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Messages - Samara

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Teen Challenge / Re: I personally escaped this Cult
« on: December 12, 2011, 04:52:52 PM »
Is it a longitudinal study? Because lots of programees assert undying devotion until the brainwashing wears off.

And, my thing is, whether or not someone is sober doesn't justify extreme coercive, psychologically abusive programs that depend on chronic, trenchant degradation to bring about "change."  I also could not condone any program that doesn't recognize the emotional health of personal boundaries.  Sharing should be safe and voluntary.  Also, I do not believe you build someone by tearing them down first. That is BS. I've seen too many babies thrown out with the bathwater.  Last, I would not want my mental health tied into adherence to theocratic programming.

Thought Reform / Re: Does thought reform create arrogance?
« on: December 12, 2011, 04:41:51 PM »
Well, I went into this program with horrific self esteem and an inability to assert myself on any level. I left it feeling like I had insight and awareness that most civilians didn't have and that it was incumbent on me to call them on their bullshit. No one was good enough, deep enough, or transcendent enough for me to really connect to anyone authentically. I kept looking for people to relate to on some astral plane that didn't exist because it was totally contrived in some pseudo-enlightenment cult. All the people I secretly condescended just "didn't get it."  I had no idea that I didn't it - they knew perfectly well how to go about the business of living - which is just the exigencies of daily life. I think I really felt that every day life should be as intense and "transcendental" as a Profeet. Pretty arrogant, huh?  The funny thing is I split, but still brought in.  It was a rude awakening to discover ding!ding!ding! that I missed enjoying experiences and people because they were every-day.  I didn't get that every day language, occurrences and people were valuable. What a waste.

However, I was not one of those look goods who went bananas on people in a rap and got off on power trips. I sought no power or notice. I wanted to blend into the wood panels as much as possible. I found raps to be a grotesque violation of conduct and boundaries.  Some people, however, came into the program ready to rip. They enjoyed humiliating and oppressing others, and found validation of their sociopathy from power staff gurus. The more you demeaned others, the more powerful you were thought to be... others had to be forced to confront people for bullshit reasons. You quickly learned to recognize the ones who relished it.  Also, the students who fared the best were the ones who were ultra manipulative and gifted in cons. They saw it for exactly what it was. I was too dumb to fully process it.   I kept thinking the methods were perverse, but they must have good intentions right?   There must be some value.  Well, no.

Feed Your Head / Re: False memory syndrome: A therapeutic tool?
« on: December 12, 2011, 04:19:29 PM »
There were a few reasons I successfully split. One was that I could see the memory manipulation occurring around me. Once staff decided what your story was, you had no choice but to embellish to distortion. Or life would be very emotionally torturous for you. After awhile, you believed the most extreme version. Some were badgered and bullied to  "admit the truth" about events that never transpired.  Others were forced to embellish to the extent the truth was unrecognizable. I knew I was at the point in the program where I would be forced to "enhance" my story, repeat it, internalize it, confess it, flog myself for it until I no longer recognized the truth of my own experiences.   I could not stomach the possibility of doing this.  I also couldn't stomach the pressure to berate and humiliate others in a barrage of verbal and psychological abuse. You have to do both to level up.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: What is the economy anyway ??
« on: November 23, 2011, 10:23:42 AM »
I think you are purposely misunderstanding what I'm saying, Friend.

... :roflmao: ...optimistic ?? or just self serving and greedy ??  

I am saying there are many world views. People are allowed to be optimistic if they choose... I certainly wouldn't call optimists self serving and greedy.  I know plenty of people who are not.

Comfortable with uncertainty ?? Please. :rofl: I thought all of civilization was an attempt to arrest uncertainty. That must be why the insurance industry is collapsing, because everyone is so comfortable with uncertainty.

Some people are comfortable with uncertainty. Especially when they have insurance... :) But when it comes to global implosion, there is not much I can do individually. I can't predict the how/what/why/when.  So, why belabor it?  I'm not gonna live in a constant state of sturm and drang and angst that's for fucking sure.

...yeah, right, but that doesn't mean that our lives don't have inherent worth or value or that we should all just throw in the towel and forget what justice is. Just another excuse not to look at whats happening.

Who throwing in the towel and forgetting what justice is? Just because I won't live in a state of constant weltschmerz doesn't mean I forgot justice.  Justice/Fairness is extremely important to me. I try to live my life that way.

No, it's not. Injustice is generally rooted in the ego consciousness and the inability to recognize the ego for what it is.

I don't need psychobabble on ego consciousness to know injustice blows.

 Samara wrote: ... currency is here to stay so no point in belaboring the issue or dreaming of a Walden Utopia unless you are ready, able, and willing to live it.

Currency is here to stay, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't see it for what it is and be able to discuss the ways that using currency effects the lives of the people. The idea that there is no point in discussing economic justice or justice in general or what you refer to here, as a "Walden Utopia", strikes me as defensive and irrational and reactionary and seems to imply guilt. Why do you make a caricature of Justice ??

Defensive, irrational, and guilty? Are you projecting?  Don't assume where I am coming from. All I said was currency whether trade or other currency is here to stay. Period. It's never been infallibly fair.  Life has never been fair. Yet, I still strive as an individual to be fair and promote fairness. I never said there is no point in discussing economic unfairness but you seem to vacillate between pie in the sky idealism and total pessimism -  which is no solution at all. So there is a point in discussing - but why use circular, elliptical reasoning? And generally,people with their knickers twisted should be living what they advocate instead of clocking others on the head with rantings, accusations and ideologies.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: What is the economy anyway ??
« on: November 16, 2011, 10:38:39 PM »
Well, yeah.  Anything can be misused and abused.... vices, ideology, and maybe even carrot juice. They can also be enjoyed.... maybe even carrot juice.  

As long as there are humans....

Tacitus' Realm / Re: What is the economy anyway ??
« on: November 16, 2011, 03:16:34 PM »
It's not the root of all evil. If not money, something else.  But currency is here to stay so no point in belaboring the issue or dreaming of a Walden Utopia unless you are ready, able, and willing to live it.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: What is the economy anyway ??
« on: November 07, 2011, 05:16:42 PM »
So who is jumping up to join your friends in the international, no electricity, no toilet community?

Man being man will fuck up any system. Whether primitive or corporate. Utopia becomes dystopia. There will always be a minority concentration of power. There will always be threats to power.  There will always be over-reactive nimwits.

But it is wayyyyy to easy to let "The Program Matrix Theory" become the end all-be all excuse for individual shortcomings.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: What is the economy anyway ??
« on: November 04, 2011, 05:19:33 PM »
Speaking of the economy, I must say as BS as it is, was it better under a feudal system...? or even under the traditional more historical marital system in which women were forced to marry for economical reasons.... ? There will always be the oppressed and oppressor and there are strengths and weaknesses of each time; but true freedom?  

Can you protest when you are part of the chains that drag workers down?  As Paul says, should you get to assume all the liberties of being immoral, hypocritical, and unjust, but none of the responsibilities?  There is hypocrisy in all, but its a matter of degree and the effort to try and live a life of integrity. I would think instead of proud hypocrisy, one might endeavor to be fair and just. Regardless of "the Matrix."

Those who promote a Walden Life might first achieve it before they espouse it.

The economy sucks for many reasons. Greed, ignorance, and dwindling resources vs. growing occupants.  Maybe we'll implode. Or maybe everyone will just smarten up. Necessity is the mother.... the mother fucker of us all.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: calo ruined me
« on: October 09, 2011, 03:29:19 PM »
In a weird way, you may be better off than those of us who imbibed the BS for long after we left the program. You have no illusions. So now, try to regain any sense of self that you lost.

Very weird that DII's post between my disengage and 2nd post disappeared..... ?

This was an odd response. First, I haven't followed the contents of this thread closely at all. I'm not invested in following you or bringing you down. I am also not on any other site.  But from time to time, I visit my old stomping ground here to see if anything interesting is happening  and it seems every thread is "Danny this, Danny that, Danny Danny Danny." I don't know Wayne from Adam.  My disengage comment was just meant to be some loose advise, like "don't feed it."  I don't know the interworkings of the feud or back and forth. I haven't read all the pages. I haven't read an eighth of the pages. But I don't know why this has to be the Danny site. I thought disengage would be good advice, but now I will disengage since you've chosen to read so much into it.  Not everyone is out to get you.  Maybe you forget that. This whole thing is truly bizarre to me.


The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: TIME TO MOVE ON?
« on: September 11, 2011, 10:06:30 AM »
Get over it?  It is difficult to do when your internal hard drive was re-wired and you find it affecting your life at a very entrenched level for decades. In any event, when I first came to Fornits, it was the first time I ever discussed the situation. I wasn't looking to blame everything in life on the experience. I was looking to finally talk about something I suppressed but still dreamt about with people who understood.  I was able to then process the experience and put it on the shelf. I don't have dreams anymore and I am at peace with how I view the industry.  Now, far more important than whatever happened to me personally is that it still happens to others. I've seen various places shut down since I first started on the board, and this pleases me. However, there are still places operating using the same tactics - but more cleverly presented - as 30 years ago - thus, it is still relevant.  So I'm over crying about my own experience, I certainly care about others' present confinement and mental hijacking.  I do understand the frustration that some people use their former experience as a "get out of jail for free" card for dealing with life and responsibility. However, it does show that these programs are not the saviors of people.

The Melting Pot / Re: What are you reading?
« on: July 11, 2011, 04:45:43 PM »
En este hermosa día en México, que estoy leyendo los datos y estadísticas para mi tesis .... golpes.

Open Free for All / Tracking Down People
« on: July 06, 2011, 12:11:25 AM »
Looking for info regarding deceased family. He would be over 100, so I'm sure he's gone.  Everything costs. Any way to track down people free? It's a lost bio line.

--Also, looking for adopted sib. Any way to find? I have sex, approx date (1963-5) and gen county. don't know name or any other info. not looking to upend life... just wondering if there is an open forum.

Any help appreciated.

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