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Messages - heretik

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Tacitus' Realm / Re: Letter to a whiny young Democrat
« on: November 03, 2010, 06:51:13 PM »
Quote from: "seamus"
polititians are by very nature,liars. The idea of one party being any less full of shit than the other is insipid. Flip sides of the same coin.

Can not argue with you, you are right, they all lie.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: Letter to a whiny young Democrat
« on: November 03, 2010, 03:44:15 PM »
Quote from: "Shadyacres"
I agree, well said.  I think that because most of Obama's voters were younger, they are still rather impressionable.  They succumbed to the unrelenting and heavily funded onslaught of advertising and propaganda. I am hoping that in two years they will have realized how they were duped and they will be ANGRY.  NOTHING will happen in the next two years, period.  The republican controlled house will now set about trying to undo the small amount of progress the Obama administration has made so far.  They will fail, Obama has the veto, so, gridlock.

I don't see how anyone here, with the exception of Whooter, would EVER vote republican.  The Reagan's and the entire Bush family shilled for Straight and its descendants, and were handsomely rewarded by the industry in campaign contributions.  WWASP was a major contributor to Mitt Romney.  Republicans, more than Democrats, seem to believe that the end justifies the means, just like the programs we were all in.  They, as a party, believe in torturing people, spying on their own citizens, legislating their own version of morality, waging wars on false pretenses to obtain optimal position for oil acquisition, etc.....
How much money has Dick Cheney's old company Halliburton made off of that illegal war?  

The Democrats may be lame, but I don't think they are outright criminal as a rule.  I cannot say that about Republicans.

Well then I'll say it for you, the Republicans are outright criminals and liars. It will take another 2 years for the people to wake up again. I just hope they stop thinking the Prez is "GOD" and he grants prayers on a whim.
Sorry, for being so forward.


Tacitus' Realm / Letter to a whiny young Democrat
« on: November 03, 2010, 02:31:09 PM »

"Letter to a whiny young Democrat"

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
SFGate November 3, 2010 04:00 AM  

Oh, now you've done it.

See? You see what happens when you young liberal voters get so disgruntled and disillusioned that you drop all your party's newborn, hard-won ideas about Hope™ and Change™, without any patience, without really giving them sufficient time to mature, without understanding that hugely foreign, anti-American concept known as "the long view"?

See what happens when you wallow in hollow disappointment, trudging all over your liberal arts campus and refusing to vote in a rather important mid-term election, all because your pet issues and nubile ego weren't immediately serviced by a mesmerizing guy named Barack Obama just after he sucked you into his web of fuzzyhappy promises a mere two years ago, back when you were knee-high to a shiny liberal ideology?

Well, now you know. This is what happens: The U.S. House of Representatives, the most insufferable gaggle of political mongrels this side of, well, the rest of Congress, reverts to GOP control like a brain tumor reverts to a more aggressive form of cancer, and everything gets bleaker and sadder and, frankly, a whole lot nastier.

What happens is: Many kinds of fragmented, muddled, but still constructive Democratic progress might get stopped quite nearly dead, and even a few pieces of legislation we actually did gain get slapped around, threatened, stomped on the head like a scientist at a Rand Paul rally. Happy now?

Check it out, kiddo: This is not just any Republican party you allowed back into power; these mealy folks are not anything like the war-hungry, Bush-tainted army of flying monkeys and Dick Cheney moose knuckles you so wonderfully helped bury in the history books last election.

No, the GOP of 2010-2011 is even weirder, dumber, less interested in anything you even remotely care about; this GOP is infused like a sour cocktail with a bitter splash of the most cartoonish, climate change-denying Tea Party dingbats imaginable -- most of whom think you're an elitist, terrorist-loving, gay-supporting threat to "real" American values, btw -- all led by a guy named Boehner who wears a bizarre, shellacked tan so fake and creepy it makes Nancy Pelosi looks like a supermodel.

And you made it all happen. Or rather, you failed to prevent it from happening, by not voting, by turning your collective back on Obama's tough love, by getting all whiny and dejected like some sort of sullen teen vampire who can't get laid.

Do you deny it? Did you see the polls and studies that said that most fresh-faced, Obama-swooning Dems like you are now refusing to support our beloved Nazi Muslim president because he didn't wish-fulfill your every whim in a week? That he was, in fact, not quite the instant-gratification SuperJesus of your (or rather, our) dreams?

Of course you didn't see any of that. Hell, I bet you're not even reading this column right now. You're probably back on Twitter, raging into the Void about, hell, who knows what? The Wolf Parade concert. Angry Birds. The People of Wal-Mart. Anything but politics, really.

But hey, whatevs, right? Screw it. Screw him. After all, the prez let you down. Conveniently "forgot" to include you in the dialogue, after a major election that you helped him win. Where were the outreach programs? The campus speaking tours? Weekly appearances on "The Daily Show"? Legal pot and gay marriage and discounts tickets to SXSW and Burning Man and Coachella? I want my goddamn political perks, and I want them now.

Hey, I understand. We're an instant gratification culture, and you're an ADHD generation. Who wants to hear that serious enviro legislation might take a decade or two to fully come to fruition? Who wants to hear about Obama passing rather amazing student loan reform? Or even financial reform? Or health care, the Iraq drawdown, saving a million jobs at GM, or all the rest of his rather astonishing achievements to date? Dude, so boring.

Of course, you've now learned the hard way that the hot flush of a major election is far more electrifying than the gray n' meaty grind of actual governing. Obama flew into office on gossamer liberal wings, but the real halls of D.C. are a goddamn pigsblood slaughterhouse, brutal and depressing, full of gnarled legislative compromise. Screw that noise, you know?

And you know what? You're right. Well, sort of. The Obama administration sure as hell could've done more to keep young activists inspired and involved. It's an opportunity squandered, no question. Then again, dude was sorta busy unburying the entire nation, you know? And the twitchy Democratic party has never been known for its savvy cohesion. Maybe you can give him/them a break? Whoops, too late.

Look, I'm sorry. I know I'm being far too hard on you. Of course it's not just you. It's not completely your fault these dimwit Repubs were allowed to ooze back into a bit of power so soon. As many analysts have pointed out, this wasn't a vote for the Republicans, but against the limp-wristed Dems who didn't step up and lead with more authority and clarity of purpose. Truly, libs and independents of every age are frustrated Obama isn't governing with the same kind of magical, balls-out visionary zeal that fueled his campaign.

And let's not forget a shockingly unintelligent Tea Party movement that stands for exactly nothing and fears exactly everything, all ghost-funded by a couple of creepy libertarian oil billionaires -- the leathery old Koch brothers -- who eat their young for a snack. Who could've predicted that gnarled political contraption would hold water? But hey, when Americans are angry and nervous, they do stupid things. Like vote Republican. It happens. Just did.

But here's your big takeaway, young Dem: It ain't over yet. The 2012 election is just around the corner. If we've learned anything, it's that two years whip by insanely quickly. Anything can happen, and usually does. You'll have another chance. And probably another after that. Maybe more.

So here's what you need to know, right now: Barack Obama is, and will continue to be, a bit of goddamn miracle. He's simply as good as we're going get for an articulate, thoughtful, integrity-rich Democratic prez in your lifetime. Period. To hamstring his administration out of spite and laziness is childish and sad. Check the accomplishments. Understand the process. Deal with the messiness.

It will never be perfect. It will never be giddy liberal nirvana, because it doesn't work that way. Politics is corrosive and infuriating, de facto and by definition, even with someone as thoughtful as Obama in the Big Chair. Understand it. Deal with it. Get back in the game. If you don't, we all lose.

Your choice, kiddo.

Read more: ... z14FGrxN4u

Very well thought out and written. Tells it like it is.





Tacitus' Realm / Re: More Muslim Media Bullshit
« on: October 31, 2010, 06:06:08 PM »
Quote from: "Stonewall"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "Shadyacres"
Islam is not the only murderous religion;

Deuteronomy 7:1-6 (New International Version)

Driving Out the Nations

 1 When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you- 2 and when the LORD your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. [a] Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. 3 Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, 4 for they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and the LORD's anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you. 5 This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire. 6 For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.

I can almost guarantee that the excuse will be that that was from the Old Testament and Jesus corrected it with the New Testament.  I could be wrong, but that's what I've been told numerous times when discussing this with other people.

That's why I maintain that ALL religions are dangerous.  They were developed for a couple of explain the scary unexplainable and to control the peasants.

Religion is the opiate of the masses

Religion is a tough thing to discuss. The quote... 'Religion is the opiate of the masses', doesn't really tell the tale.  

You don't slam planes into buildings for an opiate.

Religion is a tough discussion to have on a Sunday morning at your local church, never mind broadening the topic into geopolitics into the mideast. Good luck!

Tacitus' Realm / Re: Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« on: October 31, 2010, 12:18:30 PM »
Quote from: "Stonewall"

Saudi Arabia is actually a very good example of what Muhammad wanted to create. Worldwide. As it stands the Kingdom is a very good example of Islam and what Islam creates and what Islam is all about.

You have a King who has the final word on all things. You have an Islamic Judiciary who carry out what they understand in regard to Islamic Law. The King can pardon anyone if public opinion rises against a decision from the Courts, or world opinion becomes involved. It is not a the same type of theocracy that Iran employs.

Saudi Arabia has been our "friend" since WWI. Through WWII, when that was not the policy of the Arab World, or Iran, who were Pro-Hitler. Also, during the Cold War they stood by us although the Arab World stood mainly with the Soviet Union. Iraq, Syria, Egypt, etc..

The 1967 War was a Soviet instigated event. And, a major disaster for the Arab World. Having lost the West Bank, Gaza, The Sinai, the Golan Heights, the Israeli Armed Forces decimated their foes.

Several major events have led us to this point. And, the only way to "fix" this is to understand what led us here.

Nasser went to war, in Egypt, with the Muslim Brotherhood. Expelling their leaders and many of their followers. Expelling them to Saudi Arabia among other places. Osama bin Laden was trained, in ideology, by Muhammad Qutb. His older brother, Sayyid Qutb, is the most influential Islamic leader for Al Qaeda types. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, etc.. He was hung by Nasser, but his brother fled to Arabia and became a teacher to Osama bin Laden. After Nasser's death Anwar Sadat made a peace with the Muslim Brotherhood and began a war of attrition with Israel, dating between his taking over Egypt and the 1973 War.

So, the ideological basis for Al Qaeda is the Islamic thinker, Sayyid Qutb.

The Soviet War in Afghanistan, the Iranian Revolution, and the Camp David Peace Accords radicalized the Middle East. Camp David was enormous because it ended any possibility that the Arab World would defeat Israel using Arab Nationalism as a political force. No way could Israel be defeated without Egypt going to war against them. Sadat was Arab Nationalist. Not an Islamist. He was killed by Islamists.

The rise of the Islamists are the times we are living in.

Saudi Arabia has used this time very effectively. The support financially the building of Mosques and madrassas, worldwide, that teach their version of Islam. Sunni Islam. Salafi.

Hindsight is 20-20. The first Iraq War was a huge mistake for the United States. Allowing veterans from the Soviet Afghan War into the U.S., and Europe, was a mistake. The Arab governments refused to allow some radicals back into their countries and Europe took many of them, we took some. Omar Abdel-Rahman. A good example.

We cannot continue to fight this ideology using Political Correctness.

We have to get over this idea that there is a moderate Islam. And, an extreme Islam. There is only one Islam. There are those who follow Islam and there are those who don't. Yet both of those still call themselves Muslims. Really though it is a game being played with us.

I don't even understand what a moderate Muslim is? What is a moderate Vegetarian? One who eats meat? An extreme Vegetarian would be one who never eats meat? What is a moderate anything? Are moderate cannibals those who don't eat human flesh, they just trade recipes?

Moderates are useless. All they do is seek to confuse the issues while providing cover for those we call extremists.

Then they go off... like this guy:

Suspect in plot to bomb U.S. subway was quiet, suburban Muslim

Hell of a nice guy...

Another good article I have seen recently...

Think Again: A double standard for Islam

Before we can figure out what to do, we have to be honest. No more PC. That does not mean attack Muslims, or seek to even harm them them at all. Just tell the truth. Learn the truth and have no fear in telling it, no matter where or when.


Excellent read, thanks.
Islam does present a problem for the USA. When we try to fight them we have liberal theologians crying, why are we subjecting Islam to bias. This is what it must of felt like millenniums ago. When the Christian Crusades (Popes) were ruling the lands, no one could fight them politically or militarily.
Moderates are also dangerous, they muddy the waters.


Tacitus' Realm / Re: More Muslim Media Bullshit
« on: October 29, 2010, 06:30:40 PM »
Quote from: "shaggys"
Islam is just the boogeyman of the current generation. When we were kids, Anne and Frod, it was the Russians. Seems like each generation of americans needs a boogeyman to keep them scared and supporting the establishment. Question: After all the hijackings back in the 70's why were cockpit doors never secured until after a disaster like 9/11 ? Its almost like somebody wanted that shit to happen. Hey frod, I have looked at the Pearl harbor thing closely as well. No question FDR knew an attack of some sort was coming. He had ensured it with his oil and metal embargo on the japs. Can't say that he knew specifically that they would hit hawaii, most figured they would hit us in the Phillipines. But the point is that FDR was willing to sacrifice alot of American lives to pull us into WW2. This was his agenda and he pursued it ruthlessly.
Seems like Bush did similar shit.

War was inevitable, I don't think it would have mattered if FDR or any other president was in office. Circumstances as they were; Japan, Italy and Germany moving in the direction they were moving and Russa just standing by waiting. No, in my opinion FDR waited way to long.
BTW, Congress would not let him move.
I did not agree with going to war with Iraq. We definitely could have waited for help and more guidance.
Islam is not the bogeyman, just people who just so happened to be Islamic who kill people for reasons so idiotic as not believing their fanaticism.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: More Muslim Media Bullshit
« on: October 29, 2010, 06:21:23 PM »
Quote from: "shaggys"
Islam is just the boogeyman of the current generation. When we were kids, Anne and Frod, it was the Russians. Seems like each generation of americans needs a boogeyman to keep them scared and supporting the establishment. Question: After all the hijackings back in the 70's why were cockpit doors never secured until after a disaster like 9/11 ? Its almost like somebody wanted that shit to happen. Hey frod, I have looked at the Pearl harbor thing closely as well. No question FDR knew an attack of some sort was coming. He had ensured it with his oil and metal embargo on the japs. Can't say that he knew specifically that they would hit hawaii, most figured they would hit us in the Phillipines. But the point is that FDR was willing to sacrifice alot of American lives to pull us into WW2. This was his agenda and he pursued it ruthlessly.
Seems like Bush did similar shit.

War was inevitable, I don't think it would have mattered if FDR or any other president was in office. Circumstances as they were; Japan, Italy and Germany moving in the direction they were moving and Russa just standing by waiting. No, in my opinion FDR waited way to long.
BTW, Congress would not let him move.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Marathon House circa 1974-75
« on: October 27, 2010, 11:22:07 PM »

Quote from: "Ursus"
Source: The Josephson Institute of Ethics, 2010
Ah, the "Character Counts!" people... aka corporation-friendly propagandists for the "manufacturing of consent." You can find some info on them in the Hyde forum.

Btw, heretik, the publication date for that article was today. I wasn't able to find it in your copy-paste; perhaps I did not look hard enough...

I posted the link I got it from, The USA Today Paper for October 26, 2010.
Here is the link again from my post above^ ... 6_ST_N.htm.

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