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Messages - iamartsy

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CAN ~ Collective Action Network / Re: What do you have to offer?
« on: September 12, 2008, 10:04:26 PM »
Do photography, write, make jewelry, and sculpture. Did a large installation piece on my experiences once in 1988. Included sounds reminiscient of program, poetry, large scale works 1' x 4', and and lovely seafoam green walls just like my old facility was painted. Boy did folks get the feel! Seafoam green made them so affected immediately and then the piece about losing your freedom of speech really got them. It was a silkscreen of the statue of liberty with a prose piece like similar to Awake's "The Rap" but about loss of freedom of speech was  superimposed on a piece of glass  that was about 1' in front of silkscreen. It would be cool to brainstorm and try to get grant money to do this in a large space. That we divide up to be like an actual facility. Bring people to the "house of horrors" we witnessed. ginger

I had a strong dislike of all the staff members except for one Ph.D. at Timberlawn in Dallas. The doctors bowed down to the nurses and were afraid of them. The doctors also fell asleep in sessions. The sleeping sessions were the most helpful one of all. If the doc was asleep there was no mention of my sexual orientation.

traveling art show (installation type). that way you inundate the recipient into the experience. i have done it and it was great to see people's reactions.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Florida Straight 1986
« on: September 04, 2008, 02:58:37 AM »
Did anyone here know Cathy (looked like Molly Ringwald) from Dallas. She was sent to Florida Straight from Timberlawn. I know she got out 9 months later but was not in good shape. I was wondering what became of her.  I knew her before she left Timberlawn. She was actually looking forward to Straight, Inc. It is sad to think about now that I know what I know.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Pathways Drug Treatment
« on: September 04, 2008, 01:57:58 AM »
Bob appears to be deteriorating in the video shot of him at Pathways. Did he ever tell any of you his iguana story. Everyone around waited excitedly for it, and I cannot remember it. I bet he still carries it uses it as an example of something. They would turn the lights down, Meehan would take the mic and do his iguana story, then everyone would share their heart wrenching story of drug use and how it fucked up their families. I made up something and I will be damned if I can remember. Then everyone hugged me and said "luv ya". I think back on that farce and get ill.
and this second one I relate to:

Telling me not to take my medicine for bronchitis is crazy. I relate to everything in this second video. Ever do a ROAD inventiory? Can't remember what it stands for, but essentially you blame yourself for whatever abuse happened to you.


sorry to come down on you so hard. Yes, I wanted to "donkey punch" someone with my fist, but I did not. I have chronic bronchitis and take codeine cough syrup when it is bad. Because I measured it out at night before I went to bed (there were not 12 hour doses back then), they considered that a slip. I had to give up my fist and start over. It really sucked and confused me for many years. I now know I have to take the stuff or I won't breathe at night. So screw them, my sobriety date is May 18th, 1982 not July 4th. Okay, I drink a little (sip here and there), I am still sober compared to what i did in my youth.

Thanks, and had I gotten my one year it might have been a weapon of sorts. I would not have worn it. It looked goofy.

Psych Hospitals / Re: McLean's Hospital, Belmont, MA late 70s
« on: September 02, 2008, 09:24:57 PM »
I remember McLean being in "Girl, Interrupted" written by Susanna Kaysen. I read it and felt like she caved into the system. But yes they like malleable girls in certain income brackets with specific insurance.

Psych Hospitals / Re: Timberlawn Hospital - mid 80's
« on: September 02, 2008, 08:55:26 PM »
You guys,

Thank you so much. I still cannot figure out how you found the info. UHS fits right in with their treatment. They fix gay teens (ha, ha) or did at the time I was there. I also noticed that RAND corporation was involved at one time which is odd. Lots of articles of the types of patients they looked for back then. Amazing they had criteria. It was in one of those Google books.

As for old Bob Meehan,  he was a trip. I only met him once at a Round Robin, where you go for 24 hours and talk about your sins sobriety, war stories, etc. When he spoke everyone listened. Odd, odd, odd, man. He  got alot of people sober from heroin, but boy did he get rich doing it. John Bradshaw also had close ties to PDAP as did Og Mandino.

As for me, they kept me brainwashed and sick for 4 years. I missed four years of my early 20's. First it was PDAP, then Deer Park, then Raleigh Hills, then a legitimate hospital in Houston, and then Timberlawn for 9 months. The shrink at the legitimate place told my dad that I would need at least two years at Timberlawn to be "fixed". Boy did they fix me. I saw more abuse in the 9 months I was there than I have in a lifetime.

Thanks you guys.

Psych Hospitals / Re: Timberlawn Hospital - mid 80's
« on: September 02, 2008, 05:13:09 PM »
After HIH closed Medical Arts and Deer Park Hospital became PDAP associated. This guy ran Deer Park:

Dr. Sharma had Medical Arts and Laurelwood. There is some dirt out there on Laurelwood. I think someone died trying to espcape. Dr. Baron is now associated with West Oaks in Houston. Meehan, I don't know where he is. PDAP lives on: PDAP is run by a CEO or something. Same people from Meehan days were still involved when I moved back here in 1996,but they were overthrown a few years ago.

Now we have this and they are called APGs. Alternative peer groups, and they still run around saying "luv ya", I think. Really don't know much about it, though. I hear from ex-PDAP friends though. We support one another on some of the old tapes that still play in our heads.

Oops, left this out:


No but had I gotten a one-year I could have used it as a weapon. it had braided strands. by the time I got my one year there was not anyone sober enough to make me one. also I did not tell them it had been a year. Granted  "donkey punch" is not what you might be thinking. Not sure if you meant that in a vulgar way to insult me, but you might want to look that one up.

Moving on now. yes PDAP was early STRAIGHT, INC. We were just more hippieish. but there were inventories after inventories.

Here is the part of the interview that was so true:

MAN: No. As a matter of fact, we're led to believe that we can't make it without the program, which I think is a- one of the greatest disservices that's done to anybody that goes through the program. Because I think many people who leave, who naturally leave and who could be considered successes of the program, basically fail because the message is there: I cannot succeed without these people and without this program.

Yep, I was told that as I left for college 2000 miles away where there was no PDAP.

Psych Hospitals / Re: Timberlawn Hospital - mid 80's
« on: September 01, 2008, 05:17:31 PM »
Excuse me the URL for the above piece is as follows:
Whoever wrote deserves full credit, not me.

Open Free for All / Re: AA bought an internet mansion?
« on: September 01, 2008, 04:05:43 PM »
This is bullshit. It is owned by these guys:
Look at there website. They are an advertising agency it appears, but they overuse Flash so it is hard to get to the data. Kind of like the above listed link. Don't blame AA. Blame whoever paid for the damn ad.

Psych Hospitals / Hospitals of the 70s, 80s, and early 90s
« on: September 01, 2008, 02:34:10 PM »
Were you treated in a "hospital" in the 70s,80s, or early 90s. that has been closed down or not (my tormentor is still open for business)? If so, where were you? Were they big on 5 point restraints for extended periods of time, and isolation techniques? Did you ever wonder what the hell they did in their team meetings.

I used to be scared to death of what would come out of the team meetings. I remember that was where they would decide who went on chair or room therapy or who could come off of it. When that door opened you knew there could be something awful around the corner.

I have often wondered what happened to the other alumni. Are they alive or dead. If you are out there then please speak up. I was in Texas where Devereaux, Brown, and hospitals were the places to send your loved one who needed "mending". I thing Texas was the worst of the breeding grounds for these places at that time. Am I right? You could go in as an innocent person and come out 1-2 years later very knowledgeable about how best to commit suicide, or how best to cheek meds, what drugs provided the most fun. How to have sex in supervised places. You definitely knew what sleep deprivation felt like since there were 15 minute bed checks. Someone was always shining a flashlight in your eye.  Did you study ways to get out of your window, and find none.

I was at three hospitals in the Houston area that were not too bad as far as abuse went.  Then there was Dallas, the mecca for all things bad. There were lots of hospitals there if I recall correctly. People would start at a short term one and get transferred by a "staff" physician to another hospital he was at that was longer term (like a year or two or three).


Open Free for All / Re: Come Fight A War With Parry Hotter!
« on: August 31, 2008, 11:27:26 PM »

Good offer always. For awhile Landmark tried to venture into the "troubled teens" territory. Not sure if they are still doing that or not. I heard it from a mom that sent her kid to it. I told her I thought that was a terribly bad idea. Her badass kid is now one of those wealthy IT guys for the oil industry. No college education.

Those videos are scary. Yeech. We are not meant to be clones.


CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: The Rap
« on: August 27, 2008, 02:54:17 AM »
I was in one facility in 1982 that did this shit. It bored the hell out of me, and three of us got thrown out. We had to beg out way back into the next group so we would still get our levels. The guy was hardest on me, because I had nothing earth shattering to talk about so I did not talk. He thought there had to be something, but what was I going to say, nothing. Drinking and pot oh my! That would not pass a whole hour or ninety minutes.

Another night, while I was there I went through the confrontation thing and kept refusing to cry on demand. They were so pissed. I don't cry much. And even less on demand. Later my individual therapist there was pissed that I had not cried, and said how I thought I was so tough. I said nothing.

Then there was my last m.o. at the last facility I was in (1985-1986), I kept falling asleep from boredom in the middle of RAP. They used to grab me from my seat on the couch and throw me in a hard chair. It did not help. I sleep when I am sleepy. I have fallen asleep on the subway, at conferences, once in a job interview. I keep myself awake with humor and then get called inappropriate. Like I will notice that we are talking in circles and started imagining emoticons going in circles and then chuckle to myself (INAPPROPRIATE). Then I have to work harder at containing my chuckling.

Unfortunately, I am back in Houston where all this shit began and I feel the misery all over again. My parents live 3 blocks away and love to control me at the age of 44. I still feel like a victim. I need to leave here but don't know where to go. I am at a loss. Shit now I am depressed again. I now know why I found this board, I am back to where I started. DAMNIT

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