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Topics - Tampa survivor

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Former staff forgivable??
« on: October 14, 2002, 05:14:00 PM »
How do ya'll reconcile the whole "we were brainwashed too" line by former kid staff?  In many cases I can go with that, but there were people like Wanda M and Clark, Doug Hemminger, etc that stand out as sadistic and who genuinly seemed to get off on thier power.  We still pursue Nazi's as little old men for what they did as 25 year old soldiers caught up in the war.  
How can I forgive kids who purposly joined staff and perpetuated the MADNESS?
Do you?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Rehab Biz article...
« on: October 12, 2002, 01:27:00 PM »
I found this intersting....
especially the friendly gorilla thing.
Bill ... 21010.html

Well, a post in another thread got me thinking.  Am I the only person who long( or short) after straight got involved with destructive relationships?  If so, what about ourselves was cracked to think that was the "best I could do".

I married a hard drinking, skinny, compulsive liar, psycho family  trailer skank.  I thought she was my dream come true.  I saw the good stuff.  I ignored the bad stuff.  I saw beauty.  She was a cheat.  I saw brains, she saw a sucker to use.

I choose this, and had three kids with her before getting my head together enough to see that I could do better, divorced her, and have seen her do it to other guys since then.  Hell, she'd done it before me too, but I had my blinders on too tight.

Anybody else??


[ This Message was edited by: Tampa survivor on 2002-09-15 21:22 ]

I was checking out some new posts and had a flashback...1980,11:30pm after open meeting, sitting on the floor at the back of gandy by the doors to the side lot, searching intently for smuggled alcohol laced toiletaries and joints in the underwear.  THIS WAS INSANE PEOPLE.  I mean, I have been desperate to catch a buzz before, but who the hell would chew up a deoderant stick???  I used to get so pissed throwing away perfectly good stuff the parents would send because of some irrational straight rule prohibiting coconut lifesavers as a druggie tie to Pina Coladas...


[ This Message was edited by: tampa survivor on 2002-09-05 19:55 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Legal Redress...
« on: August 06, 2002, 12:37:00 AM »
I have been wondering.  If Mel Sembler runs one of florida's largest commercial development companies($$$$), AND quotes his founding of STRAIGHT as among his greatsest accomplishments, can we link him to damages.  The catholics are having to cough up for 30 year old stuff, and the DFAF, DARE, SAFE, GT crowds have so many familiar names and operate using the old access and dollars routine.  The honorable mail order doctor newton went away mercifully after about 5 million in damages. Is is time to sting the big boys, or is it just a pipe dream?

As a parent with a teen today, I wonder sometimes where the line of "reasonable teen mis-steps" crosses to a "problem" with our experience with straight and our own selves prior to the program.  My kid is popular and our house is the one where lots of kids hang out, so I know them well, and hear all about the things 13,14 and 15 types are into today.  Do other parents out there have any stories or experiences with a rebel in the house after being one yourself?  

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight medical neglect stories???
« on: July 26, 2002, 11:35:00 PM »
I was wondering how many other people had serious problems which the program choose to ignore.  I remember an obovious schizophrenic in Atlanta named Todd, and I was misdiagnosed with cat scratch disease(very minor) when I actually had a tumor in my neck which was removed within 2 weeks of getting out of straight.  The specialist here in Tampa was dumbstruck that I had been misdiagnosed and wrongly treated for such a serious issue.  The Dr. I was taken to was a Dr. Beasely, with 2 sons in the program in ATL in 1982.  They started in St Pete, and the dad was a quack.  My surgeon said that ANY DR. should have immediately refered me to a specialist for surgery.  Did anyone else see this quack or any others?

[ This Message was edited by: tampa survivor on 2002-07-26 20:36 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Atlanta early days
« on: July 25, 2002, 11:55:00 AM »
I thought i would post a new thread, and let Marnie have hers back for now....
I was transplanted to ATL for being a 14 yo with a mind in the St Pete program. Newtons Nazi's couldn't have that as people were starting to poke around and ask questions about the program.  I remember fondly many people from my exile.  I just didn't know I remembered.  Say hello if you were there.  Check out MARNIE,Jennie,kenny  thread.

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