
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Seed Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Anonymous on July 13, 2009, 06:22:10 AM

Title: u34mmp
Post by: Anonymous on July 13, 2009, 06:22:10 AM
"The effort to bring Demjanjuk to justice sends a very powerful message that the passage of time in no way diminishes the guilt of the perpetrator," Zuroff said.

nice to know.

but, in reality. the u.s. govt. hired just about every damn nazi that survived after ww2 as engineers, and in major pharmaceutical co. just a small amount of research proves that to be true.

moral to the story -- if you are a little guy, you get tried and sentenced, if you are the big guys, you just change uniform.

isn't that right libby?


debby del bueno.
Title: Re: u34mmp
Post by: Anonymous on July 13, 2009, 10:49:17 AM
Libby's uniform, old druggie jeans and high heals, (what a head freeze). Lets not forget the cigarette hanging out the side of her lip. Oh and did I mention the tattoos, lol Fart Barker thought that his tattoos were part of the program,  laughing my ass off big time, and loving the new songs.
Title: Re: u34mmp
Post by: Cyndeelouwho on July 13, 2009, 12:56:42 PM
If they were druggie jeans, why was it OK for her to wear them? I mean, they were "druggie" jeans, after all.

Mine came from a boutique near my house and I paid for them with money I earned working at a department store after school.

Why did she steal them from my luggage, keep them for herself and wear them in the program?

They looked stupid with the high heels, but she never did have fashion sense.

Just what she could steal from inside the newcomers backpacks and suitcases that their parents packed for them.

If the parent didn't think the clothes were wrong, why did they send 'em?

Seems very suspect.

Add thief to the murderer, druggie, whore nouns that describe this cunt.

Did I say cunt?

BTW: My jeans never did one drug ever, they were just told to say they did :seg2:
Title: Re: u34mmp
Post by: Anonymous on July 13, 2009, 03:27:51 PM
Libby Libby Libby, is a Druggie Druggie Druggie, lol and a prostitute heroin junkie she will remain.Once a junkie always a junkie, do the  dog people know she is a heroin addict??????