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Messages - psy

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / yes. her
« on: October 20, 2006, 11:56:45 PM »
yes, her.  I was at Benchmark.  Another NATSAP school.  She brought all her bag of tricks from CEDU.  I have not been able to find anybody who went to Hilltop during that period.  I'm interested in what she was like before she started her own program.  She rarely showed her face at Benchmark, managing things from behind the scenes and at staff meetings.  I'd like to know what made her into what she is now.

The Troubled Teen Industry / So what DOES work?
« on: October 20, 2006, 11:30:44 PM »
Quote from: ""Oz girl""
I think the bigger question is why a kid will run from a place repeatedly in the first place.

It is often "that awful that the kids can't stand being there".  In my experience, kids do not have to lie about their experiences in program, though many believe what they say to be lies becuase things sounds so bad.  If the parents or authorities were doing their jobs, giving people the benifit or the doubt, and investigating the situation, things might turn out differently.  You would think more people would be suspicious considering the "coincidental" likenesses of the stories from kids all over the country.

Reading the CEDU forum on fornits is like reading from my memory, and the same shit is happening over and over and over again.  I wish more parents did research on the internet.  The would find the same stories their kids try to tell them (labeled as manipulative) repeated almost verbatim again and again.  Sure some kids lie, but in my experience, most of them did not becuase the truth was bad enough.

I can understand a parent's scepticism though.  Parents, who have entrusted their children to an institution, are more likely to believe the official program story.  Keep in mind, many of them are also under a financial burden, having already paid in advance for the program.  They often view their kids as "throwing their education away" when they get into trouble in program.

It has been my experience that debates are won based on who has the most persuasive arguments, the most experience, and the most time to argue.  The program wins this competition every single time by restricting and/or manipulating communication between child and parent.  When all you hear is one side of the story, it becomes the truth to most people.  Just look at political polarization if you need a good example.  Critical thinking skills are not valued anymore as, more and more, people look to others for answers they could (and probably should) find themselves.

Parents have no comprhension whatsoever of what goes on.  It's one of those things you have to experience to truly know what it is like.  There is no book or documentary that can really do it justice.  There is no easy way to illustrate what it is like to have your mind cracked open and fucked with like a toy.  In this way, it is not easy to describe exactly what made things hell.

Some programs physically beat you down, other programs break your mind, break your will, and remake you as a mindless pawn.  When you're broken, it's like your watching your life being lived, rather than actually being behind the driver's seat.  You relinquish control.  You become who you must become to survive, and a part of you starves to death in the process.  Physical injuries heal but the emotional death inflicted by these programs lasts a lifetime.  I've seen people on this forum who got out of program 20 years ago, and they still are crushed by their experiences.

The worst of them never realize the abuse they underwent and as a result become supporters of the program, most likely sending their kids off at the slightest sign of independant thought.  The victim becomes the victimizer, all the while living in a dream world where severity of punishment indicates love, where compassion is naive, where mercy is harmful.  They start to believe that they know what other people think, and can "call you on your shit" when most of the time they have no idea what they are talking about.

Studies have shown that experienced cops, when asked to judge whether somebody was lying or not, more often than not, were wrong.  When their results were compared to a group of randomly chosen people, it was discovered that the cops scored worse.  Often they scored so badly that they would have been better of randomly guessing.  The only difference is that the cops were more certain in their judgements.

This type of fanatical self-confidence Is what the staff are in these programs are infected with.  They go off on power trips, fueled by their belief that their experiences somehow gave them supernatural insight into the minds of others.  Often, this confidence aids in convincing kids that who they are is a lie.  Eventually you believe it (almost all do for at least a time, though few would admit the shame of it), though endless the exercises, workshops, rap sessions etc.  You are mentally raped in program and it carries a greater degree of shame.  At least if you are raped you know you couldn't have prevented it.  When they break you, at some point in time you think "i wasn't strong enough to resist."

I believe many program councelors and staff believe they are doing the right thing.  I believe this to be for two reasons:
   - how could one live if one did not believe this?
   - they have gone through the same things?
Even then, it is doubtful many of them could keep themselves in this state of self denial for long.  Staff in programs often burn out, after which they either leave, relapse, or both.

There are a few (thankfully rare) completely sociopathic staff members who know exactly what they are doing, and either derive enjoyment from it, or have no problems doing whatever it takes to put money in the bank.

Councelors in my program often went through the workshops (profeets et. al. for CEDU people) with the kids.  They underwent the same Lifespring-esque programming we did.  They ended up believing the shit they said, and it made it all the more convincing when they said it with conviction.  When you are immersed in such an enviornment, it is futile to try to be normal or "work the program."  If they suspected you were not "honest" enough about how you felt, even if you were being completely honest, they would apply more pressure until your head popped open and they could insert whatever truth they wanted you to believe.

Let me reiterate, the damage done by these programs is permanant.  Things get blocked out, but they never go away, and when you ignore the past it pesters and pokes at you until you deal with it.  My mother used to tell me to "get over it, you're out of there now, move on."  At the same time, i never realized why now i am different.  I never put two and two together (until just recently, when reading my memories online) to realize how much i had changed since i went into program:

i don't trust anybody more than superficially
it is worse with people i know
i rarely sleep
when i do i don't sleep well
i don't like to be around people anymore
i find comfort in isolation
i'm more paranoid than ever

I'm hoping somehow, by writing this, that maybe it will convince some parent not to send their kid away.  I'm hoping maybe it will help somebody to remember, to get pissed off, to heal.  I don't know whether it's possable to heal but i do know it is possable to shut down these programs.  I know that will make me feel better, to know it will not happen to others.  All it takes is a loud enough scream.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Authority figures and paranoia
« on: October 20, 2006, 09:15:00 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Nothing is more harmful to the development of young adults than the shitty examples of their authority figures.

Thanks to my experiences in program I now have an innate paranoia of authority figures.  I have no criminal record or any reason to be worried, but I still get nervous around police.  I never used to be that way.  I see them as goons on a power trip who would rather toy with me for kicks than "serve and protect."  I was never this way before i went into program.  I don't trust authority anymore.  I'm more cynical than ever.  I have no faith whatsoever in government or the law.  Maybe i shouldn't have any faith in them.  After all, what has the law done to help take down these programs.

What has the government done?  Have you seen the amount of money contributed by Ken Kay to the republican party?  You don't think this influences decision making (especially locally) even a little?  In this country we have legalized corruption in the form of campaign contributions.  I do not think the framers of the constitution had K street in mind when they envisioned the right to petition our government.  "Petition" in my mind, does not invoke visions of dollar signs.  The corporation killed democracy.

The way i see it, if you can't trust authority, then that authority is not legitimate, and you have to find your own justice. Derive from that what you will.

I'm interested because i am researching a staff member who went off to start a CEDU knock off program which i was unfortunately placed.

Did anybody know a Jayne Longnecker ?

The Troubled Teen Industry / JS
« on: October 18, 2006, 06:01:25 PM »
Quote from: ""Milk Gargling Death Penal""
It's Tools->Options->Content->Disable Javascript to turn the JS off in Firefox. Should have said so earlier.

just in case somebody is using mac firefox.  It's Firefox>Preferences>Content>and then uncheck the little "enable JavaScript box)

The Troubled Teen Industry / incorrect use of dashes
« on: October 18, 2006, 05:39:13 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I am, however, a little disappointed that KarenInDallas is using the dashes incorrectly.

She's probably used to typing in MS Word, where two hyphens (such as she used) are correctly changed into a single dash.  Lots of other words processors do this as well.  Using these programs results in all sorts of bad habits such as not capitalizing "i"s.  From a certain perspective she used them correctly.

Boy that is pittily shit... i must be really bored.

The Troubled Teen Industry / More bullshit advice from ST
« on: October 18, 2006, 05:30:51 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Dead on, Psy.  This is why they won't even allow names of programs to be posted.  It's called "plausible deniability."  It is so they can say "Well. I didn't know that!"  

This is also why they post pro-program propaganda constantly, but have to be almost forced into posting negative information about the industry.  Lon, Jena and "the crew" are all parasites that thrive on the sorrows of children.

It's best just to simply avoid people like these.  Nothing good can come from associating with them.

I've been watching the fuckers for a long time.  They've prospered unfortunately.  Perhaps we should start sending them proof of what these programs are like, so they have no excuse when the bell finally tolls for them (and their karma will kick them eventually).  I would not expect them to pay attention, but... you can see where i'm going.  A pissed off parent would be able to say "you knew what they were like".  I wonder what a jury would say?

The Troubled Teen Industry / hair follicle test
« on: October 18, 2006, 05:01:19 PM »
If it didn't show up on a hair follicle test he isn't doing anything.  The NSA uses those tests for their employment clearances.

and do not listen to  If you're a research freak, find out who owns that site.

The Troubled Teen Industry / More bullshit advice from ST
« on: October 18, 2006, 04:49:35 PM »
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Dead kids don't lie or manipulate.  Jena and crew do, and they participate in an industry that generates dead kids.  I wonder if ST is directly responsible for sending a kid to his/her death in a program?

Directly, no, indirectly, yes.  I know of three personally (2 suicides, one hit by a bus after he AWOLed).  It would be hard for a lawyer to build a case unless you could prove ST had prior knowledge of how bad these places are.  My hunch is that they make it their policy not to try to find out.

Quote from: ""Guest""
psy- appears as if you are new here.  The KareninDallas posts are a joke and are not really made by a parent.  Someone has registered this name and thinks it is amusing to pretend to be Karen so that people like you are sucked in.
A Parent

Yes i am new here acutally.  I had a feeling it wasn't serious but i've seen some pretty f***ed up parents around so i wasn't quite sure.  Thanks for the heads up though.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Puberty - hormones... etc
« on: October 18, 2006, 04:35:53 PM »
Ok.  If you send him to program he is going to have more sex than you could possably imagine.  No amount of supervision will keep Males and Females from bonking their brains out at that age.  You should think more practically.  Nothing you can say or do can control his sex drive (especially with the hormones at that age)  Educate him about safe sex and make sure the female(s) he is with is/are on birth control.  Remember: pregnancies do happen in program (and programs don't usually give out condoms or birth control so it is arguably much much more likely to happen).

It sounds like your child could benefit from therapy rather than a program.  If you child is not Christian, it would be more likely to alienate him from the religion rather than bring him closer to it.  The more you push, the more he will push in the opposite direction.  If the program accepts children who are physically restrained and forced to be there, i worry about how "Christian" they truly are.  Anybody can call themselves "Christian."

He is not an immediate danger to himself or others.  Being close to his family is the best thing that can help him.  Let him choose a therapist he trusts and it will do him far more good than any amount of religious indoctrination that (chances are) he will later resent you for.  It probably seems unlikely to you that this approach could work but i beg you to give it a shot.  Programs break families apart,  just browse around this forum and see what ex-students have to say about their parents on average.  This is not what you want.  If you decide to send him anyway, don't say i didn't warn you.

Quote from: ""KarenInDallas""
my kid loves me -- the program taught him that.

God you're sick. Why didn't you just give him a lobotomy, it would have been more humane.  I almost feel sorry for the utter hatred your child will feel when he figures out what you have done to him, if he doesn't already know.  Program brainwashing only lasts so long.

The Troubled Teen Industry / where are you sending him
« on: October 18, 2006, 04:12:50 PM »
It is highly suspect that you are a troll but i'll bite just incase you really are a parent.

Where are you sending you kid?  If the program displays any of these warning signs (click to go there) do not send your kid to the program.  Check the watchlist as well.

I don't know whether it is of any use, but i beg you not to send your kid to program.  There are always other options, no matter how dire the situation seems.  My parents did, and they regretted it later.  I am not the same person i was once, before i was sent to program (and the change was not for the better.  Think "hollow inside").  Please do not make the same mistake.

If you could explain what is the problem with the child, perhaps we can help you find some alternatives.

The Troubled Teen Industry / More bullshit advice from ST
« on: October 18, 2006, 04:02:07 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
OOOOH-  You're a little frustrated, aren't you sweetie.  You can't come onto ST and irritate everyone. Your ass got kicked off. AND-you can't kick us off of fornits so we get to stick around and kick you around.   This is so funny.  I can see you sweating there in your swivel chair in your filthy bedroom cursing at your monitor because you are so ineffectual.  Wasting air, wasting bandwidth.

At least we have free speech here.  However, you overestimate the effect you have on us.  At least for me, it is more pity and boredom than anything else.  How petty do you have to be to spend your time pestering others with childish taunts -- hoping somehow to derive some satisfaction from the odd reaction.  Is this how you entertain yourself?  Is this how you survive your day-to-day monotony?

The Troubled Teen Industry / candorville
« on: October 16, 2006, 03:41:53 AM »
this Candorville cartoon i believe also made reference to it

The guy who writes Candorville often talks about recent news related to tecnology and freedom.  I saw this in the post just two days ago.

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