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Topics - shanlea

Pages: 1 [2]
Various posters have shared that they have suffered PTSD years and years after CEDU.  Even posters who are "successful" in many areas say that CEDU has done serious harm to their relationships and has affected them in ways that still impact them today.

What I am trying to discern is how? How specifically has it affected you guys? How does the PTSD affect you and how do you trace it to CEDU?

I AM DEFINITELY NOT UNDERMINING ANYONE'S EXPERIENCE AT ALL.  I have been very forthcoming about what I think of CEDU.  I'm just trying to make sense of CEDU's impact on my life better and also other earlier events in my life.  Sometimes people articulate exactly what I'm feeling but didn't know how to express.

I know that when I split CEDU I was totally unprepared for the real world because I still thought in terms of the black and white rules, bans, and lingo of CEDU.  I was trying to "live in agreement" even though I split to get away from it.  I had a hard time with friends expecting them to be totally honest and living in accordance to CEDU's arbitarary set of values. All of this was TOTALLY unconscious.  Anyway, that is one example.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Naming Names
« on: July 06, 2004, 02:59:00 AM »
We are naming a lot of names in these posts and attaching them to some pretty far out actions.  Some will say the staff deserves it--maybe true when the story is true.  

But students having their names bandied about in conjunction with animals and other acts they have (hopefully) grown away from?  I'm not sure it's fair to attach students' names with the dirt because they were coerced to cop out and did so in the midst of "therapy."  Also, in reading prior posts, it seems there are sometimes a case of missing identity.  I know I talked about a RS staff named Laurie and some thought I was speaking of Lori Rist from another facility (never met her.) So, maybe we should be conscientious and also leave the names of STUDENTS out of it. Talk about the crime, not the person so to speak.  Unless you are talking about yourself!  

If you think I'm wrong, discuss. Not swear, freak out, and trip into lunacy folks.  It doesn't take THAT much to get my attention.  (God, what I would do for a thicker hide!) Shanlea

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Ginger
« on: June 21, 2004, 01:20:00 AM »
I was browsing through other forums.  Holy crap! I can't believe the stuff they did to kids at Straight, Casa etc.  HOW DID ANY OF THAT PASS FOR THERAPY?  I think CEDU is bad but the stuff that went on in some of the other places, along with the living conditions--unfreakingunbelievable.  PLEASE TELL ME THE WORST OF THESE ARE SHUT DOWN!!  I mean it is criminal.  Sounds like some of the posts from Staright were from students from late 70s, early eighties. Is this place still running???????????  THe mind abuse at CEDU seemed more crafty so it "looked good" to parents.  I don't know how any parent could say straight even looked good, what the hell!

Did you ever come to terms with it with your parents? Did they ever "get it."

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Max
« on: June 18, 2004, 01:21:00 AM »
I was reading old posts and saw yours editted out. Why, they were helpful.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Staff MIA
« on: June 18, 2004, 01:20:00 AM »
.[ This Message was edited by: shanlea on 2004-08-01 20:38 ]

Why not write a book.  If you use fictionalized names you can't be sued. Also, you could market it as a warning to parents.

OR: try to get on a talk show. SERIOUSLY! Or write an article.  If you say straight up you can't name names but here is what to look for...

Laugh your ass off but it could work.  I mean settling for $$ out of court keeps it buried.

To change things, expose them!

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