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Messages - TimScrivener

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Quote from: "Clambo"
I've read a BUNCH of interesting things tonight.....I'm thinking my friend might not be so crazy now....but perhaps totally in the grips of PTSD and other such things.

Several of you mentioned strange happenings at the Intercoastal Canal. My friend claims she was taken out there in Roloff's plane and then raped by some guy....that Roloff set the whole thing up. She claims she became pregnant and later gave birth to twin boys which she was forced to give up for adoption.

I'm not sure how much is fact and how much is fiction here......but I have read enough to know that it's not entirely implausible. She's a compulsive liar and quite delusional sometimes but I think there may be at least some truth in her claim.

She said that she thought at the time, " You can have my body but you can't have my mind. "

I think that is/was the origin of her seeming multiple personality problem.

All I know for sure is that............something happened out there. Anyone else wanna chime in ?

Nothing I've read thus far indicates anything about Roloff and company doing anything remotely as heinous as having a 14 yr old raped.........

If you know something I don't, please don't be afraid to contact me or speak up. I care very deeply for this woman and I need all the information I can get. She is not doing well at all in life. Major drug and alcohol problems, has had them for 25 years. She has all the accompanying problems too. I don't even know how to describe her current behavior. Sweet, charming, successful, beautiful, mother, wife, home owner, successful the same time alcoholic, cocaine addict, heroin addict, liar, manipulator, sex addict, etc. etc.
I dated her for several months before I started to learn who she really was. Wow. I've never met anyone who can look you right in the eye and lie to you over and over no matter how much evidence you present to the contrary. She lives in about 3 different realities and I can actually see her jump from one to the other. It's amazing. It used to really piss me off. Finally I came to the conclusion that she actually believes what she says....

I feel very sorry for her daughter and her husband. (Still !) Not to mention every other guy who ever got involved with her.

I'm not involved with her that way anymore. Not since I became enlightened to the facts anyway, but I still care about her and I know her life has reached an entirely new low recently and I know she's going to pop back into my life at some point looking for an escape disguised as wanting "help". And once again I know I'm going to try and help and I know once again I am going to pay a very dear price for it. I feel I have to. I am the only one left that will.

The most surreal day of my life was listening to her tell me all about Roloff and the Honeybees and being raped.......while she was loaded to the stratosphere on Oxycodone and playing old church songs from memory on her piano. She claims to have memorized something like 300 of them and can quote the Bible with equal ease.

If there were one person who had a hand in making her what she has become and I could prove it.......I would gladly kill that person very slowly.


I don't even know why you're asking if someone has any knowledge of this stuff. It's obvious from what you tell about this woman that nothing she says can be trusted. Why come on here and add to the falsehoods that are being presented here about Lester Roloff and the Homes? You already know the answer. Bro. Roloff tried to help this girl and wasn't successful because she was already too messed up on drugs.

Quote from: "lorrispickelmire"
Rebekah was not even in existance when our friend from city of refuge who prefers to remain anon was there.  You can find the history of the homes by googling.  The girls that were in Rebekah in the late 60's and early 70's were mostly there due to bad abuse in their homes, or pregnancy.  I would love to hear how he assumes it is ok to hit someone who is pregnant with a board or a razor strap.  Or how being beat for the slightest infraction qualifies as couceling at all.  I have never heard of a therapeutic beating.  

Roloff preached hate from the pulpit and years after he was gone it was still being forcefed to these troubled teens from intercoms in their sleep.  A lot of girls were placed in Rebekah to keep the dirty little family secrets under the rug.  A girl kept totally isolated from the world around them cant blab about the family secrets.

Roloff did not preach hate. The don't play his preaching to anyone while they sleep. Not beat for the slightest infraction either. You don't know what you're talking about. Better have some proof before making this kind of allegations.

Quote from: "hurrikayne"
My point is darlin' that spell check corrects your spelling, not your usage.  Your pACE education shows you haven't a clue about usage.  Not your fault, it's the slipshod education you received.  Try going to college on that diploma, you'll understand what I mean.

I've BEEN in Jubilee.  I've lived on the farm. I've witnessed Faye Cameron slap girls in the face.  I never heard of a "Cleft of the Rock" program.  I'd LOVE to know more, please do share.  I have friends whose parents were workers, and THEY never were in a "Cleft of the Rock" program.  All your info is hearsay, mine is firsthand.

I'd put a ACE Christian Educated Child up against any public school educated child any time. Do some research.

Quote from: "iJust"
Christ, he is hailed as the one who had an answer to hurting kids and parents. he became like a god to his followers. he is enshrined and kept alive even today, he died in 1982.
I know the type. No person has a right to own an other person. When kids start rebelling it's natural and healthy.  They're figuring things out for themselves.  Amish let their kids go at this age to do what they want for a while.  Kids do drugs, have sex, and so forth.  Usually they come back (pretty fuckin good sucess results).  These nutballs, on the other hand, believe that their kids are their property and they can forceably teach them what they want.  If they disagree they are evil and need to be controlled.  That's not Christianity, that's dictatorship by a theocracy.  It applies to a real family as much as it does to what these moral majority type lunatics try to do to government policy.  He thinks that his religion is right and he has a right to force it onto another free thinking person.  He says he believes in free will but he's violating people's rights to choose and be judged by god if there is one.  He's been, basically, just believing what he's been told without actually figuring out things on his own.  Faith without reason is reckless fucking abandon.  It's best to use the reasoning ability that god gave you, if there is a god.  See.  I'm an agnostic.  There is a distinct difference.  I'm not sure either way.  Whatever the case, I just try to be nice to others and if there is a god, i'm sure he's not an asshole.  Asshole god would definately suck.

Parents have a responsibility to teach their kids what they believe is right. Until they are 18 years old parents have this right. I don't care if you call it owning them or what, that's the way it is. If you just let your kid do things you know are harmful to them and don't do everything in your power to help them, then you're not a good parent. You speak of reason but then you imply that we should let our kids do drugs. That's not reasonable, that's stupidity. That's what's wrong with this world now.

I was at the Lighthouse home for young men in 1981-1982. I can tell you that most of the people here calling themselves "survivors" of the Roloff homes are deceived by their own self. They cry about the horror of not being able to dress as they please, listen to the music they want, and having to listen to preaching all the time while they were there. The fact is, none of those girls in Rebekah Home came there because they were A students, on the honor roll, or were upright children who were victims of their parents lack of love. They went there because they were in some kind of trouble. The ones that failed to get help are those that refused to get help.
Not every one who was in a position of authority did the right thing all the time. I learned there though that God would take those out of their position if they abused it. There are literally thousands of people in this country that have been helped by the Roloff Homes though the years. This forum provides an opportunity for a few unhappy people to claim to be victims.  I can tell you this, Brother Roloff never abused anyone. Period. You got proof otherwise? BRING IT.
The Homes are still open by the way, still helping people. Many dedicated Christians have sacrificed a lot to help others get their lives right. So there's a few ungrateful people who, rather than acknowledge the love of these dedicated Christians, want to cry abuse because they were made to do things they didn't want to do, it's not surprising. But I say, if there was sooooo much abuse going on there, why is the place still open? Even after many people lied to the authorities and they came out to check it out, it's still open. Think about it.
I happen to go to People's Baptist Church and I work in the Sunday School and Junior Church. It's located at 1355 FM 665. Come check it out for yourself.

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