
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy => Topic started by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 02:13:45 PM

Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 02:13:45 PM
The last discussion is quite interesting. Supporting this type of nonsense does undermine what you are trying to do. But alas, you have nothing else. The "paradoy" site really should be appreciated for what it is; the last ditch effort of a few bitter, angry, and morally corrupt individuals. I have pointed it out before and, at the risk of sounding redundant, will do so again. All any of you ultimately have is personal attacks. Middle school, juvienille attacks. Not even intellectually sophisticated attacks; and this is truly sad.

Lets look honestly at the situation. You have dedicated much of your worthless lives to attempting to close what you believe to be a corrupt, abusive system. This is honorable. However, you have not one shred of evidence to support this. No substaintiated abuse investigations, no substaintiated investigation of corruption. Nothing but your own paranoia to keep you driven to nowhere.

Over the past year HLA has faced an incredible hurdle created in part by some of you. HLA has actually survived this and come out better in many ways than before. Contrary to your uninformed belief, admissions are rising everyday. HLA will rebound, HLA will survive.

Fornits however has failed. Your participation is down. You've lost much of your support and you've been kicked out of America. The few of you that have not lost complete touch with reality (drug induced or not) must begin to see that it is Fornits and its supporters who have become offensive to people. No parent, consultant or public official can take this site seriously. No parent would question who is providing factual information, HLA or Fornits. In reality, you've made Fornits a paradoy of itself.

Lastly, I honor your acknowledgment and support of the right to free speech. But as many of you should realize, rights are given up frequently by the free due to their inability to exercise those rights responsibly. Maybe we will never lose our right to free speech in this country. I am not so sure. This is not a dialogue, its not a discussion. It is crude, offensive and hateful diatribe and this is what will ultimately cost us our freedom of speech.

It took me steping away from the situation a bit to see this. You are no longer threatening; you have become pitiful.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Deborah on August 18, 2007, 02:42:14 PM
Incestuous amplification
From SourceWatch
The existence of Incestuous Amplification shapes one's Orientation by naturally distorting the Observations feeding that Orientation. (The observer sees what he wants to see rather than what is.) When this happens, the Decisions and Actions flowing from that Orientation become progressively disconnected from reality. This process pumps dysfunctional behavior into the OODA loop which then becomes magnified as the effects of the disconnected actions are fed back into the Incestuously Amplified Orientation. As any student of nonlinear dynamics or evolution knows, this kind of positive feedback loop can produce confusion and disorder and ultimately degenerate into chaos or extinction, if the organism becomes disconnected from its environment. Any hint of Incestuous Amplification is therefore a bright red flag."
-- The View From Mount Olympus Seen from the Cheap Seats, 12 June 2001 [1]

Refer also to the Groupthink article. (

Wikipedia: "Edward Bernays": "'If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it,' Bernays argued. He called this scientific technique of opinion molding the 'engineering of consent'."~~

Doesn't work here Jr. That's the beauty of and necessity of free speech.
It's never too late. Substitute some good black coffee for the KoolAid.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 02:47:18 PM
::seg::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 03:14:48 PM
Woah, check the subtext on this shit..

But as many of you should realize, rights are given up frequently by the free due to their inability to exercise those rights responsibly.

The concept of a right, or a Constitution for that matter, is completely alien to this guy.

I have news for you, Johnny. This might come as a big fucking shock, here. People have been saying deliberately nasty things in this country for the past two and a quarter centuries.

Do you not understand this? Deb's C&P was spot-on. HLA IS NOT THE REAL WORLD. There is no one to magically take away Constitutional rights just because some smacktard thinks someone isn't "exercising those rights responsibly"- not even the President can do that (and oh, how he's tried). Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? Do you think there's some magic parent-in-the-sky who can suddenly decide these things as if the whole Earth were his wayward children? I can spamflood five hundred websites with "JEFF HOLLOWAY IS A PEDOPHILE" and the Constitution will change not a bit.

By the way, Fornits is back in America, hosted by people with balls this time.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: TheWho on August 18, 2007, 03:35:08 PM
I can spamflood five hundred websites with "JEFF HOLLOWAY IS A PEDOPHILE" ........

As an observer, I think you just made Johnny ringos point.  This is very child like, parents will not respond to your tantrums.  If you want to make a difference and have dialog with adults you need to act like one yourself.  If you are just here to let off steam, thats what they will see and have seen here on fornits recently.

You need to stop attacking individual people and focus on the industry.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 03:40:20 PM
As an observer,


Try again.

Who the hell cares what parents (and I use the term very loosely) willing to send their kid to a hellhole like HLA think, anyway?
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 04:04:15 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

Who the hell cares what parents (and I use the term very loosely) willing to send their kid to a hellhole like HLA think, anyway?

fornits does.
i dunno about you, but since day 1 i've always thought much of the point of this site is to share information about institutions and help parents make more educated decisions. otherwise...what the hell are we fighting for? the only way we can bring down the industry is to manipulate the supply and demand. we decrease the demand for these schools by showing parents that they really would never send their kids there if they knew what goes on behind closed doors; and manipulate the supply by bringing peoples experiences into the public forum and hoping for more lawsuits, and more govermental oversight for the industy.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 04:19:40 PM
oh yeah and you said no one takes us seriously? well....i think you're the one out of touch from reality. look at for example, sue scheff. through our efforts to expose her bussiness practices, we have destroyed her reputation. she had to pay someone 10.000 dollars to whitewash her history, yet it was completely ineffective. our "cyber guerilla" forces (as was put by paula reeves) continue to gain numbers and strength with every peer group you graduate, and fornits is now at a secure location where sue cant touch us.

wake up buddy, this is just the eye of the storm.

we do have a trump card. it's called publicity.
Title: Re: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Froderik on August 18, 2007, 04:47:29 PM
Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
The last discussion is quite interesting. Supporting this type of nonsense does undermine what you are trying to do. But alas, you have nothing else. The "paradoy" site really should be appreciated for what it is; the last ditch effort of a few bitter, angry, and morally corrupt individuals. I have pointed it out before and, at the risk of sounding redundant, will do so again. All any of you ultimately have is personal attacks. Middle school, juvienille attacks. Not even intellectually sophisticated attacks; and this is truly sad.

Lets look honestly at the situation. You have dedicated much of your worthless lives to attempting to close what you believe to be a corrupt, abusive system. This is honorable. However, you have not one shred of evidence to support this. No substaintiated abuse investigations, no substaintiated investigation of corruption. Nothing but your own paranoia to keep you driven to nowhere.

Over the past year HLA has faced an incredible hurdle created in part by some of you. HLA has actually survived this and come out better in many ways than before. Contrary to your uninformed belief, admissions are rising everyday. HLA will rebound, HLA will survive.

Fornits however has failed. Your participation is down. You've lost much of your support and you've been kicked out of America. The few of you that have not lost complete touch with reality (drug induced or not) must begin to see that it is Fornits and its supporters who have become offensive to people. No parent, consultant or public official can take this site seriously. No parent would question who is providing factual information, HLA or Fornits. In reality, you've made Fornits a paradoy of itself.

Lastly, I honor your acknowledgment and support of the right to free speech. But as many of you should realize, rights are given up frequently by the free due to their inability to exercise those rights responsibly. Maybe we will never lose our right to free speech in this country. I am not so sure. This is not a dialogue, its not a discussion. It is crude, offensive and hateful diatribe and this is what will ultimately cost us our freedom of speech.

It took me steping away from the situation a bit to see this. You are no longer threatening; you have become pitiful.

I'm curious about you, Johnny Ringo (if that is your real name). lol.

Are you:

1. a program parent
2. a program employee
3. an ex-program kid
4. a casual observer
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 04:51:22 PM
program employee
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Froderik on August 18, 2007, 04:56:18 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
program employee

Thanks.. is this you, or someone who just happened to have the answer to that question?
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 05:49:28 PM's not j.r. but it's pretty common knowledge around here who J.R is or is suspected to be. his i.p is from hla, and his syntax, style, and attitude are very reminicent of one particular employee - Jeff Holloway, although it really could be any employee or on-campus family member of an employee.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 06:08:47 PM
The concept of a right, or a Constitution for that matter, is completely alien to this guy.

There is no one to magically take away Constitutional rights....

Let us focus on this individuals uninformed comments for a second.  The concepts of a Constitution is not alien to me nor is the concept of rights.  However, any individual paying the least amount of attention in a high school World History course would point out to uneducated members of our society that human history is full of democracies who have died at the hands of their own citizens.

The Nazi's, to use one example, did not come to power in post WWI democratic Germany by force; nor did Hitler hide his agenda from the people only to spring it on them once he attained power.  He detailed his plan extensively in "Mein Kampf" years before he took power.

When a people no longer respects nor takes responsibility for their own freedoms they will eventually lose them.  The Constitution means absolutely nothing if society no longer believes in its tenets.  You have only to look at how the interpretation of the Constitution has changed over the past 250 years to see this.  This information is available in books, I recommend a library card.

If you believe that we as a country enjoy more feedoms today than we did even 20 to 30 years ago you must be too young to remember those times.  Due to the abuses of freedom, we lose freedom.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 07:22:31 PM
Don't you need to go mine some gold or something?
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 07:36:15 PM
I think he needs to pick some cotton.

Listening to this guy talk about the loss of freedom is like listening to Ayatollah Khomeini talk about how much he's being persecuted by the Jews.

Hell-the-fucking-LO, Jeff. Watching you get up on your soapbox and proclaim the loss of freedom over the last few decades while your job is PR flack to keep a place that does THIS (http:// to children open, is such unbelievable irony that it literally defies belief. It's like some sort of horrible joke.

Freedom to do what, Jeff? Incarcerate more kids in secret? Commit more fraud to parents, like that chapel that somehow never materialized? (Anyone remember that?)

Loss of freedom only comes when people in power get together and decide they want to restrict it, and nobody up high says no and nobody on the street fights back.

And fighting back, ladies and gentlefucks, is why there's a Fornits.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 08:05:06 PM
johnny ringo is some aspects. yes, there are limitations to free speech e.g you cant scream fire in a crowded theatre; but he really is failing to see the big picture. sure you can use the hitler example, but the thing is i can use it too. anyone can. hitler used a scapegoat - the jews - to incite mass panic and start restricting freedoms. george bush used a scapegoat - terrorists - and used that to institute the patriot act.

in other countries, particularly in northern europe e.g denmark, norway, sweeden, netherlands, etc. freedom is not taken for granted. anytime the goverment screws up, anytime something happens that the people really dont like, there are riots in the streets. no prostests, or cnn coresspondents arguing, but riots. this really keeps the goverment in check. these riots dont happen too often because the goverment is too afraid of doing anything to incite one. unfourtunately, the american people are too tame. they've given up their inalienable rights in return for greater security.

what i'm trying to say is that dissent in a crucial part of a functional society and the supression of it, however rediculous, asinine, or offensive it may be, is suicide. dissent is the very principle under which america was founded, and it must be upheld. i'm not saying rebel against all just to rebel, i'm saying people should think for themselves, and be allowed to express themselves in any which way they like.

johnny, what you are saying is that we should give up our freedoms in return for greater security, to keep this country going. but it is freedom in of itself which is what keeps america going. without it, we'd just be another dictatorship.

therefore, no matter how asinine you may think fornits or the mock website may be, we have every right to do it. if I wish, i could even rent out a billboards all over n.georgia which says "hidden lake academy is a scam" and i wont get in trouble. my lawyer ...ehem...I....make more than your lawyer does.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 08:26:48 PM ( ... ke_academy (

more coming soon!
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 08:52:27 PM
Those pages don't exist.

If they got deleted, they probably got deleted for being NOT FUNNY.

Also, ED is Internet-centric, so anything new you make there should have to do with the Internet. Fornits has its own wiki.
Title: Re: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: psy on August 19, 2007, 05:20:33 AM
Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
The last discussion is quite interesting. Supporting this type of nonsense does undermine what you are trying to do. But alas, you have nothing else. The "paradoy" site really should be appreciated for what it is; the last ditch effort of a few bitter, angry, and morally corrupt individuals. I have pointed it out before and, at the risk of sounding redundant, will do so again. All any of you ultimately have is personal attacks. Middle school, juvienille attacks. Not even intellectually sophisticated attacks; and this is truly sad.
Let me be the first to bow to your intellectual capacity. You critize us for ad-hominem while simultaniously using it against us?!?!  ("worthless lives" "morally corrupt"...)  Wow.  Very impressive, and not a tad bit childish at all.
Lastly, I honor your acknowledgment and support of the right to free speech. But as many of you should realize, rights are given up frequently by the free due to their inability to exercise those rights responsibly.
Whooo... There's the program attitude I love so much.

Let me ask you this: who delegates what is and what is not "responsible"?  Authority figures?  The Moral Majority?  Either way, it's a form of tyranny... and there goes your freedom.

One of my favorite attibutes of your program-induced insanity is that you assume that you know what's best of everybody.  You are afraid of what happens, and will continue to happen when free speech is exorcized outside of your control.  You can shut up those inside the program but you have no control here.
Maybe we will never lose our right to free speech in this country. I am not so sure. This is not a dialogue, its not a discussion. It is crude, offensive and hateful diatribe and this is what will ultimately cost us our freedom of speech.
Dont' give me that hypocritical bullshit. You take freedom of speech away from your students on a daily basis.  It's a prerequisite to the operation of your little cult, or any totalistic system (including governments).  On a micro scale, you demonstrate exactly what i am trying to point out.  You take it upon yourself to decide what is and is not "responsible" speech.  Government takes it upon themselves to decide what is and is not "offensive" (morally responsible) and the FCC takes measures to shut the public up.

Regardless of the legality or prevalence of encroachments on free speech, none of it makes it in any way legitimate.  What part of "congress shall make no law" don't people like you understand?
It took me steping away from the situation a bit to see this. You are no longer threatening; you have become pitiful.
You say you pity us?  Then why do you take the time to post here?  You say the parody site is infantile, that we as a group are just a bunch of bitter junkies?!  Then why did you take the time to file a complaint with the hosting service.

Being unable to control speech angers you, doesn't it.  Know that you and any others who will try will always and consistantly fail in your efforts to shut fornits down.  If at some stage it becomes illegal to host, then we will operate it illegally.  We will find a way.  It's called civil disobedience. You might want to look that up with that library card of yours.

Keep talking, the anger you produce just motivates us more.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 19, 2007, 10:10:04 AM
Why Psy, are we cross?  It seems to me that we both continue to use the same types of arguments with each other.  You claim to be the victim of an unfair legal system that allows individuals to file frivilous lawsuits without justification.  Trust me, HLA knows how you feel.

Yet, HLA stood its ground took its knocks and saw the issue through.  It eventually paid off because the system does work.  You may never get to go to court and be proven to have done no wrong.  The American legal system doesn't do that.  All they can say is that you haven't done what your accused of doing.  Not that you are blameless.  Thus you may have to throw a few dollars at the frivilous individuals who file the suits just to get them to go away.  Leaving the country is not the answer.

Psy, this is where all of you come off as terrorists.  I believe you are a marginalized group.  I may be wrong.  Maybe the vast majority of America would agree with what you say.  However, the way you choose to get your message out there only further marginalizes your cause.

It really doesn't matter if you offend me or the staff at HLA.  We already found you offensive.  But when you adopt a policy that offends those individuals you need for support you are cutting your own throat.  What politician would take up your cause and run the risk of the average American looking at this site and the repulsive things said here?  None.  They would never be taken seriously because this site can't be taken seriously.

Now Psy, I no you feel very strongly about your cause.  This is good so far as you have understood why you feel so strongly about it.  I feel strongly about mine as well.  Not because I have any vested interest in HLA, nor do I condone abuse and neglect of children.  However, I have seen first hand the experiences at HLA and I can say emphatically that there is no abuse.  Have you been there?  Have you walked the campus?  I doubt it.

You sound much more like Hitler and Ghandi.  You seem to be suggesting that you are working to keep the free world free while they are expelling you wholesale from their countries.  You don't represent their values.  Frankly, it is to the benefit of all programs around the world that you remain marginalized.  And you seem to be willing to do that without any outside assistance.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Che Gookin on August 19, 2007, 11:13:51 AM
Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
Why Psy, are we cross?  It seems to me that we both continue to use the same types of arguments with each other.  You claim to be the victim of an unfair legal system that allows individuals to file frivilous lawsuits without justification.  Trust me, HLA knows how you feel.

The lawsuit pending against HLA isn't frivolous. Far from it as the suit represents only a tiny percentage of the total population of men and women left scarred for life by your odious institution. IMO the current suit doesn't go far enough to involve more of the population of those wronged by your little cartel of child abusers.

Yet, HLA stood its ground took its knocks and saw the issue through.  It eventually paid off because the system does work.  You may never get to go to court and be proven to have done no wrong.  The American legal system doesn't do that.  All they can say is that you haven't done what your accused of doing.  Not that you are blameless.  Thus you may have to throw a few dollars at the frivilous individuals who file the suits just to get them to go away.  Leaving the country is not the answer.

Just make sure you accuse us all of the right thing. Accuse us of once again exposing HLA to the rest of the world as that is exactly what happened. The sadism and cruelty shown to the youth by the staff at HLA isn't something I can adequately sum up in a few words.  We aren't blameless of exposing the truth and HLA isn't at all blameless from collectively being a pack of child torturing animals.

Psy, this is where all of you come off as terrorists.  I believe you are a marginalized group.  I may be wrong.  Maybe the vast majority of America would agree with what you say.  However, the way you choose to get your message out there only further marginalizes your cause.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. I proudly will fight for the freedom of the youth being wrongfully held in your grasp. The fact that you are here ranting and raving away about this site only indicates to me how offended the scum that make up the HLA staff happen to be. If it was up to me I'd strongly consider carving the message into your forehead. I doubt that would do much to further the cause, but it would certainly illustrate the message loud and clear for you.

If that makes me a terrorist/freedom fighter then more power to me.

It really doesn't matter if you offend me or the staff at HLA.  We already found you offensive.  But when you adopt a policy that offends those individuals you need for support you are cutting your own throat.  What politician would take up your cause and run the risk of the average American looking at this site and the repulsive things said here?  None.  They would never be taken seriously because this site can't be taken seriously.

The average politician is to busy taking bribes, getting blow jobs, and snorting nose candy to give a damn. So no thank you I intend to employee whatever means necessary to reach the young men and women of the country in a way that will catch their attention. Rather than wasting my time with the corrupt politicians, government investigators, and other assorted baboons that inhabit the halls of power I seek to educate the next generation on the evils of torture camps like HLA.

Now Psy, I no you feel very strongly about your cause.  This is good so far as you have understood why you feel so strongly about it.  I feel strongly about mine as well.  Not because I have any vested interest in HLA, nor do I condone abuse and neglect of children.  However, I have seen first hand the experiences at HLA and I can say emphatically that there is no abuse.  Have you been there?  Have you walked the campus?  I doubt it.

And you can even utter this shit? How many times are you going to brush over post after post and try to cover up your ass? This site is full of examples of abuse by the 'good' staff aka concentration camp guards of HLA.

You sound much more like Hitler and Ghandi.  You seem to be suggesting that you are working to keep the free world free while they are expelling you wholesale from their countries.  You don't represent their values.  Frankly, it is to the benefit of all programs around the world that you remain marginalized.  And you seem to be willing to do that without any outside assistance.

Thank god I'm no Ghandi. I am far from being a pussy. Damn straight I don't represent Hitler's values. You seem to have that market cornered down in Georgia.

Personally I don't give a shit about the rest of the world. I do give a shit about what goes on in the USA. It sickens me that places like HLA are allowed to exist. But no worries your time to exist is here, but the future is a much better looking place for children. I see it a place with no HLA, with no Tranquility Bays, with no Aspens, and others like those mentioned.

You might be wondering who the hell I am and why I am bothering with your candy ass. It is simple, because I can, and their isn't a damn program out there that is going to stop me.

If hosting the HLA site becomes a problem, I'll more than happily volunteer to pay for hosting for it elsewhere.  In fact I'd be happy to pay for a whole series of anti-HLA websites and the hosting it requires.

Anyone who wants to take me up on that offer can feel free to private message me. I will see to it that the domains are purchased, and if I need to I will see to it that you get the hosting needed to put these anti-HLA websites online.

The truth will not be stamped out by your lies Johnny Ringworm.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 19, 2007, 12:31:58 PM
remember, hitler and germany used jews, america terrorists. dont like somone? label them a terrorist, get them the death penalty! somone steal a candy bar from you and caused undue terror? TERRORIST!!! someone knock on your door too loudly? TERRORIST! DEATH PENALTY!!!

fuckin david sullivan was are a bunch of backward hicks. you believe anything you see on the ten o clock news, johhny.

and a little global education:
the line between terrorist and freedom fighter is very very fine. to us, 250 million americans, the suicide bombers in iraq are causing undue terror to our troops. while to the iraqis, along with most of the rest of the muslim world, (which is more than 250 million people); the people blowing up our troops are "freedom fighters" fighting the occupation. it just happens to be that america is dominant in this fight. for now.

so be carefull, one man's theif is another man's robin hood.

btw, jeffy, lets play some trivia. guess who i am. hawley once said that i was one of the brightest students to step into his classroom. Anna Jones said that i would one day be the next head of enron, Lee parham thinks of me as an "honerable man", and steve sorrels thought i was an absolute nutcase. Who am I?
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anne Bonney on August 19, 2007, 12:41:08 PM
Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
Why Psy, are we cross?  It seems to me that we both continue to use the same types of arguments with each other.  You claim to be the victim of an unfair legal system that allows individuals to file frivilous lawsuits without justification.  Trust me, HLA knows how you feel.

He doesn't seem to be playing the victim card the way HLA is.  I think he understood when he took this on that you guys wouldn't exactly be happy with what was posted here and would try and shut it down.  He's taken it as an opportunity to bring to light the truth about HLA and the rest of the teen industry.  You're helping so much more than you know.

HLA, OTOH, is scared.  They know they've got secrets and they know they're leaking out.  The ship is sinking, the rats are scurrying and you're here trying to do damage control.  That's very different that what Fornits or Psy is going through.

Yet, HLA stood its ground took its knocks and saw the issue through.  It eventually paid off because the system does work.  You may never get to go to court and be proven to have done no wrong.  The American legal system doesn't do that.  All they can say is that you haven't done what your accused of doing.  Not that you are blameless.  Thus you may have to throw a few dollars at the frivilous individuals who file the suits just to get them to go away.  Leaving the country is not the answer.

The frivolous missing horses?  The frivolous fire investigation?  Gonna comment on those yet or continue to ignore them in a vain attempt to deflect attention away from the fact that you guys are SCREWED..

Psy, this is where all of you come off as terrorists.  I believe you are a marginalized group.  I may be wrong.  Maybe the vast majority of America would agree with what you say.  However, the way you choose to get your message out there only further marginalizes your cause.

Here we go again.  All you guys do this.  You look at the few "nuts" (your characterization, not mine) and choose those to respond to.  You attribute a single person's post to Fornits as a whole.  There are plenty of people here who have never made any threats, who have only asked questions and disagreed with what you say.  You guys mostly ignore them and choose to deal only with the people you deem 'crazy' or 'over the top'.  It's easy to cast a negative light on us as a whole by a few people's posts.  It allows you to dismiss what is actually being said.

It really doesn't matter if you offend me or the staff at HLA.  We already found you offensive.

Yes it does because we get a kick out of it.  We remember what it's like to be under the control of someone like you and yes, we rather enjoy seeing you get a taste of your own medicine.  See, even then we knew that if the playing field was ever level, you guys wouldn't stand a chance.  Apparently you knew that too and if you didn't, you sho is findin' out now, ain'tcha? ::roflmao::

But when you adopt a policy that offends those individuals you need for support you are cutting your own throat.  What politician would take up your cause and run the risk of the average American looking at this site and the repulsive things said here?  None.  They would never be taken seriously because this site can't be taken seriously.

Do you seriously think we're counting on politicians to help us???
::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::   Hell, they're part of the damn problem.  Fornits is outrageous enough that people come and take a look.  Sure, some get turned off or away by some of the "unruly kids" (I[/i] mean that affectionately :D ) but I guaran-damn-tee you they start googling around and searching out info on they're own without the blinders on.  And actually, most of them are intelligent enough to look passed the juvy posts and look for the real content.  I know you don't like to believe that, but it's true.

Now Psy, I no you feel very strongly about your cause.  This is good so far as you have understood why you feel so strongly about it.  I feel strongly about mine as well.  Not because I have any vested interest in HLA, nor do I condone abuse and neglect of children.  However, I have seen first hand the experiences at HLA and I can say emphatically that there is no abuse.  Have you been there?  Have you walked the campus?  I doubt it.

Obviously we could debate the word abuse and a lot more, but what it boils down to is that HLA has used unproven and questionable techniques on kids under the guise of therapy, has employed under or unqualified staff to deal with both education and therapy, isolates kids, uses a level system and on and on.  The same techniques that were used on many of us at various different programs.  All of you think that it's ok to force someone into therapy.  I mean, for their own good, right?  Sometimes you need to break a kid, for their own good, right?  Forced or coerced therapy is an oxymoron.  It can't happen.  All it does is force someone to adopt a set of beliefs that they either don't believe in or aren't ready to or install a false sense of morality.  

You sound much more like Hitler and Ghandi.  You seem to be suggesting that you are working to keep the free world free while they are expelling you wholesale from their countries.  You don't represent their values.  Frankly, it is to the benefit of all programs around the world that you remain marginalized.  And you seem to be willing to do that without any outside assistance.

We (Fornits) may be marginalized, I don't know and I don't care.  I don't expect anyone to take Fornits as the absolute be-all end-all on this twisted little industry.  It's one cog in the wheel.  We're a shock to the system, a jumpstart.  People are gonna wonder why we're as crazy as we are.  Then they're going to start looking around, as I said, without the "rose colored glasses' anymore.  THAT is quite an awakending.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Antigen on August 19, 2007, 12:47:14 PM
Wow, this is really interesting! Thanks, Johnny, for demonstrating so well some of what we've been trying to tell people for years now. They simply don't believe it. Hell, the uninitiated reading your posts might very well mistake it for satire.

Essentially, I think you're saying that America and the world have given up on the Constitution and we should all go along quietly and quit bitchin. That's pretty much what the Nazis said before the Allies had to step in and bomb the fuck out of their most beautiful city. I really, really wish we had found some better way to make the point. Dresden was a work of art, now lost for good and all. And I do have full faith that America will pull it out of the sink w/o the need of so much outside intervention.

But this is not satire, folks! This turkey well represents Program philosophy. And he's not just some crack pot. HLA has it's roots in Synanon just like the Seed/Straight/PFC line of programs. These sadistic luntics have far more influence in government than the voters of any 5 states combined. Next time you find yourself listening to some idiot politician, shaking your head wondering if they're really nuts, don't ask it so rhetorically. Yes, they're fuckin nuts! They really, really mean what they say!

Check out ( Why not? You're paying for it!
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Antigen on August 19, 2007, 01:09:24 PM
Lest we all forget, the people (and I use that term loosely) who run HLA have  far more serious crimes to hide than a li'll Jewish lightening. Remember why Clark Poole resigned? It had to do w/ Lenny having disregarded the professional opinion of a real pshrink and put a violent, sadistic, psychotic young woman into the population at HLA where she later raped another inmate with a tree branch. The rape victim almost died from internal bleeding.

Here's a link to the internal emails that culminated in Clarke's resignation. (
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Troll Control on August 19, 2007, 01:55:14 PM
johnny ringo gets bitch-slapped yet again by the facts.

i mean, who would any reasonable person believe?  Clark Poole (a stand-up guy and meticulous documentarian) or Johhny Ringo (Jeff Holloway - a scurrying rat on a sinking ship)?

it's fairly obvious that Jeff is an abject liar.  it's all spelled out in the documents.  eonough said.
Title: Refinement
Post by: Anonymous on August 19, 2007, 02:42:18 PM
It could be more subtle, but there is an efficient way to refute it.

Make your parent and student manual public. Explain why you find it so important to shut the child out of his or her family.

What kind of damage can a grandfather or grandmother do to the child's therapeutic progress or emotional growth?

Taken your remote location into consideration, what kind of damage could general email communication cause, if you monitor it like most firms do? In my company it is a part of our contract that email communication to the company-issued email-address is monitored and could even be read.

We will put our parent and student manual on the internet in a short while.

Please explan the nature in your program - list the consequences and explain why they have been made. Stop receiving children with escorts or against their will. Use home intervention instead, so you received motivated children. Then you will see, that you easily can loose a level or two and achieve better results.

Herbaceous Perennial Learning Center (http://
Hector Gonzarles
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 19, 2007, 05:26:37 PM

The Dane goes darkblading.

Backside-pwned in style.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 20, 2007, 08:16:47 AM
Lest we all forget, the people (and I use that term loosely) who run HLA have  far more serious crimes to hide than a li'll Jewish lightening. Remember why Clark Poole resigned? It had to do w/ Lenny having disregarded the professional opinion of a real pshrink and put a violent, sadistic, psychotic young woman into the population at HLA where she later raped another inmate with a tree branch. The rape victim almost died from internal bleeding.

Ginger, Ginger, Ginger.  No wonder you are such a proponent of free speech.  How else could you perpetuate such rumors and out right lies?  It is understandable why Clark Poole is one of your heros; his cheese slid off his cracker along time ago.  

Now you people can believe this ignorant lie or you can listen to the real story told by someone who was there at the time and worked with the female student in question.

First, the young woman was not violent, at least not to anyone but herself.  Nor was she sadistic, at least not to the point of enjoying injuring anyone but her self.  Nor was she psychotic, he has no auditory, visual, or tactile hallucinations, she had no belief she was Jesus or the Devil.

She was however a very depressed young woman with an extensive history of abuse and a serious issue with self-harm.  I personally believe that she could meet the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder.  A condition Ginger herself might be interested in knowing more about, or as Aristotle said, "Know thy self".

Anyway, I digress.  This young woman met up with another young woman who had recently arrived at HLA.  They concocted a plan to elope from HLA campus (not a locked campus) where when once off campus they would inflict wounds upon each other and themselves to gain sympathy from their parents and show how dangerous this campus was.  The injuries were inflicted by each of them upon each other as well as themselves.  No rape occured, No internal injuries occured, nor did anyone die.

Now, I know that this lacks the excitement and drama that Borderline Persona...., Ginger and Clarke would have you believe.  But then the truth doesn't make for much of a movement now does it.

Oh, and before you start swearing that all of this is simple some company line.  Produce one piece of evidence that a student died from injuries sustained while a student at HLA or was the victim of rape, or recieved significant internal injury.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Che Gookin on August 20, 2007, 09:48:30 AM
She was however a very depressed young woman with an extensive history of abuse and a serious issue with self-harm. I personally believe that she could meet the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder. A condition Ginger herself might be interested in knowing more about, or as Aristotle said, "Know thy self".

Anyway, I digress. This young woman met up with another young woman who had recently arrived at HLA. They concocted a plan to elope from HLA campus (not a locked campus) where when once off campus they would inflict wounds upon each other and themselves to gain sympathy from their parents and show how dangerous this campus was. The injuries were inflicted by each of them upon each other as well as themselves. No rape occured, No internal injuries occured, nor did anyone die.

If you are telling the truth, which I doubt you are, at the very minimum you just admitted to having not adequately supervised the children entrusted into you care. Keep flapping your gums smart ass you aren't helping your cause any.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anne Bonney on August 20, 2007, 09:53:57 AM
Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
Lest we all forget, the people (and I use that term loosely) who run HLA have  far more serious crimes to hide than a li'll Jewish lightening. Remember why Clark Poole resigned? It had to do w/ Lenny having disregarded the professional opinion of a real pshrink and put a violent, sadistic, psychotic young woman into the population at HLA where she later raped another inmate with a tree branch. The rape victim almost died from internal bleeding.

Ginger, Ginger, Ginger.  No wonder you are such a proponent of free speech.  How else could you perpetuate such rumors and out right lies?  It is understandable why Clark Poole is one of your heros; his cheese slid off his cracker along time ago.  

Now you people can believe this ignorant lie or you can listen to the real story told by someone who was there at the time and worked with the female student in question.

First, the young woman was not violent, at least not to anyone but herself.  Nor was she sadistic, at least not to the point of enjoying injuring anyone but her self.  Nor was she psychotic, he has no auditory, visual, or tactile hallucinations, she had no belief she was Jesus or the Devil.

She was however a very depressed young woman with an extensive history of abuse and a serious issue with self-harm.  I personally believe that she could meet the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder.  A condition Ginger herself might be interested in knowing more about, or as Aristotle said, "Know thy self".

Anyway, I digress.  This young woman met up with another young woman who had recently arrived at HLA.  They concocted a plan to elope from HLA campus (not a locked campus) where when once off campus they would inflict wounds upon each other and themselves to gain sympathy from their parents and show how dangerous this campus was.  The injuries were inflicted by each of them upon each other as well as themselves.  No rape occured, No internal injuries occured, nor did anyone die.

Now, I know that this lacks the excitement and drama that Borderline Persona...., Ginger and Clarke would have you believe.  But then the truth doesn't make for much of a movement now does it.

Oh, and before you start swearing that all of this is simple some company line.  Produce one piece of evidence that a student died from injuries sustained while a student at HLA or was the victim of rape, or recieved significant internal injury.

Yep, same shit Straight used to pull.  Any time anything incident was reported (wasn't very often, we knew what would happen if we dared criticize the great and powerful Newt/Straight), SOP was to blame the kid.  They're lying, they're manipulating, damn druggie kids with their damn druggie attitudes.  It's just a scheme to get out of the program (well, that may be true, but shit, can you blame them?) :roll:  It works too, because once we've been labeled as having whatever disorder or disease they say, we're screwed.

Sick fucking people.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Froderik on August 20, 2007, 11:15:10 AM
Quote from: ""Wandering Waygookin""
Johnny Ringworm.

::bwahaha:: ::bwahaha2::
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Antigen on August 20, 2007, 11:28:39 AM
Thanks again, Johnny, for demonstrating another, probably more insidious aspect of Synanon based 'therapy'; the 'blame the victim' total mindfuck.

Here's how Clarke described the incident:
Quote from: ""On Friday, February 24, 2006 9:50 AM, Clarke Pool to Nicole Fuglsang""
(Jane Doe 1) had trouble here from the beginning, with most of her incidents involving violence. Finally, she was complicit in an elopement that culminated in the physical, and, by all indications, sexual assault on another student who was hospitalized for several days due to her physical injuries, especially internal injuries in the pelvic area. Then, rather than being dismissed immediately, she remained enrolled here for another month. The educational consultant who referred her to Hidden Lake was (Consultant 1).

Your characterization of the incident and of your having 'worked with' these girls brings to mind one of the most harrowing moments of my stay at Straight, Inc. People talk about the physical, overt shit more because it's more easily proven. There are witnesses who saw the same events and, sometimes, can relate the basic facts somewhat objectively. The stuff that goes on inside the heart and mind of the individual is, imo, more brutal cause you go it alone, for the most part.

Chris had been 'on vacation' for a good month or two and had been captured and put back in group. Staff stood her up to confront her and relay to the rest of us what the party line would be. Pretty standard for a split. The details, however, were most disturbing to me personally. Staff disclosed that Chris had become pregnant while she was away and that, by so doing, she had forced Staff and her parents to make the painful decision of forcing her to abort the baby. Then, as she cried, they made her apologize to group, staff and her parents (in absentia) for making them have to go and do that.

Fucking incredible!

Quote from: ""Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC ""
This whole topic came about because of the comment you made that an appropriate student is ?one whose parents can afford the tuition?.

It was interesting to see that of the three families you discussed two were provided with significant financial aid because their families could not afford the HLA tuition.

Doesn?t really fit with your statement.


Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC


So much for that string of fancy sounding letters after her name. But that comment does very well demonstrate the cult mindset. Never mind the shocking details of the three families under discussion. Let's focus on the trivial matter of that initial snide remark. "See, you're wrong! You've been impeached! Case closed!" It's like giving Charles Manson a j-walking ticket and being self righteous about it.

I find it interesting, too, that HLA has adopted the term 'elopement' just like SAFE in Orlando. Anybody recall about when that term entered the HLA inside jargon?
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Troll Control on August 20, 2007, 11:43:20 AM
"Elopement" was the standard verbiage from the start at HLA.  HLA is too high class to have "splitees" now, Scarlet!

One thing about the Nicole/Clark email above, a bit further down the email thread Clark catches Nicole in a lie about that very statement used as the "gotcha!"  

She was forced to admit she was "mistaken" about those three families, only, of course, after Clark provided the evidence.

It's called "shifting the focus" and it only works on the weak (read and understand this Johnny Ringworm).
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 20, 2007, 12:14:31 PM
Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
Lest we all forget, the people (and I use that term loosely) who run HLA have  far more serious crimes to hide than a li'll Jewish lightening. Remember why Clark Poole resigned? It had to do w/ Lenny having disregarded the professional opinion of a real pshrink and put a violent, sadistic, psychotic young woman into the population at HLA where she later raped another inmate with a tree branch. The rape victim almost died from internal bleeding.

Ginger, Ginger, Ginger.  No wonder you are such a proponent of free speech.  How else could you perpetuate such rumors and out right lies?  It is understandable why Clark Poole is one of your heros; his cheese slid off his cracker along time ago.  

Now you people can believe this ignorant lie or you can listen to the real story told by someone who was there at the time and worked with the female student in question.

First, the young woman was not violent, at least not to anyone but herself.  Nor was she sadistic, at least not to the point of enjoying injuring anyone but her self.  Nor was she psychotic, he has no auditory, visual, or tactile hallucinations, she had no belief she was Jesus or the Devil.

She was however a very depressed young woman with an extensive history of abuse and a serious issue with self-harm.  I personally believe that she could meet the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder.  A condition Ginger herself might be interested in knowing more about, or as Aristotle said, "Know thy self".

Anyway, I digress.  This young woman met up with another young woman who had recently arrived at HLA.  They concocted a plan to elope from HLA campus (not a locked campus) where when once off campus they would inflict wounds upon each other and themselves to gain sympathy from their parents and show how dangerous this campus was.  The injuries were inflicted by each of them upon each other as well as themselves.  No rape occured, No internal injuries occured, nor did anyone die.

Now, I know that this lacks the excitement and drama that Borderline Persona...., Ginger and Clarke would have you believe.  But then the truth doesn't make for much of a movement now does it.

Oh, and before you start swearing that all of this is simple some company line.  Produce one piece of evidence that a student died from injuries sustained while a student at HLA or was the victim of rape, or recieved significant internal injury.

Nice try, Ringo/Hollowhead/Buch, but those of us who were there that night ain't buying.  There were two girls, and you're attempting to make a composite of both rather than looking at each of them.  Clark Poole documented and described the prepetrator, not the victim.  The perp was definitely violent.  Ask Richard Prow about her attack on him one night in the music room when she had to be restrained by 3 staff, and this was after the incident when she attacked the other girl.  One might wonder why she was still allowed to remain a student in the school after all these acts of violence, and the answer is simple, as it usually is.  Her consultant was Len's number 1 referral source, the rather rotund lady from Baton Rouge, who still continues to refer here because she knows Len will take any student she sends his way regardless of history.

The victim was attacked with a 14" tree branch, which the Lumpkin County police found in the woods just down from Bucchi's home, with blood on both ends.  The girl undeniably had internal injuries as shown on the hospital report, unless Buchhi has been able to quelch that.  Bill Gray got a high level job at that hospital after he left HLA, and some people here wonder if Bucchi secured that job for him so he could destroy some records while he was there.  The girl had severe injuries to her pelvic region, and anyone who denies that is either uninformed or a liar.  Ask Josh Watson, who was the clinical on call person who took the girl to the hospital that night.  He's out there in UT with Brian Church, who can also give you some good insight into what a shithole this place is.

You can pass off your self-righteous bullshit on the uninformed, Johnny/Hollowhead/Buch, but you keep forgetting there are some of us still around you who know the truth.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 20, 2007, 12:23:01 PM
Quote from: ""dee""
Nice try, Ringo/Hollowhead/Buch, but those of us who were there that night ain't buying.  There were two girls, and you're attempting to make a composite of both rather than looking at each of them.  Clark Poole documented and described the prepetrator, not the victim.  The perp was definitely violent.  Ask Richard Prow about her attack on him one night in the music room when she had to be restrained by 3 staff, and this was after the incident when she attacked the other girl.  One might wonder why she was still allowed to remain a student in the school after all these acts of violence, and the answer is simple, as it usually is.  Her consultant was Len's number 1 referral source, the rather rotund lady from Baton Rouge, who still continues to refer here because she knows Len will take any student she sends his way regardless of history.

The victim was attacked with a 14" tree branch, which the Lumpkin County police found in the woods just down from Bucchi's home, with blood on both ends.  The girl undeniably had internal injuries as shown on the hospital report, unless Buchhi has been able to quelch that.  Bill Gray got a high level job at that hospital after he left HLA, and some people here wonder if Bucchi secured that job for him so he could destroy some records while he was there.  The girl had severe injuries to her pelvic region, and anyone who denies that is either uninformed or a liar.  Ask Josh Watson, who was the clinical on call person who took the girl to the hospital that night.  He's out there in UT with Brian Church, who can also give you some good insight into what a shithole this place is.

You can pass off your self-righteous bullshit on the uninformed, Johnny/Hollowhead/Buch, but you keep forgetting there are some of us still around you who know the truth.

Interesting how much trouble these fuckheads will go to spread disinformation.... It makes me want to kill them with my bare hands, and perhaps I will someday. Technically this is not a threat...hehehe.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 20, 2007, 01:24:33 PM
Now, now, now.  Where is the documentation.  Lot's of rumor, speculation, dramatization.  I was there, where were you?  Let's see some disputable evidence.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Froderik on August 20, 2007, 01:25:51 PM
Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
Now, now, now.  Where is the documentation.  Lot's of rumor, speculation, dramatization.  I was there, where were you?  Let's see some disputable evidence.

Personally, I'd choose to believe the person who's NOT a whack-job, but that's just me. :rofl:
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 20, 2007, 01:29:20 PM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
Now, now, now.  Where is the documentation.  Lot's of rumor, speculation, dramatization.  I was there, where were you?  Let's see some disputable evidence.
Personally, I'd choose to believe the person who's NOT a whack-job, but that's just me. :rofl:

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 20, 2007, 01:36:22 PM
Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
Now, now, now.  Where is the documentation.  Lot's of rumor, speculation, dramatization.  I was there, where were you?  Let's see some disputable evidence.

What is really disgusting here, is that Charles Cates was forced(yes forced)
to speak at an assembly telling the student body that the young lady inflicted the injuries upon herself.  Whatever respect he had left amongst his colleagues ,before this assembly, was gone forever.

But when I say forced, Cates still had a choice, but chose to carry what he turned his back on, for the rest of his life...his humanity.
Title: Let me make something VERY clear here
Post by: Anonymous on August 20, 2007, 06:18:10 PM
Let me make something VERY VERY clear here. Len was in absolutely NO position to GET Bill Gray that job. He has no connections to the hospital. In fact, I was the one that found the job in the classifieds and sent it to Bill. Then I think a recruiter also sent him the same information about the opening. In addition, his position would not have allowed him access to private medical records of patients either. Furthermore, he no longer works there, hasn't for some time, and from what I understand, hasn't had contact with Dr. Buccellato in a very long time. Before you start spewing lies about things you know nothing about, get your facts straight.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anne Bonney on August 20, 2007, 07:05:15 PM
Quote from: ""dee""
Nice try, Ringo/Hollowhead/Buch, but those of us who were there that night ain't buying.  There were two girls, and you're attempting to make a composite of both rather than looking at each of them.  Clark Poole documented and described the prepetrator, not the victim.  The perp was definitely violent.  Ask Richard Prow about her attack on him one night in the music room when she had to be restrained by 3 staff, and this was after the incident when she attacked the other girl.  One might wonder why she was still allowed to remain a student in the school after all these acts of violence, and the answer is simple, as it usually is.  Her consultant was Len's number 1 referral source, the rather rotund lady from Baton Rouge, who still continues to refer here because she knows Len will take any student she sends his way regardless of history.

The victim was attacked with a 14" tree branch, which the Lumpkin County police found in the woods just down from Bucchi's home, with blood on both ends.  The girl undeniably had internal injuries as shown on the hospital report, unless Buchhi has been able to quelch that.  Bill Gray got a high level job at that hospital after he left HLA, and some people here wonder if Bucchi secured that job for him so he could destroy some records while he was there.  The girl had severe injuries to her pelvic region, and anyone who denies that is either uninformed or a liar.  Ask Josh Watson, who was the clinical on call person who took the girl to the hospital that night.  He's out there in UT with Brian Church, who can also give you some good insight into what a shithole this place is.

You can pass off your self-righteous bullshit on the uninformed, Johnny/Hollowhead/Buch, but you keep forgetting there are some of us still around you who know the truth.

There was a girl in Straight who 'eloped'.  She was found in a bar, sitting in the back, hiding.  They (staff and a bunch of parents) dragged her back and prepared her to face the 'group'.  They went into the 'stashes' (clothes and other stuff stolen from us when we came in.  they had our parents go through our bedrooms and bring in anything considered 'druggie ties'), pulled out some leopard print bikini and made her put it on.  Then they put a shitload of makeup on her and brought her out to await the onslaught.  They told us that she was found in a strip club, on stage, stripping.  They said they couldn't be sure, but had 'good information' that she was hooking.  What happened to that girl in the next few hours was absolutely horrific.  They tore her to shreds.  I think Ginger said it earlier, the psychological and mental abuse was what did the most damage to me.  Those group confrontations are permanently burned into my brain.  

The injuries she sustained as they dragged her through the bar parking lot were explained to us as happening due to her falling down from being drunk.  Now, who ya gonna believe?  Staff and the upstanding parents or some damn druggie kid?  :roll:

Some things never change.
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Antigen on August 22, 2007, 03:04:53 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

But when I say forced, Cates still had a choice, but chose to carry what he turned his back on, for the rest of his life...his humanity.

Yeah that. Exactly that! Seen it happen so many times and it happened to me too. How bitterly I regret those choices. But I was just a kid at the time. What's your excuse, Johnny? Really. How do you sleep at night?
Title: A response to the HLA Parody Site
Post by: Anonymous on August 22, 2007, 03:58:59 PM
lets not forget the topic of this thread so new readers can follow along.
