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Messages - 5bitts

Pages: [1]
Feed Your Head / Scheff V Bock mock trial/ Bock prevailed!
« on: December 11, 2013, 04:22:25 PM »
I am attending college in Florida. In my Tort class we were asked to find a tort case and retry it. I chose Scheff V Bock. I was one of the attorney's for Bock. We decided to leave out the Katrina situation and use what information we could gather to try the case. It was a really great case and Bock was found not libel for defamation against Sue Scheff. Personally I feel based on all the facts this is the correct outcome. Scheff was definitely a limited purpose public figure. Anyway, there were a lot of factors that helped us prevail; the same factors Bock would have had if she had been able to show her side.

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