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Topics - Tha Truth

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Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Back in the place to be...
« on: December 15, 2005, 04:51:00 AM »
Yup, I'm back. Just here to say wut up to everybody. I don't have anything to preach about, nothing to say to anybody...I'm just here. I hope everyone on either side (meaning pro and anti-whitmore people) are doing ok. I hope life is treating you all wonderfully and that the holidays go really well. Anways, that's about it. I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still alive and kickin.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / To Whom it may concern...
« on: September 01, 2005, 12:40:00 AM »
Wow. It's been a long time since I've seriously checked this forum. It seems like all the support & opposition of the Whitmore has completely disappeared. This is as interesting as it is amusing. It seems, now that the initial drama has died down, all those people who were so interested in "taking the place down" have disappeared. In turn all the arguments on the part of the supporters seem to have burned out. This is a very strange turn of events. People were so quick to grab their torch and pitchfork when everyone else was...what changed? Did the trend just pass or is it there simply nothing to talk about anymore? Personally I think the whole issue was handled wrongly from the start. I don't really know exactly how to express it, but I think most of the level-headed people involved in this mess understand what I mean. By all means do what you feel is truly right on behalf of your self/child/family. But don't go so far as to harm the family of those you would accuse unnecessarily. Keep in mind those that were innocent in the midst of this mess. Those that were held in the control of this twisted way of thinking for too long, unable to break free. Please, think before acting.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / MOUSETRAP
« on: June 29, 2005, 08:04:00 PM »
Caitlyn is up against the ropes and there's really nothing more she can do. I don't think we'll be hearing much more from her that she's so effectively mucked things up for Cheryl. Too bad ain't it? "Angelina's" cover has long since been blown. Please, for your own sakes, disregard anything she may say from here on out. If she does continue posting I'm sure she'll be very desperate and accusational...we'll see.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / THA TRUTH - PART III
« on: June 27, 2005, 04:04:00 AM »
I'm back...just wanted to clarify a few more things.

1) Just because a parent places their child in a program or treatment facility does not mean that they're passing the buck on their parental duties. I'm not saying that there are never such cases, but the majority of the parents that sent their kids to the Whitmore did it because they believed it was for their child's benefit. Believe me, they regret every moment their children were stuck there.

2) To all posters who were never at the Whit, anonymous and otherwise: "Mouse" WAS a student, I knew her personally. Her name is Caitlyn but for some inane reason she's choosing to go by "Angelina".

3) I can't speak for everyone involved in the civil suit, but I know for a fact that most of the parents' main objective is not the money. Chances are that no one will be reimbursed the $42,000 anyway.

4) Sue Scheff SHOULD be held accountable for her incredible irresponsibility. Taking parents who are at their wit's end and manipulating their trust just for a little kick-back is vile. You really can't sink much lower than cheating someone in a time of intense need.

5) To everyone making ridiculous accusations:
Just because people post here does not mean they are "neglecting their children" that they are "losers" or, that they "have no life". It's taken me all of about ten minutes to type what I have thus far and this is much longer than the average post. I might add that I am doing this after a full day of other activities that make up MY life (yes, I have one). Isn't that a little hypocritical too? In order to tell everyone posting here that they're losers, you'd have to post too - right?

6) To everyone using sexist, racial, or any other slurs: You are the perfect example of what no one wants to be. Bitter. Self-righteuos. Cynical. You are not encouraging anyone to see your point of view. When you speak that way towards people, they'll automatically dismiss your opinion with the first words that come out of your mouth. Narrow-minded people aren't really known for their intuition.

7) In conclusion: I really hope that this can be worked out in such a way as to minimize any more  pain on either side. On that note, to the people who were never at the Whitmore or the parent of a   prisoner there (or another abusive program): You did not have to live through that ordeal. Your unfounded, biting comments are not helping anyone. You're aggravating a situation in which you have no business being involved.


"Tha truth will find you out"[ This Message was edited by: Tha Truth on 2005-06-27 01:10 ]

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / RANT & RAVE
« on: June 14, 2005, 07:09:00 AM »
Ok, so it's about 3:30 AM and I'm tired as hell, but I really won't be able to sleep until I get some stuff off my mind. I'm really tired of people pretending like there's no problem. Like there's nothing going on. It's especially frustrating when it comes from ex-students. You're the ones who know! Why are you trying to front? Defending the Sudweeks is not going to get you a good seat in Heaven. I don't know what kind of drastic changes the Sudweeks made after I left the Whitmore, but I sure as hell know what went on when I was there. People who went there with me are on this forum flat-out denying things that they saw happen with their own two eyes. That's sickening. What are people trying to prove? You want to know why that's so wrong? It's making a mockery out of every student who's had the guts to get up and say what really happens there. The people who stand up and tell the truth even when they're being threatened or guilt-tripped, sometimes by their own parents. Having someone else who was there, who KNOWS the truth, discount everything they say is a huge betrayal. Why stay in denial? I've said so many times- no one's asking anybody to make untrue accusations about anyone. Just be honest. Students were at fault and staff was at fault. This is a real case, a criminal case. Cheryl was formally charged on June 10th with 5 counts of misdemeanor child abuse and 2 counts of hazing. That's no laughing matter. They're being investigated for many other alleged illegalities as well. People do not just get together and say, "well, I think I'd like to ruin some nice lady's life today". Kids are not fabricating random stories. When kids on opposite ends of the country are coming up with the same stories w/ the same names and details without talking to eachother---WOW!! IT JUST MIGHT BE TRUE!! There's no way to deny that there were glaring inconsistencies between what the contract stated and how things were actually run. Cheryl always said that "she'd never received a paycheck" . How the hell does that work? You've got two planes, a mansion, like 8 cars, ATVs, jet-skis, a boat, a Harley, 3 buses, property in Canada and Mexico, a SICKENING amount of clothes that fill an entire HANGAR. How on God's green earth do you get that with no paycheck?? I read an article online which talked about the Suds involvement with Steve Cartisano. For those of you who don't know who that is, he was really big in the teen-help industry in the 80's. He specialized in wilderness programs and he basically scammed a whole bunch of parents for money to "help" their teens. A 16 year old girl died under his care. He also helped outline plans for starting teen-help facilities. Cheryl signed a document saying that she'd pay him 3,000 dollars a month to help them start the program in  B.C. if he could guarantee they'd make $1 million in the first year. Now, they are OBVIOUSLY not in it for the money. That's why we were packed in the mansion like sardines. I had 4 roommates when I left!! FOUR! Plus there was the boy's house! At $42,000 a pop that's a helluva lot of money! I'm not saying that Cheryl doesn't, or never has liked kids. I'm not saying that Cheryl was never a troubled teen herself. I am saying that she was NEVER fit to take care of 40 + troubled teenagers. She has severe mood swings, she has huge self image issues (which she'd take out on the girls around her), she abused the use of prescriptions...the list goes on. Do I think she's evil?? NO! Am I looking forward to seeing her crash and burn? Of course not. But I am waiting to see her take some responsibility for the undeniably horrible and hurtful things she did to some of these kids and their families. Many parents went into debt and had to borrow huge amounts of money to send their kids to the Whitmore. Imagine how they felt when they found out that this was how their kids had been treated. The things written abotu Zita and Joey on this website...these are not isolated incidents. This is a HUGE problem. It's been an ongoing thing hush -hushed countless times. I KNOW that abuse went on at the Whitmore! I administered it and took it. I administered a LOT of it. I can admit it. I've tracked down and apologized to as many kids as I could. I hurt a lot of people in my time there, both physically and emotionally. If I should apologize to the people I hurt (under the Sudweeks care and sometimes under Cheryl's direction) then they should show they're sorry too. I was never physically abused there but I was verbally. I won't even bring any other kids names into it but from my own personal experience- I know that PLENTY went on. Just in my year there. Anyone who says differently is a damn liar.  If there is ANYONE who has ANYTHING to say to me or any questions to ask please reply or PM me. Sorry if this was a little long, incoherent and/or radical...I'm very tired. It's 4:14- I'm out. PEACE!

"Tha truth will find you out"[ This Message was edited by: Tha Truth on 2005-06-14 05:52 ][ This Message was edited by: Tha Truth on 2005-06-14 05:57 ]

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Some Fresh Air
« on: April 11, 2005, 10:14:00 PM »
I don't look at this site often and I post even less frequently...but I felt the need to today.
I just need to get a few things straight for the people who were never at the Whitmore. Kids who are there will do anything (and I mean ANYTHING) to impress Cheryl and stay on her good side. Believe it or not about 90% of the posts made in the defense of the Whitmore are made by students there, not Cheryl herself. It's like proof of loyalty. I remember one afternoon we a few students, Cheryl, and I were sitting in the pool room. This was only a few days after Cheryl's discovery of this site and the forum devoted to her program. She had been frantically calling ex-students trying to find out who had been posting these things. After that she came to a few of the current students and asked us to start posting "the truth" about our program. Of course that meant discrediting anything negative that was being said. Because of the lies I was asked to post then, I have decided to redeem myself by posting the REAL truth. I covered for the Sudweeks many times when I was there and I did many things for Cheryl's approval that I will regret for a long, long time. If anyone has any questions or doubts, please feel free to PM me at any time. I would love to help out. I feel like people are being lead in too many different directions by all the lies and mendacity polluting much of this site. PLEASE ASK ME... I CAN TELL YOU

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / READ THIS
« on: March 12, 2005, 10:34:00 AM »

Ok, I've glanced through this site a couple of times and honestly- it gives me a headache. There is so much ridiculous he said/she said and all the topics run in circles. I'm here to (hopefully) help clarify things in some peoples minds. I'm speaking to people on both sides of the table. First-  personal threats, name-calling, and revealing personal information is not only childish but it's wrong. No one on this site, whether they are for the Whitmore or  against it, should expect to be taken seriously when they do things like that. To parents, friends, aquaintances, and random people signing on and joining "the cause": Do not make radical accusations based on second or third hand information. You should be as sure as you can before handing out accusations. Do not harp on one particular point again and again. That will not accomplish anything. These verbal catfights are ridiculous and pointless.
To the people posting from the Whitmore:
Please stop with the ridiculous identity changes. Multiple posts came from the same ip address and every single one said it was from a different person. Granted, a few different students could've used the same computer, but some were claiming to be parents and alumni. That's just ridiculous. It's almost embarrassing how obvious it is when you do that. Please believe that no one who will actually be of any consequence in this "dispute" is buying into those games. The same goes for non-Whitmore contributors. This two-faced, back-biting, junior-high, style of communication has got to go. I hear a lot of preaching here about how people need to grow up and get lives...well, it could all be solved when one side decides to be the better person- and chooses to walk away. Pride dropped. Think about it, there's a lot of accusations flying around but people are making their word meaningless because of how many lies are being told for the sake of covering up. That makes the original sin that much worse. Step back and take a look at this for what it is. Not only will the truth find you out, but it can set you free- if you let it.
-One Love

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