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Messages - lil_thespian

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Facility Question and Answers / Re: Carlbrook thread Part 2
« on: May 05, 2009, 06:59:10 PM »
See this is just what I don't understand... I stumbled upon this thread weeks ago while googling my therapist that I see privately... she is mentioned various times on here... including in some of these most recent posts... I guess I just don't understand how the opinions can differ so drastically about this school... terms ranging from torture- thought reform- abuse- and brainwashing... to- the best experience of my life... and really helped me...

I understand that people often differ in opinions... but this is truly strange. I can't decide whether I believe that my therapist was part of one of the kewlest therapeutic boarding homes on the planet... or whether she was part of some creepy cult like institute...

this is all so very inconsistant.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Carlbrook
« on: April 24, 2009, 10:21:02 PM »
Okay so I'm curious now... This may sound strange... But did Carlbrook ever encourage meditation? Or perhaps the running through of negative thoughts aloud... or perhaps both? Though each may seem to defeat the purpose of the other...

so there's no chance whatsoever that carlbrook is different than these other schools?

It has been confirmed that this Tim Brace guy is there and his methods are still in full swing just under different names.. different lingo put into play...?

Is there any chance that Carlbrook could just honestly be a decent disciplinary school that helps kids...?

I went to their main webpage.. all of the kids look really happy in the pictures.. It's the nicest looking brainwashing facility I've ever seen.

How does Carlbrook not know this? Why would they hire a man with such a record to be headmaster?

oops typo! I meant Tim Brace**

Woa! Wait.. so this tim rice guy worked at the awful Rocky Mountain Academy and now they're letting him work as headmaster at Carlbrook!? That can't be right...

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Carlbrook
« on: April 15, 2009, 08:44:22 PM »
Wow those videos were really informative... There was an advisor that set a homeless guy on fire! Shouldnt he be... Idk locked up?! Not working with children! ick... The whole I and the Me concept is really rather sketchy... It sounds to me more like they were fostering a community of kids with various personalities... and self hatred... and poor self images.. Im not sure the word "help" qualifies in the least!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Carlbrook
« on: April 15, 2009, 07:42:20 PM »
were the workshops like this at carlbrook too? Or only CEDU?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Carlbrook
« on: April 15, 2009, 07:01:16 PM »
It was really very informative... and it explained quite a bit about raps.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Carlbrook
« on: April 15, 2009, 06:20:35 PM »
Thank you! That link worked.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Carlbrook
« on: April 15, 2009, 06:19:22 PM »
Oh yes... One last question if you don't mind... But wikipedia doesn't specify and this is a seriously underpublished offense... But so what were "raps" or workshops on... generally speaking... was it just discussion of life... was it always talking about childhood trauma? Were there different topics each time? Was it always emotionally breaking or were there lighter ones as well?

Were the staff members always seen as superior during these? Well I mean despite the chairs...

I know it was mentioned at some other point in this forum that there was a song "tell it all brother" I believe that was used during a workshop... was it a regular occurance that a song would be played?

-By the way I listened to that song... I intend to incorporate it into my play.. In what way might they use a song? Just to set the tone... or was it part of a brainwashing process... or???

I guess I just do not have a decent understanding about these workshops. I understand that they were miserable experiences... But was it like group therapy? Or group brainwashing? Or group break down?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Carlbrook
« on: April 15, 2009, 06:12:26 PM »
by the way Guest... I couldnt make the torture link work. It told me that the page could not be displayed.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Carlbrook
« on: April 15, 2009, 06:07:53 PM »
thanks so much-- ahh dishdutyfugitive is it?

That is wonderfully helpful!

Also for the guest that post. I am terribly sorry if my request upset you. I hope that you understand why it is that I havent posted her name... Above all else and completely disregarding the fact that I never witnessed her participate in such torturous acts... I still currently see her... infact I see her again in 4 days. She is aware that I googled her and discovered her previous place of employment.. should she google herself and discover this same website... well I can only imagine how utterly horrific it could be if she discovered my further searching and that I had contributed to these discussions... She has never come off as torturous to me... but certainly very intemidating at times. Not anyone that I'd like to cross. I stated that I would discontinue my googling of her and would let it all drop. So I can only imagine how well it would go over should I say "oh and by the way I found this online forum and have read all about this horrific school and these horrific events.. I gave them your name and reconfirmed your association with the institution by the way." yes that would be real swell.. believe it or not I would like to live long enough to graduate lol.

I can assure you that my play will in no way make light of these circumstances and the things that the kids went through. I find it completely sick and disturbing and abusive. It disgusts me and my play will above everything else certainly reflect that. It is highly unlikely that I will even allow my therapist to read the play.

I am sorry if you feel as though I am exploiting this situation in some way or making light of such a terrible occurance.

I already had a first act written for this assignment on sexual abuse.. but I decided to do the extra work and research and switch last moment and pitch this idea to my teacher because I feel that it is much more important to bring this into the light.. I would prefer for my class and school and community to become aware of this. Sexual abuse is widely recognized... this has not recieved nearly the amount of publicity that it should.

I am not a psychologist.. I am not a famous author.. I can not make a large publication of some kind.. I am not a rich survivor that could hire a lawyer and sue... I am simply a high school student that is sickened by this injustice and is writing about it in the only form recognizable in her high school- a play.

Thanks again for all of your help!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Carlbrook
« on: April 15, 2009, 04:25:40 PM »
so I passed in my psych article.. In truth it really wasnt well written and it was just a summary of the other guys article anyway... I dont think you'd enjoy it. Honestly, it is quite dry and has more grammatical errors than I know what to do with... But I do have yet another opportunity involving all of this.

I am in a Playwriting class in my highschool. I love theater and have taken all of the classes available to me through my school... But so my most recent assignment is to write a hero's journey play. I spoke with my playwriting teacher today and pitched him the idea of setting the play in a CEDU like school.

Crafting the world of the play around some awful disciplinary school that my protagonist would be enrolled in. It needs to be a three act structure play...

I feel like I've gathered enough from the many many posts on here to understand.. who was enrolled and why... what type of staff worked there... the workshops or "raps" that they undergo.. the terrain around the schools and various other things... But what I do not have is an accurate understanding of the academics associated with such schools... what sort of systems are in play for that.. where do they rank academically.. and what the inside of one of the institutions might look like.. what is the setting for a workshop? What does a dorm room look like? Are we talking scary white padded rooms.. or lavish dorm rooms.. for workshops are we talking big comfy chairs where they all sit around and converse... or being forced to stand in a circle in a dimly lit room for an hour?

Could anyone possibly elaborate on some of the more intricate details of these institutions.. I would love to make the play as fact based as possible.. and then when people ask about where the idea came from I can elaborate and tell them that it is honestly based on a very real problem and very real institutions...

Can anyone help me out a bit? I have the basic outline of what the world might look like... But I'm still lacking...

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Carlbrook
« on: April 13, 2009, 06:32:20 PM »
sorry allow me to clarify... I am taking a high school psych class. I have to do five article reviews every quarter. Meaning I choose an article on some psychological topic... read it... summarize its info in a few paragraphs.. then write an opinon paragraph about it.

if you're confused about my timeline I will elaborate.

I have been taking the psych class all semester.

I googled my therapist friday night and found your forum. I read various posts on here and learned about CEDU and the like organizations..

Last night I did one of my five psych article reviews on this topic.. I simply googled CEDU and did it on the wikipedia article.

This truly shouldnt seem fishy to you... my therapist really worked there.. I honestly just googled her and found this... It's just a four paragraph review.. and you can find the article by going to wikipedia and typing CEDU in the search bar.

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