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Topics - The Fornits

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Elan School / [PLEASE READ] Elan Forum Rules
« on: January 21, 2010, 02:01:05 PM »
Rules and Policies of the Elan Forum and Subforums


1. Stay on topic - When posting in this forum, please pay attention to the topic heading.  Discussions that stray off-topic, yet are still Elan related, may be split off into several separate topics.  Discussions that have nothing to do with Elan at all may be either deleted or moved to a more appropriate section of Fornits.

2. Personal Attacks - Personal attacks against other forum posters are not allowed.  This is not retroactive.  Should you verbally "wish ill" on a person outside this forum, for example, and that person then becomes a poster on this forum, your old posts do not suddenly constitute a rule violation.  You will, however, from that point on, be expected to at least be civil towards that poster for the purposes of furthered discussion with all involved parties.  There is a time and a place for online "flame wars" (such as "Open Free for All"), but it is not here.  If you can't hold it in, take it elsewhere.

3. Contact Information - While you are certainly free to post your own email address, phone number, or contact information, it is not permitted to post the contact information of other people...  even staff.  The exception to this is the case of a person or entity that is a public figure (having put his/her self into the public domain) and for whom contact information is already widely available.


1. Responsibility. You are responsible for your own words.  This forum does not attempt to arbitrate claims or determine what is true and what is false.  Please do not write to us privately asking us to do so; the answer will be no.  The veracity of any given matter is left up to individual readers to decide.

2. Alternatives and Penalties. If you do not wish to abide by the above set of rules, you are free to discuss whatever you wish in the unmoderated sections of Fornits.  Posts that violate the rules may be deleted or moved to other sections of Fornits.  Repeated flagrant violation of these rules may be grounds for being banned from from this particular section of Fornits.

3. Amendments. Other rules may be added in time as needed.  Such amendments will not be applied retroactively (to older posts).  Any changes to these rules and policies will be announced in a new thread.

By posting in this forum you agree to all the above rules and policies.  

Sea ORG Refuge / This should be interesting
« on: February 27, 2008, 12:07:01 AM »
Sorry, just got in. I had to change the description. I can't promise anybody safety. This is going to get some clams' attention. They're fucking brutal to critics, especially escapees. My jaw hurts. LOL

Seriously, let's just trade useful info such like what you've already provided, Mike, and not encourage a lot of private disclosure.

Web forum hosting / captcha
« on: January 30, 2008, 07:52:04 PM »
for some reason it stopped working... i uninstalled the mod, reinstalled and it's working again. just an FYI.
carry on.
webdiva  :D

The Troubled Teen Industry / New Videos!
« on: November 12, 2007, 11:59:30 AM »
I had some trouble viewing these videos when they were fresh, so here are copies fresh from Anonanon Video Vault.
GAO Hearing

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