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Messages - ehm

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight INK T-shirts
« on: March 23, 2005, 09:41:00 AM »
Without works for my eyes too, but the period gives it a seriousness. Hmmm... Decisions, decisions. I really like the red too. It's extra cash, but I really like it. Anyway, any other thoughts about it would be great. I mean like, do you guys like it? You can definitely read it just fine. It?s a stern looking font. That font is this German sounding font, "Haettenschweiler" or something. I wonder where that came from...

I had an idea. How about the URL on the back and the statement on the front? I'd still like to use the straight = crooked thing too.

ISAC, do you approve?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / We were medical research subjects
« on: March 23, 2005, 09:20:00 AM »
Oh, I'm sure we were experiments. Experiments in making lots of money with minimal cash flow in. There's documentation somewhere on Wes's site showing how the buildings (warehouses) were frequently late with rent or delinquent! While our parents shelled out thousands, and collected millions in donations for Straight, they weren't even technically keeping a roof over our heads!  :flame:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight INK T-shirts
« on: March 22, 2005, 06:04:00 PM »
With the period, or without?

The Troubled Teen Industry / My Opinions
« on: March 22, 2005, 05:48:00 PM »
Were you in Cross Creek? Southern Utah?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight INK T-shirts
« on: March 22, 2005, 05:44:00 PM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight INK T-shirts
« on: March 22, 2005, 04:58:00 PM »
I don't know, something like this maybe? I think it would be cool if the shirt and the new stickers said the same thing. I wanted to see what people thought of the "Thousands suffered" I added too.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I just
« on: March 22, 2005, 01:35:00 PM »
On 2005-03-21 11:53:00, groovy1634 wrote:

"i just smoked TBPITW.....yummy

 ::drummer::  ::rocker::

Did it look anthing like this?  :smokin:

Let It Bleed / Hunter S. Thompson commits suicide
« on: March 22, 2005, 12:11:00 PM »
That's awesome. :grin:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What happened
« on: March 22, 2005, 11:12:00 AM »
Sure, no problem. I like to help people! :grin:

My sister and I joke about it too, but now that she's approaching 65, it's just plain pathetic.

Let It Bleed / Everything you listened to today
« on: March 22, 2005, 11:05:00 AM »
On the floating, shipless, oceans
I did all my best to smile
'Til your singing eyes and fingers
Drew me loving to your isle
And you sang, "Sail to me, sail to me,
Let me enfold you,
Here I am, here I am
Waiting to hold you
Did I dream you dreamed about me?
Were you hare when I was fox?
Now my foolish boat is leaning
Broken lovelorn on your rocks
For you sing, "Touch me not, touch me not,
come back tomorrow: O my heart,
O my heart shies from the sorrow
I am puzzled as the newborn child
I am troubled at the tide:
Should I stand amid the breakers?
Should I lie with death my bride?
Hear me sing, "Swim to me, swim to me,
Let me enfold you,
Here I am, Here I am,
Waiting to hold you

(Tim Buckley/Larry Beckett)

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What happened
« on: March 22, 2005, 09:52:00 AM »
My mother, in the past year has been selfish and vindictive, while staying in total "Christian" denial about all of it. She thinks she is this supreme being that doesn't have to be accountable for the things she says and does. For example:

-- She withheld a gift she bought for me for on Christmas, and sent me an email telling me how she bought me something but didn't send it, because in her mind I didn't deserve it?

-- She sends inappropriate emails to my 13 year old daughter complaining about me.

-- She lies, she's manipulative, she's a control freak, she uses guilt as her weapon, and Christianity as immunity.

-- She asked me to send her a cat by crating it and putting it on a 14 hour bus ride to Dallas/Ft Worth. :roll:

-- She was calling me drunk and crying all the time until I told her never to call me again drunk. So she stopped calling until something terrible happened that she could cry to me about, or made something up.

I can clearly see now why she sent me away all those years. She can?t handle anything on her own, she?s like a child who has to be told what to do. But don?t tell her something she might not like hearing or she?ll get mad and throw sand, then pout in the corner on the sandbox.

I know that last year I may have mentioned that I was going through some "reconciliation process" with my mother, but a lot changed after she came up to visit me. I realized that there really was no room in my life for someone who makes me feel the way that I do when I'm in any sort of contact her. It sucks but that's the reality of it.

On 2005-03-19 19:12:00, BSarro wrote:

"Dysfunction Junction and Nightcrawler,                                                                                      Both of you ARE THE SICK ONES. Both of you do not want my daughter and other kids to get help. Both of you want my daughter and other kids to be inflicted with demons their whole life with no hope of ever getting their lives on track.                           As far as WebTV's go, that is the way my nephew accesses the internet. He is not pure. He is half Jew. God will always be against him and his mother because of that. He will make them remain low class with such things as WebTV's to show others what will happen if they make the same mistake as my nephew's mother did.She had sex with a Jew, had a child that is not pure,and had sex before marriage.        

Okay, no. You're not real!


On 2005-03-19 08:55:00, Dysfunction Junction wrote:


On 2005-03-16 07:47:00, BSarro wrote:

"It is a wonderful experience. The child knows he or she is on his or her way to a chance at recovery.A chance to live a better life.Hope for the future.On his or her way to freedom. To be free of the demons that the child is currently inflcted with.


God helps those who help themselves.                            Take marriage seriously.                             Once the Wedding Ring goes on the finger, it stays on the finger.[ This Message was edited by: BSarro on 2005-03-16 07:49 ]"

Well BIZARRO, you never cease to amaze, or should I say "stupefy"?  This is one of the most ignorant statements from one of the most ignorant persons with which I have ever had the displeasure to interact.

I'm sure that's what you're kid will be saying to the thugs that rouse her at 3AM, slap handcuffs on her and stuff her into the backseat of a rented sedan to be forcibly transported against her will to an unknown destination:  "Thank God! I'm headed for Freedom!"  

This is an unmitigated crock of shit from a miserably failing parent.  I hope your kid gets a chance to read some of the statements you posted on this site and to understand just how sick and twisted you actually are.[ This Message was edited by: Dysfunction Junction on 2005-03-19 08:56 ][ This Message was edited by: Dysfunction Junction on 2005-03-19 08:56 ]"

Are you for real??! That's exactly what I was thinking. Or, do you realize you sound like a programmed robot, maybe? Any way you toss it up that's a pretty sick reality you have there. SBarro.

Let It Bleed / Everything you listened to today
« on: March 20, 2005, 03:52:00 PM »
Haha.. I'm listening to Standing On A Beach. :grin:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What happened
« on: March 19, 2005, 07:14:00 PM »
My mother and I don't speak at all. I tried last year and it ended in disaster.

I don't have parents, but that's really the way it's always been...

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