The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: No to programs, but then what do you do?
« on: June 18, 2009, 03:54:52 PM »
I'm trying to help your defenseless child. I have BEEN through a religious cultlike troubled teen institution. I know what I have SEEN, FELT, and HEARD. I write about these experiences in an effort to get through to people who HAVE NO CLUE what goes on behind locked, closed, barred and alarmed windows and doors.
Read this, you might Michelle Sutton's story of particular interest. Her mom sent her to a therapeutic boarding school in order to boost her self-confidence after a date rape. Her little girl never came home. I can get you in touch with the mother if you'd like.
(Edited to include the link.)
Read this, you might Michelle Sutton's story of particular interest. Her mom sent her to a therapeutic boarding school in order to boost her self-confidence after a date rape. Her little girl never came home. I can get you in touch with the mother if you'd like.
(Edited to include the link.)