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Messages - John Whooter Reuben

Pages: [1] 2
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "justonemore"
i notice that Suck It( what's in a name?) and others consistently use "Straw-man" as a tactic.
I wonder why? Then, they bury inquiry by inundating.
Wonder why? Wonder why they love program, and will hear nothin said against it?
Wonder Why? J.O.M.

The “Straw Man” argument is typical here on fornits.
For example if a person posted:
“Hi, I just graduated from ASR/XYZ program and it really straightened me out.  I am heading off to college in a few weeks.”

A typical response may be:
“Well, you might have been abused and not know it yet.  A staff member there used to work at CEDU which was known to be abusive.  I can send you some information on CEDU and why they were closed down…..”  

So that is the “Straw Man”.  Since the poster cannot oppose the fact that ASR/XYZ helped this child they try to switch the topic to something else, like CEDU, and start to argue that point instead.  Its been used here for years and continues to be.


Don't hold back on your knowledge of "Straw Men", Troll king.  You're a conglomerate character.

Lou Reed's "Straw Man".  You're going straight to hell.

We who have so much to you who have so little
to you who don't have anything at all
We who have so much more than any one man does need
and you who don't have anything at all, ah
Does anybody need another million dollar movie
does anybody need another million dollar star
Does anybody need to be told over and over
spitting in the wind comes back at you twice as hard
Strawman, going straight to the devil
strawman, going straight to hell
Strawman, going straight to the devil
strawman, yes
Does anyone really need a billion dollar rocket
does anyone need a 60,000 dollars car
Does anyone need another president
or the sins of Swaggart parts 6, 7, 8 and 9, ah
Does anyone need yet another politician
caught with his pants down and money sticking in his hole
Does anyone need another racist preacher
spittin' in the wind can only do you harm, ooohhh
Strawman, going straight to the devil
strawman, going straight to hell
Strawman, going straight to the devil
Does anyone need another faulty shuttle
blasting off to the moon, Venus or Mars
Does anybody need another self-righteous rock singer
whose nose he says has led him straight to God
Does anyone need yet another blank skyscraper
if you're like me I'm sure a minor miracle will do
A flaming sword or maybe a gold ark floating up the Hudson
when you spit in the wind it comes right back at you
Strawman, going straight to the devil
Strawman, going straight to hell
Strawman, going to the devil
Strawman, strawman
strawman, ...., ah

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: new JRC Article
« on: May 18, 2010, 02:43:45 PM »
LOL...Oh, Whooter.  STICC it up your ass.  Until you free your mind from the group think of your TTI cronies, you'll always be thrashing around in the dark.  Anne Bonney or anyone else with spare time thrashes you until you cry out in butt-hurt anguish.  Squeal a bit louder for me, boy.

Open Free for All / Re: How long ago were you in a program?
« on: May 04, 2010, 04:52:02 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
I have heard this in the past also, here on fornits.  It has always been my experience and those of just about everyone else is that programs bring families closer.  


 It has always been my experience and those of just about everyone else is that Whooter is a boring, lame troll.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I wouldn’t be too hard on the doctors or staff.  Like Ursus pointed out, many of these places are underfunded and the people are just stretched to their limit.  Especially in this economy.  If they paid these people a little more or funded better for follow-up then deaths like these may be avoided.


Never have we seen pure, ignorant evil so singularly personified as it is in Whooter.   We will hold doctors and staff accountable.  Is it "underfunding" or public awareness of shoddy shitholes like Rainbow Ranch?  Money isn't an issue for people like Whooter and I, so why is the well drying up?  If Rainbow Ranch couldn't provide basic medical care for the kids in their charge they should have taken the clue and boarded the hellhole up.   "First of all, do no harm".  They were negligent, and like other programs in financial trouble they cut corners on the kids and invite tragedy.

Whooter, Aspen's financial disclosures noted that programs like Rainbow Ranch making such horrible headlines will be detrimental to AEG's business.  Sorry for your pain, chief.  Can I piss in your wounds?

Quote from: "Whooter"

We want your money.  Ha, ha, ha.


Any idea how many kids face the horror of being rejected by one of your fine Aspen institutions like ASR?  I mean, you make it sound like it's a lofty achievement to be plopped in the middle of a bunch of parental disappointments and budding Whooters in a penal colony.  Does any poor child not make the cut for Aspen?  How many teens are saddened when are told they don't have what it takes to be an Aspen prisoner?  

Pay the money, Aspen will find a reason to keep your kids locked up indefinitely as long as you can afford it.  Careful, there are no guarantees.  Fornits is rife with accounts of Aspen alumni succumbing to drug addiction and death following "treatment" in an Aspen program.

Quote from: "Oscar"
I saw a research about wilderness programs way back.

Theoretical Basis, Process, and Reported Outcomes of Wilderness Therapy as an Intervention and Treatment for Problem Behavior in Adolescents

On page 23 a table clearly illustrate that wilderness programs which are a part of a larger coorpation refer a lager amount of clients to boarding school than independent run programs.

In this research Anasazi send 90 percent of their clients home, while SUWS and Aspen Archievement Academy only manage to do this with 40 and 50 percent.

Some might assume that the staff in the wilderness programs owned by huge companies may be under some pressure to "feed" the foodchain consisting of boarding schools owned by the same companies. Personally I don't believe that there is any difference in quality of these programs but other factors may like who is paying the salery may be of some importance.

"Oh, I see.  It's a money thing with you", as Whooter spits it out in his pissy way when the ludicrous costs and (formerly) ludicrous profits of Aspen are mentioned.  It does seem insane for a parent to pay someone thousands of dollars to treat their child in a way that would get the parents arrested.  Far as I'm concerned, every program "restraint" should be investigated as a physical assault on a child by State Police, not the local cornfed cops who cover the asses of programs.  A counselor might show more patience if the outcome of an inappropriate restraint were a brutal, well-earned ass-raping in the adult program called "prison".  

There's all kinda money, here, Oscar!  Look at -  STICC, for example.  Non profit is very profitable, just make the money disappear at the end of the year and it's legit.  For me, anyway.  Screw everyone else.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Fornits has not shut programs down!
« on: April 25, 2010, 01:28:40 PM »
Nothing can shut the program down in you trolls, either.  The lot of you (all one of you with many different names) are very well programmed, indeed.  If the program "cured" you, you should have put it behind you and be out living happy Capitalist lives.  Instead, your Stockholm Syndrome compels you to engage in the kind of obsessive behavior that would land you in a program again.  Real Fornits posters are making no claims of being cured by their time in programs, far from it.  They admit to being fucked up to this day by their experiences.  Obviously you programee trolls are, too, you're just in denial.

That's the way!  Flood the forum with commercial spam!  Isn't that against the forum's policy?

Quote from: "kirstin"

Group Therapy utilizing a Positive Peer Culture format is a formal psychotherapeutic session...


Peer on peer pressure should be the dead giveaway, it's straight out of STRAIGHT, inc.  "Psychotherapeutic"?  Nice concoction of bullshit.  "Psychobabble" is more like it.

Island View still specializing in breaking bones?  That's all I ever knew them for.

Quote from: "kirstin"
I voted Anne because she sent me dirty woman on woman sexual encounter stories.

I sent you far worse pictures involving barnyard animals and crack heads.  Still I am denied.  I demand to be added to the list, I will not tolerate this exclusionary practice, you must drop this bias immediately.  Include me and change the name of the thread to "Who is the Most Grand Asshole".

Kirstin, I notice you post when the one known as "Whooter" does, sorta in and out of each other.  You got gender confusion issues, or do you just share a cretin's time schedule?

I am offended.  Those two are stone cold, bush league amateurs in the Biggest Loser game.  I am godhead in the Biggest Loser arena.  You must include me or I will piss on you.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
2)...she seems to be one of those strange creatures who gets off on that.  Ya know....the kind that are into golden showers and such.

Case in point.....

Quote from: "kirstin"
 We want to hear about the dirty stuff because it turns people on.

That's funny, because I was thinking "piss on this Kirstin person and DannyB2Dumb".  A wave of program nausea overcomes me when I read their arrogant, misspelled and vindictive posts.  The Demented Duo can go take a flying fuck at the moon.

Open Free for All / Re: HEAL Coordinator
« on: April 14, 2010, 04:31:04 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
We know, we know.  All the kids in programs were just seconds away from getting a full scholarship to an ivy league school and never missed a day when they were suddenly plucked up and set down into a program and have no understanding of why they are there.

“How many of you are innocent?  Give me a show of hands.”

Mental Hospital:
How many of you should be allowed back in society?  Give me a show of hands”

“How many of you don’t deserve to be here?  Give me a show of hands.”

Guilty Program Parents:
"How many of you feel no accountability for your child's death?  Show 'em that hand, Johnny Boy!"


Open Free for All / Re: HEAL Coordinator
« on: April 14, 2010, 12:30:40 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Every kid in a program knows why they are there.  They may not tell you , but they know why.


Ah, Whooter is the Shadow now and he knows what evil lurks in the hearts of the kids.  It's like the old Chinese proverb:  "Beat your wife every day.  You may not know why you're doing it, but she certainly knows".    That was your everyday philosophy, wasn't it Whooter?

Open Free for All / Re: HEAL Coordinator
« on: April 13, 2010, 05:33:19 PM »
Quote from: "Joel"
I should have added this to my post - I hate to see anyone hurt, staff or kid. If the young man had killed the staff with the toilet lid, it would have been unbelievably tragic. But these are kids being placed in extraordinary circumstances that are alien and terrifying to them, with violent restraints and screaming being par for the course. Placed in that kind of fight or flight mode, not wanting to be the next victim, I can see why kids use any means necessary to escape, even if it means attacking one of their captors to get away.

You made a good point when you said, "I hate to see anyone hurts,  staff or kid."  I don't think anyone wants to see people hurt.  What do you propose to stop this never ending cycle?

Scrap the TTI.  Man, that's the easiest question I've had put before me, LOL.

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