
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: Nihilanthic on January 14, 2007, 08:58:07 AM

Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 14, 2007, 08:58:07 AM
I remember when I was still a wool-over-the-eyes kid/teenager... nothing really phased me. Gross stuff, gore, screaming damsels/terrorists in action flicks was so much of a spectacle to me like watching a demolition derby or some pyro setting off fireworks, or Jackass? (sup wee man!!) and its only after Ive become an ah-dolt that.... well, stuff I see actually seems to 'click'.

And then, well, I just HAD to click that FARK link to the guardian where it covered Tranquility Bay back in 04...  :roll: then I just HAD to keep going back to it because of how fucked up it was... and well, I ended up here long story short.

One thing that really just burns me with both just... outright frustration and contempt, and on the other hand outright stunned confusion is that it really seems that nobody ever thinks or really gives a fuck about thinking what it must be like to be going through what those other people are going through. Nobody ever seems to think about this shit from the perspective of the kid, or the kids sibling. Nobody dares think what its like to be helplessly shoved face down on the ground with your limbs being twisted, elbows and knees in your back, some fat fuck leaning his weight on you (and possibly an erection, for that matter) while zombie-faced inmates stare blankly and more staffers run up....

Not just the program parents, staffers, etc, mind you, but the average person these days seems to just have absolutely nothing left in them to make them consider what it must be like for the people suffering. At all. Hell, when I first read about those LGATs I was unsure if I was more angry or terrified of it, and it still sticks in my mind... I don't expect the average idiot to understand what an LGAT could do to you mentally, but I DO think the physical brutality, fear and helplessness from being trapped in a program and not knowing how or when you would get out, and ESPECIALLY having your own family turned against you could click with the average sheep... but they don't.

Are they unable, or do they just not care anymore? That question really sticks in my mind, and I'm kind of afraid of what the answer might turn out to be...

Oh, and as far as the beginning of my post goes? Now I can't watch shit about the holocaust, or hear the intro to Schindler's list with other people around me anymore, unless I'm not worried about being humiliated by showing emotion infront of them. I simply can not stand it. Also, shit like "SAW" or "Gothika" fucks me up goooood. Ugh.

I'm starting to wonder if compassion and empathy are liabilities in the USA, this day and age. It seems to be to "BE AMERICAN!!1one" means I have to just sing "By Jingo, will" and be a typical white-bread twit, buy the truthiness-laden nonsense and politico-chauvinistic excuses and justifications for this and that, be "hard" on everyone, bitch about entitlement issues... but not say a word when the 'ah-dolts' in the equation feel ENTITLED to spend conspicuously, live vicariously through their kids, spend themselves into debt, drive SUV's and bitch about gasoline.

Yeah, I'm bitching, but I got a point here. WHERE DID IT GO? Why the hypocrisy and lack of anyone ever daring to look out the eyes of someone else who is getting the short end of the stick here, if not being beat with a few of them? It still burns me to know how program parents turn their backs on their own children and don't DARE (haha, wow... that word again) think about what their kid is going through, just cling and squeeze to the bullshit about how they're 'thriving'.

Ugh. I guess we're all square pegs and this country is fulla' some round assholes!
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 14, 2007, 09:08:41 AM

R.I.P. ...

I wonder when someone who runs a program is going to have a change of heart and realize those kids are human beings?
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: exhausted on January 14, 2007, 09:36:35 AM
It's still around Niles, there are people out there who really care

Alot of the trouble is with the law, guy runs to aid of girl getting beaten up, then ends up in custody for assault on her assailant, or dead cos he got stabbed

guy asks kid if he/she is okay when being dragged down the street kicking & screaming by unkown adult (YOU don't know it's their parent do you?), next thing you know he's got a pedo label and a broken nose from angry parent

When something bad happens, in hindsight we can all wish we'd done something differently, at the time we tend to shut our doors because it's not our business, the police will hold a press conference begging for witnesses and then leave that witness unprotected, they also won't protect someone who has acted out of genuine concern when it's nothing bad, just a pissed of parent who's had their 7 year old throw everything off the shelves in the supermarket

Shit happenes, you can't save the world, you can make a difference of course, any group of people can, but you can't save everyone, it's always been the case and always will be, don't let it eat you up because you can't rescue everyone single handedly
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 14, 2007, 09:37:31 AM
Not even that, Exhausted.

People don't even feel anything anymore... thats my point.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: AtomicAnt on January 14, 2007, 10:06:34 AM
I agree with Niles. We have become de-sensitized. I posted elsewhere that an Internet poll results showed that 61 percent of Americans felt torture was justified under certain circumstances. That would have been unthinkable 30 years ago. It would have been poltical suicide to even suggest that you endorsed or even condoned torture. Now, it is accepted policy.

Our culture has slipped into a tough-love, tough-on-crime, self-righteous, and angry mob, willing to throw away civil rights in order to force conformity and seek an imanginary safety. It sucks.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 14, 2007, 10:19:26 AM
Europe looks oh-so fucking appealing right now...

Should I get my major, then run off, or run there and use their education system? Shit, they let in people who will never get educated all the time....  :rofl: surely they'd want me paying into their tax system!

I'm sure I'd get along better mentally in europe, thats for sure... just the whole 'distant' thing and lack of social interaction and interpersonal... er, everything thats part of life here would make me seem like a weirdo or really skittish in europe for a while  :x
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Anonymous on January 14, 2007, 12:36:44 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Europe looks oh-so fucking appealing right now...

Should I get my major, then run off, or run there and use their education system? Shit, they let in people who will never get educated all the time....  :rofl: surely they'd want me paying into their tax system!

I'm sure I'd get along better mentally in europe, thats for sure... just the whole 'distant' thing and lack of social interaction and interpersonal... er, everything thats part of life here would make me seem like a weirdo or really skittish in europe for a while  :x

Don't cop out on us Niles.. We need all the help we can get here in the USA.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Anonymous on January 14, 2007, 01:15:36 PM
HI exhausted Im glad your still around and didnt let nastiness shoo you away
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Anonymous on January 14, 2007, 02:07:10 PM
Alot of heavy conservitive propogana. Very wealthy corps own every media outlet out there. (Including myspace -have fun having your email and site reviewed for "security" and infomation mining purposes)
The nastier they can influence us to be, the more we will cravenly buy their products and  allow them to run our govts so they can abuse humanity to their monetary and peronal advantage

"What? 150,000 Iraqi civilians killed, what? 20 people got cancer exposed to dangerous toxins, what? someone dyin and too poor to get medicine? what do i care?"
Consider this: according to the US census beauro in the 1970s the #1 priority young men had was to acheive by the time they died "understanding life, develouping a competant life philosophy that can be put to use to help those in their personal lives and community"

the #1 priority young men have to day according the US census beauro is  having a sucessful economic career.

Theyve done their job well. You should read a book called "whats a matter with kansas" It explains the phenomenon of AMericans beleiving that empathy is bad
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 14, 2007, 04:28:21 PM

Wonder why its so tempting to run away to the rest of humanity? Eventually you just wanna say "ENOUGH" and go be happy somewhere that actually learned from what happened in the 20th century!
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Anonymous on January 14, 2007, 07:01:55 PM
People suck everywhere, they are all the exact same, just with different accents. You got to pick and choose wisely and stay around the good and leave the bad behind. There are worse places to live than the states.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 14, 2007, 07:02:33 PM
No doubt.

There are also better places.

I think I just gotta find the right state IN the USA... heh.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Oz girl on January 14, 2007, 07:30:44 PM
For a while I was bogged down in this kind of negative thinking. it is certainly disturbing to think that tough love is more popular than ever and i feel that Bush has encouraged this idea with him alarmingly gung ho rhetoric on Iraq.
But lets look at the positives
-There are many more people in the US who dont sent their kids to these crazy places than those who do
-There was a pretty public outcry in your part of the world about the Anderson death, perhaps this represented a turning point.
-People made their feelings on Iraq clear in the last election.
-Brat Camp may be broadcast internationally but the more people who know of this industry, the more focus can be placed on its flaws. Afterall 2 years ago there was nobody outside the US who posted here. Now more people from around the world are slowly taking note.
-George Clooney still makes movies. So the world cant all be bad
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 14, 2007, 07:32:34 PM
Meh, at least beer in this nation has come a LONG way, among craft brews anyway.

I need to head to ybor sometime...  :lol:

I think I just need to find a state, or at least a community more in line with how I am. Soulless suburban sprawl in florida ain't it, thats for sure.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: AtomicAnt on January 14, 2007, 07:49:13 PM
When Bush was elected (both times) a large number of Americans moved to Canada. I did not like that because that meant fewer votes against him in this country.

If you leave, they win. Shoud you obey the conservative conservative mantra of, "Love it or leave it."

This is my country! I'm not going to let these neo-con idiots drive me out of it. I will do everything in my power to drive them out [of office].
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Anonymous on January 14, 2007, 08:28:56 PM
Quote from: ""AtomicAnt""
When Bush was elected (both times) a large number of Americans moved to Canada. I did not like that because that meant fewer votes against him in this country.

If you leave, they win. Shoud you obey the conservative conservative mantra of, "Love it or leave it."

This is my country! I'm not going to let these neo-con idiots drive me out of it. I will do everything in my power to drive them out [of office].

Right on & god bless ya, Ant.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Oz girl on January 14, 2007, 08:32:47 PM
Quote from: ""AtomicAnt""
When Bush was elected (both times) a large number of Americans moved to Canada. I did not like that because that meant fewer votes against him in this country.

LOL  ::bwahaha2:: well i am glad to see this phenomenon is international. Everytime Howard wins I threaten to fuck off to france! With Australians it is often just talk tho because we are so isolated. I wholly agree with you Ant that more people need to vote. In a country without compulsory voting, bushes enemies need all the help they can get! Niles do you Drink Sierra Nevada beer? I love that stuff. Knocks Bud and Millers on its ass!
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Anonymous on January 14, 2007, 08:38:26 PM
Quote from: ""Oz girl""
do you Drink Sierra Nevada beer? I love that stuff. Knocks Bud and Millers on its ass!

Knocks ME on MY ass too! ::puke::

(I'm not saying it's not good beer.)
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 15, 2007, 08:37:13 AM
SNPA isn't even high in alcohol...

oh, I see, you get good stuff and you guzzle it.  :lol:
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Anonymous on January 15, 2007, 09:48:43 AM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
SNPA isn't even high in alcohol...

oh, I see, you get good stuff and you guzzle it.  :lol:

Not really, but I mixed several beers with weed and it sure took its toll on my stomach that night. It wasn't really my idea to partake of both quite so vigorously, but i had some and was sharing as payback for the brew...

PS- what the hell is an LGAT?
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 15, 2007, 09:50:03 AM
Hops on their own make me happy... Sierra Nevada and most west coast beer has a ton of it. Did I mention they're antioxidants?  :lol:

LGAT = large group awareness training...

WWASPS seminars, STRAIGHT Raps, CEDU propheets, "Challenge Day", Tony Robbins's bullshit.... etc.

GOOGLE is your friend  :wink:
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: exhausted on January 16, 2007, 03:53:41 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
No doubt.

There are also better places.

I think I just gotta find the right state IN the USA... heh.
Oz girl is rihgt, don't think europe is any better cos really, it's probably worse, prevention is not better than cure here, it's the other way round, it's all about 'lock them little bastards up' that's the mentality, we don't do therapy in the way you do infact it's almost impossible to get unless you have money to burn on a private therapist (and they are extortionate knowing the NHS won't provide) as a mum of a child who has been diagnosed for over a year with a disability, i stil cannot get therapy for him, they are just into chucking the pills down their throats and hoping they'll grow out of it, the other half of the country doesn't even believe the disability is real, try dealing with that! ( I am talking police, schools, GP's etc)
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 13, 2007, 04:08:47 AM
Hey, exhausted.

Have you seen that top gear episode where they go to Florida and drive to NO with beat up old cars?

Yanno, and got assaulted in Alabama and saw how fucked up NO still is?

Its quite nice having an outside opinion on how much this area SUCKS.

I suppose its a good thing the USA is basically an old empire... every place is so culturally remote from the rest its kind of crazy. I think I should hit up the west coast or something... Florida ain't for me. The only good part of it is Sebring racetrack and no emissions laws... but I can't even get enough work hours to do anything with a car anyway!

I'll settle on some parts of the USA are better than others, but I'm in a shitty part of it  :cry2: this sucks.

P.S. has anyone told those Alabamian bumble-fucks that its 2006? (of the time of the filming that is)
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Oz girl on February 13, 2007, 05:34:06 AM
Go to new york Niles. Fantastic city.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: MightyAardvark on February 13, 2007, 09:34:47 AM
While you are thinking about leaving Niles I'm going through the process of moving to America.
Now is not the time for good people to give up and leave.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: MightyAardvark on February 13, 2007, 09:36:58 AM
Quote from: ""exhausted""
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
No doubt.

There are also better places.

I think I just gotta find the right state IN the USA... heh.
Oz girl is rihgt, don't think europe is any better cos really, it's probably worse, prevention is not better than cure here, it's the other way round, it's all about 'lock them little bastards up' that's the mentality, we don't do therapy in the way you do infact it's almost impossible to get unless you have money to burn on a private therapist (and they are extortionate knowing the NHS won't provide) as a mum of a child who has been diagnosed for over a year with a disability, i stil cannot get therapy for him, they are just into chucking the pills down their throats and hoping they'll grow out of it, the other half of the country doesn't even believe the disability is real, try dealing with that! ( I am talking police, schools, GP's etc)

I think it is safe to say that our experience of the country is radically different.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: AtomicAnt on February 15, 2007, 11:25:34 PM
You surprised me by moving to Florida. That is one fucked up State. They are one reason the USA cannot sign the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Florida still allows a sentence of life without the possibility of parole and they have over 2200 kids locked up in adult prisons. Those are both show stoppers for the UN Convention.

Did anyone catch the news about the UNICEF study? They ranked the USA number 20 out of 21 industrial nations when looking at which countries it was best to be a child in. I downloaded the entire 52 page study in pdf format (Google UNICEF). Some of the metrics are questionable in my opinion, but it is interesting stuff.

Niles, don't go to New York. I lived there for 16 years. It's no good for car buffs. Way too expensive and too crowded. While I can't believe the poverty I see here in SC, I like it better. No car inspection here, either.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: AtomicAnt on February 15, 2007, 11:27:44 PM
Oops! Forgot to mention. The reason the UNICEF study belongs in the empathy thread; the USA ranks the worst in family and peer relationships.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 16, 2007, 12:08:34 AM

I see even dysfunctional families and find myself longing for that kind of bond. A normal family is totally alien to me.

And yeah, FLORIDA SUCKS. I moved from NC mostly becuase my family was leaving and becuase I didn't want to run into a few enemies of mine... some disowned family members of mine, let's just say.

At any rate this country is so fucked up socially its going to be a clusterfuck in a few decades. It was a real epiphany when I realized... I have no culture and the concept of one is a new thing to me.

So WHY should I not bug out again?  :rofl:
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Oz girl on February 16, 2007, 03:43:44 AM
So just dont drive a car boys. Use the outstanding public transport system. Of course new York is crowded and dirty. Full of huddled  masses yearning to be free. This is what makes it so fun!!!!!!

+ its people are not anywhere near as rude as everyone seems to think. Frankly i was a little disappointed on this socre. When i went there as a poor ans somewhat naive young backpacker from a provincial city, i was almost looking forward to some big city attitude. All i got was nice 50 year old jewish ladies with thick brooklyn accents telling me i should be careful because it is a dangerous city. i began to wonder if Judge Judy would Mug me.

Also though obscenely expensive, the beauty is you can have fun just walking around or people watching. You can do stuff on the cheap it just takes some effort. Find out when the free evenings and days at museums are.

Really Niles dont listen to Ant on this. New york is worth having to reside in a flat roughtly the side of a shower cubicle, paying 20 bucks for a coffee and being shoved on the peak hour subway because it makes you feel alive. Go there for a bit while you are still young.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 16, 2007, 03:47:59 AM
I don't like relying on others and not being in control.

I might live in, say, new york STATE, but not the city. HELLLLLLLL no.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Oz girl on February 16, 2007, 04:21:17 AM
Ah well that is the beauty my friend. I apologize to all who are sick of ther NY advert I will stop soon
but the other beauty of NY for those not a fan of PT is its geographical compactness. You can walk everywhere. I lost a lot of weight there because i walked a lot and i couldnt afford food. Nobody really even needs to be trapped in a hunk of metal. Trust me Sinatra was right about NY
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: MightyAardvark on February 16, 2007, 05:13:35 AM
That UNICEF report was utter bunk.
it determined child welfare by entirely arbitrary measures  (such as proportion of children who have smoked pot)
seemingly randomly constructed standards and used totally out of date information. I don't think anything constructive is going to come out of that.

Now if you look at hard measures, such as proportion of children living in poverty, or proportion of the population incarcerated etc then America still qualifies as the worst place in the developed world world to be a child. Just don't take unicefs word for it.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Anonymous on February 16, 2007, 08:51:07 AM
Why does Unicef and the UN hate america and the UK? Don't those fuckers know they wouldn't exist without our moneys and leadership? Let the fuckers rot in their in third world cesspools, build a wall and let em rot if they dont like it here. Fuck the UN.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: exhausted on February 16, 2007, 03:11:49 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
I don't like relying on others and not being in control.

I might live in, say, new york STATE, but not the city. HELLLLLLLL no.
Nor would I - New Yorks a great pace don;t get me wrong, but I couldn't live there, hell afatre a week I wante dto go home badly, its so noisy and busy and bustling, I wanted my farm life back  :(
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: try another castle on February 16, 2007, 03:16:46 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
I don't like relying on others and not being in control.

I might live in, say, new york STATE, but not the city. HELLLLLLLL no.

Niles, you're a pervert, and a dom. Two words: San Francisco.

I expect to see you at the Power Exchange every Saturday. It's mostly straight now, anyway.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Ganja on February 16, 2007, 07:50:28 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Why does Unicef and the UN hate america and the UK? Don't those fuckers know they wouldn't exist without our moneys and leadership? Let the fuckers rot in their in third world cesspools, build a wall and let em rot if they dont like it here. Fuck the UN.

"the U.N. is incapable of anything. Those people love living in the City because most of their home countries are shit holes. The U.N. is bumbling, corrupt, incapable of anything worthwhile. Rwanda. Kosovo is still a mess and Clark, Clinton and Albright should be tried as war criminals. What will U.N. backing do? Have you heard about Christian churches being torched in the former Yugoslavia by Muslims? Wait, the U.N. was there, but the U.N. troops ran away, now you have a big mess. Where is the liberal outcry over that? . .  Kick the U.N. the fuck out of New York, get some taxes from that property for the City coffers, that would be something worthwhile, the U.N. is a joke and people like Hussein know/knew it. How many U.N. resolutions did Saddam blow off?"
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: AtomicAnt on February 16, 2007, 08:15:52 PM
Quote from: ""Oz girl""
So just dont drive a car boys. Use the outstanding public transport system. Of course new York is crowded and dirty. Full of huddled  masses yearning to be free. This is what makes it so fun!!!!!!

+ its people are not anywhere near as rude as everyone seems to think. Frankly i was a little disappointed on this socre. When i went there as a poor ans somewhat naive young backpacker from a provincial city, i was almost looking forward to some big city attitude. All i got was nice 50 year old jewish ladies with thick brooklyn accents telling me i should be careful because it is a dangerous city. i began to wonder if Judge Judy would Mug me.

Also though obscenely expensive, the beauty is you can have fun just walking around or people watching. You can do stuff on the cheap it just takes some effort. Find out when the free evenings and days at museums are.

Really Niles dont listen to Ant on this. New york is worth having to reside in a flat roughtly the side of a shower cubicle, paying 20 bucks for a coffee and being shoved on the peak hour subway because it makes you feel alive. Go there for a bit while you are still young.

Come to think of it, I would not trade my NYC experiences for anything. I think I just got too old for the rat race. Once you have kids and become family focused, NYC is just crowded, polluted, and expensive.

Still, part of me thinks my kid is lucky he is growing up there. He has seen the Macy's Day Parade in person, been at Times Square for New Year's, visited all the best museums, been to the top of both the World Trade Center and Empire State Building, seen broadway shows, and had countless other experiences. Because of this urban background, he is at home anywhere and has 'attitude' that only big city kids have.

Charlotte, NC is pretty much a boring, hick town by comparison. But I like it here. My four bedroom house is cheaper than my one bedroom hovel in NJ (could not afford to live right in NYC), my commute is one-third the time and way less stressful. My neighbors are friendly. It's relaxing. I like that right now.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: try another castle on February 16, 2007, 08:20:09 PM
Hey Ant, my best friend lives in Charlotte now. He and his boyfriend have a nice 4 bedroom, which is great for his son. His commute right now is terrible, because he is teaching at a high school about an hour away. He's looking for a closer gig at the moment.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 16, 2007, 10:06:52 PM
Quote from: ""try another castle""
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
I don't like relying on others and not being in control.

I might live in, say, new york STATE, but not the city. HELLLLLLLL no.

Niles, you're a pervert, and a dom. Two words: San Francisco.

I expect to see you at the Power Exchange every Saturday. It's mostly straight now, anyway.

Ok so are they actually attractive and not the rednecks in dated lingerie that I see all the time in personals?


Why did this thread turn into get Niles a date anyway?  :rofl:
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: try another castle on February 17, 2007, 12:00:12 AM
Why did this thread turn into get Niles a date anyway?

Probably because I wandered in and threw an irrelevant wrench into the works.

However, contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of straight and available women in San Fran. I have my eye on at least one of them.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 17, 2007, 12:01:00 AM
I'd be "that southern guy without the accent" for years if I ever left this hellhole of a geographical area.

Oh boy!
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: try another castle on February 17, 2007, 12:03:58 AM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
I'd be "that southern guy without the accent" for years if I ever left this hellhole of a geographical area.

Oh boy!

Doesn't matter. Almost everyone in SF is a transplant anyway.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 17, 2007, 12:05:04 AM
That would be a good thing then... seeing as culture is such a foreign concept to me, as well as things like "community" and "things to do"  :rofl:

I do know I'd probably need to print out glossy pamphlets to explain what I'd be driving, but I bet kinkos wouldn't mind my business with them.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: try another castle on February 17, 2007, 12:11:42 AM
Nobody would care what you'd be driving, cause it's impossible to park anywhere. I think Paula Poundstone said something like "I feel bad for homeless people, but I feel even worse for all of those people who are homeless simply because they can't find a place to park so they can go home."
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 17, 2007, 12:12:21 AM
I'd live in a suburb...  :rofl:
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: try another castle on February 17, 2007, 12:15:52 AM
The East Bay or Peninsula it is, then.  :D
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: ZenAgent on February 17, 2007, 11:38:15 AM
Quote from: ""try another castle""
The East Bay or Peninsula it is, then.  :D

My God, most people would rather gnaw their genitals off than live in Peninsula Village.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: AtomicAnt on February 17, 2007, 03:02:03 PM
Quote from: ""try another castle""
Hey Ant, my best friend lives in Charlotte now. He and his boyfriend have a nice 4 bedroom, which is great for his son. His commute right now is terrible, because he is teaching at a high school about an hour away. He's looking for a closer gig at the moment.

In NJ, an hour is average. It took me an hour to drive my 15 mile commute.

I live in SC. I commute to Charlotte. The whole area is very much a boom town. New developments and shopping centers are popping up everywhere.

They need to build schools at such a pace. I read where 50,000 kids are attending classes in trailers because of the lack of schools in the Charlotte-Meckinburg school district.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 17, 2007, 10:15:57 PM
NC in general is having schools set up like that... population growth that was not planned or accounted for and all.

Guess what the demographics of those new kids are?  :roll:

It's so bad FL won't accept NC drivers liscenses...

And do NOT get me started on the "magnet program".
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: try another castle on February 18, 2007, 05:53:44 AM
And do NOT get me started on the "magnet program".

You mean for public schools?

I went to an Arts magnet school in Dallas before I got shipped off to CEDU, and I loved it. Maybe they are different in NC.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Ganja on February 18, 2007, 09:27:28 AM
Quote from: ""Oz girl""
Ah well that is the beauty my friend. I apologize to all who are sick of ther NY advert I will stop soon
but the other beauty of NY for those not a fan of PT is its geographical compactness. You can walk everywhere. I lost a lot of weight there because i walked a lot and i couldnt afford food. Nobody really even needs to be trapped in a hunk of metal. Trust me Sinatra was right about NY

"New York's all right if you like saxophones."
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 18, 2007, 11:30:48 AM
Quote from: ""try another castle""
And do NOT get me started on the "magnet program".

You mean for public schools?

I went to an Arts magnet school in Dallas before I got shipped off to CEDU, and I loved it. Maybe they are different in NC.

Magnet program = take shitty inner city schools, and build a new wing for all the brilliant little geniuses in the school system, new library, lab with computers, bla bla bla... for the geniuses of course.

The school on the whole looks better but the neighborhood kids don't improve at all.

That's bullshit, 100%.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: AtomicAnt on February 18, 2007, 01:18:43 PM
Providing better facilities for the 'brilliant' kids is bullshit? Or did I miss something? It seems to me, we would want to support high achieving kids as being in the best interest of the country.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 18, 2007, 01:44:57 PM
Why send the brilliant kids to a shitty school to make the shitty school look better, without actually spending any effort on the neighborhood kids?

Its underhanded man! Why can't we go to a new school or at least one that is on par anyway? Why send us to the shittiest one to make the shitty one look better by spreading us on top of the problem there?

The neighborhood kids didn't get anything out of it, but the school didnt look like a shitty inner-city one anymore, because me and the other braniacs were being showed off while the warehoused kids were kept out of the limelight, basically.

I'm sorry but I don't like being turd polish for the wake county public school system...
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Ganja on February 18, 2007, 03:46:00 PM
I don't know how on topic this is, but I'll chime in anyway. A lot of schools get grant $$ for maintaining high test scores. This tends to have adverse effects on some of the kids... If you can't perform within the school's parameters, you're fucked. Let's say a 1st grader doesn't do well with timed tests or has bad motor skills.. they are fucked, to make a long story short.

The whole thing is a bit disgusting to me; I experienced this as a parent of a bright kid who was an 'abrasive wheel.'

Fuck the goddam public school system anyway -- it was set up to create obedient and productive workers....just ask Cassandra, lol.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 20, 2007, 01:39:40 AM
Yuh think?

My role was test-taker... I got the psychological beating-up from my "peers" for a long time. I remember in 4th grade the teacher actually yelling at the little shits to shut up and dressing them down while I tried to collect myself, then shooing me out before she screamed at them.

Sadly, not every teacher I had would do his/her job so well. In 5th grade I actually made the teacher CRY becuase I chewed her out for not doing her damn job! The principal and my parents were on a first name basis... heh. Thats what got me in the "alternative school" for a few months. Good thing I was such a good little boy, huh  :roll: else I might have ended up restrained or locked in that 'time out room'.

It got better in high school when I literally scared everyone into coerced civility, if that's worth anything.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Ganja on February 20, 2007, 08:06:47 AM
I pointed out a grading error to my first (and only) college English professor. I had an A on the paper anyway, so I didn't bitch too much about it.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: Oz girl on February 21, 2007, 01:33:31 AM
Ant your son sounds like the luckiest boy ever. I would love to be able to have a family in a city like New York!
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: AtomicAnt on February 21, 2007, 08:56:18 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Why send the brilliant kids to a shitty school to make the shitty school look better, without actually spending any effort on the neighborhood kids?

Its underhanded man! Why can't we go to a new school or at least one that is on par anyway? Why send us to the shittiest one to make the shitty one look better by spreading us on top of the problem there?

The neighborhood kids didn't get anything out of it, but the school didnt look like a shitty inner-city one anymore, because me and the other braniacs were being showed off while the warehoused kids were kept out of the limelight, basically.

I'm sorry but I don't like being turd polish for the wake county public school system...

Apparently, I did, in fact, miss something.
Title: What happened to compassion and empathy?
Post by: AtomicAnt on February 21, 2007, 08:58:41 PM
Quote from: ""Oz girl""
Ant your son sounds like the luckiest boy ever. I would love to be able to have a family in a city like New York!

You mean I am the luckiest Dad ever. I am, of course, biased.