
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Seed Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Somejoker on June 13, 2002, 10:04:00 PM

Title: Libby
Post by: Somejoker on June 13, 2002, 10:04:00 PM
So Escaper went to high School with Libby. Libby came to St Pete and was senior Staff. Somewhere in there Art Barker married Shelly, whom we all suspect was in the program in Ft Lauderdale, just a young twit, and then adopted Libby. Libby apparently disowned her parents and became Libby Barker. Sometime later, she married another Seedling that has early as last year, not contacted his family in 20 some years.
I saw a picture of her taken in December with Art and Shelly. Art looks about 100, Shelly looks about 25, and Libby looks about 45. They all have their arms around each other in seedling fashion. Makes you wanna yell something about something sucking.
Title: Libby
Post by: escaper on June 14, 2002, 11:22:00 PM
Hey, Somejoker, thankfully you aren`t one.  Here`s my take on the Art and Shelley thing. Art was schlepping shelley along before I came into contact with that horrid place that consumed my family. I was always under the impression that they were married before the mind rape mill was conceived. I may be wrong as I have squandered much of my mental power trying to forget the whole experience until the first message board on Homestead arrived on the scene. Then I as many more were compelled to relive and in some instances remember for the first time some of the dogma that was left on our psychological sidewalks. Facts are scarce in this head, but that was my impression at that very forgettable juncture. Having escaped relatively unscathed, other than leaving two younger sibs sitting there without even a goodbye, I doubt my own ability to remember anything accurately, as I burned out after doing the older message board after about 3 months of non-stop thinking. I have read that G has archived or imported the older stuff and made it available to this forum. Not savvy enough to get it on my screen, but if you can, there is some very insightful stuff there. Maybe you were a contributor, I don`t know, but she says anyone can pick up on thier old handle and carry the torch into the present. What a cleansing thing for the hundreds who have often wondered, Was it me or what?
Title: Libby
Post by: Anonymous on June 15, 2002, 12:10:00 AM
Where is the message board on homewood??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Title: Libby
Post by: GregFL on June 15, 2002, 12:44:00 AM
Tell us about homewood, and one may appear.
Were you there, and what was it like. Is it synanon based?  Help us out here, and welcome.
Title: Libby
Post by: Anonymous on June 16, 2002, 01:24:00 PM
I thnk what escaper was refering to was an archive of the Homested Mesage board "Straight, Inc. Survivors". Which we have here at fornits: (
Title: Libby
Post by: GregFL on June 19, 2002, 02:22:00 AM
got it, the old coolboard homestead site. that was cool.

i am right now in costa rica with my kids having a blast. today we went to the Arenal volcano, and tomorrow we are going to white water raft the pacuare. i am writing this from my hotel computer.
Title: Libby
Post by: Scott Free on June 19, 2002, 08:28:00 AM
Ahoy Greg!

Glad y'all are having a great time! I was thinking about you yesterday and wondered how your vacation was going. Sounds like a blast! I hope you're taking pictures!

How's the surf there?  There's been a steady wind coming off of the Gulf the last few days, so I took in some waves down on St. Pete Beach. Remember where the Aquatarium used to be? That's the spot! Lot's of girls surfing now too.

I hope the rest of your vacation is great and I want a full report upon your return.

p.s. - Soberman lost it! Too funny!
Title: Libby
Post by: Anonymous on July 28, 2006, 11:19:09 PM