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Messages - Badad

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Facility Question and Answers / Father and son WC
« on: February 09, 2007, 08:54:44 PM »
Iv been on fish oil for many years.  I was taking 4000 mg Omega mood (high epa)by country life but ran out and am taking now foods omega 3 now.  I need to order more soon and its the best time to ship it now in cold weather. I ask my family take it also but they dont always unless I remind them.  Grass feed beef from my dads farm.  Organic eggs from my buddies farm.  Real whole grain bread and pasta.  But the fruits and veggies could be more.   I ride my bike rain or snow to work so I dont drive or do the shopping and its tough getting the good foods.

I dont mind working on toilets. I like to, no, love to work with my hands. Keeps me in shape. But it doesn't pay well.  Cutting and splitting my firewood in the fall is one of my most favorite things to do with my dad.  But my kids hate it.  They would rather play video games all day.  I cut , split and stack a seasons worth of fire wood and its like pulling teeth to get them to bring it inside as we burn it.

I will remember what most of you said and work harder on my self esteem.  I wish my family would say what you people have said.

Facility Question and Answers / Father and son WC
« on: February 08, 2007, 07:36:19 PM »
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
You do realize he's being an emotional teenager and I want you to play the role of a intellectual adult, right?  :wink:

Yes I hear you.  
  But I suffer from depression.  Especially during these cold months. Talking with you people helps.  Allot
  I worry about money allot.  My wife just started working and our retirement plan didn't exist until just recently.  Our financial future looks bleak for us now that Im sober and thinking about the things Iv ignored for most of my life. So Im on this saving money kick now.  I cant have fun doing special things with my family cuz " It costs to much"  So then I feel guilty for not...
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
building and racing a sportscar.

Even though I prolly could afford it.

But Im still not done with my fixer-upper. So Im stuck in this material world when I should be more concerned with my family.
 Again.. If we made good money I could afford to pay someone to do my roof, windows, siding,furnace A/C and interior. But since I screwed up and ended up a blue collar idiot.  Thats how I feel.

My son was the last in the very long line of people who have beat on me.
But I will try to work on my self esteem Oz Girl.
Oh..  My wife would kick my ass if I had a beer.  Because I have a hard time drinking only one.

Milk.. Funny thing is.  I do trust you. And most of you as well.

Im trying to talk my son into posting here and talking.  What forum should he start in where you kind people would talk to him?

Facility Question and Answers / Many good questions.
« on: February 07, 2007, 10:46:34 PM »
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
I can see why you would feel that. Yet do you think it would be a long term solution?

No I dont.  Like I said.  I "want" to kick his ass.  Not that I was actually going to.  But there are moments when I need to just walk away or I might "try" to get physical.  Im now wearing hand me downs from him.  Hes as big or bigger than me and in better shape.  It would be a close match.  But it would be devastating to our relationship.

Quote from: ""Deborah""
Now, if you can't gain cooperation, how will a program? What methods will they employ to do so?

I have given up with most programs.  But I just talked with him.  In fact hes walking in and out as I write and says he hates me and wants to go to a program.  I told him some kids get abused and commit suicide at these programs.  He needs to get away from here though.  Scattergood here in iowa my be a option.

Then I reminded him that I love him and we both agreed we love and hate each other.

Yes.  The Drama.

I need to let the little things slide for now and hope he stays out of trouble. And spend more time with him. And its not easy hiding who I am Oz girl..
 We had some quality time when Mom left for a while.

Thanks all.

Facility Question and Answers / Father and son WC
« on: February 07, 2007, 08:33:56 AM »
This cold weather has something to do with our cabin fever.
Its not that he doesnt want to spend time with us.  We play family games.  Hang out and watch TV together. Hes fun to be around. But when asked to do anything.  He turns into a rude, hurtful person yelling at us.  Punching holes in walls and throwing things.  Ripping picture frames off the walls etc.

I guess I need to let it go.  But I just cant get over the feeling that my wife and I are slaves for our kids.  My wife has back problems and I have wrist Tendonitis and ligement damage and we are out shoveling snow.  It just pisses me off big time! And at those moments I want to kick his ass up and down the block.

Facility Question and Answers / Yes Im around. Interesting...thanks
« on: February 06, 2007, 10:02:36 PM »
That's a approach or angle Id never heard of.  But it does make sense.  School did seem like a prison or cult to me.  But my son "says" he likes it and is getting good grades.
  At this point of my life I feel I need to obey "the man". Iv been beat by him to many times and have learned.  But my son is completely opposite.  Small things like cleaning his room or shoveling snow only happen after a long drag down fight.  My wife starts to cry after demanding and being told no.  I step in calmly and then she screams at me.  Im walking on egg shells.  He finally does the chore 1/2 way after he sees us fight about how to deal with him.  He says he wants to spend time with me.  But I dont enjoy anything anymore.  The hobbies I loved are boring now.  And I find it hard to reward him for his behavior.

This unschool thing wouldnt work with him.

"It requires tremendous dedication and discipline to assume the responsibility that is normally entrusted to schools. If they decide to go this route, teens have to look for their own teachers and seek out classes if they can't learn something on their own. They have to think hard about what interests them and research the skills they need to accomplish it, so that they can make sure to take the necessary steps. "

My son and myself are more focused on instant gratification. Classic ADHD.  Not long term future goals.  What many would call lazy.  Then when it is to late I feel beat.  Its to late.  I find myself dreaming about life before my son was born.  I also wonder if I would still be a pothead alky.  Maybe he saved me.  But now it feels like he is destroying the family.  My wife and I are very confused and exhausted. We Havent taken a vacation for years.  If we went alone.  We would never hear the end of it.

I wish I could find FFT. And Im leaning more towards meds at this point.

Facility Question and Answers / Father and son WC
« on: January 15, 2007, 07:59:20 PM »
He was up in minneapolis with my wifes sister for one trimester at a charter school. She (pat) finally gave up.

I started looking for schools again.  But Im glad I came back here to remind me what most of them are like.

But my wife and I are on the edge of sanity/divorce.

Facility Question and Answers / Father and son WC
« on: January 15, 2007, 07:42:10 PM »
FFT isn't available unless my son is in the juvenile system.

Things have slowly reverted back to what they used to be and worse since he got back.  He makes his mom cry on a daily basis.  And just got done tearing his room apart. Then he said he was leaving forever.  But returned 1/2 hr later to eat and continue his rein.

Another 4 years of this?

Facility Question and Answers / Father and son WC
« on: December 10, 2006, 11:57:11 AM »
Thanks so much.  I agree with most that has been said here.  Im glad I didnt take the advice to "stay away from here" from the Woodbury forums.

We dont make allot of money. The cost of one years tuition at any of the so called "good" RTC's is more than we make in a year. Yet I was willing to sign my life away to help my son.

Quote from: ""Oz girl""

This way even if he spends a few years completely fucking up but eventually comes out of it, he will still something set aside to help him go to college or learn a trade.

Good luck.

Oz girl..  Your statement worries me.  Because when I was 17 I sold drugs.  A informant finally got me busted and I joined the coast guard (with visions of finding bales of dope on the beach) to avoid prosecution. So instead of going to college I ended up in boot camp.  I got my ass kicked in boot camp as I was demoted from one company to another for disciplinary issues.  I could have quit.  But I knew what awaited if I returned home.  I didnt "come out of it".  And after 4 years in the coast guard I had little to show for it. The CG runs off the DOT which at that time was almost bankrupt and the school I was promised closed.

This was a big stumbling block I dont wish my son to experience. But he knows and has seen first hand what drugs and alcohol can do to a person.

The FFT sounds good.  How do I go about setting this up?

Facility Question and Answers / Father and son WC
« on: December 09, 2006, 04:11:50 PM »
I have more issues than he does.  Im talking to a shrink.

He was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD when he was in 3rd grade.  The latest sign of trouble was last year in 8th grade.  We only asked him if things in school were going OK.  I was so busy with my second job (the house) I didnt take the time to follow up and make sure things were as good as he claimed. My wife also works. We, my wife and I, were still smoking pot back then.  He ended up failing 5 classes.  He went to summer school only to fail them again. The school didnt want him back until he made up the classes elsewhere.  My wifes sister (Pat) & husband offered to take him up to minneapolis to a charter school.  He passed all the classes but had many disciplinary problems.  Throwing things in class.  Swearing. Stealing. Trying to be cool.   I still dont know all the details. But I will when he returns this weekend. Pat couldnt control him and has given up.  It was a situation she could not handle.

Pat spent at least 6 hours a day between school and home working with him.  And the charter school had small 15 student classes.  The public school he will attend here has around 30 students per class.  I know he will be to shy or embarrassed to ask questions.  And is already behind because the trimester started 2 weeks ago.

I hope to hire I younger Tudor he can get along with.

Im just so worried about him because he has no goals.  When I was his age I was into modeling, BMX (I was expert) and practiced drums for hours a day.

How do I motivate him? And help him realize that its so important to use his time wisely? Because He wont have the time when hes my age.

Facility Question and Answers / Father and son WC
« on: December 09, 2006, 12:02:04 PM »
Thanks People.

I'm in Iowa.  But I want to look for a warmer climate and stunning scenery for winter break maybe.

 I work in "the dungeon."  Its a state job. Loud ,and full of chemicals and back stabbers. No windows and a shiester boss. I could go on and on.  But again. I blame myself for not pursuing a professional career when I was young.  I was to busy getting stoned.  I'm stuck there.  I have bills to pay but it does have good benefits. Health and retirement. I am good with my hands and math.  I like to work on my house and hobbies.  Remote control boats, gliders,choppers etc. My son thinks it boring.  Unless we strap a gun on it.

I bought a house in a nice part of town because of the school district.  But I had to buy a fixer-upper to afford it.  My house is my second job.  Another thing I blame myself for.  I should have bought a condo and signed my life away so I could have spent more time with my family.  But I didn't and still have allot of work to do. But I owe nothing.  My son thinks its boring to help dad and would rather spend hours playing his Xbox.  Maybe if I offer to pay him?  But I always thought that I shouldn't pay for chores.

Things in common.   We both like to play the drums.  He is sounding good. I played in many bands.  That was my goal when I was young. I spent allot of time playing and it was fun.  But I never "became a rock star" like I wanted.  Another thing I blame myself for.  If I would have spent that time pursuing a professional career..

So it feels like I have dug myself into a hole.  Or painted myself into a corner.

I will look into the outward bound programs.

Thanks again.

Facility Question and Answers / Father and son WC
« on: December 08, 2006, 10:31:42 PM »
New here.
  Im a father of a 14 year old boy who reminds me of myself.  Except I was already a major pot head at 11 years old.  I Hated anyone with authority.  Planned on a career of selling drugs and corruption blah blah  blah . Was emancipated at 17.  And have completely fucked my life up.  My sisters are doctors.  Im a blue collar looser.

So you say I should never have become a father?  I agree.    But whats done is done..  Right?  I love him regardless.

After researching WC's it sounds like "I" need the reality check for even thinking about this.  So where do I go to get MY ass kicked, humiliated, abused and reminded how big of a dirtbag I am?  Somewhere where my son could even watch?

Would he then forgive me for the abusive things I have said and done?  Maybe.. Would I?

Is there a WC that both of us could attend and benefit from? Because after reading here.  I would never send him anywhere alone.  Some where that teaches character building, family values and Self esteem.  And in a beautiful remote area?

Or should I just take him and go alone?

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