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Messages - knightshot

Pages: [1]
Synanon / synanon member as a child
« on: December 11, 2007, 10:10:12 AM »
I am the moderator of a synanon kids list on yahoo that has been around since 2001. We invite those who lived in Synanon under the age of 18 for any reason i.e. they came in for drug and alcohol reasons, court ordered, or like me, they came in because their parents were looking for a communal life style and  :) got waylaid into Synanon and in the process often ruined the children's lives in the process. Som children lived there into adult hood or until the lights were shut out as we jokingly refer to the people that literally left only when the kitchen closed its doors and the electricity was turned off to the Badger facility where many of them resided to the end.

Many of the children committed suicide in later life. Some died early of cancer and heart attacks in their 40s; at ages much younger than they should have. Others became involved with drugs and are still facing their drug nightmares or died or drug overdoses. Others are in jail. Many many others are fine upstanding citizens and you would never suspect they were a former Synanon member.

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