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Messages - blownawaytheidahoway

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CEDU (and derivatives) / Re: Update on the little Sandpoint story
« on: November 17, 2009, 10:16:50 AM »
What's this about? I can't make heads or assburgers out of it.

CEDU (and derivatives) / Re: What should I do?
« on: November 25, 2009, 01:50:35 PM »
this was very entertaining. I see ursa and I have similar interests. Not boring at all. Not at all.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: WHAT IS A RAP, ANYWAY?
« on: November 17, 2009, 10:00:45 AM »
Quote from: "Psianide"
A rap provides a safe place to resolve differences, and take care of your feelings - in theory at least.

In practice raps were the triweelky reeducation that kept the community afraid, submissive and assimilated. Raps were a power dynamic wherin the authorities would reestablish and retain thier dominance by verbally thrashing those who could be deemed weak, defiant or abnormal.

There was a councillor at NWA by the name of Lori Rist, who often liked to talk about how "you don't have to watch your back here" because NWA is safe. The contrasts she would draw between our former lives and the program were highly ironic, because watching our backs was exactly what all of us did all the time. There was an established forum there where any level of verbal agression was allowed - primate dominance displays without the brown spots on the walls.

"For the staff the ends justified the means when it came to breaking kids down and enforcing the desired emotional release: Anything verbal was ok {the indicted is not weak, people are not weak} and the ends justified the means".

also I just wanted somewhere to paste this from an earlier thread. I think it was written a few years ago:

The first people that I talked to about RMA went to CEDU. I couldn't have known them. And that was just the way I wanted it. Then about a year later i started to kind of look for old friends, Keep tabs on them and contact a handful of staff. They didn't want to return my calls. Then I started posting my book and a few older and little brothers and sisters came and a handful of new friends from the forum. It's been instrumental for me to read other peoples responses about the propheets and their take on raps and the program. The ideology and totalism of it all was the nightmare for me and I've tried hard to never forget virtually any of my little brothers could attest to even back then. I'm just so floored and happy when people I didn't even talk to find this site and post even if they think we're overly sensitive. I'll say it again: I'm just glad that there is a place where a handful of the people who were there when I was, have a place to relate their ideas and concerns about what was really going on there, and why and how it was all done.

this site has been having a slow death and it's hard to find for people without linking them directly to it. i'm glad there will be archives because many of the posts in a slew of shit are very succinct and articulate. What's up with the serial crazy man that worked at CEDU and how come no one's saying anything. Creepy, man.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: CEDu Watch
« on: November 17, 2009, 09:42:41 AM »
Quote from: "try another castle"
Lets not forget Jackie Danforth's (Guber) brief foray into the TTI with her wilderness school new horizons. (now out of business due to economy)

Also, I have no idea what the connection is between the Hyde schools and CEDU, but Oz girl told me that they have a workshop there that is essentially the Imagine propheet. For those of us who went through that, I think I can safely say that it would be impossible that it would just be a coincidence.

Don't forget That school employed Caroline (nee Jenny) Eide Wolf as one of the "student escorts", and also in other contexts, more than likely. You can't let skills like hers go to waste simply on "transporting" kids ala Mike Parr style.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: June 08, 2009, 11:04:28 AM »
kudos to the poster about Carlbrook.
It's a good description of the insidious nature of coercive therapy how they dick with the developing mind and individual.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: GREENBRIER ACADEMY / L. Jay Mitchell
« on: June 08, 2009, 10:58:48 AM »
the sad part:

I LIKE L.Jay. maybe it was just the bananas he brought to eat. I'll never know. Though I did write him once about four years ago. I called and left a message with my name, also. Never heard back. Those early years at SUWS he hired some goods and some bads...

Why can't these people see, plainly, when you have an impact on a child that is  already in a tough spot, it's a lasting impact...All you adults who work with kids (especially "troubled" (you fucking assholes) ones) must be ultra aware of this. Even the goodies can't be around all the time.

I was very deeply effected by my time in SUWS in 1988.
I hike lots now. I can camp without shelter for months at a time, and often go weeks.  I have a lot of outdoor knowledge now. I was punished and publicly humiliated for not having knowledge and many other things out there, back then. I haven't forgotten how I was made to "pay the consequences". Punishment for ignorance I'm in favor of NOW...Come on over! former staff and former "parents".

(Memories and emotionality becoming unstable as I actuate and relate to the present. I should go before I say something more true than expressing it- and how it really really felt to be abandoned and what's another word for HURT out in the middle of a desert in a state I'd hardly heard of!) woe. woe. woe is me.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: GREENBRIER ACADEMY / L. Jay Mitchell
« on: June 08, 2009, 10:46:16 AM »
great. the info never much money do these people need? or do they believe manipulating parental fears, stripping children from their families and that hiking kids until they're pliable for program coercion, or driving them to suicide is ideologically correct?

when does it fucking stop!?

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: The lifetimers
« on: June 08, 2009, 09:55:44 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Caroline is an alcoholic. Has struggled with alcoholism since leaving Maine where she open another program with a former student. Randy is long out of the business and has been involved in major therapy to resolve issues of RMA/Cedu.

I have to say that I'm not at all surprised. I remember Randy so well, and because of some bizarre personal circumstances, I spent some time alone with him and the subject of the 24 period was his dreams of being molested, becoming the realization that those weren't dreams, but a common occurrence in his younger life. We talked a lot about him, and while I was never one of his favorites- he liked the kids he perceived as being druggy kids- I felt, even at the time, that I understood him better than other staff. With him, it was simple- simple belief in the program because that's all there was or would ever be for him. During this period we drove and were off the Idaho campus. He was my opposite and he was married to someone I vehemently resented and, in fact, hated.

It's really hard for me to imagine these people having other lives. Many staff chose a life, an ideology in the program that has proven to have been harmful to hundreds and hundreds of kids. For Caroline and Randy, it was be a lifetime staff! I can't picture them in a scenario where they aren't harmful those that surround them, in whatever they do.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: I & Me video clip
« on: June 08, 2009, 09:32:45 AM »
Liam has done it again. Along with fighting with pillows and towels, raps, "what you think you know about snot...", and Chicken Appreciation Day, he has detailed and accurately time stamped some of the little known and talked about rituals that probably still go on- on some level-in today's CEDU spinoff schools. The principles of why and how we are effected are certainly part of what the Troubled Teen Industry must STILL do to provide their product.

Thanks for the headsup about the new (moving, entertaining, well put- together, and informative) clips! Excellent work to those involved' it's all much appreciated by one who enjoys your subjects and subject matter.

Quote from: "sek"
Went away for a little while, came back and found the post by Guest.

I assume that by Guest you actually mean Kendall. Nice to meet you. I know this may be hard to believe, but just because he is your father doesn't mean he isn't capable of doing things that are damaging to other kids. Perhaps he did a good job with you, if so, I'm glad for you. However, for the kids who were subjected to the Cult of Steve, many of whom come out worshipping the ground he walked upon, that was not the case. My personal experience with him was extremely negative. I don't believe that he "helped" me in any way, shape, or form, nor was he ever capable of doing so. I also firmly believe that he shouldn't be around any kids other than his own, based not only on his extremely dubious and troubled past (where many of the activities encompassed fit the definitions of a number of felonies if caught), but also because of his behaviors with me and with other students at the school (for example: the whole young female students in much too close physical proximity for long periods of time deal, which seemed much more pedophiliac than fatherly, but I could go on all day with other anecdotes), as well as corroboration from students at other schools.

Quote from: "Guest"
He has more practical experience than any of you guys ever will. He is one of the most intelligent and understanding people i have ever met.
Yes, he is crazy, but he is so good at what he does, how could any of you say these things about him. You may want to watch what you say because you never
know who will read your blogs.

"Yes, he is crazy" - Wonderful, we agree!
"He, is good at what he does" - Again no argument there, just what he "does" happens to be yell a lot, recount copious and graphic memories that would be much better left unsaid, yell some more, hollowly pretend to be omnipotent and existential, and randomly satisfy whatever whim his god-complex calls for at the moment.

As to the "You may want to watch what you say because you never know who will read your blogs." Are you implying that the Master of the Universe Himself would trouble His busy existence by reading this drivel? Oh Praise Him! If not, who else? I'm curious?

Also, are you aware of the history and formation of the institutions of your father's employment? Familiarizing yourself with thought reform and coercion tactics might be helpful, if you are lost I'm sure he could give you some pointers.

Lastly, are you aware of what actually went on at these schools? When you visited these places you definitely could not have seen the whole operation. The fact is that many kids have been psychologically broken down and reconstructed by your father, in an extremely degrading, inhumane, and damaging way. Regardless of whether or not he believed that he was helping, I'd imagine that he would, it was a for-profit operation at the permanent expense of the psychological well being of many innocent children, a good deal of whom are not children anymore.

I knew Steve Rooky in my time too, and would definitly stand by this quoted post.
pfffft. Monarch. Ironic. period.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: CEDU 2009
« on: March 05, 2009, 12:28:47 PM »
Quote from: "blownawaytheidahoway"
Three years ago I was doing that process that I see some new posters doing. I'm  glad that people are continuing to find their old friends and keep tabs on the more memorable staff. I'll peruse the last few days' postings and  share my ongoing ideas and interest in projects that accurately describe the big CEDU cahuna and all of it's ongoing glory. Surely the half- life of a CEDU school and a twinkie are comprable.

Castle, is it possible to be sent a roster of their present paid staff? I would think that that is legally accessible material now, unlike at our time.

Seriously, run a test.
I tried, about four years ago, to read a selection from Gibran's Prophet to a friend. I was not trying to be emotional at the time, I just wanted him to hear the entire selection. I could not get through it without welling up with tears and my voice cracking and having to stop.

The images that were indelibly linked to my connections with the text were very similar to why there are some songs from that era that I simply have the same response to.

This is {was} how Media is used throughout the program, but with systematic and heightened mysticism inside of propheets and workshops.


CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: The Rap
« on: January 07, 2009, 06:50:47 AM »
Quote from: "Liam Scheff"
Reading it through, it's really excellent, very good. I've reposted the second half at my blog as well in the Synanon-Cedu thread: ... mment-8325

If you'd like more (or less) credit or exposure, let me know. But this is very skilled, well-remembered and carefully and clearly told - I'd like to ask you to write me at my standard email [ liamscheff [at] ]. As I consider putting together a book, or interview text, I'd like to talk w/you about including this.

This and a couple other pieces at fornits really keep coming back to me. There's Son of Serbia's re-telling of a confrontation with adult male staff - Mr. Bentz and Bonanno, I believe - in the Discovery family room. I've written him, but don't think I've been able to persuade him to really write me back...

In any case, this is really excellent. Please drop me a line.

Liam I'm sorry I called you an asshole. I'm sorry I called Liam an asshole. I was concerned that Liam was not doing what he said he would do, and I was wrong. I don't know him, but I now trust him. Great job on your interview project, Liam! They're convincing and real without melodrama. Thanks for doing the work.

Psych Hospitals / Re: How Many Others?
« on: January 05, 2009, 02:53:50 PM »
Quote from: "iamartsy"
How many others have found life after "treatment" difficult? Do you find the need to hide your experience? Are you afraid of the thought police?

Trying to hide my past was taxing on me. I could relate to people yet I had to say nothing. I am at the 22 year mark and having the roughest time I have known. I feel, I did not "make it", and they were right that I would "fail". When I speak the truth of what went on and my thought processes it scares people. Shit, it scares me, but I am very removed from it. I still disconnect. I am disconnected now as I type this. I wish I had friends and knew people. I wish I knew safety. I don't. My life is still endless hell. Sleep eludes me and has for years. Those concrete walls are only 242 miles from me. I remember the La Quinta I stayed in the night before checking in. My last night of freedom. My last night of sleep.

Now I am free again, and my family abuses me again. Please don't point out my age. I know my age. I cannot live with the parents and don't want to. Hell I want to be further than 242 miles from the concrete walls. I want to be 2000 miles away. There are mitigating circumstances that have left me in this situation. I am looking for ways out but they are hard to find. All of the under the bridge land is taken. Will I be the next "under the bridge" to approach your car and ask for money? I no longer know. Do any of you relate? Are any of you stuck like I am, please respond.

I understand and I also care what you have to produce and say. Say it however you want. Express one minute of agony for me too, though.

has enough time elapsed for me to comment as myself?

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