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Messages - JDavid

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Mornings the intake room (goal setting) before going into the group room: "I set a goal to clique with Walter and Thomas, I set a goal to talk out, I set a goal to come up with a way to cop out".

The goal setting reminded me of the "wrap it up" signal, twirling your pointer finger if the talker is dragging it out.  Dang, we could have had some fun with that... telling staffers to "wrap it up".  I wish I had thought of that.


That was me who wrote that.  I guess I forgot to log in.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / hah, check this out
« on: January 22, 2003, 05:52:00 PM »
Yeah, and the cure for "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" is TURNING 18! When people will get out of his ass and leave him the hell alone.  The solution for most of this crap lies in LIBERATION.  Therefore, oppression only messes things up worse, because that's the opposite of liberation.

Liberation of a teen is not all so simple though.  I had to think on it for a few years to come up with how to do it safely.  No one will ever make money on methods to liberate teens though, so I can just forget it.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What I learned in Straight
« on: January 21, 2003, 02:17:00 AM »
There were two Tims there.  The one I attacked was the taller one.  The other one was a very small guy.  We were on the back row when I did that.  The phaser pileup on me wound up being about 2 yards in front of the guys' bathroom door.  It was probably the most massive, longest lasting takedown in the 9 months I was there.

I wore high-tops in straight, so that wouldn't be my shoe coming off.  That sounds more like the sloppy work of Thomas or Walter.  Heheheheh they were my bros even though I never got to talk to 'em.  There was also this other intense "fighter" guy there who finally got taken to jail.  He reminded me of Jim Morrison.  He was in another dimension.  We never had a clue about him because he never did talk to the group.

My last two months there are the most hazy to me.  That era was after I escaped from 2nd phase, disappeared for two weeks, then started over in November.  

The only Scott I remember is the guy who started at the same time I did, Scott Pangle.  I'd remember you if you show me a pic though.  Click "profile" if you want to get my email address.  I have some pics from when I was 14 (a few months before my time in Straight) that I can email.


On 2003-01-20 20:35:00, Anonymous wrote:
""My parents are not some kind of relative I was naturally blessed with, they are rewards for complying with mind rape."

Well that says it all! It is interesting the perspectives that we former clients have, and the unnatural and unusual environment from where our perspectives came.

This comment of yours hit me like a brick. It was like, dude. I believe this statement was the sum total of what was wrong with Straight. Straight was fundamentally unnatural in the extreme.

The idea that we had to defy nature to be loved by our own family is singularly the most devastating part of our experience at Straight in my opinion.

I remember you from Straight Atlanta. I was there for a month or two before you were withdrawn. Wasn't it Tim Robinson that you tried to maul? I have a faint memory about you getting restrained and your shoe flying off. The good ole days.


P.S.- I finally figured out the "sleeping with any clothes on is bad." I totally forgot about that! I kept my underwear on though."

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What I learned in Straight
« on: January 20, 2003, 04:54:00 PM »
I learned:

If I screw up at all, I am worthless to the cause and need to be buried or demoted back to nothing for more thorough brainwashing.

When I see the opposite sex nearby, I should walk turning a huge arch pattern as I go past her/him.

Always let people interrupt me, but never interrupt someone else.

If I am not perfect and successful in pleasing concentration camp officials, I will relapse and die.

If I pretend to know myself better than concentration camp officials, I will relapse and die.

If my parents run out of money, I will relapse and die.

My parents are not some kind of relative I was naturally blessed with, they are rewards for complying with mind rape.

I don't know what I was when I was born, but turning 18 meant I was a human being.

Eye contact is only for human beings.

Freedom is only for junkie losers want to relapse and die.

Sleeping with any clothes on is bad.

Never talk to people like me.  Only tell my deepest, darkest and most FAKE evils to my enemies.

How to snake spit and blow spit bubbles.

Fake it 'til ya make it.

Recovery means making shit up!

My memory of Iron Maiden songs, from start to finish, is pretty damn good.

Personal hygeine is PROCRASTINATION.

Medical attention is a hassle.  It's best to pretend I'm not injured.

Sadism is more popular than I thought.

Watching the other gender do domination and submission activities is arousing.

Sitting in one place all the time doing nothing is the best thing I can do "for myself".

Any place except "the building" or a host home is paradise.

Being able to slouch in my chair or walk around whenever I want is the ultimate success in life.

Apply it to yourself!

David Briley
Atlanta Straight P.O.W. 1988

[ This Message was edited by: JDavid on 2003-01-20 14:21 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / WWANNA SCREAM????
« on: January 20, 2003, 05:49:00 AM »
They sure make that place look cushy in the video.  It looked like they even had girls & guys sitting side by side often in the video.  It reminds me of Northside Hospital's Mental Ward and Rapha.

The piano stuff in the video was overkill.  I can't watch the video twice.  I don't want piano to become "the enemy" of my mind.  Heheheheh

I caught their gloss over of "moving through the levels".  Do they have a hellish, mind-raping, deprivation first phase that kids sit on for 6 months to 2 years also?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight-Atlanta 1988
« on: January 19, 2003, 08:11:00 AM »
Thanks Alex & Bill.

Even though many of us wound up with severe social problems, I'm glad to see some here who have been healing their minds.  I'm aware of some of the suicides too.  I wish their lives could have been better.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight-Atlanta 1988
« on: January 18, 2003, 02:09:00 PM »
Seems like I'm a few years behind the majority here.  I was in the Marietta Austell Rd Straight from March 1988 to January 1989.  I remember Clay when he was a staffer.

My name is David Briley.  Some of my highlights include: sitting on 1st phase for six months, successfully escaping the car in the parking lot (in the morning) with Ricky and Maurice as the oldcomers, coping out off 2nd phase after a week of being back home, tricking oldcomer Jeff into unlocking the phaser room door at 6 a.m. at Art C's house.  I just roamed Art's house all alone until they woke up.  Their whole house was sealed.  I should have broken a window to get out.  I also tried to kill a guy named Tim in the middle of a rap.  I attempted to rip his throat out.  

By the way, I have never tried to rip someone's throat out outside of Straight.  Straight almost turned me into a vicious killer.  I used to plot stomping an oldcomer's neck while he slept so I could kill or paralyze him and escape at night.  I also considered breaking windows in phaser rooms to use glass shards to slice the oldcomers up and anyone else who got in my way of escaping the house.  I also got into Satanism while I was there.  I never once have had any such thoughts since I left Straight.

Twice, I managed to convince psychiatrists I was psycho so I could get a two week and a one week vacation to Northside Mental Ward during my 9 months in Straight.  I LOVED NORTHSIDE!  heheheheh

My time at Straight ended with a "withdrawal" thanks to my parents.  They sent me to a cushy place called Rapha for two more months to please the court (to finish my court sentence).

I was put into Straight because I stole cars.  No, I didn't steal cars to do anything drug related.  I just liked picking up girls I knew, or cruising to Atlanta to hire hookers.

I drink beer sometimes.  About 3 or 4 times a year I wind up having dinner at a restaurant, and I order beer.  It's either beer or lemonade for me in restaurants, since I don't drink caffeine.  I'll drink two beers, maybe three, but I never can stand four.  It's safe to say I am not an alcoholic.

I often wonder about that girl who left Rapha (while I was in there) to get interned at Straight.  She was pale-skinned, black-haired and her name started with a J.

It's horrible that people are/were being treated the way Staight treated us.  I'm glad my psychosis was only a reaction to the situation, and that it did not become a permanent part of me.  15 years later though, I still have nightmares.

[ This Message was edited by: JDavid on 2003-01-19 05:02 ]

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