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Messages - scroft

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Just for clarification sake for those of you who don't actually have the insight that I do, the majority of the students at RCS are actually NOT inner city. Another point is that my daughter attended that school and luckily we were able to get her out of there. All of this is true, as well as incident in Dec. with my daughter, where she was severely beaten, at the same time as a counselor. Gues who had to pay the medical expenses ? I did, because the privacy rights, of the other student had to be protected, as well as even though inadequate staffing allowed for this to occur, RCS did not pay.
Two points : 1) after reading these posts I definitely am pursuing legal action. 2) This school needs to be shut down immediately.
The kids are running that place. Nearly all the kids are having sex in the dorms, in the bathrooms at the SAC, in the bathrooms in the "school" bldg, everywhere !
Poor education, unqualified staff, abuse and many other incidents.

Some families are selling their homes and spending life savings to send their children there. Obviously filing complaints does not work. I also have reason to believe drug trafficking as I have filed complaints on this already. Complete mismanagement of medication, unmarked bottles, little baggies of drugs and no original prescriptions to be found. I gladly will provide more information on the specifics of the numerous incidents at RCS. All the children's health and safety are in danger there. Due to confidentiality, I have no contact information for any other parents, but to hope that they google and find this site.

Nov 2009 to May 31, 2010 my daughter was at that "school". I am now paying for counseling for her to be treated for the trauma received from that school, in addition to the issues that were present prior to her attending.

Having met many of the parents, during this time, they are most definitely not inner city. It is a sad situation. I do hope that this school gets shut down as soon as possible, and hopefully can refund me some of my money to put towards continued care now. Any attorney's please feel free to send me your information. So far the two I have seen are in LA and TX. I am in Nashville, TN.

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