of stupid.Marty was set for life, Joe had given him everything he needed to survive, a house,car,ect.Marty has not earned anything in life, it was all given to him.

Well as time went on Marty became comfortable with his new life and slowly descended back into his horrible sexual behavior's.He strted abducted children and molesting them again but was very sneaky and careful about not being caught.He then started lewd sex acts with other  staff members and teachers at Elan and continued to enjoy it.

Still to this day Marty is provided with a free place to live and a car.But the man still has the same salary as $200.00 a week.He is now the servant of Sharon Terry and from what I hear she has revised some of the personal contract on Marty.He has contractual obligations to clean Sharon's home and take out the garbage.

Marty's entire life is owned by the Ricci's for life.If he were to disobey or be found reluctant to follow his contract he could suffer grave consquences.

On another note, Back in 2000 Ken Z, visited Elan and Him and Marty got it on in the woods of Maine.From what I heard Marty and Ken played a game of Gay cowboys and Gay Indians and yes there was glue and feathers involved.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on October 01, 2003, 09:17:00 AM
One time Marty and Mr.Alboro got into a tug of war incident over Jeff Gottlieb's discharged depends diaper.They both wanted to sniff and lick it and began pulling on it together.Eventially it ripped apart and both of them became uninterested in it and threw it in the dumpster where it belonged.

Marty and Alboro both occasionally searched the dumpster for some fetish objects they could play with.In Marty's defense it was in his blood to rummage through other people's garbage, he grew up a poor kid and wasn't able to afford most things in life.
As far as Alboro's excuse, well I don't think there is one, except he likes to compete with Marty.both of them are like 2 stray dogs fighting over a bone.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Paul St. John on October 05, 2003, 01:26:00 AM
Originally posted by Nazi:

Marty's entire life is owned by the Ricci's for life.If he were to disobey or be found reluctant to follow his contract he could suffer grave consquences.


So, I guess you can say that Marty isn't too high
on the totem pole, huh?

Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on October 05, 2003, 06:34:00 AM
Lol Paul, LOL!!!!
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on October 05, 2003, 08:01:00 AM
One thing and opportunity that really got Marty upset was he tried numerous times to get access to Jeffery Gotlieb's soiled underpants.Jeff always turned down Marty on Marty's idea and request to lick the shit out of Jeff's underpants.
Marty has tried countless amount's eof time to eat Jeff's shit, but Jeff will have no part in it.One time I saw Marty following Jeffery around sniffing Jeff's ass, the reason why was Jeff had shit himself and Marty was attracted to the scent.Marty so desperately wanted to shove that ugly Indian retarted mongoloid head of his up Jeff's asshole.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Paul St. John on October 05, 2003, 08:25:00 AM
On 2003-10-05 05:01:00, nazi wrote:

Marty so desperately wanted to shove that ugly Indian retarted mongoloid head of his up Jeff's asshole


LMAO!!! :smile:
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on October 07, 2003, 07:46:00 PM
Marty Kruglik use to lick the mens urinal up in house dorms in Elan 3.He would stick his head in it and get that dirty filthy grey hair of his all soaked with urine.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on October 12, 2003, 09:37:00 AM
Marty is a thief.When he goes over to the Ricci's once a week to do house cleaning he roots through Sharon's hamper and takes her soiled panties.
Marty has also taken her used discarded tampons out of the trash  and kept them.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Jeffery Gottdick? on October 14, 2003, 09:33:00 AM
Marty would never want to steal Sharons panties or any other woman's under garments.he would have no need for it, he is gay.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Rockman heaven on October 14, 2003, 01:19:00 PM
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Rockman heaven on October 14, 2003, 01:24:00 PM
ohhhhhhhhhh so mean shut up!sound like a baby
Mean? what I funny thing to say.I have been lmao.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Rockman heaven on October 14, 2003, 01:33:00 PM
Remember him well Matt.Have been reading about jeff and I have to say lmao too dame funny hey remember Wayne M he split long hair?GM? later
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Rockman heaven on October 14, 2003, 01:47:00 PM
so funnyyyyyyyyyyyy oh my god!
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Jeffery Gottdick? on October 14, 2003, 02:22:00 PM
Marty loved molesting little boys.Marty's favorite thing to do was de-pants a little boy then pull down his pants and compare sizes.That really made Marty feel like a man comparing his penis to a 9 year olds.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Jeffery Gottdick? on October 14, 2003, 10:46:00 PM
Marty has also a similar hole through his house in his bedroom, except it is much larger in size.It's large enough to accomodate buttocks.Marty has this hole so that one is able to come to his house at any given time and pull their pants down so he can ram his head up your asshole.
Now the trick to waking Marty up is either fart or make a dump.The poop will drop right on his head and he'll feel it and smell it and instantly wake up.
Once he gets a wiff of it he will usually starts eating it then rams his head up your ass.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on October 15, 2003, 09:00:00 AM
One time When Marty was working late one night he became very confused when night owl announced "everything blows", Marty thought it meant a huge cock sucking event and ran upstairs to the dorms and was all game for sucking dicks.

When night owl explained to him that "everything blows" is an expression we use that means turn off the lights and get to bed Marty got real depressed.
he was hell bent on sucking dick that night and was disappointed that he couldnt suck one.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on October 15, 2003, 07:25:00 PM
Marty once did something very strnge with his poop.Marty had a ziplock bag of his poop and decided to play with it on the elan basketball court one day.

He was rolling it around in his hads like play-dough and making letters out of it.He made is name in shit and left it on the basketball court.It said Marty Kruglik was here and it became ingulfed in fles.

Jow Ricci spotted the fecal matter on the court and got very upset.He made Marty clean it up and hose down the shit infested area.

he warned Marty if he ever cuaght him again playing with his poop during work hours that he would be disciplined.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2003, 04:49:00 PM
Always kind of figured Marty as a strange person.He probably does sodomize little children.That ugly son of a bitch couldn't get a woman even if she was lying dead in a morge.

I say Marty needs to be stopped.This man is in no way certified to help out teenagers.
He is a fuckin lowlife Joe Ricci wannabe.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Jeffery Gottdick? on October 16, 2003, 06:21:00 PM
Marty loves sodomizing little kids.Although I have tried several occasions to get him to break the hanit by providing him with inflatable dolls, he still cant seem to give up his lust for a young boys asshole.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2003, 07:13:00 PM
I have one request for all of you who continue to waste your time making up shit.  If you can give me factual evidence from a reliable source (which does not include the statement from Paul St. John, Nazi or any of the interesting characters that have been posting recently)I will them stop posting about how messed up you all are.
But I know you can't.  Marty is a great person.  I know that with out the insight he gave me I would not be the person who I am today.  You may not like him, as he believes in telling the the whole truth to people, and most of you can't handle that.  I look at this site only to remind myself of why I should continue to stand up for the right thing in life.  That was the one thing Marty taught me.  I remember Marty praising someone for standing up to a director when the director was wrong.  He is not a puppet for Sharon Terry or the concept of Elan.
If you want to go after someone go after all the people in the world who really do cause harm on millions daily.
Put your energy into helping the world.  You seem to have a lot of it, so do something productive with it.  I urge you to fight, but fight a fight worth fighting.
Your ranting may make some people upset, but nothing more.  You are not moving on, and you are not closing down Elan.
I know most of you will not listen to me as you see Elan as your problem, but i ask you to question why you feel this way.  Is it because you suffered some sort of abuse while you were in the safety of Elan.  We all know you didn't.
Again I urge you to put all this energy into a fight that will better humanity.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Jeffery Gottdick? on October 16, 2003, 07:17:00 PM
Talk about making shit up about Marty???Marty is a toilet bowl cleaner and a servant for Sharon, he does what ever he is instructed to do so.He is a Indian slave.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Jeffery Gottdick? on October 17, 2003, 09:25:00 AM
Ken Z and Mr.Alboro wanted to throw Marty a really kick ass surprise birthday party for him so they decided to rent out buffalo costumes and wear them.Both Alboro and Taret-sky rented this custome wear 2 people could fit inside of it and walf around like a Buffalo.

Anyway the party commenced and Taret-sky and Alboro were both completely naked before getting into the Buffalo costume, this way they could fondle each other under the costume without anyone seeing.
So the party had startedand lots of elan people were there, Jeff,Linda,Ann,Sharon,Joe,Clare, the school nurse and others.
Time for the main event , Jeff had the honors of intraducing the surprise and out came the Buffalo.Marty' face lite up and started jumping up and down in his place.he yelled out Buffalo!!!! Buffallo!!!!, Marty began to disrobe and jump on top of the Buffalo, still yelling out Buffalo!!!! Buffalo!!!! he made his way into the costume and noticed yet even anther surprise, Alboro and Taret-sky  butt naked.Then all of a sudden you heard oh ahhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhh huuuuuuuu coming from inside the costume.

What was surprisingly amazing is how the costume heald together so well, considering it is a 2 man capacity costume only , Marty was able to also get inside and fondle the 2 of the costume handlers.
Well that night Marty was the happiest man on the face of the earth, he spent all his time from his party in that costume, which was around 4 hours.Poor Taret-sky and Alboro, they were so sore and tired the next day both of them had trouble walking and it wasnt all caused by fatigue.

Word of advise, dont ever dress up as a Buffalo on Halloween and trick or treat at the Kruglik's place, because you wont find any treats over there, but you will get alot of tricks.

Put all the children in the corner,general fuckin meeting!!!!
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Dee Verry on October 17, 2003, 11:42:00 AM
Here is some truth for you.Seasons in the sun? We had joy we had fun?Good byr pa pa its hard to die?Marty and Jeff always made me sing that song,once standing in a bucket of electric sause.Even the name of smelly shit is sick.I wondered at 13 what your problem was you made no sence.Reacting and acting out saved my sanity.How do you both justify your actions towards children.Marty you made me crawl to knock on the door.I did but,knocked and asked who's in there.We did this for hours.Try it again and do it right.I had control and did not knock your way oh,I payed the price by forse.You loved yelling four women please and over the chair I would be held down and then you loved to call GENERAL MEETING!Getting killed was worth it.I was not going to conform to your ways and what were they?To this day I will never understand your ways.At a GM you loved to put BOYS down always saying they had no Johsons?and me a septical for mens cum.I ask you what was the point in all that.I beleive your beyond sick and its frustrating as hell sometimes to tears,why you are allowed to care for children it blows my mind.I know you read in here cause I know you.At 13 I had to live in the garbage been and scrub it all day and then do a progress report on it and no stupid the maggots were not produtive they were dead.At 13I stood in front of the house to give you yet another progress report on the pizza oven.I thought the pepperroni was very produtive it was cooking and when house lol you got angry with me.I never understood what you wanted?SoI learned to say fuck you and gave you the opposite of what you wanted.Out here profesionals think that was very sane of me.and is how I survived my long stay.I sat on that dame stage for days it seemed.You made me sit Idian style and god it hurt like hell.I needed operation on my spine and you new it.I never moved though ass thats what you waited for.I did it my way.On my bithday I was shiped to bear mountain.At 14 had tampons covered in ketchup all tied together and put around my forhead and wrist,yeah ok your sane, and Joe should have taking care of the plumbing,a payed the price for that cause I was not conforming.Oh the Maine snow,that was afun filled day you and your smirk I worked hard with my spoon making those paths and you loved taking your foot and putting all the snow back.Do it again Verry.This is just some truth. God how can you still be there?It truly blows my mindThats whats frustrating folks.My mind is just as sharp today as it was back then.I don't allow all this to take up space in my head .I am just stating the true facts.Reacting and acting out kept me in lol and saved my sanity.So who was the DUMMMY.So glad the wash is finnally on spin.With Eagarness of our spirit your going down and you will answer to us.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on October 17, 2003, 03:13:00 PM
After reading that shit you just posted I really hate Marty now.I say its time to make this filthy child molesting Injun pay for his crimes.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on October 17, 2003, 03:14:00 PM
By the way Veery, when were you at Elan?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Matt C. Hoffman on October 17, 2003, 09:05:00 PM

I remember you . I remember  a lot of the incidents that you spoke of . you were in Poland with me .then the houses got split up  .I remember the incidents that you spoke of .

I could never understand why you went through the changes that you did .I liked you and thought you were a nice person and it seemed that you got worked over really harshly (for some one who was so nice .) I remember the electric sauces and the tampoons on the head .It was painful even to watch ,and just sick . Oh lord do I remember >

I am sure you remember me .  I am glad to hear from you on this board . God I remember you and all the lunacy that you speak of .  god I remember ,and I am glad you survived .I want  this place gone also ,and no doubt Kruglik ,Gottlieb and McCann and zaretsky  have some just deserts coming .

Long time gone ...a long time coming  God I remember the stuff you spoke  of ...Damn that place it was very sick , the violence ,just so sad and sick . Damn I remember .

Peace to you

Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Dee Verry on October 18, 2003, 07:17:00 AM
By the way I was there in 1973 at 13 years old and soon had that speacial GM birthday party.Happy birthday to me as a got my cake smashed in my face.The GM OH that was for reacting.See dad did come and was on the grounds with joe.I made a dash for the front door,after I was told ohhhhhh daddy's here all in my face.well was tackeled and two PO's brought be up stairs behide the back Pan.I sat in corner and then all my hope was gone and refused to knock scrub ect..That night I was sent to a sicker place. As My 12 year old  says(off the hook)Hey you out there who wanted HONEST.I have not even started and who are you? I put my real name here? On thursday I got mail,saying Diane be afraid this week end.I don't think so, already been there done that.I have actually replyed often here.I refuse to hide.Sometimes I forget to put my user name in,I get so involved with stating the truth!
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Dee Verry on October 18, 2003, 07:30:00 AM
Hi Matt,Good to hear from you hope all is well in your life.It's wonderful To know your alive and can think honestly.Do you remember the mummy GM's for well lets call her stanly.Remember going through the woods all screemimg like ffffff nuts.She was thrown off the dock at the lake?wow thats was so good for kids marty and jeff you both came out soooooooo sick on her.I stood there thinking she would drown!That was my first General Meeting I ever saw.

Hey another song that blew my young mind and,remeber I was a dumb mother fucker. that was my label.
well!How nuts is that lmao.First I thought,there are no cats,ect...
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on October 18, 2003, 08:42:00 AM
In reponse to your statement about me, the person who wants honesty, here is my one and only reason I don't post with my name:
You people are twisted.  I don't trust you at all.  I'd be afraid about what you would do.  I don't need you going after my dad or sisters as you went after Ken's daughter.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on October 18, 2003, 08:43:00 AM
Dee your stories are very interesting and I think something should be done about it.Marty needs to answer for his sins.We should discuss this matter in private so we dont attract any unnecessary attention.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Matt C. Hoffman on October 18, 2003, 08:50:00 AM

Yes I rewmember the mummy Gm's .(god I remember a lot of sick twisted stuff about that place )
Her First name was Jennifer (and stanley is close enough ) they also hads another girl named Mary  O'Bran (close to her name ) who was mummy'ed with jennifer .

gottlieb ran that Gm if I remember, they made them lie down (after all the screaming and yelling and spitting ).Made em lie in sheets and poured electric sauce on'em and then wrapped them up ,and left them on the floor .I think handcuffs were involved .

Yeah Jennifer got worked over ,she was related to Davidson . carrying her down to the lake and throwing her in .Jennifer got worked hurt by that sick place

I am glad you can talk about this stuff .The publik has no idea and even though straights and kids think they were like elan  ha .I think these surreal grostesqe perverse incidents that happened right before our eyes ,are just too bazarre for anyone to comprehend . This crap really happened . AND THERE IS MORE  FROM HUNDREDS OF FOLKS . This is just a tiny taste .

It is up to the former residents (we owe it to ourselves ) to make this brutal abuse public knowledge . I have said that I remember what happened to over a hundred plus people . I have also stated that I have not even really started to talk about those incidents .

I hope more former residents will be able to come forward  ,like Diane has , and God I am so happy you made it many of us have not ..and we have to speak for them .

Diane my e mail is   [email protected]   drop me a line I would like to talk with you ,if at all possible .Also thank you for posting the truth and nothing but .


Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on October 18, 2003, 09:08:00 AM
What is electric sauce?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Dee Verry on October 18, 2003, 09:40:00 AM
I want to state some facts here.For the first part of my stay at poland springs Maine was all Marty and Jeff.I had not yet met Peter M .He was on a leave helping his family out.When the house spilt up,I was picked thank god!I then went to 6 with peter as my Director and Ken Z under him.I have not one sick memeory to share.My hell was over.I never had to see those sick men agin,until reentry thats another story.It starts over? makes me wonder.I don't think I ever got a GM there.I do know,I was not a shot down scum bag anymore.I was however afaid for life.I have control of that life today and so grateful for the place to speak of a time so long ago a place deep in the woods Of Maine. lost  Not SNIFFELING ANONYMOUS WITH GUILT! I'm strong you get that straight you made mt morning. Thanks Diane Verry
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Dee Verry on October 18, 2003, 09:42:00 AM
You made my morning.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Dee Verry on October 18, 2003, 09:45:00 AM
Nazi electric sause smells like runny shit and looks like it too
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on October 18, 2003, 11:38:00 AM
She sure did,she lost her mind!Had to go home for shark treatment.I remeber all to well they came soooooooo out sick on her.Hey people she ened up in the suller were service crew Dept was.tied to afreaking pole,I recall how she use to freek at her GM she was dieing in her mind.She was terrifyed! her poor mouth open in such fright!I can still see her and shall always scooping electic sause all over her and stuffing eggs in her bra.Jeff you stood there and directed this???I can recall mine but hers really fuckes with me head to this day and fuck off ANONYMOUS this is my right as a human being to get this out of my head and share her abuse.She can't do for herself.

        The dog house you had built for her,remember marty, na not leaving you out! you gave many yourself.and laughed your ass off.You put that dog house on the stage and made her live in it! and How the hell do you justify your actions and those of you who protect them both! my god!NOT SNIFFELING! just saying it! BY THE WAY THE WEEK END IS HERE I AM not SCARED YET!send me mail I deleted you your funny!your god is DEAD!BIG BAD JOE. and Davidson don;t throw your shit Joes way you were the Doctor and don't forget it.Just a big show for all the state workers and judges.

here ya sliding mother.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Dee Verry on October 18, 2003, 11:48:00 AM
that was me forgot to put screen name and just want to say it,so not into making correction and I know there are many Its fine though its honest something I can say I am.I don't need to be perfect when I am stating some very emotional and painful memories. HONEST ENOUGH YET ANONYMOUS.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Dee Verry on October 18, 2003, 12:01:00 PM
Thats funny what about before the ken situation and we are not all twisted hey good word your from my era I your just scared so take your toys and go home.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Dee Verry on October 18, 2003, 12:09:00 PM
And i don't want to play with you.I was simply replying.I came here to say it! and then I want to shut down and take my son and his friends for some Spooky world fun.TWISTED YOU USED THAT WORD?
LMAO have your self a good day I know I will and I would love to chat with anyone who is mature and honest.LETS ALL WORK ON THAT LEVAL and get justice done. hey looks like I'm still alive and guess what who ever you are I live alone.that should be easy.MONEY TALKS AND BULLSHIT WALKS.your money is dead.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Antigen on October 18, 2003, 01:47:00 PM
On 2003-10-18 05:42:00, Anonymous wrote:

"In reponse to your statement about me, the person who wants honesty, here is my one and only reason I don't post with my name:

You people are twisted.  I don't trust you at all.  I'd be afraid about what you would do.  I don't need you going after my dad or sisters as you went after Ken's daughter."

Buddy, no one "went after" Ken's daughter. Granted, some people who post here have a rather twisted, often frighteningly twisted, sense of humor. But Ken is the one who made that website abut his daughter.

Just so ya'll know, I wrote Ken privately after posting publicly here about that. Now, maybe he's smarter than I assume. Hell, maybe the whole thing is part of a sting operation to nab kiddie stalkers. But if all the info in that page is for real? No one should give that much info on the net about their kids. That's just plain foolish. Now, given this guy's history? How many people hate the SOB w/ good reason and how damaged some of those folks are?

Once again, I would recomend to Ken, for the sake of your daughter, that he either take down all that info about his kid or at least password protect it for CHRIST's sake!

As for anyone "coming after" anyone, I doubt it will happen in the real world. These folks, Elan believers and staff, are just a bunch of self deluded sadists and cowards. They can dish it out to captive 13 year olds. But they can't take 1/100th of it in prose on the net without getting all bent out of shape.

Guard with jealous attention the public Liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that Jewel. Unfortunately, Nothing will Preserve it but downright Force. Whenever you Give Up that Force, you are ruined.....The Great Object is that every man be armed.....Everyone who is able may have a gun.
- Patrick Henry

Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on October 19, 2003, 10:59:00 AM
Marty Kruglik did rape many children when he was younger.I remeber Marty talking about it in group and regretting it.Joe Ricci saved him from certain death.If Marty was to be convicted he would've done some serious jail time.
One of the kids he raped was a son of a soldier in the mob.Man if that family were to have found Marty he surely would have been sleeping with the fishes.
I wish I could find out the name of the crime family that he affected.I'm sure they would still want to deal with him and make him pay for his crime.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Rockman heaven on October 20, 2003, 11:58:00 AM
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on November 09, 2003, 09:39:00 AM
Marty's idea for a quick fix on Indian war paint was he would pull his paints down and stick his finger up his ass and draw on his face with a shit infested finger.After decorating his face in his own fecal matter he would run through the woods and shove rubber dicks in his ass and make retarded noises.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on November 15, 2003, 06:04:00 PM
Marty was the only person at elan to carry out strip searches on students he felt had contraband on them.He would hand select students for random strip searches regardless of their posistions in the house.Marty was gay and liked to see penis and balls.Never was there a strip search done on a female even though some female students had a history of sneaking in contraband.

Marty always would be one on one with the naked teenagers alone in his office at elan one.Rumor has it that he also had a cam corder in there which taped the search.This matter once brought to court once by a former resident and no tapes were ever found after a supena was issued to search the Kruglik's residence.I know for a fact to this date Marty has an entire collecion of naked teenaged boys stripped down to the skin showing all to Marty.
After my arrival to elan the strip searches stopped prior 2 months before I came to Elan.You have to ask yourself, did Ken Zaretzky know about this and was he involved in some way?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on November 16, 2003, 10:06:00 AM
There was once a 13 year old male student that Marty gave 4 strip searches too during his 18 month stay at Elan.Marty took a special interest in the boy thinking he could get into his mind and manipulate him.The student refused to have strip searches done after the first one and Marty threatened him a very unpleasant stay if he did not cooperate.
Marty's strip search took in excessive of an hour his excuse ot the boy was he wanted to be very through on it.Marty would convinatly make phone calls or pretend to be talking on the phone while the student stood naked in his office so Marty could buy time.
Marty performed cavity searches using latex rubber gloves looking for contraband in wa in no way medically quailfied to carry out such tasks.I is incidents like this that is an outrage.The tasks that Marty and other staff do up at Elan are procedures that only someone who is certified in that field are able to carry out.None of the staff at Elan have degree's or proper training to carry out task's they carry out each and every day.
The nurse that worked for elan I dont even know if she was a certified nurse.The funny thing is once a complaint was made legally by the student and law enforcement was notified, these illegal practices that Elan had done in the past were suddenly stopped and never performed again.What it all come down to is Elan took advantage of students and would push them to the limits.
Every since investigations commenced a few years back, Elan is in no way practicing these outrageuos procedures becuase they are now too scared in getting into legal troubles.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on November 18, 2003, 09:15:00 AM
Marty Kruglik has life size posters of Hanson and Little Bow Wow in his home that are covered with cum stains.Marty just loves those little boys.marty use to have the same life like posters in his office but Sharon Terry made him tke it down because she found it to be inappropriate to have little boys life like posters covered in cum stains hanging on the walls of Elan one.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on November 18, 2003, 08:14:00 PM
I caught Marty masterbating to a picture of himself in the kitchen.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Marc RosenBlow on November 19, 2003, 01:26:00 PM
Hello elan school how may i direct your call?

Yes Can I please speak to Martin Kruglik

Who shall I say is calling

John Richards from trouble teen magizine

Please hold while I direct your call

Marty answers:

Hello this is Martin can I help you?

Yes marty I would like to know why you think taping tampons to a 13 year old girls head soaked in ketchup is considered in your eye's thearupitic?

And who may I ask is calling?

This is John Richards from trouble teen magizine

There is a magizine that is actaully for troubled teens available to the public?


What do you publish in this magizine John?

Look Marty I'll ask the question's here, and I want to know why you feel taping tampons soaked in ketchup to a 13 yard old girls head is considered theaputic?

If you are refereing to the way Elan was run back many years ago I really have no comment or recolition of it.

So you are denying this ever took place?

I'm not denying anything John, it seems like to me you are investigating matters that occured a few decades ago from which I was not employed at the time.

How long have you worked at elan Martin?

I have been here for around 9 years.

Oh really, then why is it there are alot of other people out there that say different?

And whom are you refering to John?

I'm sorry Martin, but tha is priveleged information.

Priveleged information huh?Well then I would have to say you calling up here and asking about students treatments is also priveledge information.

Well Martin, did I at any time metion of request former students names? I don't think so.

Just out of curiosity John, were you the little bugger that called up here this morning asking Jeffery stupid questions?

Jeffery?Who's Jeffery? Would be another one of your cromies employed with you that tapes ketchup soaked tampons to 13 year old girl's heads?

Look John I see where this conversation is going and this is must likely nothing but a joke to you.

Ummmmm No martin, I don't find it amusing taping tampon's soaked in Ketchup to littel girl's head's.

Okay John if you wish to interview me on how things were run in the pat I would be more then gladly sit down with you over a cup of coffee or something, i really don't feel comfortable nor do I have the time to discuss what went on here at the school in the past.

So you are not denying it now Marty?

No John I'd rather meet you one on one and have this conversation done in a more professional manner.

Well Martin. I'm afraid that is not possible considering we are on 2 different time zones here.I usually conduct all conversations via phone call's or internet.Thats the beauty of telephone's and computer's, we can find out and conduct interviews in the comfort of our office's without havin to travel all around the world.Geese Marty you make it sound like you are living in the 18th century back in the cowboy's and Indian's era.

I dont know who I'm talking to first of all, for all I know you could be some hotshot lawyer looking to incriminate the school for your own personal gain.

Marty I told you who I am, I'm John Richards and I'm with the Troubled Teen Magizine.

Okay John.

Marty care to comment on allegations of child molestation that has been made public about you?

If you are refering to some of those anti-elan site's that are out on the net it seems to me that there is someone out there that hold's grudges against me and the school and are truly a sick individual.I have never performed any lewd act on any under age person, let's just get that straight.

Oh so but you have performed lewd acts on people that were of age? Am I getting this all correct?

John, when you are part of a school that focusses on teens that are emtional disturbed inviduals. heavy thearopy is needed to help those peple out.There is many individuals that go through our school and are unsucessful on changing their lives and allowing us to help them.In turn, there will always be someone out there rebeling against us because we tried to get in their minds and see what was going on, wait let me rephrase that, we try to help change their thought process so that they can live a successful productive life when they leave our school.

Oh so you brainwash teens in other words?

If you want to call it that John then so be it.We try to help them live better lives.

Marty, you mentioned that there are alot of people that have went through your program and were unsucessful and now hold a grudge.So why is it you advertise your website "Elan School" having such a high success rate?

John,I am not at liberty to discuss Elan's personal growth stastic's with you, if you like you could call back and speak with the school's adminisrator and perhaps he could help you with answering most of your questions.

I didn't call you Martin to discuss stastic's, I wanted to discuss your idea and methods that you consider treatments.I consider them abuse and I do speak for everyone else out there on the internet.The reason I called you is I have read alot of unethical treatments that you carried out on trouble teens in the past and you are avoiding  mos of my questions and lying about your employment with Elan.

I'm lying about my employment John?How am I lying to you about my employment?

Marty you told me that you only have worked at Elan for 9 years, that would put you back to the year of 1994.

Yes, I started working at Elan in 1994 John.

Then why is it your name was mentioned about the Skakel incident which occurreed way back before 1994?From my understanding you have been employed with Elan corp, since the 70's.

John I went through the elan program back in the early 70's and graduated.I briefly worked part time at Elan after I graduated 4 years later, but that was only part time and wasn't for very long.

Aout how long did you work for Elan after 4 years of graduating the program Martin?

Not very long John, maybe 6 months.I went back to school to get a degree and worked in another state helping out troubled teens?

Might I ask you what other places you have worked at ?

It's really no concern to you John.The point is what ever you have heard or have read about me whether its in the newspaper or the internet, chances are none of it is true and none of it can and will not be proved in any court's.

Court's? Why all the sudden are you sounding so concerened about court's Marty? Sounds like to me you have alot to hide form me.Are there people out there trying to take you to court Marty?

Look John, I have alot of things I have to get down today and this phone conversation is taking up my time a little too much.If you want to come to the school and meet with me face to face and sit down and interview me it can be arranged, otherwise I would appreciate it if you would not call her anymore to seek out stories for your magizine.We the staff at elan are caring individuals and we provide the best in care that is available today unlike other school and insititution's.Care that was provided 3 decades ago at Elan was very different and since then has been improved.So that is all I have to say to you John.

Ok Martin, I will document that you avoided most of my question's and denying working at elan during the seventies, or wait, was it only for 6 months as you have stated?I'm sure that there will be alot of former resident's that will be quite interested in what you had to say today.

Ok John you have a nice day......

Marty hangs up at this point.Well for those of you that went through the program and knew Marty I guess you can be the judges on how much he was lying to me on the phone.Far as I know this son of a bitch has been working at elan since the early 70's.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Antigen on November 19, 2003, 04:13:00 PM
Here's something to think about.

Almost everyone who's been through a synanon reports that we were all required and encouraged to exagerate about past incidents.

I don't put any more weight into Marty's alleged high adventures running from one mob family to another than, say, Mike Skakal's alleged confession.

More than likely, there's a grain of truth to it. But there's no real point that I can see in focusing on it. It only distracts from the real crimes that are going on right now. That goes for the public and for the cult members. If you make outlandish claims just to piss them off, they can easily just write you off as wackos, just as Marty does above.

One of thereal crimes here is that they turn parents against their own children. They get parents convinced that their own children are dangerous, deceptive and deserving of whatever the staff at Elan feel like doing to them. Worse? Some of the kids wind up believing this bullshit about themselves. That's the worst thing they do, in my view. That's what drives so many people to desperation and despair. And when you're down there, you're all alone with those chiding ghost voices and even your own family won't challenge them.

It doesn't leave physical scars and it's just so hard to proove. But there are so many of you talking together who can coroborate the story and so many of us from other programs who had substantially the same experience, we just have to stick to the facts. Let's not make it so easy for them to dismiss us. K?

"One commentator pointed out that when the mafia commits violence, no
one suggests we bomb Sicily.  Today it seems we are, in a symbolic way, not only bombing "Sicily," but are thinking about bombing "Athens" (Iraq)."

Ron Paul, 11/29/01 Speech before Congress

Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Nazi on November 30, 2003, 11:08:00 AM
Got to hand it to you Marty, you must have some sperm calls in you that brain wash your former lovers.Your boy greg Cocksgrove is now residing in Japan molesting little gook boys.Was that your goal Marty? To poision an entire country with one of your pediphilers?Looks like you did a great job brainwashing  Greg, he seems to still wanna kiss your ass and that corrupt school you work at long after his departure.
Betcha you are really pissed off that you never got to us?We must be a real threat to you.See Marty, remember that one time I was in the corner and I said I will get back at you one day and you will pay for it?And for you to think that you got the last word in???Fuckin LMAO, I got the last word in marty, you mother fucker!!!
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on December 11, 2003, 04:47:00 PM
On 2003-11-19 10:26:00, Marc RosenBlow wrote:

"Hello elan school how may i direct your call?

Yes Can I please speak to Martin Kruglik

Who shall I say is calling

John Richards from trouble teen magizine

Please hold while I direct your call

Marty answers:

Hello this is Martin can I help you?

Yes marty I would like to know why you think taping tampons to a 13 year old girls head soaked in ketchup is considered in your eye's thearupitic?

And who may I ask is calling?

This is John Richards from trouble teen magizine

There is a magizine that is actaully for troubled teens available to the public?


What do you publish in this magizine John?

Look Marty I'll ask the question's here, and I want to know why you feel taping tampons soaked in ketchup to a 13 yard old girls head is considered theaputic?

If you are refereing to the way Elan was run back many years ago I really have no comment or recolition of it.

So you are denying this ever took place?

I'm not denying anything John, it seems like to me you are investigating matters that occured a few decades ago from which I was not employed at the time.

How long have you worked at elan Martin?

I have been here for around 9 years.

Oh really, then why is it there are alot of other people out there that say different?

And whom are you refering to John?

I'm sorry Martin, but tha is priveleged information.

Priveleged information huh?Well then I would have to say you calling up here and asking about students treatments is also priveledge information.

Well Martin, did I at any time metion of request former students names? I don't think so.

Just out of curiosity John, were you the little bugger that called up here this morning asking Jeffery stupid questions?

Jeffery?Who's Jeffery? Would be another one of your cromies employed with you that tapes ketchup soaked tampons to 13 year old girl's heads?

Look John I see where this conversation is going and this is must likely nothing but a joke to you.

Ummmmm No martin, I don't find it amusing taping tampon's soaked in Ketchup to littel girl's head's.

Okay John if you wish to interview me on how things were run in the pat I would be more then gladly sit down with you over a cup of coffee or something, i really don't feel comfortable nor do I have the time to discuss what went on here at the school in the past.

So you are not denying it now Marty?

No John I'd rather meet you one on one and have this conversation done in a more professional manner.

Well Martin. I'm afraid that is not possible considering we are on 2 different time zones here.I usually conduct all conversations via phone call's or internet.Thats the beauty of telephone's and computer's, we can find out and conduct interviews in the comfort of our office's without havin to travel all around the world.Geese Marty you make it sound like you are living in the 18th century back in the cowboy's and Indian's era.

I dont know who I'm talking to first of all, for all I know you could be some hotshot lawyer looking to incriminate the school for your own personal gain.

Marty I told you who I am, I'm John Richards and I'm with the Troubled Teen Magizine.

Okay John.

Marty care to comment on allegations of child molestation that has been made public about you?

If you are refering to some of those anti-elan site's that are out on the net it seems to me that there is someone out there that hold's grudges against me and the school and are truly a sick individual.I have never performed any lewd act on any under age person, let's just get that straight.

Oh so but you have performed lewd acts on people that were of age? Am I getting this all correct?

John, when you are part of a school that focusses on teens that are emtional disturbed inviduals. heavy thearopy is needed to help those peple out.There is many individuals that go through our school and are unsucessful on changing their lives and allowing us to help them.In turn, there will always be someone out there rebeling against us because we tried to get in their minds and see what was going on, wait let me rephrase that, we try to help change their thought process so that they can live a successful productive life when they leave our school.

Oh so you brainwash teens in other words?

If you want to call it that John then so be it.We try to help them live better lives.

Marty, you mentioned that there are alot of people that have went through your program and were unsucessful and now hold a grudge.So why is it you advertise your website "Elan School" having such a high success rate?

John,I am not at liberty to discuss Elan's personal growth stastic's with you, if you like you could call back and speak with the school's adminisrator and perhaps he could help you with answering most of your questions.

I didn't call you Martin to discuss stastic's, I wanted to discuss your idea and methods that you consider treatments.I consider them abuse and I do speak for everyone else out there on the internet.The reason I called you is I have read alot of unethical treatments that you carried out on trouble teens in the past and you are avoiding  mos of my questions and lying about your employment with Elan.

I'm lying about my employment John?How am I lying to you about my employment?

Marty you told me that you only have worked at Elan for 9 years, that would put you back to the year of 1994.

Yes, I started working at Elan in 1994 John.

Then why is it your name was mentioned about the Skakel incident which occurreed way back before 1994?From my understanding you have been employed with Elan corp, since the 70's.

John I went through the elan program back in the early 70's and graduated.I briefly worked part time at Elan after I graduated 4 years later, but that was only part time and wasn't for very long.

Aout how long did you work for Elan after 4 years of graduating the program Martin?

Not very long John, maybe 6 months.I went back to school to get a degree and worked in another state helping out troubled teens?

Might I ask you what other places you have worked at ?

It's really no concern to you John.The point is what ever you have heard or have read about me whether its in the newspaper or the internet, chances are none of it is true and none of it can and will not be proved in any court's.

Court's? Why all the sudden are you sounding so concerened about court's Marty? Sounds like to me you have alot to hide form me.Are there people out there trying to take you to court Marty?

Look John, I have alot of things I have to get down today and this phone conversation is taking up my time a little too much.If you want to come to the school and meet with me face to face and sit down and interview me it can be arranged, otherwise I would appreciate it if you would not call her anymore to seek out stories for your magizine.We the staff at elan are caring individuals and we provide the best in care that is available today unlike other school and insititution's.Care that was provided 3 decades ago at Elan was very different and since then has been improved.So that is all I have to say to you John.

Ok Martin, I will document that you avoided most of my question's and denying working at elan during the seventies, or wait, was it only for 6 months as you have stated?I'm sure that there will be alot of former resident's that will be quite interested in what you had to say today.

Ok John you have a nice day......

Marty hangs up at this point.Well for those of you that went through the program and knew Marty I guess you can be the judges on how much he was lying to me on the phone.Far as I know this son of a bitch has been working at elan since the early 70's.


That is too funny man!!!You really talked to him?Marty was the brains behind all the abuse learning experiences that were enforced.HE use to sit in his office all day thinking up new cruel punishments for the kids.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: 88 on December 11, 2003, 09:24:00 PM
One time Marty was rushed to Portland medical center because he was choking on Mr.Alboro's load.the doctors had to pump his stomach and pump charcoal into his stomach.marty was released that night only to go back to the school house and suck off Alboro and swallow somw more of his cum but in moderation.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: 88 on December 12, 2003, 10:19:00 AM
I got back at Marty real good.I use to help out in the kitchen many times and use to have to bring the lunch tray over to elan one.I must have spit in that food a dozen times, and Marty ate it, along with Joe and the rest of the corruptee's.But what I really wanted to do was piss or better yet shit in it,that would have been the ultimate thing to do.

Just looking at Marty's face made me sick, he was such a peice of shit.As I stated in the past on this forum, this asshole would from time to time pop his ugly mug in on a GM that was running and add his  2 cents, what for I will never know.The rest of the students would give him this look like  "Who in the blue hell are you?"

Marty was a knowbody and will always be one.He is an ugly little man that stands 5ft 1 and has a fat head.His face was designed and engineered to fit up an asshole .Marty can take all his buffalo and go fuck himself.
tHe man use to talk about how sacred buffalo were and everything that came out of his mouth in conversation's were Buffalo this, Buffalo that, well fuck you Marty Kruglik and the Buffalo you rode in on!
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Marty Douchebag Kruglik on May 15, 2004, 09:08:00 AM
LMMFAO @ every post, well almost everyone.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Marty Douchebag Kruglik on May 15, 2004, 09:14:00 AM
I got back at Marty real good.I use to help out in the kitchen many times and use to have to bring the lunch tray over to elan one.I must have spit in that food a dozen times, and Marty ate it, along with Joe and the rest of the corruptee's.But what I really wanted to do was piss or better yet shit in it,that would have been the ultimate thing to do.

Just looking at Marty's face made me sick, he was such a peice of shit.As I stated in the past on this forum, this asshole would from time to time pop his ugly mug in on a GM that was running and add his  2 cents, what for I will never know.The rest of the students would give him this look like  "Who in the blue hell are you?"

Marty was a knowbody and will always be one.He is an ugly little man that stands 5ft 1 and has a fat head.His face was designed and engineered to fit up an asshole .Marty can take all his buffalo and go fuck himself.

tHe man use to talk about how sacred buffalo were and everything that came out of his mouth in conversation's were Buffalo this, Buffalo that, well fuck you Marty Kruglik and the Buffalo you rode in on!"

Piss in his food, LOL !!!!
I remeber Elan being real strict about who brought over the food, I think they made a rule where only re-entry people could do it.

I remember hearing stories of a student contamidating the food for Joe and Marty, they got a huge 3 house GM over it and were SD for a long time.

It was b4 my time but not too long b4. The story went someone smeared fecal matter on the food and they got busted for it.

Don't know how true the story really is, staff never talked about it.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on May 15, 2004, 09:47:00 PM
On 2003-12-12 07:19:00, 88 wrote:

"I got back at Marty real good.I use to help out in the kitchen many times and use to have to bring the lunch tray over to elan one.I must have spit in that food a dozen times, and Marty ate it, along with Joe and the rest of the corruptee's.But what I really wanted to do was piss or better yet shit in it,that would have been the ultimate thing to do.

Just looking at Marty's face made me sick, he was such a peice of shit.As I stated in the past on this forum, this asshole would from time to time pop his ugly mug in on a GM that was running and add his  2 cents, what for I will never know.The rest of the students would give him this look like  "Who in the blue hell are you?"

Marty was a knowbody and will always be one.He is an ugly little man that stands 5ft 1 and has a fat head.His face was designed and engineered to fit up an asshole .Marty can take all his buffalo and go fuck himself.

tHe man use to talk about how sacred buffalo were and everything that came out of his mouth in conversation's were Buffalo this, Buffalo that, well fuck you Marty Kruglik and the Buffalo you rode in on!"
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on May 15, 2004, 09:48:00 PM
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Marty Douchebag Kruglik on May 17, 2004, 06:58:00 AM
During my orientation Kruglik introduced himself to me, it went something like this:

How, Me Kruglik but you can call me kicking bird, Me Indian that helps run this school.Me so show you the ropes and go over policy's and whats expected of you.

Me take great pride of my heritage and me likes to smear fecal paint on face then run through woods making retarded Indian noises.

Me love Tatanka, Me like to eat Tatanka scrotum sac.

Hiyuh yuh yuh hi yuh yuh hi yuh yuh yuhh hi hi hi yuh hi yuh,
Then as he walk out of the room the hi yuh yuh's can be heard then going fainter as he walked back to elan one.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Marty Douchebag Kruglik on May 18, 2004, 06:27:00 PM
On 2003-08-30 18:22:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I just got done viewing pictures over at Ken's site a saw a couple of pictures of Marty.After seeing his face I wanna  spit on him,that ugly mother fucking child raping peice of shit needs to be put in the ring for some discipline.

He is one ugly mother fucker!!!!Marty is the Kenneth Parnell of Maine.fucking child abducting raping peice of shit..."

Kenneth Parnell?????

I remeber that 4 hour movie "I know my first name is Steven"

Maybe Rosenberg was his assistance like Kenneth Parnell had ?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: By Demons Be Driven on August 19, 2004, 10:01:00 PM
On 2002-06-19 17:47:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I remember a time Marty came into our house to help run some encounter groups and he had know idea what half the residents names were.

Anyway he didnt run the encounter group the way we were used to having one.He would sit there and read off the slips to validate why they were dropped on us and he would consider whether or not it was essential if we could express our hostility towrds the person we dropped a slip on.

Most of the residents were extremely disappointed because they couldn't get their feelings off.After the group the house went to dinner and a fight broke out between 2 residents who had built up alot of hostility towards each other.

And why did this fight happen, all because Marty denied them the right to yell at each other in a group.Two days later house in the dining room was called for a ring from the percussion's of the fight,and of as usual Marty was there to watch it.

I think Marty enjoyed when the residents fought in the ring, he got some sort of sick pleasure out of it.That whole incident could've been avoided if Marty allowed them to vent their hostility.

Elan loved to have rings, the staff their totally abused their power and got off on other people's pain."

Fuckin Joe Ricci and Marty Kruglik use to bet on the students going into the ring, both of these 2 were corrupt peices of donkey turds.

I over heard Kruglik and Ricci talking about a ring match after the ring hours later in Elan one.
They were saying shit like "So and so could've had a knock out if?" they totally got off on it, for all I know they were betting on it.

During my stay at Elan there must have been 40-50 rings that I was there for.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: SyN on August 20, 2004, 12:40:00 AM
you know what n dog i do actually beleive that (in my oppinion).
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: By Demons Be Driven on August 23, 2004, 06:43:00 PM
On 2003-12-11 13:47:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2003-11-19 10:26:00, Marc RosenBlow wrote:

"Hello elan school how may i direct your call?

Yes Can I please speak to Martin Kruglik

Who shall I say is calling

John Richards from trouble teen magizine

Please hold while I direct your call

Marty answers:

Hello this is Martin can I help you?

Yes marty I would like to know why you think taping tampons to a 13 year old girls head soaked in ketchup is considered in your eye's thearupitic?

And who may I ask is calling?

This is John Richards from trouble teen magizine

There is a magizine that is actaully for troubled teens available to the public?


What do you publish in this magizine John?

Look Marty I'll ask the question's here, and I want to know why you feel taping tampons soaked in ketchup to a 13 yard old girls head is considered theaputic?

If you are refereing to the way Elan was run back many years ago I really have no comment or recolition of it.

So you are denying this ever took place?

I'm not denying anything John, it seems like to me you are investigating matters that occured a few decades ago from which I was not employed at the time.

How long have you worked at elan Martin?

I have been here for around 9 years.

Oh really, then why is it there are alot of other people out there that say different?

And whom are you refering to John?

I'm sorry Martin, but tha is priveleged information.

Priveleged information huh?Well then I would have to say you calling up here and asking about students treatments is also priveledge information.

Well Martin, did I at any time metion of request former students names? I don't think so.

Just out of curiosity John, were you the little bugger that called up here this morning asking Jeffery stupid questions?

Jeffery?Who's Jeffery? Would be another one of your cromies employed with you that tapes ketchup soaked tampons to 13 year old girl's heads?

Look John I see where this conversation is going and this is must likely nothing but a joke to you.

Ummmmm No martin, I don't find it amusing taping tampon's soaked in Ketchup to littel girl's head's.

Okay John if you wish to interview me on how things were run in the pat I would be more then gladly sit down with you over a cup of coffee or something, i really don't feel comfortable nor do I have the time to discuss what went on here at the school in the past.

So you are not denying it now Marty?

No John I'd rather meet you one on one and have this conversation done in a more professional manner.

Well Martin. I'm afraid that is not possible considering we are on 2 different time zones here.I usually conduct all conversations via phone call's or internet.Thats the beauty of telephone's and computer's, we can find out and conduct interviews in the comfort of our office's without havin to travel all around the world.Geese Marty you make it sound like you are living in the 18th century back in the cowboy's and Indian's era.

I dont know who I'm talking to first of all, for all I know you could be some hotshot lawyer looking to incriminate the school for your own personal gain.

Marty I told you who I am, I'm John Richards and I'm with the Troubled Teen Magizine.

Okay John.

Marty care to comment on allegations of child molestation that has been made public about you?

If you are refering to some of those anti-elan site's that are out on the net it seems to me that there is someone out there that hold's grudges against me and the school and are truly a sick individual.I have never performed any lewd act on any under age person, let's just get that straight.

Oh so but you have performed lewd acts on people that were of age? Am I getting this all correct?

John, when you are part of a school that focusses on teens that are emtional disturbed inviduals. heavy thearopy is needed to help those peple out.There is many individuals that go through our school and are unsucessful on changing their lives and allowing us to help them.In turn, there will always be someone out there rebeling against us because we tried to get in their minds and see what was going on, wait let me rephrase that, we try to help change their thought process so that they can live a successful productive life when they leave our school.

Oh so you brainwash teens in other words?

If you want to call it that John then so be it.We try to help them live better lives.

Marty, you mentioned that there are alot of people that have went through your program and were unsucessful and now hold a grudge.So why is it you advertise your website "Elan School" having such a high success rate?

John,I am not at liberty to discuss Elan's personal growth stastic's with you, if you like you could call back and speak with the school's adminisrator and perhaps he could help you with answering most of your questions.

I didn't call you Martin to discuss stastic's, I wanted to discuss your idea and methods that you consider treatments.I consider them abuse and I do speak for everyone else out there on the internet.The reason I called you is I have read alot of unethical treatments that you carried out on trouble teens in the past and you are avoiding  mos of my questions and lying about your employment with Elan.

I'm lying about my employment John?How am I lying to you about my employment?

Marty you told me that you only have worked at Elan for 9 years, that would put you back to the year of 1994.

Yes, I started working at Elan in 1994 John.

Then why is it your name was mentioned about the Skakel incident which occurreed way back before 1994?From my understanding you have been employed with Elan corp, since the 70's.

John I went through the elan program back in the early 70's and graduated.I briefly worked part time at Elan after I graduated 4 years later, but that was only part time and wasn't for very long.

Aout how long did you work for Elan after 4 years of graduating the program Martin?

Not very long John, maybe 6 months.I went back to school to get a degree and worked in another state helping out troubled teens?

Might I ask you what other places you have worked at ?

It's really no concern to you John.The point is what ever you have heard or have read about me whether its in the newspaper or the internet, chances are none of it is true and none of it can and will not be proved in any court's.

Court's? Why all the sudden are you sounding so concerened about court's Marty? Sounds like to me you have alot to hide form me.Are there people out there trying to take you to court Marty?

Look John, I have alot of things I have to get down today and this phone conversation is taking up my time a little too much.If you want to come to the school and meet with me face to face and sit down and interview me it can be arranged, otherwise I would appreciate it if you would not call her anymore to seek out stories for your magizine.We the staff at elan are caring individuals and we provide the best in care that is available today unlike other school and insititution's.Care that was provided 3 decades ago at Elan was very different and since then has been improved.So that is all I have to say to you John.

Ok Martin, I will document that you avoided most of my question's and denying working at elan during the seventies, or wait, was it only for 6 months as you have stated?I'm sure that there will be alot of former resident's that will be quite interested in what you had to say today.

Ok John you have a nice day......

Marty hangs up at this point.Well for those of you that went through the program and knew Marty I guess you can be the judges on how much he was lying to me on the phone.Far as I know this son of a bitch has been working at elan since the early 70's.


That is too funny man!!!You really talked to him?Marty was the brains behind all the abuse learning experiences that were enforced.HE use to sit in his office all day thinking up new cruel punishments for the kids."

Wow that was too funny, I can visualize Marty sweating alot and shaking while those questions being asked.
Marty is lying, he was there in 87, I can vouch for that.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: By Demons Be Driven on August 23, 2004, 08:06:00 PM
I never understood what exactly Kruglik's role was at Elan, some say he was a senior director, others said he was a floating director. I think he was just an overall asshole.

Someone posted about how he would walk in on GM's and add his 2 cents, that was so true.I see alot of anonyous posters who posted about Marty here and some of the stories posted here about him are very true, I think I know who the posters are from being in Elan with them.

There was some crazy shit that went down back in the days, all the stories about Marty having gay sex in the school house was a great laugh but I don't think any of it's true, someone was having lots of fun.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: JNAILZ on August 23, 2004, 11:55:00 PM
Is that a real conversation? Marty was there in the early 90's when I was there. He commuted from Peabody mass., or so he said. He was there every weekday and even came to our basketball games. If he didnt work there why was he there everyday for my two years. I have no recolection of him being abusive or mean during my time, he actually seemed like a pretty good guy. I cannot speak for what happened before or after, but he was always good to me. But if that is a real conversation I wonder what he is hidding, and everyone else whould too.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: By Demons Be Driven on August 24, 2004, 07:16:00 AM
On 2004-08-23 20:55:00, JNAILZ wrote:

"Is that a real conversation? Marty was there in the early 90's when I was there. He commuted from Peabody mass., or so he said. He was there every weekday and even came to our basketball games. If he didnt work there why was he there everyday for my two years. I have no recolection of him being abusive or mean during my time, he actually seemed like a pretty good guy. I cannot speak for what happened before or after, but he was always good to me. But if that is a real conversation I wonder what he is hidding, and everyone else whould too."

Well for one he lied about the Skakel case. And back in the 70's and 80's he was a very abusive little bastard and dished out some very cruel and unusual punishment.

What's funny is someone wrote on this site that Marty is a butler for the Ricci family. Well it almost seemed that way to me, he followed Joe around and obeyed Joe's every command, he probably even wiped Joe Ricci's ass for him.

Luckily for you Marty decided not to fuck with you, he fucked with alot of peeps in my time and enjoyed seeing them pay for their alleged wrong actions.
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: JNAILZ on August 24, 2004, 08:31:00 PM
Just very curious about his abuse etc. if you could provide more info
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: JNAILZ on August 24, 2004, 10:51:00 PM
They all seem like made up funny stories, nothing real
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: By Demons Be Driven on August 24, 2004, 11:22:00 PM
john ferry, did you know matt pruden?
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: JNAILZ on August 25, 2004, 06:11:00 AM
i dont think so
Title: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Anonymous on May 25, 2005, 06:17:00 PM
On 2002-06-21 20:43:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Did you know how they found out Marty raped that boy?The police took a sample of his saliva and found the little boys seamon in his saliva."
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Title: Re: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: voiceoftruth on April 03, 2011, 07:15:52 AM
Quote from: "Guest"
Okay. It isn't as bad as as a white supremist site. Is that the standard that we want to be held to or judged by? Not as evil as hitler?. Not as insane as manson? Not as hateful as white supremists?

"Not as bad as the worst" isn't what we should be. I thought we were something good. That we were trying to do something good. All I am seeing is hate.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can do or say whatever you want about anyone you want whenever you want.

i agree and one minor problem with saying that analogy to the bigotry on a white supremacist
site is that it is difficult to press slander charges when the statement or statements in question are directed or about a GROUP of people but those lies on here are specific statements of fact regarding a specific person that are NOT TRUE and with regard to that disgusting diatribe on HIV/AIDS there is no basis in fact and hence a court case waiting to happen...i just wish Marc didnt have to deal with all this hatred being spewed so vile no one
should bear alone and i will be there to make sure he doesnt have to get through the school
closing without real support and friendship
Title: Re: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: The Elan Reporter on April 06, 2011, 10:33:52 PM
Really? REALLY? You come here to defend sick, twisted, disturbed staff members and get all upset when people post about what they seen when they were at elan. Maybe the Kruglik and Rosenberg of your time was a water downed version on themselves and were low key, cause they were under the radar at the time. But the stuff I witnessed they did was off the charts in abuse and disturbing to say the least. Kruglik taping tampons that were soaked in ketchup to a 13 year old girls body with a sign that read "Please confront me as to why I am a WHORE!!!". How is that considered theraputic? And Marc coming to work high on dope and degrading girls to the point where they broke down and acted out was over kill. I mean the man wore long sleeve shirts in the summer time, all the time. And elan certainly did not have air conditioning in any of the houses. So to use an excuse as it was too cold for him is not an option. Maybe the Marc you know now is a different person cause he found God and asked for forgiveness or what have you, but they will never heal the mental damge both he and that pan faced Kruglik inflicted upon teenagers. What goes around certainly comes around and back to bite you in the ass. These wackos can act as normal today as they want to and paint themselves a perfect image of themselves, but the paint will never cover the old painting that will always bleed through to expose the orginal painting.
Title: Re: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Matt C. Hoffman on April 06, 2011, 11:18:41 PM
Hey reporter ,

Yaeh I was a witness to Diane Verry and her crown of Tampoons that were dipped in ketchup and and attached to her head , I don't think they were taped ,it was more like tied to a string and the string was tied around her head. Either way it was pretty sick. I wouldn't have ever thought of doing that to some one in a million years.

What was more sick is that this girl suffered from a physical condition called curveture of the spine and those sick non educated henchmen Kruglik for one thought she was copping an attitude wharn she couldn't stand up straight . In a very perverse way it seemed like those cretins tried to cure her physical condition thru repeated general meetings ,and I remember this beautiful blonde girl say repeatedly that she had a medical condition, and the General meeting and electric sauings just continued. Yeah I remember her Standing in a giant pot of sauce singing Sundown," some times I think its a shame " while covered in sauce   .Yeah I remember her well and you know Kruglik and Peter McCann never did cure her physical condition.  Actually elan. reP.orter there are a few of us that remeMber her and on occaision we still speak with her. It really is good to know that Diane survived.

Funny though you weren't there though cause I know who you probably knew Rosenberg and something tells me that you still talk with him ....but hey you thought that I would  not know who you are .....its okay you certainly aren't Mark Babitz Art please don't start I do know who the elan reporter is shoot ask our mutual friend, she knows also.

don't worry reporter I am not gonna out you , it just shows me a side of you that makes sense. And thats why you aint on the list.

You know elan is closed ,and thats a good thing right ?
Title: Re: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Troublemaker on October 10, 2011, 10:09:23 AM
Quote from: "Guest"
They are all true.I;ve been told by numerous amounts of people that Marty did in fact rape a child back in the 70's.
Jeff Gottlieb himself told me and all other residents in our house that he was a junkie.
And Marc Rosenberg was and still is to this date a junkie.He also was arrested many decade's ago for beating up his girlfriend while under the influence of a controlled dangerous substance.
lynda Roy was fired from Elan for breaking Elan policies,which was considered "Sexual Harrassment" towards Elan residents

There is nothing here at this site but fact.How could one make this shit up. It is all truth and not fabricated.If you dont beleive me call up Elan and make up some bullshit story that you are referencing Lynda Roy for an application and ask them what she was fired for.
Title: Re: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: Troublemaker on October 10, 2011, 07:58:24 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
It is to be said that one of Clare's children were molested by Marty Kruglik when they were in the program.A group was called on Marty for the allegations but was never granted.
Their was a police investigation but Joe's wallet was able to grease some politician's and it was called off.
Title: Re: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: YV23 on October 12, 2011, 08:00:22 AM

Quote from: "Troublemaker"
Quote from: "Guest"
It is to be said that one of Clare's children were molested by Marty Kruglik when they were in the program.A group was called on Marty for the allegations but was never granted.
Their was a police investigation but Joe's wallet was able to grease some politician's and it was called off.
Title: Re: Marty Kruglik number and address
Post by: voiceoftruth on April 28, 2012, 12:27:19 PM
i have to correct my previous stance... i would not put anything past Marc Rosenberg after having had my own issues with his lack of soul or decency
in a personal situation... he is still a drugged out mess here in las vegas.. he
hides behind his mask of wealth and presumed class... while the reality is he
acts like a spoiled schoolyard bully who threatens innocent bystanders simply
for being in the immediate vicinity... i am glad i was lucky enough to get away
from his spiteful vindictiveness which he shows when he is confronted by his own lies and manipulations