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The Troubled Teen Industry / Is It That Boring In Phoenix?
« on: July 18, 2005, 02:30:00 PM »
Wonder why Phoenix/Anon reads this forum every day and posts often, while hiding under a brown paper bag.....?

Oh, well, if she's not a parent (as stated), and not a staffer, she's probably just a troll.  It's interesting that the Phoenix "support group" for WWASPS tried to hold a summer picnic last year and couldn't get a rise out of more than about 6 people in all the Southwest, and had to cancel the picnic plans.

I'm signing off today and going to write my letters to the government representatives about George Miller's bill.  Gee, if Phoenix gets excited by sitting alone in the dark before her computer, with her air conditioning humming, inciting responses from all of us here on Fornits like she was really someone important and not a single demented, sad individual, imagine what a power trip *I* could have from writing my Congressman and having him rightly assume that my single letter reflects the thoughts of around 1000 people in his district.  Now thats a POWER trip!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Adoptees (or, Leave me in the Orphanage..)
« on: January 30, 2005, 05:01:00 PM »
We were driving home the other night, and I mentioned that I tend to count things, to maintain order in my mind, as we get home.  Let's see, 13 horses in the front pasture, yes, 6 goats lounging on their play equipment, oops, only 5 porch lights on when there should be 6. Must replace the burned-out one.

My grandaughter told me about one girl at Casa who was classic complusive-obsessive.  She constantly counted things, and HAD to have her numbers come out even.  When the kids were lined up to count out their presence by numbers (?????), she would pre-count and frantically scoot back and forth to become an even number. She was a "friend" (although she and my grandaughter could never talk together legally). She was from Israel, and had been adopted by a family from Seattle.  What a new life she had landed in!  

In The Source, there was a picture of a beaming, very-older mother with her TWO sons in WWASPS.  One biological kid frowned as the glowing mom wrapped her left arm around him at Tranquility Bay, and wrapped by her right arm was her 17yo adopted "son" from Russia.  This boy's glowering face told how he felt about his "new life" and "new family".  

Should adoption papers include some sort of protection for kids, disallowing "parents" from shipping them off for at least 10 years after adoption?  The BLM does that sort of protection for adopted mustangs, keeping them from being sold for slaughter if coping with their difficult personalities becomes trying. BLM even makes semi-yearly on-site inspections.  Shouldn't children have the same rights as wild horses?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Who Does the Program Accept?
« on: January 14, 2005, 04:29:00 PM »
There's a lot of valid talk about alternatives for mentally ill teens, other than The Program.  There is talk about some sort of long-term "time out" for delinquent teens to "get over" their tantrums.  There is talk about options for a destructive (and self-destructive) young person until the kid can manage to live in regular society.  But the answer to all these conditions is, in the opinion of bad-A$$ Program groupies...The Program!

There are difficlult teenagers, always have been, always will be.  All except about 2000 of the 180 million people in the United States seem to be able to muddle through and achieve some sort of adult-hood without The Program.  

We can talk about real scary problem behaviors, but you must remember, The Program takes *anybody*...with money!  It isn't about how strong kids like Perri move on, or about Chi's daughter who has some mysterious anti-social behavior.  It's about the huge percentage of Just Kids, who either misjudge how much they can push their parents' envelope as they experiment and mature, or how much the parents fail at dealing with what zillions of other parents deal with. The Program provides private prisons to remove kids from family and society, denying American citizens (juveniles) of ordinary civil rights.  This situation should not be allowed.  The Program(s) should not exist as an alternative for adults to place their difficult children in.  

My grandaughter was being a pretty normal jerk 14yo before she was sent to WWASPS.  She had been suddenly thrust into a "blended" family (oxymoron, in this case) and was not prepared to deal with a new adult with awesome powers over her future.  She was sent to a behavior modification facility for nearly a year.  She didn't need her behavior modified.  She needed her environment modified.

Program lock-down facilities imprison **anyone**, without a hearing, for an indefinite sentence, without any advocate or ombudsman to The Outside.  This is immoral, and against the principles that American was founded upon. Each facility should be shut down, but the greater good will come when the "possibility" of such a service is made illegal.

The Troubled Teen Industry / International Red Cross Identifies Torture
« on: December 03, 2004, 02:56:00 PM »
Are WWASPS parents aware that their children are being tortured with the EXACT methods deemed torture by the International Red Cross? ... f=login&th

Red Cross Finds Detainee Abuse in Guantánamo
Published: November 30, 2004

WASHINGTON, Nov. 29 - The International Committee of the Red Cross has charged in confidential reports to the United States government that the American military has intentionally used psychological and sometimes physical coercion "tantamount to torture" on prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
The finding that the handling of prisoners detained and interrogated at Guantánamo amounted to torture came after a visit by a Red Cross inspection team that spent most of last June in Guantánamo.
The team of humanitarian workers, which included experienced medical personnel, also asserted that some doctors and other medical workers at Guantánamo were participating in planning for interrogations, in what the report called "a flagrant violation of medical ethics."
Doctors and medical personnel conveyed information about prisoners' mental health and vulnerabilities to interrogators, the report said, sometimes directly, but usually through a group called the Behavioral Science Consultation Team, or B.S.C.T. The team, known informally as Biscuit, is composed of psychologists and psychological workers who advise the interrogators, the report said.
The United States government, which received the report in July, sharply rejected its charges, administration and military officials said.
The report was distributed to lawyers at the White House, Pentagon and State Department and to the commander of the detention facility at Guantánamo, Gen. Jay W. Hood. The New York Times recently obtained a memorandum, based on the report, that quotes from it in detail and lists its major findings.
It was the first time that the Red Cross, which has been conducting visits to Guantánamo since January 2002, asserted in such strong terms that the treatment of detainees, both physical and psychological, amounted to torture. The report said that another confidential report in January 2003, which has never been disclosed, raised questions of whether "psychological torture" was taking place.
The Red Cross said publicly 13 months ago that the system of keeping detainees indefinitely without allowing them to know their fates was unacceptable and would lead to mental health problems.
The report of the June visit said investigators had found a system devised to break the will of the prisoners at Guantánamo, who now number about 550, and make them wholly dependent on their interrogators through "humiliating acts, solitary confinement, temperature extremes, use of forced positions." Investigators said that the methods used were increasingly "more refined and repressive" than learned about on previous visits.
"The construction of such a system, whose stated purpose is the production of intelligence, cannot be considered other than an intentional system of cruel, unusual and degrading treatment and a form of torture," the report said. It said that in addition to the exposure to loud and persistent noise and music and to prolonged cold, detainees were subjected to "some beatings." The report did not say how many of the detainees were subjected to such treatment.
Asked about the accusations in the report, a Pentagon spokesman provided a statement saying, "The United States operates a safe, humane and professional detention operation at Guantánamo that is providing valuable information in the war on terrorism."
It continued that personnel assigned to Guantánamo "go through extensive professional and sensitivity training to ensure they understand the procedures for protecting the rights and dignity of detainees."
The conclusions by the inspection team, especially the findings involving alleged complicity in mistreatment by medical professionals, have provoked a stormy debate within the Red Cross committee. Some officials have argued that it should make its concerns public or at least aggressively confront the Bush administration.
The International Committee of the Red Cross, which is based in Geneva and is separate from the American Red Cross, was founded in 1863 as an independent, neutral organization intended to provide humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Who's Posting?
« on: September 29, 2004, 02:37:00 PM »
Well, well, well...seems we have a verbose poster with an identity crisis.  First a parent, then a volunteer, then a staffer.  Can't remember, or caught up in a web of lies?  Maybe a director?  At least we know it's someone with way too much time on their hands.  Narvin Lichfield isn't working right now, is he?  And he was never noted for being a rocket scientist, able to present an effective debate. He does have pages and pages of manuals and tests available to him though, as well as extensive information about the dealings with the Costa Rican governement.  

I have gotten several responses to posts recently that have a strange syntax, and no discernible position of interest (not a WWASPie parent, not a mad former student, not an evangalistic advocate, not an unsure parent).  No, if I had to guess, I'd say Fornits is making such an impact that we are being read and receiving posts from The Big Brass.  Glenda's sappy prose isn't here.  One response though was fairly grammatical and well-spelled, but heavy on the ranting without factual presentation. Robert Lichfield sounds like this in newspaper interviews. But my favorites have been the wild rantings, sounding so much like Ken Kay's statements to the press when another disaster is dropped at his feet.  "They're all liars, the media has it in for us, these kids would all be deadorinjail."

Rampant speaking out in Group.  Seems to be working, gang.

From an editorial in the Sacramento Bee today:

Have Deputies Learned the Lesson?

It's both sad and alarming that the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department top brass do not seem to have learned any lesson from the court's recent costly rebuke of the downtown jail's strip-search policy.  David Lind, the chief deputy for correctional services, dismissed the complaints that led to a $15 million settlement, the largest in Sacramento County history, as "wild allegations."  Most of those arrested, Lind told The Bee, "suffered no more indignity than if they changed clothes in a college dormitory or military barracks."

Really?  What college requires students to bend over and spread their cheeks so that uniformed officers can peer into their private parts?  What army requires menstruating women to remove their sanitary napkins and stand bleeding in front of naked strangers while deputies ask them to jump up and down, and then make crude jokes?

The recent settlement requires Sacramento County to pay between $1,000 and $3,500 in damages to suspects subjected to humiliating body cavity searches at the downtown jail.  Higher amounts will go to those who were menstruating or pregnant at the time of their search or who were the targets of taunts.

Not everybody strip-searched is entitled to damages.  The settlement acknowledges that deputies can conduct body cavity searches of suspects arrested for violent crimes, serious felonies and drug offenses, but even those have to be conducted in private.

The women who brought the original lawsuit against Sacramento County had been arrested for refusing to disperse after participating in a peaceful demonstration.  They posed no threat to other inmates or to jail staff.  To require them to strip in front of deputies and other prisoners was a cruel and calculated humiliation.

That's what makes Lind's outspoken and public contempt for the court's order so alarming.  It sends a dangerous message to the deputies he commands.  If their superiors don't respect the law and the court's rulings, why should line officers?  What should the public expect?

Does Lind speak for Sheriff Lou Blanas?  If he does not, Blanas needs to say so.  He needs to make it clear to the public and to the deputies he commands that the law and the justice system will be obeyed.

For those strip-searched in behavior modification facilities, a legal precedent has been set.  Check with your lawyer.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Quotable Quote
« on: June 09, 2004, 02:51:00 PM »
Molly Ivins' political column this morning contained the following:

"No matter how cynical you get, it's impossible to keep up."       Lily Tomlin

The Troubled Teen Industry / Why WWASPS
« on: May 17, 2004, 01:42:00 PM »
Someone challenges my "harping" on WWASPS because there are so many other bad programs out there that need attention.  I do so because this is what I know.  Like an author, one must write about personal knowledge to be most effective.  

I am gratified that so many others with other experiences are participating in this Teen Help forum.  The whole business is a very bad thing, and so many instances are "group homes" [particularly in Utah] that house 6, maybe 10 people, and practice the same hurtful/not-helpful "solutions" to parents' problem children.  They can't all be shut down by going after them piece-meal.  WWASPS is the largest, most visible entity right now, and has the slick responses to every parent's questions down pat.  It is harder for a discerning parent to sift through the rhetoric and find the truth, when the truth is hidden by masters of deception. Kill the giant, and the ants that feed on it will also die.

Deborah has experience that she re-tells well, and it involves a credentialed, degree-laden "school" that was as bad as any WWASPS facility.  All the Straight survivors tell stories (anecdotes, really) about their similar experiences and give an older adult perspective on "what happens next".  Cherish Wisdom has recent experience and a fire in her belly against an old school still practicing the same abuse.  The mentality is the same in these places, and it is the *methods* that need to be illegal in order to squash those little fly-by-night places scattered in your own residential neighborhood.  First and foremost, there must be open communication with the students and the outside world.  Sunshine kills a fungus.

I submit anecdotes that I know are true about the daily life in a WWASPS facility.  My goal is to spread the word, to counter the propoganda, to make people remember some small fact that they might use when hearing about these behavior modification plants. Each contributor of stories has a role, and it does no good to harangue one another about "missing the mark because you're ignoring all those ed cons", etc.  EACH STORY HAS A PURPOSE.  

I don't have an "angle" particularly, except that I know that the whole industry is enjoying a "re-birth" which is quite young.  You'd hope that Straight had died a painful death, but these programs seem to be popping up to serve some need of the current wave of parents.  The programs should not be an available option.

We are struggling now with life with a 15yo in the house, with all the baggage of being a WWASPS survivor AND a 15yo AND the personality of this particular child.  That doesn't leave a lot of emotional energy to battle WWASPS windmills, so a lot of my energy goes into this public venue of telling it like it is.  I hope it touches a lot of lives and saves some.  

My grandaughter told me this weekend a of my "anectdotes".  I asked if Ensenada had beaches.  No, it is mostly cliffs into the sea and lots of rocks.  Then she told me about one of the "classrooms" at Casa by the Sea.  It had a huge slider window on the ocean-facing wall, but the kids were not allowed to look out. To do so would earn consequences, most often a whole day in a tiny cubicle listening to very old self-help tapes geared toweard salesmen, played at high volume, and being forced to come up with thousands of words of "analysis" of this inane tape heard many times before.  She said that finally, about 6 months into her stay there, the staff gave up trying to legislate people's wandering eyes, and then allowed a glance out the window of NO MORE THAN 10 SECONDS DURATION...short enough to not formulate "run plans".  The kids saw a man prying abalones off the rocks and capturing baby octopi on a regular basis, and from that glimpse, she learned some of the cultural awareness that WWASPS widely promised in their marketing brochures. I asked if she had told her mom about any of this particular stuff, such petty and stupid rules, and she answered, "No, she doesn't believe me anyway".  Who would make up a story like this?  For what purpose?

FWIW, one of my "little stories".

As Ginger suggests, "become the media".  Another anecdote, to give you a view into Real Life at WWASPS:

We three went to the mall yesterday in Sacramento...Grandpa, me, and The Kid.  She chose as her treat at Trader Joe's a small 8oz. container of mixed fruit globs covered in chocolate.  Driving in the car on the way home...

"...I got a really big container of these for Christmas at Casa, about 3 times this size.  It had some other stuff too, seasoned cashews, gummy somethings, other candy.  [from her mother, who would not be able to speak once to her during her 10-month stay at Casa By The Sea because staff insisted no communication with your own child if she was not a Level III].  I ate as much as I could on Christmas Day, because at the end of the day, they [staff] took all the Christmas food goods from everybody and threw them away."

Same sort of scarey fatalistic story, knowing it was terribly wrong but powerless except for the re-telling to someone.  That re-telling is a good treatment for her PTSD.  

Is the cruelty of destroying a child's privacy, personal property, her only present from home, her link with the outside world a necessary act of "family healing" that WWASPS harps on?  Or is it just another example of poor people run amok, people whose small pitiful joy on Christmas Day is to sadistically destroy whatever is in reach?  Can WWASPS point to such officially-condoned behavior and explain it as accountability, integrity, knowing the real self, "results oriented" Program action?  Did it help?  It set up another brick in the strong wall of hate that this child is attempting to dismantle every free day.

WWASPS parents, Merry Christmas to you.  Your gift is poison and meaness, and your children are learning by example how to treat the world around them when they finally return to it.

The Troubled Teen Industry / The Presidents ' Day Vacation is Over
« on: February 20, 2004, 10:00:00 PM »
Unfortunate as it is, we have spent a week beseiged by a kid who thinks it is really cool to disrupt this very public forum with random acts of terror.  This is Friday, Monday school resumes, and we should be able to resume the very valueable discourse that exposes private prison facilities disguised as behavior modification "schools".

I've glanced over the postings from this week, been either disgusted or confused, and have written it all off to an abberration.  How would you like to be known as an abberation?  Anyway, to those Straight-victims-now-parents, to those survivors of current programs, and to those who are yet thinking that this may be the answer when we all know it is not...sanity hopefully returns.  

Please perservere:  a chunk of the next generation may be at stake.  No spammer$1 should ever be allowed to insinutate itself into a conversation for fun, if it means that one more kid must spend years in isolation, degradation, or physical abuse.  Spammer, what goes around, comes around.  This is important stuff.  Please go back to US History, Gothic games, or Internet virus creation.  This is not a game.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Could This Be Part of The Problem?
« on: January 02, 2004, 08:58:00 PM »
Annette Lareua, professor of sociology at Temple University, wrote this op ed piece for the NY Times last week.  She was speaking to her interest, which is a difference in class and how that affects families and children, but we should also wonder if this essay explains how our behavior modification parents came to such a sorry way of parenting.

"As parents and children around the country gather with relatives to celebrate the holidays, our national conversation often focuses on common experiences.  Families from different economic backgrounds repeat rituals of shopping, opening gifts and sharing meals.

If middle-class people do pause to recognize the diferences in the way we celebrate the season, they often emphasize what poor and working-class children may be missing.  What these people fail to realize is that their own children could benefit from some of what children from low-income families experience.  For during this holiday season, poor and working-class children will celebrate with relatives who know them because they share daily pleasures and disappointments.  They talk on the phone frequently and visit during the week.

For many working-class and poor families, extended-family visits are the organizing principle of social life.  According to the 2002 General Social Survey by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, 41 percent of poor and working-class people spend a social evening with their relatives often, from once a week to daily.  

For many middle-class children, however, visits with relatives are infrequent.  Instead of spending time with aunts, uncles and cousins, hectic schedules of soccer games, piano lessons, basketball practice and other activities are the organizing force of daily life.  According to the General Social Survey, about half of middle-class people see their relatives for social evenings once a month or less.  Clearly, some have moved away from their relatives or, with today's smaller families, simply have fewer cousins.  But for many, it's a matter of no time.  

In my own research, I have watched parents rush home from work, urge children to hurry up and change into a sports uniform, race to get one child to a baseball practice at 6:45 and another child to a soccer game at 7:15, all the while contending with tired younger siblings who must trail along.  Weekends can mean traveling far from home to compete in tournaments.  Indeed, this situation is probably familiar to many middle-class parents.

As a result, their children are deprived of the pleasure - and sometimes the burden - of spending time interacting with their extended families.  They do not share food, rides or companionship with their cousins.  They are not routinely disciplined by their aunts and grandparents.  They do not see their cousins so often that they come to be like brothers or sisters.  Instead, they see their relatives only in their holiday clothes, using their holiday manners and maintaining their holiday syle of interacting.  

There are other drawbacks.  The demands of many of these so-called leisure activities are akin to the rigors of school, as children are given directives, told to hush, evaluated publicly and instructed in how to improve their performance.  On the other hand, children with fewer formal activities tend to have less pressure placed on performance and more time for informal play and simply being a child.

There are undeniable advantages for children born into the middle class, especially when it comes to educational success, health care and housing.  But while these benefits are powerful, and the costs of being poor and working-class are formidable, we still make a mistake when we presume that being middle class is uniformly better.

Social class has an invisible, but potent, impact on aspects of American life.  Too often, the better-off view those who have less than they do only in terms of what they can offer, or even teach, the poor.  During this holiday season, it would do many Americans good to consider what they can learn from the poor and working class about family, connection, and taking time to be."

The Troubled Teen Industry / Carey Bock Has Her Judas Gold
« on: December 10, 2003, 05:39:00 PM »
On October 13, 2003, at 8:08PM, in a series of responses to blasts about her "snitching", Carey Bock posted on this fourm:

"I have not cashed any check from WWASPS.  You better be careful with what you say.  My opinions and beliefs are not for sale.  Not to anyone.  Your accusations are way off base."

Legally, one might argue that handing over more than 7000 private communications, many back-and-forth emails from a list, including the mailings from Ms. Bock, may not reflect her "opinions and beliefs" which she stated were "not for sale". I do not believe this is so. Please note that this statement was made about one month after said emails had already been delivered to WWASPS.  

On Tuesday, December 9, 2003, Carey Bock gave a deposition on her complicity in forwarding private emails to WWASPS.  A WWASPS attorney flew to Louisiana in September 2003, picked up her hard drive and returned it to Utah where it was copied.  The hard drive was then shipped back to Ms. Bock.  [Let's see, if her computer was out of commission in the WWASPS offices, how did Ms. Bock write the zillions of posts to the Fornits site?  From work?  Would the Resource Bank like to know that?]

She initially offered her cache of private information to WWASPS for $100,000, later lowering her asking price to $30,000.  She ulitmately settled for $12,500.  This money may have saved her house from foreclosure.  Sadly, however, the price of Ms. Bock's Judas gold saved not one child from WWASPS...and we can only guess how many other American teens have made the harrowing journey, handcuffed in the night and slung into some stranger's car, toward a future of a couple of years of terror and humiliation and a lifetime of nightmares and anxiety. Ms. Bock sold her soul while thwarting honest and strong efforts by others to get the message to parents that WWASPS' good schooling, strict-but-fair rewards and punishment techniques, and redirection by loving, caring staffers is really a Crock of Shit.  

Ms. Bock stated in deposition that she doesn't think WWASPS is bad; she only has a problem with Dundee and they aren't affiliated with WWASPS.  

Being a personal victim of Ms. Bock's immorality (my very private email to her one night while my grandaughter was still incarcerated in Casa by the Sea made it to this forum bright and early at 8:30 the next morning), I share with you what she forwarded to the World:

[my email]... Carey, we have "talked" now for a lot of the 9 months my grandaughter has been incarcerated at Casa by the Sea.  This is my personal, fervent, non-anonymous plea to back off Teen Help at fornits.
You have your sons back.  They have had harm...possibly irrepairable harm...done to them, but they are surviving.  You responded personally to me when I "stood up" for you on Bridge to Understanding.  I need a pay-back.  This is the most heart-felt communication I can make directly to you.  Please please please don't continue destroying the voice of Fornits!
In the greater scheme of things, the world doesn't really give a damn about Sue Schepp or PURE or Coldwater.  We can hardly get the world to give a damn after they read Tim Weiner's reports, or the London Observer.  The small stuff...the details, as it are fighting about, really don't mean squat to the average Kansas cattle rancher or the soccer mom in Florida.  The only way to stop this proliferation of "programs" is to make it illegal to do some of the basic things they need to have done:  illegal to intercept mail, illegal to halt communications with the outside world (this applies to WWASP as well as all those other "legitimate" programs at, illegal to make untutored packets the only form of education, illegal to cut off communications, news, independent and inquisitive learning, illegal to isolate in solitary confinement, illegal to withhold everything from food to letters from home to break spirit, illegal to get full control of a growing, maturing mind and tell it that the parents hate and want to off-load this particular problem for a lot of $$$$.
Get the hell off Fornits for one day and read voyfourms.  There are kids, full of swearing and tears, foreigners appalled at what we Americans are allowing to be done to our kids, relatives innocently wondering if Casa may be something bad, something harmful that a brother-in-law has done to his daughter.  These people don't give a crap about PURE and the subtrefuge, the hidden/dual personalities, the false postings, the anonymous bickering.  You appear to have lost sight of the forest for the trees.  You continue to try to focus all these folks in the entire universe on a very small technical issue that The World doesn't want to know, doesn't care to know, and wouldn't think twice about if it did know.  
I really for the life of me cannot imagine what motivates you in this crusade.  Yes, your kids were hurt.  So are others, including mine...the grandaughter who lived with us as a "daughter".  We have lost her to a cult, to a cult who preys on mentally-unstable parents like our oldest daughter who was always looking for someone/something to bail her out of one mess after another.  Are you after revenge?  On WWASP?  On your ex?  On the anonymous posters promoting WWASP on Fornits (who pretty much shoot themselves in the foot whenever they open their mouths)?  No matter.  Your crusade is injuring countless the least, the 2200 children still in WWASPS, at the most the decent people who abhor injustice, abuse, and want every human to have a warm nuturing path to adulthood. Somewhere in between are the parents caught in the middle, those who, for unknown reasons having to do with stupidity and looking for an easy way out, paid big bucks, got their kids hurt, and will live with guilt, shame, and anger the rest of their lives.  
Allow all these people to do their work.  They need to have it done.  Your agenda of proving you are right and PURE is wrong pales in comparison to what is at stake.  Please don't continue this.  If I believed, as some on Fornits, that you have gone over the edge, that your mental accuity is hampered, I wouldn't be writing you.  I think you are sincere in your hatred of this evil thing.  You can't win this fight alone.  Let us all work together, each with his own strengths.  Please don't destroy the Fornits forum, which, after all, is called "Teen Help", not Carey's vendetta to lead us all on the only way to salvation.
Sue Kolbo
Rivergait Ranch
Red Bluff, CA

The Troubled Teen Industry / WWASPS Quality Education
« on: October 27, 2003, 07:45:00 PM »
Recent postings are purportedly from a WWASPS survivor and a WWASPS-WannaBe.  I believe the TB survivor, and tend not to believe the Self-Committer.  The postings themselves give a good clue.

The TB survivor spent a year and a half of good high school time working alone, struggling to improve upon English and writing skills. There are some pretty obvious gaps in that kid's writing ability. When I asked my grandaughter (Casa survivor) what she did in "English", she was baffled.  

"Did you have anything to read, like literature?"


"Well, did you diagram sentences or do writing assignments?"


"Well, what did you do?"

"There wasn't anything except a bunch of true-and-false and stuff, so I put the packet back and found something else."

So much for "teaching" at this "school", credentialed only by a bought-and-paid-for, otherwise-unknown credentialing entity.  She has been home for a couple of months and is having major trouble with her Geometry class (like, getting an "F").  I know when she wrote me from Casa that she was flying through a geometry packet, apparently doing well.  

"How come you did so well in that at Casa, and now you're having trouble?"

"In Mexico, we all knew you just had to answer the questions on the test, and everybody knows the questions on the test. You didn't need any 'proofs' for the geometry problems.  [Nobody there could correct such a proof, because the teachers/guards can only go off the check sheet sent from Utah.  Apparently the only thing that can really be "taught" is Spanish, and I have doubts as to the correctness of the staff's language ability...more like Street Spanish.]"

She continues, "Proofs are HARD, and I just can't get it.  [She got a "B" in geometry in Mexico, because you can't get anything less and still "take" the class.]

Parents considering these facilities need to know that education is not one of the things your kid is going to get, beyond the most rudimentary check-off Questions at the End of the Chapter.  And, it appears cheating is rampant.  Spend your money on a tutor and therapist at home, and work toward having a child who will still talk to you when you're old.

The Troubled Teen Industry / A Visit (sort of) to an Ed Consultant
« on: October 24, 2003, 06:25:00 PM »
I recently had occasion to go to Canada and Northern Idaho twice in the last couple of weeks.  We drove a looping vacation through the Pacific Northwest and came back through the Idaho Panhandle, on a horse-buying trip. The filly we bought was in Moyie Springs, ID, just 2 miles south of the Canadian border.  So, in the last 2 weeks, I have stayed overnight a couple of times in Bonners' Ferry, ID, home of Lon Woodbury's educational consulting business.

Bonners' Ferry is a lovely little town of 2500, plunked in a small valley of the Kootenai River, full of golden aspens and rutting deer this time of year. On our "pick-up" trip with the horse trailer, we were staying at the Kootenai Indian Casino, a fairly big place right on the river.  We needed grain and hay for the trip home, and went into town to the grain mill.  [Like a lot of small towns, there is the "strip mall" end of newer buildings going out of town, and there is the nearly-dead brick center of Old Town.]  There, two 10-story-tall galvanized metal buildings are busy creating animal feed from local grain, puffing and grinding away at opposite sides of a small square in town.  As we waited for our product, I spy..."Woodbury Reports" on a building near where we parked.  I was astonished at the tiny metal-roofed very shabby blue Victorian house squatting under the shadow of the grain elevator, without landscaping and with junk visible in the yard.  The best part of the place was the wooden sign you see in the site.

Now, there is no rule that an Internet business has to look legit to amount to anything; I was just extremely surprised to find this business, which seems to get the most respect of all ed consultants (probably due to its forum pages)  appearing like a place that I would think twice about entering.  I bet a good many "customers" with the bucks to send their kids off for a "fix" expect the decision-maker in their consultation process to be something more like "artisan goat cheese on a sesame water cracker" when it really looks more like "Cheez-Whiz squirted from a can onto a Ritz."

We were there the day of the Rocky Mountain Academy bomb scare.  We knew kids were being shipped here and there (the armory and the fairgrounds), and it was the talk of the staff at the casino.  Surprisingly, the locals really don't know much about the "schools" right outside of town...even the 3rd generation local young person serving our drinks at the bar.  The RMA does "adopt" a stretch of highway, so they apparently do let them out for clean-up duty.  Our server also said the school had a prom at the casino this year, but "the kids were really weird".  The prom-goers were notably silent, not talking much at all...the girls danced with the girls, and the boys stood off to the side. This person's relative even works at the school in a fairly responsible position, yet little or none of the goings-on makes it out of the facility.

The consensus of the locals?  We didn't meet one who approved of the school, even though it meant jobs in this small town.  Mostly, the kids and the parents who sent them from Manhattan, Miami, and other rich enclaves (to experience the beautiful remote wilds, more than 45 minutes down the only highway to Sandpoint, the VERY-tony ski resort where one's parents can stay and refresh themselves while "visiting" their incarcerated children) are disdained.  The best quote was from one young person:  "They're just a bunch of rich kids whose parents send them off to be trained like a dog."

The educational consulting business is certified by a shingle given by this group of self-proclaimed and self-regulated non-pros. Oh, that and $100.  This is a very Mormom community, Woodbury's purchasable book has the back cover sold to WWASPS or Teen Help, and he accepts any advertising WWASPS wants to send his way.  He says he does not recommend their "schools".  Yet a parent would have to be sort of blind to think the expertise of this person is of a caliber and neutrality to really do the best for their child.  Oh well, maybe doing the best for their child is not at all about why they are searching for a private prison in the first place.

The Troubled Teen Industry / The Mormon Philosophy
« on: September 05, 2003, 05:29:00 PM »
Found an unusual link posted by Rick Ross, cult expert, on the site.  It sheds some light onto why the Mormon staff and owners may not consider Program techniques odd or abusive.
Are Mormon missionaries "brainwashed"?

"Mormon missionaries? lifestyle is filled with structure and sacrifice," reports Michigan's Midland Daily News.

Mormon men are expected to serve two years as missionaries, while for women such service is optional and only lasts 18 months.

The lifestyle and rules of Mormon missionaries is demanding and rigid. They are specifically trained to present six precise and pre-set one-hour lessons in exact succession to potential converts.

Every day missionaries get up at 6:30 a.m., study the scriptures for three hours and then begin working their assigned area. They have one hour for lunch, then work until supper and continue working in the evening until near Bedtime, which is at 10:30 p.m.

Their required dress includes white shirts, black ties and slacks. Men must be clean-shaven, have short hair and avoid face piercings. Women must wear blouses, sweaters and skirts and also appear very conservative. They must address each other as "Sister so-and-so" or "Elder such-and-such." They don?t use first names.

All this can be seen as a way of breaking down individual identity. Missionaries may cease to see themselves as unique and instead form a group sense of identification and related mindset.

Mormon missionaries are only allowed to phone their families twice a year, on Christmas and Mother?s Day.

Cut off from even their families, the missionaries have no meaningful outside frame of reference, but are largely locked into an environment completely controlled by their church. And this is reinforced by the rule that they must never be alone, are required to work in pairs and always be within speaking distance of each other at all times.

This can be seen as a means of monitoring every missionary, closely and constantly.

All media is prohibited. This includes television, radio, newspapers and magazines. Access to information is thus controlled.

One missionary told the Midland Daily News, "It?s about focus. For me, after I talk with my parents, I mean it?s really nice to talk to them, but it is so hard to get back on track."

And a Mormon missionary can expect to be moved on short notice, if reassigned to another area they must pack up to leave and be gone within 24 hours.

One missionary said, "We are strained, stretched and stressed."

It is interesting to note the parallels that can be seen between the rigidly structured life of a Mormon missionary and the established criteria of coercive persuasion.

Of course Mormon missionaries freely volunteer for service and such parallels might also be drawn regarding other religious orders and/or the Marine Corp.

But is being a Mormon missionary the equivalent of becoming a soldier? And are city neighborhoods somehow a beachhead?

[Posted by Rick Ross at 9:35 AM] [Link]

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