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Messages - Magpie

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The Seed Discussion Forum / Happy Holidays to all
« on: December 21, 2006, 09:00:19 AM »
To the new person who found this website and wants to reunite with people, hello and Merry Christmas.  So which location were you in?  
I have reunited with a few friends and have had a blast getting to know them again.  

I am sorry about your son, but hopefully he will gain some strength from you and learn to live again.  

Merry Christmas.

The Seed Discussion Forum / insane concept.
« on: May 02, 2006, 12:56:00 PM »
I am curious as to what you would prescribe to someone who needed help in getting off drugs?  Is there a solution or should everyone just try and quit on their own--take a chance on it?  I saw a 16 year old girl overdose this weekend at church and I was trying to think of what to do for her.  You seem to be so down on everything out there that has helped a lot of people and in your case hurt a lot of people.  So since this wasn't the solution what would be?

The Seed Discussion Forum / 76-77 Seed Grads
« on: May 02, 2006, 09:01:00 AM »
Well I had lots of fun.  We had crazy boat rides and camping.  We stayed up late playing games and cards.  Most of us girls in Apartments taught each other how to cook different things.  I remember great dinner parties, cooking thanksgiving dinner for a group of people.  I also remember going out to dinner to really nice restaurants.  Remember the French place in Ft. Laud. called LaDome--I think that was the name.  One of my roommates, Lourdes and I worked down at the Sunrise cinema at night part time and use to have a blast singing songs in the small booth while we sold tickets--she use to take me to Little Havana and we would eat Cuban food and go to movies with her Grandma.  We did a lot of fishing too.  The H sisters and I use to do lots of fun stuff, shopping, going to St. Pete.  It was like living the clean life of a teen--I missed it earlier in my teen life pre-seed.  It was fun and I wouldn't have it any other way.

The Seed Discussion Forum / I remember it well.
« on: April 12, 2006, 08:09:00 AM »
I remember living in several places after I moved to Ft. Lauderdale from St. Pete:  Over a three year period, (1) started out at the Robin & Karen's home with their sweet parents; (2) lived in the staff house for one week; (3) moved to Cleveland for three months; (4) moved into JU's apt after him and his wife moved to Ohio maybe; (5) moved into apt. in Laud Lakes and then to Cranbrook; (6) moved into small apt by myself (thank God because I was sick of living with tons of people); (7) moved back to St. Pete; (8) moved to Atlanta and have been in my present home for 13 years!  

I can't stand to move now!  That's about the only ill effect those days had on me.  I am glad to hear from these new people that everyone is doing well.  

Seth--thanks for the nice memory.  I am glad you are doing well.  Do you all remember Jim Stroh....  He was such a nice guy too but I haven't heard about him in forever.

The Seed Discussion Forum / 76-77 Seed Grads
« on: April 08, 2006, 10:39:00 AM »
I was in St. Pete Seed in '74/75 and moved to Ft. Laud in '76 and stayed around until '79.  So I wouldn't have known anyone at St. Pete after '75.  It was also a good experience for me and my life.  There were some tough times but I grew from them.  I hope you are doing well.  I might know who you are but I am not sure.  You can send me a Private Message.  Did you live in Ft. Lauderdale and then go away to college?

The Seed Discussion Forum / 76-77 Seed Grads
« on: April 07, 2006, 08:32:00 AM »
Dr. Rick -
So which Seed were you in.  I looked at that list of people and did not recognize any names but maybe Ft. Lauderdale will--he has a better memory than I do.  

Take care, Magpie

The Seed Discussion Forum / Wanted: The Seed of Hope
« on: January 14, 2006, 11:25:00 PM »
What the heck is that?

The Seed Discussion Forum / "Once You Understand"
« on: January 08, 2006, 01:23:00 PM »
I love that song!  It is corny but sometimes we all forget what it's like to be young and inexperienced but trying out new things.  I am committed to listening to my teens and respecting what they want to do and how they feel.  It makes a difference when we take out time to hear them.  Everytime I notice they have a sharpness to their attitude it is usually because they have a lot on their minds and I sit down and listen (no advice unless they ask).  Of course this is similar to how I want to be treated!  Maybe they should play that song more often!

The Seed Discussion Forum / Maggies Friend thread
« on: December 14, 2005, 02:57:00 PM »

Did you keep up with Brian the golfer or his family?  I believe Hank and wife are living in Tallahassee but I haven't kept up with them.  His wife and I shared an apt for a while.  She use to take me down to Little Havana to see her Grandma and we would go see movies or go out to eat cuban food.

I hope all is well with you.  Happy Holidays!  

The Seed Discussion Forum / Maggies Friend thread
« on: December 13, 2005, 09:21:00 AM »
There were also two brothers that came to SPC from Lakewood and to be honest when they came to SPC I tried to talk to them but they wouldn't talk to me because of my obvious bad habits.  So since they were so cute and seemed nice I thought what the hell maybe the Seed can help me too.  And that is how I was introduced to the Program.  I thank God everyday that I was a boy crazy girl.  
After I finished my 10th grade at SPC, my Mom and I moved out to Lakewood area and I finished HS there.  That school scared me because it seemed like there were fights everyday.  One day I got thrown into the lockers just because I had blond hair.  I was not use to the racial issues that seemed to be happening there--I use to wonder if it were truly racial fights or fights over drugs?  Another friend I miss was a black girl, she was a beautiful girl--she was in that picture Chris sent to me that I became pretty close with.  I miss her and hope one day to catch up with her again.  
I do keep in touch with others, but I don't want to use their names out of respect.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Maggies Friend thread
« on: December 12, 2005, 10:03:00 AM »
I do remember Julie and I almost looked you up when I was home.  Are you working in a hospital in St. Pete?  I thought you said you were a nurse?  

Greg - you were cute (I don't know if you still are since I haven't seen you in 30 years).  just like your comment that I use to be a hottie.  

Happy Holidays everyone.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Good Friends/Reunions Only
« on: December 12, 2005, 09:21:00 AM »
Antigen - No I would never say "to shut the ____ up" and I wasn't even thinking it believe it or not.  I respect what you say and didn't tell you to stop saying it.  I have read alot of what you have said throughout these posts and I have a respect for your passion to ensure that these types of programs stop.  I was just hoping for a section (a small one) for friends to be able to reconnect. I don't share all your memories so I don't feel the same as you, that's what makes the world go round.  I am a pretty mellow person that likes things calm and friendly!

The Seed Discussion Forum / Good Friends/Reunions Only
« on: December 11, 2005, 12:25:00 PM »
"A spine for Christmas" is that what I need, actually I thought it was to be healthy which is what I am asking for?  I feel sorry for you, because you just don't get it and you are so mean spirited.  If I was with you right now, I would take my ball and go home--because it's my choice!

The Seed Discussion Forum / Maggies Friend thread
« on: December 11, 2005, 10:06:00 AM »
Thanks everyone!  

I do remember bowling and yes during those times I thought there were a lot of cute guys around.  But it seemed because of the old Seed rules we were too intimated or maybe it's just normal nervousness (You didn't ever really tell me until now).  I did actually date someone during my Jr and Sr year and then we broke up so maybe I was over dating anyone for a while.  

During that time after the program we did have fun doing the ballroom dancing and I remember going out with my friends and Dan on his boat alot.  Dan, and several others of us use to do  short funny movies and we wanted to send them to SNL.  These were the funniest movies at that time.  We also recorded a song together that was so sweet.  He was my best friend for about a year and I miss him dearly.  This year when I was home right before my Mom died I looked up his parents and sent them an e-mail.  They weren't in St. Pete at the time they were up north for the summer.  Anyway I enjoy keeping in touch with them.  At my Mom's service this year another great friend came to my Mom's service and it was as if I see her all the time.  I was in her wedding, helped her with one of her pregnancies, she helped me be okay with leaving the Seed, we have been around to see each other periodically and it is amazing to me how much it helps to reconnect with her and others.  

My friendships are what I think of because most of those are the most positive experiences I had.  Please don't think I haven't had bad dreams or needed some counseling because I did and I got it--I recommend this to anyone who is still so angry and they can't get over it.  But I thank God everyday I learned about love and friendships.  I don't want to go through life thinking about the bad that happened--I want to live life and have fun--that's my choice.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Good Friends/Reunions Only
« on: December 08, 2005, 01:31:00 PM »
If i say "okay I admit it, we were in a cult" would you leave it alone then?  What the hell are you going to do about it anyway.  I don't plan on starting another program nor does Ft. Laud. or anyone else I know.  Plus, I respect the fact that you think it was a cult, so why can't you respect the fact that I don't.  This is what "agreeing to disagree" means.  I know you think it is and I don't think it was or that it makes any difference.  Sorry!  See you guys can't leave it alone--I thought perhaps I would give this a try but it didn't work.  BYE!

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