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Topics - Hamiltonf

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Tacitus' Realm / Corruption & George Dubya
« on: August 29, 2004, 09:09:00 AM »
Saturday, August 28, 2004

by Greg Palast

In 1968, former Congressman George Herbert Walker Bush of Texas, fresh from voting to send other men's sons to Vietnam, enlisted his own son in a very special affirmative action program, the 'champagne' unit of the Texas Air National Guard.  There, Top Gun fighter pilot George Dubya was assigned the dangerous job of protecting Houston from Vietcong air attack.

This week, former Lt. Governor Ben Barnes of Texas 'fessed up to pulling the strings to keep Little George out of the jungle. "I got a young man named George W. Bush into the Texas Air Guard - and I'm ashamed."


 That's far from the end of the story. In 1994, George W. Bush was elected governor of Texas by a whisker. By that time, Barnes had left office to become a big time corporate lobbyist. To an influence peddler like Barnes, having damning information on a sitting governor is worth its weight in gold ? or, more precisely, there?s a value in keeping the info secret.  

Barnes appears to have made lucrative use of his knowledge of our President's slithering out of the draft as a lever to protect a multi-billion dollar contract for a client.  That's the information in a confidential letter buried deep in the files of the US Justice Department that fell into my hands at BBC television.

Here's what happened. Just after Bush's election, Barnes' client GTech Corp., due to allegations of corruption, was about to lose its license to print money: its contract to run the Texas state lottery. Barnes, says the Justice Department document, made a call to the newly elected governor's office and saved GTech's state contract.

The letter said, "Governor Bush ... made a deal with Ben Barnes not to rebid [the GTech lottery contract] because Barnes could confirm that Bush had lied during the '94 campaign."

In that close race, Bush denied the fix was in to keep him out of 'Nam, and the US media stopped asking questions. What did the victorious Governor Bush's office do for Barnes? According to the tipster, "Barnes agreed never to confirm the story [of the draft dodging] and the governor talked to the chair of the lottery two days later and she then agreed to support letting GTech keep the contract without a bid."

And so it came to pass that the governor's commission reversed itself and gave GTech the billion dollar deal without a bid.

The happy client paid Barnes, the keeper of Governor Bush's secret, a fee of over $23 million. Barnes, not surprisingly, denies that Bush took care of his client in return for Barnes' silence.  However, confronted with the evidence, the former Lt. Governor now admits to helping the young George stay out of Vietnam.

Take a look at the letter yourself - with information we confirmed with other sources - at ... lanked.jpg).

 Frankly, I don't care if President Bush cowered and ran from Vietnam.  I sure as hell didn't volunteer ... but then, my daddy didn't send someone else in my place.  And I don't march around aircraft carriers with parachute clips around my gonads talking about war and sacrifice.

More important, I haven't made any pay-offs to silence those who could change my image from war hero to war zero.


By the way: I first reported this story in 1999, including the evidence of payback, in The Observer of London. US media closed its eyes. Then I put the story on British television last year in the one-hour report, "Bush Family Fortunes." American networks turned down BBC's offer to run it in the USA. "Wonderful film," one executive told me, "but Time Warner is not going to let us put this on the air." However, US networks will take cash for advertisements calling Kerry a Vietnam coward.

The good news is, until Patriot Act 3 kicks in, they can't stop us selling the film to you directly. The updated version of "Bush Family Fortunes," with the full story you still can't see on your boob tube, will be released next month in DVD. See a preview at

 For more on our president's war years and the $23 million payment, read this excerpt from the New York Times bestseller, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.

Subscribe to Greg Palast's reports at

News Items / Narconon
« on: June 10, 2004, 05:55:00 AM »

News Items / Getting honest about statistics
« on: January 24, 2004, 06:39:00 PM »
Anonymous said "Get honest!"
The only way to really know whether the "treatment" is valid is to look at the whole cross section of the people who have been referred to the program from scratch, and compare that to the whole of what comes out at the other end.
Consider these statistics about Toronto's Drug Court, which has been heralded as a success. (Canadian Bar Association, November 2003)
517 accused referred to the court.
329 accepted into the program of whom, 72% were expelled or withdrew, 13% graduated, 14,5%are continuing in the program.
The recidivism rate was 55.5% compared to 72% among those who were not accepted.  Only 11.6% of graduates got into further trouble with the law compared to 63% of those expelled from the program.
So, if one assumes that all 517 had been correctly identified as having a drug "problem",only 43 of the 517 "graduated"  (or 12%).  If you add those still in the program the total rises to 90.  90 out of  517 is 17%.  So at best its a 17% success rate.  If you only consider the "graduates"  the stats are no better than what you would find from a random sampling of all illicit drug users anyway.  In other words, these people could well have recovered without the treatment.  
But that isn't the only problem AARC would have --  there is no published research on AARC that would be available in the same way as these official statistics are available from a Court of public record.  
How many "referrals" are turned away from AARC as not fitting AARc's criteria for entering behaviour?  We don't know.  How is the program evaluated by credible outside agencies?  For example what does the Alberta Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Commission have to say about AARC?  Didn't AADAC fail AARC, but get a slap on the wrist from the politicians in Klein's Konservative Kabal who didn't know any better?
Oh, I know, a former Calgary School trustee tell's me , "I've seen the stats, and it's a good program."
Well there's a lot of lawyers and judges will read the stats about the Ontario Drug Court described above and say "yeah, it works!" But y'know what?  a trained statistician will tell you it's all spin.  So folks, remember, in Bush's Drug war, as Winston Churchill used to say, "It's lies, damned  lies and statistics"  
All we  have seen from AARC supporters on this  page is lies and damned lies, but no statistics.

So, AARC graduates, show me your statistics, and get honest!      

[ This Message was edited by: Hamiltonf on 2004-01-24 15:42 ]

Feed Your Head / Hegemony or Survival
« on: December 27, 2003, 07:44:00 PM »
"After 9-11, George Bush asked, 'Why do they hate us?'  The question was wrongly put, and the right question was scarcely addressed. But within a year, the administration succeeded in providing an answer:'BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOUR ASSOCIATES MR. BUSH, AND WHAT YOU HAVE DONE.  And if you continue, the fear and hatred you have inspired may extend to the country you have shamed as well.' On that, the evidence is hard to ignore. For Osama Bin Laden, it is a victory probably beyond his wildest dreams"

Noam Chomsky.  p. 42

Open Free for All / Is Florida an example of a neo-Fascist State?
« on: November 25, 2003, 11:29:00 AM »
Miami a site of massive repression.  This is the future and it is not working.
I have received a few of these reports from Miami and whereas I do not want to believe it, I have heard from trusted sources that this brutality is real. If you feel the need to believe this is not true, please take the time to check your assumptions even though it might be painful to do so.
Michelle M

1. Subject: [riseup] Very important!  I am sending this out to everyone that I know....

Things here in Miami are very bad.  For those of you that do not know, I have been in Miami for the last two weeks organizing for the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) meetings.  I have been working at the welcome center for all the anti-FTAA activists, and the police here have been excruciatingly brutal.  I myself was beaten and suffered a head injury on Thursday without reason, but others are much worse.

There are many people in jail that have been beaten and pepper sprayed at close range. The people of color from our mobilization have been specifically targeted and attacked. The people of color have been put in cells without bathroom facilities and had their shoes and other clothes that would keep them warm taken away, and they are hosed down with cold water every two hours with high powered water hoses.  During the night one Hispanic male and an African American male were taken from the group and the Hispanic was beaten and pepper sprayed within inches of his face for two hours then returned to the cell.  He was beaten so badly that his skin split open. Another person of color had a head injury from the police before being taken to jail and was refused care and they beat him again and he is hemorrhaging from the brain and in intensive care now.

This is only a glimpse of what is going on with the police and the jails here in Miami.

Two trans-gendered people have been sexually assaulted in jail, as well as reports of one woman being forced to give oral sex to an officer. Female protesters were separated and held by four officers who then cut off their clothes when taken to jail.  Again this is only a bit of what is going on here. For more information on what has been going on check out


I am appealing to ALL OF YOU to call Miami, call your representatives, send money for bail and anything else that you can think of doing to help out. Check out the
 website for where to send money and who to contact.  The police state here in Miami is
terrible and I am on the brink of breaking down. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD about what is going on here in Miami.  This is TYPICAL of the police and jail here.  We need help and support.  I am sending this out because I do not know what else to do.  The message is not getting out in the corporate-ruled
press, so please write letters to your local papers and other news agencies to DEMAND coverage and
accountability.  I am not in jail so I am going to be working here until my flight back home on Monday, but if anyone has the means to get here, help and reinforcements would be greatly appreciated.

This is not supposed to happen in this country, where we are supposedly protecting our so-called freedoms, and if I was not already ashamed to be american, this would make me so.  Please help out in the name of humanity...

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate  power." -- Benito Mussolini


2. Urgent Call to Action: FTAA Protesters Brutalized in Miami!

This week thousands of protestors came to Miami to oppose the FTAA.  The Free Trade Agreement of the Americas is an international trade agreement that aims to extend mega-corporate rule throughout
the Western Hemisphere, without regard to a nation's law on labor rights, the environment, rights to medicare, education, food safety and water. It is brutal and savage type of capitalism driven by the avaricious right-wing politicians, who are heavily invested or bought by the very corporations looking to bloat their profits.

Prior to the mass action last weekend, there was a calculated campaign on the part of the police to intimidate and harass protestors.  One officer characterized this campaign by saying ?You can beat the rap, but not the ride?.

As we feared, our protests were met by a massive show of state repression, backed by $8.5 million in US Government funding, garnered under the $87 Billion billed rammed through Congress by Bush for the so-called 'rebuilding' otherwise known as the complete Corporate takeover of Iraq.

[( When the war in Iraq was officially declared 'over', over 400,000 Iraqi's were laid off from the public sector including hospitals, water and sewage systems, transportation, education, electrical facilities, and public run oil drilling, refinery & delivery systems.  Halliburton Oil Services, which was on the verge of collapse like Enron and where US vice-president Dick Cheney was a former CEO, is now the beneficiary of $3 Billion in contracts to take over Public services in the Iraq oil sector among others. )]

Miami Police Commissioner John Timoney oversaw a massive, paramilitary assault on our constitutional and human rights (Freedom of Assembly).

Protestors were attacked by police wielding batons, tear gas, pepper spray, rubber, wooden, and plastic bullets and other chemical agents.  Over 100 protestors were treated for injuries; 12 were
hospitalized.  Police dispersed large groups of peaceful protestors with tear gas, pepper spray
and open fire with hard rubber bullets.  Small groups leaving the protests were harassed, arrested
and beaten. This campaign of fear and intimidation culminated in the closure and militarization of downtown Miami. There were confirmed reports of military tanks patrolling the streets after dark
on Thursday night.

Our legal team estimates more than 250 arrests.  People have become political prisoners and are being held in jail.  More than 50 of them were arrested while holding a peaceful vigil outside the jail in solidarity with those inside.  They were surrounded by riot police and ordered to disperse.  As they did, police opened fire and blocked the streets preventing many from leaving.

We are now receiving reports from people being released or calling from jail that there is excessive brutality, sexual assault and torture going on inside.  People of color, Queer and transgender prisoners are particularly being targeted.  There is a confirmed report of one Latino man arrested along with 62 others outside Miami-Dade County Jail Friday, who is currently hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit for an injury he received after being beaten in the head with night stick by an arresting officer.

People have also been denied access to attorneys, visitation rights, vegetarian or vegan food, and access to essential medication and medical attention.

We call on people from around the globe to take action immediately to support our sisters and brothers who are being unfairly arrested and brutalized.    We are calling for three immediate actions:

1) Call, fax, email elected officials with the demands listed below.  Contact information below.

2)  Money is urgently needed to get people out of jail. They are making everyone post between $100 - $5000 I in bail.  We are working with bail bondsmen, but this is not enough.  Send money to cover legal and jail-support expenses including: bail, getting people rides back home and other legal costs.  Please send money to:  United for Peace and Justice.  Online donations are possible at
You can also mail a check or money order to: United for Peace and Justice/FTAA Fund P.O. Box 607, Times Square Station, New York, NY 10108. Please specify 'Legal Fund' in the memo field:

3) Global Day of Action on Monday at any time and any appropriate location. This could be US Embassies, Departments of Justice or FBI offices

Drop all charges.
Release all political prisoners.
Meet basic human needs: no more brutality,
provide appropriate food, access to medicine and medical attention, warm clothing.
Provide access to attorneys and visitation rights.
Provide equitable treatment to all prisoners.
Do not share information collected with the INS.
Fire Chief Timoney!
and call for the impeachment of George W Bush!

Many thanks for your support. It is urgently needed.

In solidarity,
Direct Action Contingency, Miami

To send a free fax:


MANUEL A. DIAZ, Mayor, City of Miami
[email protected]

ALEX PENELAS,  Mayor, Miami-Dade County
305.829.9336 home
305.375.5071 office
Chief of Staff:   Francois Illas

Miami-Dade Jail (felonies)
Facility Supervisor: Captain E. Cambridge
Address: 1320 NW 13 Street Miami, FL. 33125
Facility Phone: (786) 263-4100

Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center (misdemeanors)
Facility Supervisor: Captain M. Fernandez
Address: 7000 NW 41 Street Miami, Fl. 33166
Facility Phone:(305) 470-7600

Carlos Alvarez, Director of Metropolitan Sheriff Department
Miami-Dade Police Department
9105 Northwest 25th Street
Miami, FL 33172-1500 USA
Telephone: +1-305-471-2100
Fax: +1-305-471-2163


E-mail: [email protected]

KATY SORENSON, Miami Dade County Commissioner

Commissioner Angel Gonzalez
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: (305)250-5380

Commissioner Tomas P. Regalado
District 4
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: (305)250-5390

City Manager Joe Arriola E-mail:

Alex Penelas  Mayor of the County of Miami

Police Chief Timoney

Demand an end to police brutality, dropping the charges and releasing the prisoners, and demand that Timoney be fired for gross abuse of power.  Tonight he said on the news that until the last protestor is gone from Miami, he will continue to ?pick them off.¹  This all is being done to people who have simply been exercising our right to speak out, and who in many cases were simply walking on the sidewalk.

Previous updates are posted on and
a full update from Thursday/Friday¹s will have to wait as it is now past 3 AM.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Dexedrine for 4 year-olds
« on: November 21, 2003, 06:11:00 PM »
Ritalin, Dexedrine, Methamphetamine, as I understand it are in pretty much the same class.  The last thread on SSRI's was very interesting and had some very informed opinions especially from Ginger (although it's dandelion, not dandilion, but that's my English origins coming out -- Americans are rotten spellers)
Anyway, I came across a case just yesterday of a 4-yr old who had been diagnosed with ... you've got it Oppositional Defiant Disorder AND Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Prescription?  Dexedrine. Then he has to take some other drug to "slow him down"  The child hasn't even started school yet.  the mother hasn't had alcohol for 5 years so FAS doesn't seem to be in the picture.  

What the hell is going on here?

Almost every person I talk to has a kid or knows of kids, that are taking Ritalin at teacher's insistance.  but this is before school, and it's Dexadrine.  Then the next step up is crystal Meth, right?  

[ This Message was edited by: Hamiltonf on 2003-11-21 15:28 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Hamiltonf on 2003-11-21 15:28 ]

News Items / Investment opportunity in Italy
« on: November 15, 2003, 03:34:00 PM »
With this initiative... drug testing ... Copies of AARC, the straights, wow, lots of opportunity.
Italy is stamping down on "soft drugs" .  Could it be that Mel Sembler, Bush's choice for US ambassador to Italy has the ear of Italy's Neo-fascist Berlusconi?

[ This Message was edited by: Hamiltonf on 2003-11-16 19:17 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straights to expand operations in Italy?
« on: November 15, 2003, 03:25:00 PM »
Italy is stamping down on "soft drugs" .  Could it be that Mel Sembler, Bush's choice for US ambassador to the US has the ear of Italy's Neo-fascist Berlusconi?

Maybe drug testing to increase too?

Italy is stamping down on "soft drugs" .  Could it be that Mel Sembler, Bush's choice for US ambassador to the US has the ear of Italy's Neo-fascist Berlusconi?

The Seed Discussion Forum / Mel Sembler's influence perhaps
« on: November 15, 2003, 03:20:00 PM »
Italy is stamping down on "soft drugs" .  Could it be that Mel Sembler, Bush's choice for US ambassador to the US has the ear of Italy's Neo-fascist Berlusconi?

[ This Message was edited by: Hamiltonf on 2003-11-15 12:20 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Hamiltonf on 2003-11-15 12:21 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Hamiltonf on 2003-11-15 12:21 ]

News Items / CBC article
« on: October 04, 2003, 12:47:00 PM »
Anti-drug ads can lead to increased drug usage: professor
Last Updated Thu, 02 Oct 2003 12:05:00

WINNIPEG - An American researcher visiting Winnipeg Wednesday said U.S. anti-drug campaigns can actually make more kids try drugs.

Martin Fishbein reached his conclusion after asking youths across the United States about the effectiveness of anti-drug commercials, such as "Just Say No" and "The Anti-Drug."

Fishbein, a professor of communications at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, said the ads can make kids more interested in trying marijuana and other drugs.

"The more kids are being exposed to these ads, the more prevalent they think drug use is," said Fishbein.

"And the more they think that other people are using drugs, the more they think they should be using it too, and the more they intend to use them," he said.

Laura Gossen of the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba said the anti-drug media campaigns do have their pitfalls.

She said drug prevention programs should have more than a simple catchphrase in order to work.

"We would argue that just simply taking an 'Anti-drug' or a 'Just Say No' approach does not, in fact, work with everybody," said Gossen.

"We know that. So we have to do more than that," she said.

Gossen says parents talking with their children about drugs and peer pressure are among the best ways to address concerns about drug use.

Written by CBC News Online staff

« on: August 16, 2003, 03:49:00 AM »

by Greg Palast
Palast is author of the New York Times bestseller, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" (Penguin USA) and the worstseller, "Democracy and Regulation," a guide to electricity deregulation published by the United Nations (with T. MacGregor and J. Oppenheim).

I can tell you all about the ne're-do-wells that put out our lights tonight. I came up against these characters -- the Niagara Mohawk Power Company -- some years back. You see, before I was a journalist, I worked for a living, as an investigator of corporate racketeers. In the 1980s, "NiMo" built a nuclear plant, Nine Mile Point, a brutally costly piece of hot junk for which NiMo and its partner companies charged billions to New York State's electricity ratepayers.

To pull off this grand theft by kilowatt, the NiMo-led consortium fabricated cost and schedule reports, then performed a Harry Potter job on the account books. In 1988, I showed a jury a memo from an executive from one partner, Long Island Lighting, giving a lesson to a NiMo honcho on how to lie to government regulators. The jury ordered LILCO to pay $4.3 billion and, ultimately, put them out of business.

And that's why, if you're in the Northeast, you're reading this by candlelight tonight. Here's what happened. After LILCO was hammered by the law, after government regulators slammed Niagara Mohawk and dozens of other book-cooking, document-doctoring utility companies all over America with fines and penalties totaling in the tens of billions of dollars, the industry leaders got together to swear never to break the regulations again. Their plan was not to follow the rules, but to ELIMINATE the rules. They called it "deregulation."

It was like a committee of bank robbers figuring out how to make safecracking legal.

But they dare not launch the scheme in the USA. Rather, in 1990, one devious little bunch of operators out of Texas, Houston Natural Gas, operating under the alias "Enron," talked an over-the-edge free-market fanatic, Britain's Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, into licensing the first completely deregulated power plant in the hemisphere.

And so began an economic disease called "regulatory reform" that spread faster than SARS. Notably, Enron rewarded Thatcher's Energy Minister, one Lord Wakeham, with a bushel of dollar bills for 'consulting' services and a seat on Enron's board of directors. The English experiment proved the viability of Enron's new industrial formula: that the enthusiasm of politicians for deregulation was in direct proportion to the payola provided by power companies.

The power elite first moved on England because they knew Americans wouldn't swallow the deregulation snake oil easily. The USA had gotten used to cheap power available at the flick of switch. This was the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt who, in 1933, caged the man he thought to be the last of the power pirates, Samuel Insull. Wall Street wheeler-dealer Insull creator of the Power Trust, and six decades before Ken Lay, faked account books and ripped off consumers. To frustrate Insull and his ilk, FDR gave us the Federal Power Commission and the Public Utilities Holding Company Act which told electricity companies where to stand and salute. Detailed regulations limited charges to real expenditures plus a government-set profit. The laws banned "power markets" and required companies to keep the lights on under threat of arrest -- no blackout blackmail to hike rates.

Of particular significance as I write here in the dark, regulators told utilities exactly how much they had to spend to insure the system stayed in repair and the lights stayed on. Bureaucrats crawled along the wire and, like me, crawled through the account books, to make sure the power execs spent customers' money on parts and labor. If they didn't, we'd whack'm over the head with our thick rule books. Did we get in the way of these businessmen's entrepreneurial spirit? Damn right we did.

Most important, FDR banned political contributions from utility companies -- no 'soft' money, no 'hard' money, no money PERIOD.

But then came George the First. In 1992, just prior to his departure from the White House, President Bush Senior gave the power industry one long deep-through-the-teeth kiss good-bye: federal deregulation of electricity. It was a legacy he wanted to leave for his son, the gratitude of power companies which ponied up $16 million for the Republican campaign of 2000, seven times the sum they gave Democrats.

But Poppy Bush's gift of deregulating of wholesale prices set by the feds only got the power pirates halfway to the plunder of Joe Ratepayer. For the big payday they needed deregulation at the state level. There were only two states, California and Texas, big enough and Republican enough to put the electricity market con into operation.

California fell first. The power companies spent $39 million to defeat a 1998 referendum pushed by Ralph Nadar which would have blocked the de-reg scam. Another $37 million was spent on lobbying and lubricating the campaign coffers of legislators to write a lie into law: in the deregulation act's preamble, the Legislature promised that deregulation would reduce electricity bills by 20%. In fact, when San Diegans in the first California city to go "lawless" looked at their bills, the 20% savings became a 300% jump in surcharges.

Enron circled California and licked its lips. As the number one life-time contributor to the George W. Bush campaign, it was confident about the future. With just a half dozen other companies it controlled at times 100% of the available power capacity needed to keep the Golden State lit. Their motto, "your money or your lights." Enron and its comrades played the system like a broken ATM machine, yanking out the bills. For example, in the shamelessly fixed "auctions" for electricity held by the state, Enron bid, in one instance, to supply 500 megawatts of electricity over a 15 megawatt line. That's like pouring a gallon of gasoline into a thimble -- the lines would burn up if they attempted it. Faced with blackout because of Enron's destructive bid, the state was willing to pay anything to keep the lights on.

And the state did. According to Dr. Anjali Sheffrin, economist with the California state Independent System Operator which directed power movements, between May and November 2000, three power giants physically or "economically" withheld power from the state and concocted enough false bids to cost the California customers over $6.2 billion in excess charges.

It took until December 20, 2000, with the lights going out on the Golden Gate, for President Bill Clinton, once a deregulation booster, to find his lost Democratic soul and impose price caps in California and ban Enron from the market.

But the light-bulb buccaneers didn't have to wait long to put their hooks back into the treasure chest. Within seventy-two hours of moving into the White House, while he was still sweeping out the inaugural champagne bottles, George Bush the Second reversed Clinton's executive order and put the power pirates back in business in California. Enron, Reliant (aka Houston Industries), TXU (aka Texas Utilities) and the others who had economically snipped California's wires knew they could count on Dubya, who as governor of the Lone Star state cut them the richest deregulation deal in America.

Meanwhile, the deregulation bug made it to New York where Republican Governor George Pataki and his industry-picked utility commissioners ripped the lid off electric bills and relieved my old friends at Niagara Mohawk of the expensive obligation to properly fund the maintenance of the grid system.

And the Pataki-Bush Axis of Weasels permitted something that must have former New York governor Roosevelt spinning in his wheelchair in Heaven: They allowed a foreign company, the notoriously incompetent National Grid of England, to buy up NiMo, get rid of 800 workers and pocket most of their wages - producing a bonus for NiMo stockholders approaching $90 million.

Is tonight's black-out a surprise? Heck, no, not to us in the field who've watched Bush's buddies flick the switches across the globe. In Brazil, Houston Industries seized ownership of Rio de Janeiro's electric company. The Texans (aided by their French partners) fired workers, raised prices, cut maintenance expenditures and, CLICK! the juice went out so often the locals now call it, "Rio Dark."

So too the free-market cowboys of Niagara Mohawk raised prices, slashed staff, cut maintenance and CLICK! -- New York joins Brazil in the Dark Ages.

Californians have found the solution to the deregulation disaster: re-call the only governor in the nation with the cojones to stand up to the electricity price fixers. And unlike Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gov. Gray Davis stood alone against the bad guys without using a body double. Davis called Reliant Corp of Houston a pack of "pirates" --and now he'll walk the plank for daring to stand up to the Texas marauders.

So where's the President? Just before he landed on the deck of the Abe Lincoln, the White House was so concerned about our brave troops facing the foe that they used the cover of war for a new push in Congress for yet more electricity deregulation. This has a certain logic: there's no sense defeating Iraq if a hostile regime remains in California.

Sitting in the dark, as my laptop battery runs low, I don't know if the truth about deregulation will ever see the light --until we change the dim bulb in the White House.

See Greg Palast's award-winning reports for BBC Television and the Guardian papers of Britain at Contact Palast at his New York office: [email protected].

News Items / So there you have it!
« on: June 19, 2003, 10:45:00 AM »
Recent posts gave me some optimism that I might be able to talk to someone who supports AARC, by way of "private messages".  An anonymous poster supporting AARC said "I'll talk", but after several reminders has not followed through.  Then we get a post pointing out the obvious contradictions of David Suzuki.  This must really have pushed someone's buttons because now the verbal abuse comes.  
Really shows the true colours of AARC, doesn't it?    
Sort of reminds me of the "gay bashing" Alberta's fundamentalist right wing are indulging in right now.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Puf, Puff, Puff , Puff!!!!
« on: May 14, 2003, 07:42:00 PM »
White, House, DFAF DEA etc are engeged in a massive attempt at mind control using the media.
I've been watching CSI a lot recently and therte's sooooo much messaging about how bad these drugs are, it has to come from somewhere.
Makes you wonder who is really the evil empire.


Hamilton Fish VIIth

Feed Your Head / The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
« on: March 02, 2003, 01:51:00 PM »
By Greg Palast, Ex-patriate American now living in England, this New US Version explains how they fixed the vote in Florida (detailed version), has a chapter on the Bushes and the Billionaires who love them, deregulation and the power pirates, and a mass of reflections from an American living in exile.
(new version printed February 2003)
For more see

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