- Total Time Spent Online:
- 0 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 3931 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 139 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 3 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 7 votes
Fornits Home for Wayward Web Fora
An open discussion about the troubled parent industry
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- The Troubled Teen Industry
2987 posts of the member's 3931 posts (75.99%)2987
- World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS)
310 posts of the member's 3931 posts (7.89%)310
- Open Free for All
215 posts of the member's 3931 posts (5.47%)215
- Brat Camp
72 posts of the member's 3931 posts (1.83%)72
- Straight, Inc. and Derivatives
54 posts of the member's 3931 posts (1.37%)54
- Benchmark Young Adult School / Benchmark Transitions
42 posts of the member's 3931 posts (1.07%)42
- Aspen Education Group
34 posts of the member's 3931 posts (0.86%)34
- Thayer Learning Center
29 posts of the member's 3931 posts (0.74%)29
- PURE Bullshit and CAICA
27 posts of the member's 3931 posts (0.69%)27
- Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore
19 posts of the member's 3931 posts (0.48%)19
- Benchmark Young Adult School / Benchmark Transitions
42 posts of the board's 990 posts (4.24%)4.24%
- The Troubled Teen Industry
2987 posts of the board's 107985 posts (2.77%)2.77%
- Brat Camp
72 posts of the board's 2723 posts (2.64%)2.64%
- Sea ORG Refuge
1 posts of the board's 38 posts (2.63%)2.63%
- World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS)
310 posts of the board's 12019 posts (2.58%)2.58%
- CEDU (and derivatives)
1 posts of the board's 41 posts (2.44%)2.44%
- Thayer Learning Center
29 posts of the board's 1840 posts (1.58%)1.58%
- CAN ~ Collective Action Network
4 posts of the board's 315 posts (1.27%)1.27%
- Vision Quest
2 posts of the board's 187 posts (1.07%)1.07%
- Joe's Apartment
1 posts of the board's 96 posts (1.04%)1.04%