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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Where Are Your Parents
« on: August 03, 2005, 01:22:00 PM »
As for me, my parents had passed away just a couple of years prior to me going into straight. My cousins who were older were the ones who initiated sending me to straight. My cousins wife found a bag of weed in my jeans pocket when doing my laundry and gave it to my probation officer. ( " Needless to say I still have a resentment. " ) Here it is 20+ years down the road and their own kids drink and smoke pot and there's no problem, however now I'm the one who has been mind fucked, in and out of 12 step programs and can't even drink a few beers without the fucked up programming telling me I'm doing wrong. When I go back to my hometown to visit my brother and sister I always run into my cousin. Straight is never mentioned as it's like a nasty little secret, and never once have eith of the 2 appologized to me. ( " I guess they still think they done right." ) So as for now all I have to say is a big fat fuck them and I hope both of them burn in hell.

I believe that all important matters have to be settled here, not in the clouds somewhere after we kick off.
--Billy Joel, American musician

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / fuck you( YES YOU!)
« on: July 21, 2005, 04:52:00 PM »
Goose-Fra-bah ( RY ) Goose-Fra-bah

I do not believe in the immortality of the individual, and I consider ethics to be an exclusively human concern with no superhuman authority behind it.
--Albert Einstein, German-born American physicist

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / fuck you( YES YOU!)
« on: July 07, 2005, 04:50:00 PM »

Ministers say that they teach charity. That is natural. They live on hand-outs. All beggars teach that others should give.
--Robert G. Ingersoll, American politician and lecturer

On 2005-07-07 10:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I wouldn't like Carmel neither no how anyways either. Her cootch wreaks. Rotten guts?"

I have to hand it to Linchpin, at least he don't hide behind an Anonymous mask to talk trash. I guess big men wear masks.

As far as Carmel goes, we may differ on opinion on different things but she's alright in my book.

The cultural hunger for a substance that lets you hold affordable conversations with God, watch walls melt, breathe colors, and explore your psyche remains unsated.
--Ryan Grim for Slate, April 1, 2004

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I just
« on: July 06, 2005, 04:46:00 PM »
When it's pot versus pet, there's a bad trip in store

By Andrew Strickler
Los Angeles Times

July 6, 2005, 8:41 AM EDT

LOS ANGELES -- When Tank, a 3-year-old male pit bull mix, arrived with his owner at a veterinary office in Humboldt County, his jaws packed with white powder, it was clear that something was seriously wrong.

Earlier, Tank had mysteriously consumed an entire box of baking soda — odd behavior, even for an animal with famously indiscriminate eating habits.

But more disturbing was Tank's demeanor. He sat trembling, his front legs stuck out at an awkward angle, his dilated eyes fixed on a distant point. A check of the heart revealed a coma-like 32 beats per minute, far below normal.

Joseph Humble, the attending veterinarian, suspected poisoning. But from what? The dog's owner pleaded ignorance. Tank, distracted, wasn't saying.

A few minutes later, the mystery was solved. "The guy called me right back and said, 'Doc, I know what happened,' " Humble recalls. " 'The dog ate some pot — kind of a lot of pot.' "

Marijuana's action on humans is well understood: Once its psychoactive agent, tetrahydrocannabinol, better known as THC, is carried from the lungs or stomach by blood to the brain, it binds to nerve cells and activates the brain's pleasure centers. Effects include sensory sensitivity, motor impairment and an increased desire for Doritos.

The plant's effect on canines is considerably less benign. Even a few grams can cause staggering, vomiting, urinary incontinence and, in severe cases, seizures and coma. "Some people may enjoy pot, but I assure you dogs do not," Humble says.

Although no statistics are kept on marijuana poisonings, the nation's canine-to-pot ratio reveals potential for a problem. The American Pet Products Manufacturers Assn. estimates that 43 million U.S. households include a dog, while more than 25 million Americans fessed up on a 2003 government survey to having used marijuana at least once in the previous year.

In Northern California, which is believed to have the highest concentration of medical marijuana users in the country and where pot cultivation is a popular hobby, vets face a preponderance of such cases, with some attending to several zonked-out dogs a week.

But unlike in human medicine, where entire textbooks are dedicated to doctor-client communication, there are no such rules for vets, leaving them to their own strategies for broaching a touchy question: Any chance the dog ate your stash?

Because marijuana toxicity can resemble the early stages of a life-threatening poisoning by garden chemicals or antifreeze, identifying the toxin quickly is critical. But due to pot's shaky legal status, many people are reluctant to admit that their pet is stoned, and most vets choose to skirt the issue rather than confront owners.

"The classic question is, 'Do you have teenagers?' " says Edward Haynes, a Mendocino County veterinarian who sees a spike in such cases during the fall pot harvesting months. "Then you say, 'Is it possible that the dog came in contact with any recreational drugs?' " he says.

Owning up to the truth

Even in cases where the owner admits that the dog was exposed to pot, many are still reluctant to take responsibility. Humble, who says he treats dozens of marijuana poisonings every year, says, "It's always a roommate's or the neighbor's. It's never theirs."

As was the case with Tank. His owner explained to Humble that his roommate had baked a tray of potent marijuana cookies, leaving a warning that consumption should be limited to a quarter of a cookie. Left alone, Tank gobbled the entire batch. And the baking soda? "The animal had the munchies," Humble says.

Jeffrey Smith, a vet at Middletown Animal Hospital in Middletown, Calif., says he engages in profiling to aid diagnosis. "The majority of these cases, they tend to be young people, sort of 'living life and loving it' types," he says. "They come in two or three at a time with one pet, kind of nervous and looking at each other."

Other vets employ a mild form of blackmail. In cases where marijuana poisoning is suspected but not owned up to, some vets explain that if a more innocuous poison cannot be identified, their pet will need a full treatment of intravenous fluids, a stomach pump and an enema — costing the owner hundreds of dollars, not to mention a seriously bad trip for the dog. "About two-thirds of people, you have to kind of squeeze it out of them," says Smith.

Once marijuana poisoning has been established as the cause of the patient's distress, vets say the best approach is to monitor the dog's vital signs and wait. "Most of the time, they do fine if you just let them sleep it off, just like people," says Haynes.

Because of the importance of distinguishing marijuana toxicity from other poisonings, some vets call the 24-hour poison hotline run by the ASPCA Poison Control Center in Urbana, Ill. Since 1998 the center has consulted on about 600 cases of marijuana toxicity among animals from around the country, with New York and California leading the list.

More than 95% of cases involved dogs, a disparity that does not surprise veterinarian Caroline Donaldson, an ASPCA consultant who has written about marijuana toxicity for the journal Veterinary Medicine. "Dogs eat anything and everything. It's the nature of the beast," she says.

Although canines are clearly on the front lines of the pot-versus-pet drug war, the ASPCA has documented a handful of cases involving cats, rabbits and horses. Humboldt County vet Judy Horvath once treated an iguana that fell unconscious after snacking on some buds supplied by its owner.

"We had to hook it up to an electrocardiogram to even find a heartbeat," Horvath says. The iguana came to several days later, shaken but alive.

Is it animal abuse?

Such cases bring up the question of legal responsibility. Although 12 states, including California, have decriminalized marijuana, the federal government still classifies pot alongside heroin and LSD as among the most dangerous Schedule 1 controlled substances. In addition, a 2004 California law obligates vets to report cases of animal abuse or neglect, which could include animals irresponsibly exposed to toxins.

Melissa Stallings of the California Veterinary Medicine Assn. says, "It's really up to each vet to make a common-sense call. They have to ask, does it rise to the level of abuse?" So far there have been no reported cases of a vet turning in a pet owner for pot-related abuse.

Smith sums up the feelings of many vets regarding their role in drug law enforcement. "My only concern is the animal," he says. "I don't have to be the local cop as well as the local vet."

Others feel obliged to take it further.

"A lot of times a kid will stash some pot in his room and leave the door open. In goes the dog and out goes the evidence," Haynes says. Once marijuana poisoning is established, he says he feels obligated to inform parents, if only to protect a dog with impaired short-term memory. "I've busted a lot of teenagers that way."

Copyright (c) 2005, South Florida Sun-Sentinel


"Now, I'm a walking dead man," ... "And what bothers me is that I'm dead because I tried to help the kids. And it's all the fault of all those people over there at the DEA." [Dead Man Talking]

--Ben Guillory

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / fuck you( YES YOU!)
« on: July 05, 2005, 04:39:00 PM »
It's been too quiet in here today...So love ya bitch, and have a seat...Oh and by the way...Fuck you!!!!

Busy, curious, thirsty fly, Drink with me, and drink as I.
-- William Oldys (1696-1761): On a Fly drinking out of a Cup of Ale.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / fuck you( YES YOU!)
« on: July 01, 2005, 02:58:00 PM »
You gotta love this thread....A hurty flirty schnipp schnipp and FUCK YOU too.

The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie-deliberate, contrived, and dishonest-but the myth-persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.
--John F. Kennedy, U.S. President

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Goddamn Bully Circus
« on: July 01, 2005, 02:54:00 PM »
I'd like to agree with Antigen on the fact we draw a tough crowd and like to. I know for many of us we don't have thin skin. We are products of where we came from. If a person wants to know the truth then to know us is to know the truth about what this done to us. We sure aren't little angels. And I an soooo sorry if what I may have said may have been like me pissing on your cornflakes but take a long hard look and figure out why. Most everyone who post on this forum are " ADULTS " and don't have to have someone fight their battles for us.

A free man must be able to endure it when his fellow men act and live otherwise than he considers proper. He must free himself from the habit, just as soon as something does not please him, of calling for the police.' target='_new'>Ludwig Von Mises

You got to love a guy who come in the forum and invites everyone to blow his shit away.

" Paul... Just for the record you're one hell of a guy !!! "

History does not record anywhere or at any time a religion that has any rational basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unkonwn without help. But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it.
--Robert A. Heinlen, American science-ficiton author

Paul.....Apparently your arogance over clouds you mind from facts. We were kids with almost absolutly no choice in the matter of going there, hence the term forced against our wills. Some of us were court ordered. As for the abuse in a way I am grateful you do not understand because I would not wish it on my worst enemies and only we who were there could comprehend what this forum is about.

As far as your obsession goes I see the obsession being having the last word on something you know absolutely nothing about.

God is inconceivable, immortality is unbelievable, but duty is peremptory and absolute.
--George Eliot, author

I have to agree with the Psychiatrist on this one. How could anyone who has not been where we have even grasp severity of what we endured? I also think Paul should step back and see where self-centered self-absorbtion traits play a major part of his character make up. As for us we know the demons which we live with, maybe he's jealous and had a candy coated child-hood which could not compare to our living hell. We share a comon bond where he does not fit in.

And now the liberals want to stop President Reagan from selling chemical warfare agents and military equipment to Saddam Hussein and why? Because Saddam 'allegedly' gassed a few Kurds in his own country. Mark my words. All of this talk of Saddam Hussein being a 'war criminal' or 'committing crimes against humanity' is the same old thing. LIBERAL HATE SPEECH! and speaking of poison gas... I SAY WE ROUND UP ALL THE DRUG ADDICTS AND GAS THEM TOO!
--Rush Limbaugh, November 3, 1988

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / fuck you( YES YOU!)
« on: June 29, 2005, 11:52:00 AM »
I had to bump this one back to the top as today I fell a big fat case of FUCK YOU coming on. So FUCK YOU GoatWHore. FUCK FUCK FUCK.

Impiety: Your irreverence toward my deity.
--Ambrose Bierce

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / fuck you( YES YOU!)
« on: June 03, 2005, 04:20:00 PM »

Sometime you just feel the need to scream the most profane word in the english language so again I scream.


Faith, as well intentioned as it may be, must be built on facts, not fiction- faith in fiction is a damnable false hope.
--Thomas Edison, American inventor

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / fuck you( YES YOU!)
« on: May 26, 2005, 10:44:00 AM »
Bump back to the top with a big fat FUCK YOU!!!

It sucks when decent, hardworking people get screwed over like that. Because that means pricks like us don?t stand a chance.' target='_new'>Jim S. watching the devastation of the recent tsunami on the television at JR?s

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / suicide on a budget
« on: May 20, 2005, 11:55:00 AM »
Quiting is for quitters.

What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
-- Sigmund Freud

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