
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones => Topic started by: Anonymous on August 02, 2004, 11:22:00 PM

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2004, 11:22:00 PM
Could one go through the entire program without speaking a word?  I mean in reality it would drive one insane and eventually lead to many more deep emotional problems, my experience with CEDU had alot to do with watching what i bring up and talk about in certain situations, I once argued with a Staff about how i am not "Cheating Myself" because i dont need some bitch yelling at me to learn things and get over things on my own.  I simply answered this with the thought of applying what i had learned the 1st year to everything else i was left dealing with in the 2nd year, Therefore i got a year of freedom living in the OSD not doing shit, out of raps, and of course a propheet here and there, My Summit wasnt the greatest experience either.  Only those in my peer group could understand alotta mistakes were made and the outcome was well, quite a big waste of everyones time, so i went back to my daily schedule of sleeping in, going to class, sleeping through lunch and no raps....ever. Im not really clear on how i pulled it off for so long, but well i did.  I guess thats why i dont understand everyones outcries all the time, if you just PIMPED THE SYSTEM then it wouldnt have had such a toll on your life, i

I set it up from the beginning, Ascent for 6 weeks, learned to shut myself up there, probably the reason i ended up at Boulder Creek Academy.  Tough Shit.  1 week in i had a steady hook-up for anything i needed to get my hands on while at BCA from a few kids on a doctors trip in bonners ferry who happened to live a mile and a half from my dorm, MLK for all you BCAers

Everyones experience is different and if you learn to you use your intelligence for something that you can use to kill time other than just sittin on your ass bitching about it than i guess i can say that BCA really wasnt a "tramatic" "abusive" "scarring" experience for me, it was just another step in life and a way to PIMP THE SYSTEM.

anyone feel free to comment, i may have come across in a bad way but dont hate me for it i just gotta let it out.

Im big on pimp the system, anyone heard of dead prez would know what im talking about, its also the shirt i wore on my graduation day and its rasta colored, a big no no apparently at CEDU yet they tackle no drug issues....interesting
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2004, 11:53:00 PM
I am telling you now that CEDU-RS in the late eighties was a very tightly controlled system and you wouldn't have gotten away w/any of that. I mean, I wish we could have slept in or ditched raps. This was before CEDU-RS had 2 schools.  It was predominantly BM/EG and academia was a joke (2 days, elementary school.)  The kids were trained spies/tattlers/and bullies, so to pimp the system, that would be what you had to be. But there was no ditching anything.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2004, 11:57:00 PM
And another thing. There was no "getting your hands on anything you wanted" either back then. You were totally shut off.  But this was when we had no outside therapists and no psych meds. Dr. visits were only by medical necessity...and supervised.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Deborah on August 03, 2004, 01:06:00 AM
Don't be too hard on your compadres. Acting is a skill that not everyone possesses. One which apparently comes easily for you. I've said for a long time that those who do well must become good actors.

My son learned to play the game too and got himself to dorm head before it was over, just to get some moments of relief. To be out from under the magnifying glass for a few precious moments. He also experienced internal conflict everytime he had to smile and say yes, when he'd rather not have. To this day he will fabricate when it's not necessary. As if they are still evaluating his every movement.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 03, 2004, 02:47:00 PM
Are you saying that acting is a negative thing at a place like this? especially where being honest gets you in a shit hole.

I lived everyday with honesty, i would simply just hide the "underground" things i was doing, who didnt?  in terms of being honest with myself i was primarily sent there for drug addiction how was i suppose to communicate with kids that fantasized about there grandparents having sex?!, only to find there is no treatment or counseling for basically i was stuck but not alone many other kids found many things hard to understand which led to this "underground" at BCA.

Im currently in treatment now and doing very well with it, those 2 years i dont consider lost because they are an everyday part of my life and ive made many good friends there which whom i still communicate with..

In response to the "dorm head" statement i was a dorm head for 6 months and earned the Older Student Dorm in which i had my own Microwave, Stereo, Bathroom, and Refrigerator as well as a bigger about freedom i was practically home...and still using drugs

I find it hard to believe that there was no input/output of things when you were hard could it have been, i was being shadowed and on watched every 20 min my first month and still managed to bring in substances.

Id really mainly like a response to the "acting/actor" comment wondering if its negative or how you gotta do it
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Deborah on August 03, 2004, 03:04:00 PM
Not meant as a negative comment at all. As I said, my son learned to act too. A good survival technique, as long as your mind doesn't get confused and adopt the program rhetoric in the process. It can be very challenging when the inner you and the outer you aren't congruent.
I think those who can learn the skill will have an easier time of it. Those who can't are likely to be more aggressively abused.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 03, 2004, 06:11:00 PM
alright, well i agree with you then.  it sure is a survival technique at best.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 03, 2004, 06:31:00 PM
The best way to approach any situation like this is to get what you can for yourself.  Take from your environment the lessons of life and the gifts of relationships.  

Unfortunately, CEDU makes it impossible to do that.  The program uses antiquated, psudo, philosophy, and the staff are uneducated, disfunctional adult children.  It is very hard to receive from someone or something without some respect.

I saw many techniques used by students to survive CEDU which would not serve students too well in the real world.  I suggest all of you ex-CEDU students put your defenses away now.  It's time to receive.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 04, 2004, 08:22:00 AM
I agree that being at cedu forces you to do a lot of acting and even more lying to keep the heat off your ass, i could never do it for more than a a few weeks without snapping at someone and and getting in trouble (i was always in trouble at cedu). Some of the students were obviously born to play the part, i think we called them LOOK GOODS. They used to really come after me in raps because I would never talk about my problems,I was dirty, and because i was such a pain in the ass to staff and older students. I would usually deny everything the Look Goods said about me, and then i would used their cop outs against them and they'd start crying.  Then everyone would start screaming at me. I probably spent 2/3 of my entire stay (1 yr. 7 mo.) at cedu on restrictions mostly because of this tactic.  And then I would refuse my work assignments and the LOOK GOODS got even more pissed off at me.  Man I'm sure that I generated some of the LOUDEST raps in history.  

Is knowing how to act at cedu an asset in the real world? No, certainly not. In a nutshell, "Looking Good" at cedu involves being completely dishonest, never standing up for yourself in the face of confrontation, accepting everything you are told without question, and allowing your self to be completely dominated and subserviant to people (staff) who are clearly no better than, and often times inferior to yourself.  Also, most Look Goods upon a staff's command, were able to snap into a rage of self-directed hysterics, complete with tears, mucus on the floor, and drawn out screaming reflections about how much they hated themselves for being such aweful people. While this behavior might earn some points in another institutional setting like a mental hospital for instance, it is clearly a recipe for failure in the real world. This is because cedu teaches people to be sheep. In the real world the way to get ahead is to be a Wolf, or better yet, a Tiger. Sheep get eaten alive. No one likes being around crybabies who constantly pity themselves out loud.

I submit that cedu survivors would be most successful in the real world by doing exactly the opposite  of Looking Good at cedu.

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 04, 2004, 03:52:00 PM
i sure wasnt the ideal student at all, never told on a single person, or even remotley got involved with what was going on in the OOA's....i was indeed considered majorly "out of agreement" yet there were two levels of it, one being the kids that do something, tell everyone, and end up caught.  And the other the group of kids who were using means of another community to get away with things, lets not forget 6 miles outside of downtown bonners wasnt a hard walk at night...stuffing the bed and your gone and back before morning.  Smoothness.  But you had to watch from all sides of you and be an active part of the program as well and not be seen as "sketchy" or even raise suspicions because once you do, your fucked.  And  your found out about.  So it was all about communicating with staff and just talking to em about anything and keeping cool, not letting the conversations be directed in a deep manner which they arent even good at doing anyways, i left one staff member speechless when talking about my drug abuse and treating the addiction, seriously speechless.  I just walked away with a smile on my face pretty much giving em a big fuck you.  

I was reamed for being right in raps, and i was no suck up or look good, either, i was on my fare share of 17 restrictions and 3 jump suits.  So it was no east trip but the vision i had for the 2nd year i was there came true and i was ina  good position, Dirt Lists were being written and i refused many a time, its not my responsibility to tell on myself or other people, the most they could do was put me on a little bitch of a restriction, saved myself and a lotta people.

on and on, the saga continues
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 04, 2004, 05:51:00 PM
At  CEDU-RS, noone refused writing a dirt list...if you did, you'd face holy hell that beared down on you until you caved.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 04, 2004, 05:55:00 PM
Hey Annonymous, when were you at cedu-RS?[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-04 14:57 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 04, 2004, 07:08:00 PM
It's Shanlea... Late eighties. Were you at RS, too?  I heard it changed a lot from eighties to nineties. Same old BS, I'm sure, but different in some ways.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 05, 2004, 09:04:00 AM
I was at cedu for all of 1991 and half of 1992. I went to cedu right before all of the "big changes" happened. When I started Cedu RS they were still following the 80's model (work crews and raps on M,W,F. school on T and TR. Work crews on Saturday morning, and then if you weren't "out of agreement" you had activities on Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday.  The school was strict, strict, strict, everyone was a narc, and you couldn't do anything "out of agreement" without someone else ratting you out. The vast majority of students were too scared to rebel, so they just split. People were splitting left and right, it felt like every other day someone split.
Then Cedu middle school opened about 6 months before I left. After Cedu MS. started up, Tim Brace (headmaster of cedu at the time) and crew began experimenting with changing cedu-rs on a trial and error basis, they told us this was being done so we students would feel safer staying at the school (instead of running away).
During my last 4 months at cedu-rs, the staff had no idea what they were doing. At one point for about 6 weeks the Source and New Horizons families were eliminated and those students were combined into something called "program", It really pissed-off the source students at the time because some of their special priveledges were taken away, and they were basically reduced to the same level as students like myself who were 2 peer groups below them. I had just been moved up to NH when this happened and I loved the idea that no one could pull the source power trip on me. A lot of distraught older students just had total temper tantrums in raps about the changes, and eventually certain staff (like Rudy Benz) started crying about it.  i found this all to be humorous and refreshing. Eventually, Cedu squashed the whole program idea, and changed everything back to how it was before. I split for the final time not long after that.  

[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-05 07:42 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on August 05, 2004, 10:11:00 AM
I remember, Serb.  Also do you remember how my peer group was originally 3 different peer groups?  So many of us split, we were all combined.  In the end,  we were only 8 who graduated.  John Brogan, having stayed there over 3 years!!  (he was dropped down 3 peer groups for dirt poor kid)  (he was the step-son of "Arthur" and some famous model)

You remember how we used to sneak into town every night and get cigarettes and chewing tobacco?

I also had a girlfriend named Rachel at home.

Anything to stay sane.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 05, 2004, 10:36:00 AM
No Bryan i don't remember sneaking into town with you, BECAUSE YOU NEVER INVITED ME TO JOIN THE BROTHERHOOD!!! I'm still very hurt by that, just because I was a younger student, didn't mean that you had to shut me out! I thought we were buddies, what the fuck man! And I only remember you peer group having 6 people at graduation, when a year before that the peer group had 25 people after being combined!

John Brogan, oh my god that poor kid!
he dropped 2 peer groups and was at cedu for over 3 and a half years! For the record, John was Dudly Moore's (who starred in the movie "ARTHUR") step son.  John's Mother is Brogan Lane, a Former Virginia Slims Model.

Bryan, Do you remember John Gottlieb? He was dropped   4 peer groups because he kept sneaking into the girls dorms and masterbating in their undergarments!  Remember when staff found Rachel U'katel's slip stuck ("organic adhesive") to the wall of the new wing boy's bathroom? They totally flipped!!! We had all boys raps every rap for like 3 weeks after that!!!

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-05 11:29 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 05, 2004, 10:55:00 AM
Good stories.  Hey, was a staff member by the name of Laurie Saunders there?  She was my Vision head.  How did you finally get out of there? The back woods?  Did anyone know you were splitting?

Also:how do you think most of your peers feel about CEDU? I mean, I thought it was total brainwash, and even though I split, I continued to be affected subconsciously. Do you think most knew it was BS or did most buy in? On some level, I wondered if you go through so much emotional and physical labor that you convince yourself that it all had meaning to avoid feeling it was all for naught.  I know one kid said he was high on CEDU when he graduated because you go through so many intense experiences, and it wasn't until he got out that he realized how stunted he was in every arena.

You want to hear something sad? When I was there, Neil Diamond's son was there and he had to listen to his pop non-stop.  Call me crazy, but I liked ND music but I wouldn't want to hear it if I weer his kid at CEDU.

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 05, 2004, 04:16:00 PM
No LAURIE SANDERS was not at cedu-rs in 1991.  Vision/Quest was 2 families in 1991, but they were called "discovery" and "quest."  GUY BANANO was my discovery family head, and he treated us like shit, especially me. In discovery alone (1st 6 months) guy put me on 3 tables and 2 full times, plus couch restriction once and pit restriction twice.  I literally spent my entire time in discovery on work assignments and dishes, I went to classes maybe 4 times, I didn't learn shit, yet Cedu was sending straight A report Cards home to my parents! Steve Laird and Russ Decker were 2 other pricks who were discovery staff back then. Steve Laird was a whiny,little bitch.  Russ Decker is best described in the words of our friend MikeHunt as "A GENUINE FUCKWAD!" All three of those fucks made life a living hell for me, because I was one of the very few students at the time who openly rebelled. I was only 14 years old, just a stupid skinny kid. Certain Staff members really Picked on me.  Staff like Russ Decker, Patrick Stambusky,Guy Bonano, Steve Laird, and Rudy Benz, truly took pleasure in fucking with me back then.

 Man I would give just about anything for the opportunity to come face to face with any or better yet all of those fucks!  I gotta go
smoke and chill out fo a while.  

Hey Shanlea, did you know any of the staff i just mentioned?

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-05 13:25 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 05, 2004, 04:32:00 PM
I hear you, man. I think Laird was there when I was there but he wasn't as involved yet. He was very peripheral then. Also, Decker wasn't there yet. But Bentz and Bonanno were in their glory.  What about Pam and her hubs, Mark (or is it William or Mark Williams.) I'd like to know.

Have you ever had an opportunity to speak to any staff after you left and clear the air?  Has there ever been a staff that admits how f-up it was?

What do you have to do to get a full-time? I split once and didn't get it though others did.  I got table time and indefinite work detail.

I can't believe one kid was there for 3.5 years! What were his parents thinking?!!
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 05, 2004, 04:38:00 PM
I only split down the backside once, and i almost killed myself.  the rest of the times I split using the road. once i got to the highway past running springs i always hitched a ride off od the mountain, except for one time, when i had to walk the whole way to san bernardino (it took me almost 6 hrs at night time).

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-05 13:39 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 05, 2004, 05:04:00 PM
I Got 2 of my tables and all 3 of my full times for splitting.  I did a table for breaking the non-violence agreement (I became enraged after my first  phone call to my parents and I broke some furniture and punched thru some windows). Guy Bonnano also put me on a table because during the course of 1 rap i told him to go fuck himself like 30 times and I also used severeal of his attack dog's (LOOK GOODS) cop outs against them, reducing them to tears (this was always the easiest way to infuriate Staff and Older Students, and it would spin raps totally out of control).

Other people got full times for breaking the No Sex And No Drugs agreements. Walking out of a rap or profeet was a guaranteed fulltime. I even remember that a few guys that were put on fulltimes because they couldn't stop jerking off!

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 05, 2004, 07:01:00 PM
apparently some of you were stuck looking at the situation from inside the box, the school was not a lockdown people. what you did was no one elses concern and yeah you were being watched 24-7 but shit get used to it, theres ways to work around it....fuck i cant stress that enough, theres soooo much focus on this and on that about the program, your not behind bars and you can roam freely i couldnt stand seeing kids just living in a box all the time not looking at the oppurtunites at hand. yeah getting reamed in raps isnt the end of the world just take it and fuckin accept it work your way through it and your out.  although i do agree with some people when they whine about raps because staff have no idea what there doing or how to control things, its pointless meaningless yelling that if you dont let affect you then you can be smart enough to turn things around back on them....obviously some ov you belonged there if you whine about it 10 fucking years after youve left.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 06, 2004, 08:24:00 AM
Listen Fuck Face, No one here is whining about anything, this forum is here so we can talk about our experiences, which is exactly what we are doing.  And who the fuck are you to tell me or anyone else where we did and didn't belong?
Obviously you're nothing but a total "Cedu Sheep" Loser. Listen Cedu Sheep, if you want to defend CEDU, that's your right, but don't come out here telling me that i can't be pissed off about how I was mistreated, just because the shit happened 10 years ago. I'll probably still be pissed off 50 years from now, and my anger will still be just as valid as it is now.


.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-06 05:25 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2004, 10:03:00 AM
Yeah really. I'd like to see this Serbia loser end up in CYA. They'd toss him around like a frisbee.

On 2004-08-05 16:01:00, Anonymous wrote:

"apparently some of you were stuck looking at the situation from inside the box, the school was not a lockdown people. what you did was no one elses concern and yeah you were being watched 24-7 but shit get used to it, theres ways to work around it....fuck i cant stress that enough, theres soooo much focus on this and on that about the program, your not behind bars and you can roam freely i couldnt stand seeing kids just living in a box all the time not looking at the oppurtunites at hand. yeah getting reamed in raps isnt the end of the world just take it and fuckin accept it work your way through it and your out.  although i do agree with some people when they whine about raps because staff have no idea what there doing or how to control things, its pointless meaningless yelling that if you dont let affect you then you can be smart enough to turn things around back on them....obviously some ov you belonged there if you whine about it 10 fucking years after youve left."
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 06, 2004, 10:08:00 AM
Did you just call me a loser? I don't know what CYA is, but I've been to Cook County jail a few times, no one ever "tossed me around" there, so i seriously doubt any of the "CYA" inmates could either.  For the record I'm a 6'-4", 240 lb, brown belt in karate, I've been in well over 100 fights in my life, and no one has ever "tossed me around like a frisbee". The last fight that I was in, I beat the shit out of marine lieutenant, believe me, I'm no Frisbee!
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on August 06, 2004, 10:16:00 AM
I really think that that Anon poster is Ottawa5's son.

Serb- no need to defend us.  

I'm devoutly Anti-Christian, but I like how Jesus said "Don't cast your pearls before swine."

He also said "Wherever there is good, evil wants its equal time."

Everything in nature tries to equalize and balance.
That's why when you show superiority, things either strive to attain your level or they strive to bring you to theirs.

We know you aren't a loser.  We know you run your own business and are married with a newborn son.

Just my opinion.
[ This Message was edited by: Bryan Felsher on 2004-08-06 07:17 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2004, 12:28:00 PM
Man! It was always my understanding that they'd boot you for too many fulltimes or for any violence. I guess as long as they get a check.  I remember 2 guys in my peer group got booted for planning arson, but we never got the full story...they were just gone.  I still can't get over the fact that people broke the sex and drug agreements simply because it seemed noone really broke the big agreements. splitting and walking out of raps/propheets were the biggies.  Everyone seemed pretty compliant and led around by the noose. Scared sheep. I mean, I don't know how anyone would even get stuff in. I probably didn't know much. I just kept quiet and planned my escape.  

I was always surprised noone caught me the second time, an older student was right on my heels trying to convince me not to split but stopped at the school boundary. Didn't take the main road, obviously, but didn't get caught. At the time, I think there were two phones in town--at the elementary school and the general store, so that was covered.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2004, 01:55:00 PM
Yo im not trying to tell anyone anything, ive been rading up on this site for a long long time and the majority of what you say is pretty useless now, i mean why dont you focus on the things that you did, like good memories and friends youve made, and continue to take advantage of those things.  Instead of oh my god were stuck in a hell hole,  I mean dont get me wrong, i hated CEDU and i tried everything to get out...or away from it.  And im just saying i believe im one fo the few kids that actually made the school a part of the city and not some secluded fuck factory full of raps and propheets, why dont you slow down and understand what im trying to say next time serb.

and what the fucks with the name calling, and bragging about shit.  I dont care if you beat up a marine i sure dont give a shit about you fighting or how big you are....whatryagonnadooo come beat my ass, why dont you grow up. and read thoroughly next time
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2004, 02:09:00 PM
Yeah right, sure, I believe you.

On 2004-08-06 07:08:00, SON OF SERBIA wrote:

"Did you just call me a loser? I don't know what CYA is, but I've been to Cook County jail a few times, no one ever "tossed me around" there, so i seriously doubt any of the "CYA" inmates could either.  For the record I'm a 6'-4", 240 lb, brown belt in karate, I've been in well over 100 fights in my life, and no one has ever "tossed me around like a frisbee". The last fight that I was in, I beat the shit out of marine lieutenant, believe me, I'm no Frisbee!  "
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 06, 2004, 03:47:00 PM
I could give a shit about what you fucks believe or don't believe about me, i told you who and what I am, which is more than can be said about either of you.  And no, I'm not going to beat anyone's ass, I grew up and out of that phase quite some time ago.  I'm far too successful right now to go off and do something stupid like that. Besides, I got a wife and baby to support, and  i've had more than my fill of incarceration and courtrooms.  

As for good memories about cedu, I have absolutely none, PERIOD!!! I didn't graduate the program, and I spent all of my time and energy finding a way out of that hell hole, and after splitting 6 times, I finally got out. As far as good friends go, the only person i knew from cedu that I have any contact with is Bryan Felscher, One person, that's it, and he is my only friend from there.  Besides how could anyone consider people who would consistantly rat them out at the drop of a hat, friends?

You say that you were one of the people that made cedu part of the community, instead of a secluded profeet factory, WELL FUCK YOU THEN!!!
All cedu will ever be is a secluded brainwashing, cult, freakfest!!! that's it.  if you are trying to make cedu a part of any normal community, it's only because you are one of them, A GENUINE CEDU SHEEP!!! That being said, your really not worth wasting any more of my time.

You say I didn't read your post carefully, well you obviously didn't read any of mine at all. If you did, then you would know that I was responding to questions put to me by Shanlea, and not simply whining. Eat Shit Cedu Sheep!

 Oh, and if one of you are ottawa5's son (mr. self-surveilance himself), you are a total pussy. why don't you just say who you are and debate me like a man, instead of taking these little pussy anonymous pot shots at me. you fucking loser!

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2004, 05:15:00 PM
hahahaha, your a fuckin idiot kid, whatever fuck your little whining remarks and hard-ass attitude, i didnt make cedu a part of the community in any positive way at all.  I was trafficing drugs in and out of it.  apparently having to run 6 times you were pretty scared shitless of something, maybe to take a look at what the fucks wrong with you because you need a head check son. what a way to bring up your family at the same time your threatening people and acting like a douche, pretty responsible and mature and you can hate all you want but im just speakin my mind.

youd be surprised to how things work around there, for the size its a surprisingly active drug community and theres plenty of them, alot of drugs went in and out of BCA itself.

and im sorry man but none of my friend ssnitched on me and if they did they wouldnt even get a look in their direction from me, i dunno who you are or why you went there at all but i can take a wild guess and just say your fuckin outta control man, you need to learn some other levels and fuckin listen for a change instead of heating every fucking issue
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2004, 05:20:00 PM
oh and serb, if you could id like to hear about some of the ways you were abused at cedu, nothin bad i just wanna share my experience with you as sick of this bickering shit, obviously we disagree on some things and your having a hard time understanding where im coming from and thats all good, it was different times and different places i guess

I just dont want you to think i support cedu in a positive way at all, and i never once have said that, so i dunno where your presuppositions are comin from
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2004, 05:25:00 PM
Dude, if you were trafficking drugs in and out of BCA and getting away with it, then BCA was a cakewalk compared to CEDU-RS.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 06, 2004, 05:35:00 PM
I didn't go to bca, i went to cedu-rs, and when i was there, their was no active drug community!
I ran 6 times, because i couldn't stand being somewhere where i was told what to think, how to act,how to speak, what i could say, to whom i could speak, what i could wear, etc... I'm a free spirit, my life and right to choose to live as i wish belong to me, and no one else. I wanted my life back, because it's mine, and that's exactly what i did, i took back what is mine.  I wasn't going to wait around for 2 and a half years until someone gave me back the things that weren't theirs to take in the first place.

And yes, everyone at cedu-rs in 1991-92 was a snitch, so no i wouldn't call them my friends.  and there was no big drug underground back then, if there was, believe me i would have known about it. By the way, please tell me who have I specifically threatened here? As for my wife and baby, they are both in very good hands, I assure you.  By the way, I own and successfully run my own Construction business, and i make a very nice nice living from it.  I also own my own home in one of the more affluent suburbs of Chicago. Obviously i'm no idiot.  I have 10 times the mind that you have, and I'm at least 100 times the man that you are.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2004, 10:35:00 PM
I shouldn't have posted anon... I did not write the anon post dissing you, I wrote to the anon saying that there were no active drug runs at CEDU like there apparently was (according to Serb-bashing anon)at BCA, which leads me to believe BCA was not as stringent as RS.

All the reasons you listed about CEDU were dead on.

But what I want to know is: Do you think most of our peers knew this? I split after Vision so I could not talk to any of them afterward.  I've only discussed CEDU at this and other fora. Some have said at the other site that it took them awhile after the brainwashing to figure it out again when they realized they weren't adapting to the real world.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 07, 2004, 01:20:00 AM
Those who talk alot of trash are usually full of shit. You gotta be a wimp if you think CEDU was rough cause it ain't shit compared to a million other "facilities".

On 2004-08-06 12:47:00, SON OF SERBIA wrote:

"I could give a shit about what you fucks believe or don't believe about me, i told you who and what I am, which is more than can be said about either of you.  And no, I'm not going to beat anyone's ass, I grew up and out of that phase quite some time ago.  I'm far too successful right now to go off and do something stupid like that. Besides, I got a wife and baby to support, and  i've had more than my fill of incarceration and courtrooms.  
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on August 07, 2004, 11:34:00 AM
You know what you dumb anon punk, you don't know shit.  We could all list 1000 other places worse then CEDU.  We could even list probably at least 100 events in history more heinous then Treblinka.  That doesn't take away from the horror.  
What the fuck is your motivation.  We are trying to destroy an evil simply because it is evil.
NOT because it is the most evil but because it IS evil.

Furthermore you dumb punk, any of us could say anything about who we are, whose ass we could kick, what jails we have been to, what prisons.

What the fuck does it matter?

We are not going to "GET OVER CEDU!"

I'm not.

Not until it is destroyed.

We got to be wimps to think CEDU was rough?  You know something, kid- I think CEDU was rough.

I was fucking slamming $*%^$@ while you were sucking at your mother's tits so FUCK OFF.  You get over it.  I won't.

And furthermore, you fucking piece of shit, yes- I and S.O.S. have been to places MUCH, MUCH darker then CEDU.  We've been to places much darker and disturbing then the worst prisons.  You dumb fucking kid.  You don't have even a micron of understanding, and from your own inadequacy you wish to destroy and divide rather then joining our fight against that FASCIST CEDU mentality.

It is the same mentality that is responsible for the INQUISITION, THE GULAG, ABU GHRAIB, AUSHWITZ, TREBLINKA, WORLD WARS I and II, CUBA, NICARAGUA, PANAMA, etc....

Get the fuck out of here- we don't need any more self-centered (as opposed to VELDSHMERTZ), dividing (as opposed to uniting), pieces of shit around here.  We already got rid of Ottawa5 for the most part.  (She finally must have read her own posts, shocked herself and lost all her confidence)

Or join us?

Do I sound brainwashed by CEDU?  Don't you feel the love?

[ This Message was edited by: Bryan Felsher on 2004-08-07 08:42 ][ This Message was edited by: Bryan Felsher on 2004-08-07 08:43 ][ This Message was edited by: Bryan Felsher on 2004-08-07 08:48 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 07, 2004, 11:50:00 AM
I don't talk trash, I state facts. And Yes there are many places worse than cedu, no doubt. Cook County Jail in Chicago was one of them, I know because I've been there too. For the Anon who called me a wimp, Well I guess that's very easy to do over the computer when you're safe at home a thousand miles away from me, now isn't it?
You Big Pussy!

As for the BCA Anon, dude your a little bitch, period. I find it very funny that you have the nerve to say that I'm acting like a douche, if I recall, all of this "bickering" started when you interrupted my discussion with Shanlea, and then you called me a "whiner", a "loser", and then you said that I should be sent to someplace called CYA where they would "toss me around like a frisbee".  You are the douche here!  And now you say that you want to stop bickering, and that you would like to share and compare experiences with me?  Sorry pal, but you blew any chance of ever having even a remotely civil conversation with me.

If any of you Anons are truly interested in learning about me, instead of just talking shit, I would recommend that you read my previous posts under the fornits topic entitled "I Want Your Stories" by MikeHunt. (I would post the thread here, except that I haven't learned how to do that yet).  There I decribed in great detail the hell that I went through to get away from Cedu.

For the friendly Anon, I'm glad that you Agree with my reasons for splitting Cedu-Rs.  To answer your question about whether or not my peers felt the same way as me, honestly I'm not sure.  I believe that most of them felt as I did (perhaps not as strongly), thats why we all kept splitting.  I was not exagerrating when I said earlier that someone split cedu-rs every other day while I was there.  But many people did stay willingly and graduated the program.  

I could never understand why some students so willingly sacrificed their fundamental, god given, basic rights and freedoms.  There were a lot of kids at Cedu-Rs  back then who were sentenced by the courts to graduate from there, I'm not talking about them.
I'm talking about the other kids, who weren't on court orders, but actually desired to stay and graduate from that shit hole! some of these kids were already 18 and could leave anytime they wanted.  

It's just mind boggling to me that anyone would willingly accept the complete denial of their most basic human rights to freedom of speech, freedom of self expression, freedom of religion (only jews were allowed to practice openly at Cedu-Rs back then), the right to a proper education, the right to privacy, the right to proper medical treatment, the right to disagree, etc... the list goes on and on.  Having my most basic rights and freedoms denied to me, was a huge slap in the face, and I could never accept that on any level.  Perhaps in my case, it has to do with the fact that I was born in a communist country.  Even though i was very young when we came (3 yrs), I knew the absolute hell that my parents went through so we could come here, just so that we could have the same freedoms and opportunities that so many Americans take for granted.  And there was absolutely no way that I was going to let Cedu or anyone else take that away from me.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 07, 2004, 03:47:00 PM
You wanna get it on, I'll be right in R.S. whenever you want. I'm not hiding. I've done time in Pelican Bay which is a prison not just a  county lockup. And yeah you talk trash with your page long rants just like a bitch.

On 2004-08-07 08:50:00, SON OF SERBIA wrote:

"I don't talk trash, I state facts. And Yes there are many places worse than cedu, no doubt. Cook County Jail in Chicago was one of them, I know because I've been there too. For the Anon who called me a wimp, Well I guess that's very easy to do over the computer when you're safe at home a thousand miles away from me, now isn't it?

You Big Pussy!
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 07, 2004, 03:53:00 PM
I always wondered how the 18 set stayed on to graduate at CEDU. My theory is that you go through so many intense experiences (wilderness challenge, propheets etc.) that you want something to show for it when it's all over.  It's like a badge of honor to these people, like the Marines.  It's part of the brainwashing, but I also wonder if you go through so much BS at CEDU that you want to believe it means something.

Also, I'm surprised more parents don't pull their kids on home visits. Did CEDU "prep" the parents before they were allowed to go home? (I know after parent weekends they did.)
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: shanlea on August 07, 2004, 03:54:00 PM
the last post was me btw
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 07, 2004, 03:55:00 PM
Motivation for what? I'm just sick and tired of all this fucking whining and endless dribble. You wanna know what a punk is this serb guy has been playing that part far before I showed up here.

If you want to close the place down then fucking do it. I won't get in your way.

On 2004-08-07 08:34:00, Bryan Felsher wrote:

"You know what you dumb anon punk, you don't know shit.  We could all list 1000 other places worse then CEDU.  We could even list probably at least 100 events in history more heinous then Treblinka.  That doesn't take away from the horror.  

What the fuck is your motivation.  We are trying to destroy an evil simply because it is evil.

NOT because it is the most evil but because it IS evil.

Furthermore you dumb punk, any of us could say anything about who we are, whose ass we could kick, what jails we have been to, what prisons.

What the fuck does it matter?

We are not going to "GET OVER CEDU!"

I'm not.

Not until it is destroyed.

We got to be wimps to think CEDU was rough?  You know something, kid- I think CEDU was rough.

I was fucking slamming $*%^$@ while you were sucking at your mother's tits so FUCK OFF.  You get over it.  I won't.

And furthermore, you fucking piece of shit, yes- I and S.O.S. have been to places MUCH, MUCH darker then CEDU.  We've been to places much darker and disturbing then the worst prisons.  You dumb fucking kid.  You don't have even a micron of understanding, and from your own inadequacy you wish to destroy and divide rather then joining our fight against that FASCIST CEDU mentality.

It is the same mentality that is responsible for the INQUISITION, THE GULAG, ABU GHRAIB, AUSHWITZ, TREBLINKA, WORLD WARS I and II, CUBA, NICARAGUA, PANAMA, etc....

Get the fuck out of here- we don't need any more self-centered (as opposed to VELDSHMERTZ), dividing (as opposed to uniting), pieces of shit around here.  We already got rid of Ottawa5 for the most part.  (She finally must have read her own posts, shocked herself and lost all her confidence)

Or join us?

Do I sound brainwashed by CEDU?  Don't you feel the love?

[ This Message was edited by: Bryan Felsher on 2004-08-07 08:42 ][ This Message was edited by: Bryan Felsher on 2004-08-07 08:43 ][ This Message was edited by: Bryan Felsher on 2004-08-07 08:48 ]"
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 07, 2004, 06:57:00 PM
In Pelican Bay, you're ether running shit or your sucking cock and taking it up the ass. Which were you ex-CEDU rich boy?  Yeah, keep bragging about pelican bay.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: bradensmith on August 07, 2004, 10:02:00 PM
Wow man congrats on wasting two years of your life and shit load of your parents money. I actually went to RMA, which is right next to you, if you werent to F*cked up and asleep to realize that, and i learned a little something. It is so funny that everyone thinks that it is so emotioanlly disturbing there, but i personally think that everyone who says that is a pussy, and they can't man up to having a little shit thrown in there face, that they have obviously needed to hear for a long time. Anyways, yea I think a lot of stuff at CEDU needs to change, but the truth is it has and it is still changing for the better. Quit bitching and throwing out negative ideas and let someone have a chance to change.

Oh yea, and start posting your names you cowards.  MAN UP a little[ This Message was edited by: bradensmith on 2004-08-07 19:03 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: oh shizzle son on August 07, 2004, 10:58:00 PM
alright serb, how can you tell me to not interrupt your conversation with shanlea or whatever when i started this thread, and apparently yeah CEDU-RS was worse then the new schools but the same rules were there, its the same shit!  constant runnings, busts, reaming in raps, all day raps, i was in a 22 hour rap where there were kids with nose bleeds and a kid even puked in the middle of the circle from yelling so ahrd and they wouldnt let him leave.  how about that pure fuckin carelessness for kids respect from the dickhole staff.

and to fucking claim you didnt threat anyone or brag about being in jail?! are you an idiot? read your own postsor stop believing your own lies, good lord.  

and to the last post the RMA kid, i like what you have to say and thats where i wanted this thread to go, but a COWARDLY COMPUTER HIDING FUCK named serb came in and kinda put a roadblock on this whole operation, i agree with the wasting two years of your life and parents money, take what you can get and learn some things and not waste time, exactly what i didnt do

New Question: who here is actually in support of changing cedu other than just sittin around like a fuck sayin "shutting it down"

my thought is the problem isnt in the school, boarding schools are fine and can be fun at times, but if its run by a buncha low life a-holes with no sense of life than its not a good experience.  actually fuck that lets blow it up
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 07, 2004, 11:43:00 PM
To the last two posters:

How to improve on the current CEDU program, this is my question.  My son went to RMA, he had a good experience, and his life is better for going there, but I hear these stories here at this site, some of them really awful.  

What would you do to change CEDU, that's what I want to do, to keep what is positive, and still to get rid of what has the potential to hurt people?

My son says that he wouldn't change any of it, but maybe his experience was just lucky, with good friends and staff, I want other opinions too, what would you change?

My present idea is it has to do with hiring kind, sensitive people who can be strong too and not letting in kids who are not suited to the program (with certain psychological conditions I'm thinking), but I'd like more opinions.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2004, 01:03:00 AM
Fuck off you cunt piece of shit. You don't know jack motherfucker. I was on proby placement in CEDU unlike you obviously.

On 2004-08-07 15:57:00, Anonymous wrote:

"In Pelican Bay, you're ether running shit or your sucking cock and taking it up the ass. Which were you ex-CEDU rich boy?  Yeah, keep bragging about pelican bay.

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: bradensmith on August 08, 2004, 01:54:00 AM

In response to the last poster... What the hell are you talking about?  I was on probation when i left for RMA, although the courts did not send me there.  Honestly, I would sure as hell rather have been placed there by the courts then to have the feeling that my parents betrayed me my first 3 months.  Do me a favor and think before you post. thats all I am going to say.  

This is to the poster that said they had sent there child there and they had a good experience.  I just got back from a visit to RMA.  I went to watch a couple of my friends stand on stage and graduate because, they are my friends and I was there to support them.  The things i saw that RMA was doing was awesome.  In my mind, I wouldn't change anything.  There are no longer any clothing agreements (for the most part.)  The kids can have there skateboards for a pastime, and the have a PS2 and everything.  It looks to me like things are going pretty well out there.  The propheets are almost all out the door which could be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it. The truth is, at RMA, right now things are going great.  If you would like to ask me more specific questions please, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] I would love to answer some questions.  Oh, and the most important thing about it all is, the kids at RMA right now seem happy which, let me tell you was not the feeling i got when i left 4 months ago.
I am tired im gonna hit the sack.

Oh yea and to this SON OF SERBIA, E-mail me, i will give you my adress, im not hiding behind any computer.  Listen man you ruin these boards with your sensless rantings about how bad the school is.  Your just a bully man, come to my house i got a spare bed, and I will take you out and buy you a cup of coffee and you can sit and vent all you F**cking want, please dont do it on these boards.  Just take a breath and relax a bit bro.

Oh yea, and Bryan Felsher, you are the same man you are the most ridiculous poster on this site.  You compared CEDU to Aushwitz what were you thinking, take a history class, and you will learn about some real fucking pain.




[ This Message was edited by: bradensmith on 2004-08-07 23:03 ][ This Message was edited by: bradensmith on 2004-08-07 23:04 ][ This Message was edited by: bradensmith on 2004-08-07 23:14 ][ This Message was edited by: bradensmith on 2004-08-07 23:16 ][ This Message was edited by: bradensmith on 2004-08-07 23:18 ][ This Message was edited by: bradensmith on 2004-08-07 23:19 ][ This Message was edited by: bradensmith on 2004-08-07 23:56 ]

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2004, 02:13:00 AM
Your ideas are just fine. Hiring kind people and not taking in kids with serious psychiatric problems.

You have to keep training, training, training staff. Staff culture and treatment milieu are the most important things. I believe the power of these places has to do with physically removing a kid from places where he is getting into trouble - neighborhood, friends, etc.

Also, you will want to make sure and keep communication with parents open and often. You want therapists supervising everything. I would not suggest having a set amount of time for the program. Make it individual by kid.

Have a consulting psychologist who is not invested in the business AT ALL to assist in treatment decisions. The problem with these places is that they often do not do this - or if they do, the psychologist is too much involved with them. They might claim that they use the consulting services of the psychologist, but they actually do not - not really. Many of these schools offer too much of an incentive to keep the kid there.

Also, use the angry nature of many of these posts as a guideline - you don't want your kids that angry. Conduct REAL outcome studies. Follow the kids 6 months, 1 year, and 3 years after D/C. Have a neutral, third party conduct the study. Graduate students are perfect for this. If you can get a university faculty member on board, it can be a project they are involved in.

I see a lot of wounded persons on these posts. I've read accounts of poorly-educated, power-hungry staff. I've seen posts here about terrible disrespect for feelings and claims of manipulation. One of the biggest problems with these schools is "manipulation." It seems that often times, kids who are genuinely in pain and want to talk to their parents are labeled as manipulating. Staff education will help eliminate this. When they are ignorant, the word, "manipulate" covers anything they don't like. As administrator of several facilities, I struck that word from our vocabulary. Staff was not to use it. In my professional experience, use of that word has a direct, negative correlation with staff education and sophistication. The less educated the staff, the more they say that a kid is manipulating.

One caution - people who want to work with kids often do have many issues. Teach them about boundaries - educate your staff as to what is appropriate and what is inappropriate self-disclosure. Teach them about development and what behaviors are to be expected. And for heaven sake, keep the education going! I have been administrator of several facilities - I found that educating the staff was one of the most important things I could do. Otherwise, they just go on their own stuff. They may look good in an interview, but when it comes down to it, they might be horrible.

Make sure your staff education always includes role-play. They might look like they understand, but that doesn't mean anything. One thing I did at my facilities was to act really horrible and have them intervene. They were to be kind, empathetic, respectful of my feelings, and NOT condescending. I found this to be a real problem at some of these places. I've served as a consultant, placing kids. The only place I felt completely comfortable about was Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch. I've sent several kids there and they have all told me that it saved their lives. I spoke with one last week - I had sent her there five years ago - she said the same thing. The problem with Yellowstone is that it's religious - it's Christian. I am a Jew, so I understand that some people wouldn't want this! However, as far as I'm concerned, it's the best place that I'm aware of.

Arrive, unannounced, at all times of day and night to see what's going on. Sit in on groups. Actively intervene. Train, train, train. I cannot stress this enough.

Write a mission statement and make sure all staff know it. Post it all over the place. Have the words, "respect" and "empathy" in it. Be aware, always aware, that some people who want to work with kids have many issues. They include their own drug history and other acting-out histories. Some kids have abuse issues - coming from abusive homes. If they are not trained like crazy, these problems leak into their work. They see everyone through their own histories. You must train this out of them, as much as possible.

I've seen therapists who had significant issues that leaked into their work and rendered them really inappropriate. I have seen licensed therapists on power trips with kids. I will never, ever understand this - but so many persons who want to work with kids are on power trips. Many seem to be deeply angry and this comes out. Some staff have what I can only describe as a "smart-ass" attitude with these kids. This only serves to escalate the kids' anger.

Beware of staff splitting. Staff splitting is blamed on the kids. This is utter rubbish. Staff splitting is on the staff - always! Strong, emotionally healthy staff don't allow themselves to be split! Staff must feel like a team - you accomplish this with fun staff activities and lots of training. Gee, did I mention training already?

Be ever so careful with admissions. Many of these schools have the wallet admission criteria. Fact is, many of the kids in them don't need to be there. However, I'm a child psychologist. I've seen kids die from their own poor choices. Huffing and club drugs, and gang activity are the main culprits. Some kids are on a path to self-destruction that must be interrupted.

Be aware that after residential, there is a significant period of adjustment. You need a good aftercare program. You need to make the stay as short as possible - you don't want your clients to be completely unable to function afterward.

It's okay to use peer support - that is a very powerful intervention. However, you want to make sure that it's not inappropriate. Don't set up things to that kids are rewarded socially only for coming up with confessions of terrible activities. Such a culture encourages fabrication. You want positive support for positive behaviors.

I would recommend a cognitive/behavioral approach. It has been shown empirically to be the most effective. Add some Carl Rogers and you can have a good program.

Look at the pain and anger in these posts. You are aware, I'm sure, that people who are satisfied with something don't take the effort to go to these bulletin boards. The people here are hurt and angry. Respect their feelings. I've looked at some of your posts and they concern me. You have put a lot of effort into arguing with them, and they have said that you are condescending. I have to agree with that assessment. The apparent effort you put into arguing with them does look like you have a boundary problem. Please take this as it is intended ? to be helpful. If you are in school to be a psychologist, you have been learning about the importance of boundaries. You have looked far too emotionally involved here. Arguing with someone is the least effective way to get them to see things your way. I do hope you seek superior supervision and work on boundaries in your own therapy. Good luck in your endeavors.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: bradensmith on August 08, 2004, 02:21:00 AM
Brialliant post
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2004, 03:07:00 AM
Well, thank you!

On 2004-08-07 23:21:00, bradensmith wrote:

"Brialliant post"
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: former CEDU therapist on August 08, 2004, 03:53:00 AM
Ottawa, read the anonymous post responding to your query. It lays out everything. Some kids literally die from their choices, but other kids don't really need these placements. Also, it seems that these different CEDU schools vary from each other - maybe a lot.

I hope you'll listen to what some of these ex-CEDU kids are telling you and not just the ones who say what you want to hear. Everyone here has something to say.

Okay, guys. I know you're all mad at this Ottawa person. But she's asking what you would change about CEDU. Can you give her some answers?

On 2004-08-07 20:43:00, ottawa5 wrote:

"To the last two posters:

How to improve on the current CEDU program, this is my question.  My son went to RMA, he had a good experience, and his life is better for going there, but I hear these stories here at this site, some of them really awful.  

What would you do to change CEDU, that's what I want to do, to keep what is positive, and still to get rid of what has the potential to hurt people?

My son says that he wouldn't change any of it, but maybe his experience was just lucky, with good friends and staff, I want other opinions too, what would you change?

My present idea is it has to do with hiring kind, sensitive people who can be strong too and not letting in kids who are not suited to the program (with certain psychological conditions I'm thinking), but I'd like more opinions.

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: mikehunt on August 08, 2004, 04:41:00 AM
On 2004-08-08 00:53:00, former CEDU therapist wrote:

"Ottawa, read the anonymous post responding to your query. It lays out everything. Some kids literally die from their choices, but other kids don't really need these placements. Also, it seems that these different CEDU schools vary from each other - maybe a lot.

I hope you'll listen to what some of these ex-CEDU kids are telling you and not just the ones who say what you want to hear. Everyone here has something to say.

Okay, guys. I know you're all mad at this Ottawa person. But she's asking what you would change about CEDU. Can you give her some answers?


On 2004-08-07 20:43:00, ottawa5 wrote:

"To the last two posters:

How to improve on the current CEDU program, this is my question.  My son went to RMA, he had a good experience, and his life is better for going there, but I hear these stories here at this site, some of them really awful.  

What would you do to change CEDU, that's what I want to do, to keep what is positive, and still to get rid of what has the potential to hurt people?

My son says that he wouldn't change any of it, but maybe his experience was just lucky, with good friends and staff, I want other opinions too, what would you change?

My present idea is it has to do with hiring kind, sensitive people who can be strong too and not letting in kids who are not suited to the program (with certain psychological conditions I'm thinking), but I'd like more opinions.



here's what i'd do to change cedu:
stop being deceitful to acquire students and keep them in the program; stop using the term "therapy" to describe disciplinary tactics.  or perhaps start using therapy instead.  
in order to be therapeutic, the skool must adjust their methods for each individual student.  how to heal the students: get creative counselors with a genuine desire to help change these kids' mentalities to something that'll be more beneficial to them.
also, many of the kids at cedu are not prepared for the type of treatment they receive; it's sort of shocking for many.  luckily for your son, he was (or at least he allowed himself to go along with it once he was immersed in it.) others have no idea what's being shot at them, and so they're left to defend themselves in whichever ways they can (for some people, this means taking their own life before they allow someone else to ruin it.)  the resolution goes back to the whole ethical therapy thing... personal needs have to be taken into consideration for optimal results.  sensitive and creative staff members are necessary to perform therapeutic duties.. this means that the counselors would have to adapt the program to each individual so that these people would actually let their defenses down and receive something that's being offered to them.
it's about ethical manipulation... (there's a fine line between ethical and unethical manipulation.. if the spoken and unspoken agenda is to unleash another's personal creativity, it's undubitably ethical.  trying to program a batch of moral robots is dehumanizing; that it is no longer an act of love, and consequently, it is not ethical)
i had to learn my own lessons the hard way (through my defiance).  on the other hand, most of the lessons which cedu deliver are pretty mundane and simple... nothing too profound or groundbreaking.
they need to change their focus.  cedu should teach more about individuality; getting to know YOUR brain, how it functions, how to werk with it, how to reprogram it yourself.  now THAT is headsplitting, groundbreaking shit.[ This Message was edited by: mikehunt on 2004-08-08 01:44 ][ This Message was edited by: mikehunt on 2004-08-13 20:46 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 08, 2004, 10:44:00 AM
Thanks, this is exactly the type of thing I am trying to learn. Thanks to the "anonymous" poster too.

If you don't mind, I'll email in a week or so, I'd like to have my son (he's travelling right now) to be in on the discussions, since he was there too, and has insights that I don't.

But one more question--what do you think can be done about what some posters call the "coercive" aspects of these schools?  

In our own case, my son would never have gone if we hadn't physically taken him there. But what else is a parent supposed to do if an underage kid is relentlessly getting involved with criminal, not to mention, physically dangerous activities?  I just didn't have the heart to let him go out into the world in the hopes that he would "bottom out" before he killed himself, and anyway, we had legal responsibilties to him as a minor.

My question, what alternatives do you see to forcing a kid to attend one of these schools--are there any that occur to you out of your own experience?

Here is the thing: I really want to do this right if I do start a school or even take part in one, so believe me, I appreciate all the input, positive, and negative, too. I intend to, and hope I can, use it all to do good, in one way or another.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: mad on August 08, 2004, 11:30:00 AM
I was taken by force to RMA by two men who picked me up at work; my uncle also came and helped by luring me outside of my workplace so as to cause less of a scene.  Like your son, and many of our peers, there is no way that my mother could have talked me into going up to the school on my own volition.  She had given me that choice and I had taken to living on the streets instead of "going to visit the school?" as she had suggested.  She also choose to send me to RMA because she knew that I would walk away from Cedu as soon as I was dropped off.

It was a humiliating experience to be publicly plucked out of my life against my will and forcibly transported to RMA.  However, I don't know of any alternative that would have ended with me being at the school.

The only thing that I wish my mother and stepmother had done differently was to be absent when I was picked up.  They watched me be "taken" from a safe distance of a parking lot away through the windows of their car.  The power dynamics of that moment were unnecessarily painful.  It was clear that my mother was taking control, but there was something sadistic in having her watch.  I tried to revisit this with her years later but her perception of that moment as a mother is very different than mine.  She had wanted to be sure that it worked and had wanted to have a sense of closure over the drama in which we had been living.  While I appreciate that, I still wish that she had put my needs for some privacy during a humiliating moment before her own needs for emotional containment.

Best, Mark

on the road of experience...[ This Message was edited by: mad on 2004-08-08 08:31 ][ This Message was edited by: mad on 2004-08-08 08:33 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2004, 11:31:00 AM
Looks like a lot of stuff were covered.  But I will add that it would be nice if the academics were actually viable.

Also: I think it is better to talk to kids in a direct way, not assaulting them...

The other problem I've heard from a lot of kids is that they were so insulated with all the lingo, lack of contact, lack of media (which is a mixed bag), etc. they were unprepared to deal with real world.  Instead of forming their own values and letting others have theirs, they formed CEDU values.  Mnay kids I talked to said they learned how to work hard but not deal with real world.  

Also, many had problems with oversharing on some level and complete distrust of authority on others.  (Because many staff at CEDU were not honest either with parents or with us.)

Also, the bans were sometimes ridiculous. One girl was banned from the sun.  If a girl was beautiful, she was treated like crap even if she didn't warrant it and was banned from all guys.  Bans shouldn't be totally  ridiculously arbitrary or they lose their credibility.

Also, staff shouldn't call you names or say you were a slut for having sex before, or a junkie because you smoked pot, or make you feel dirty in the process of "empowering" you. They also shouldn't use traumatic experiences against you.

Thta's all for now.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 08, 2004, 12:25:00 PM
What you say about the humiliating nature of a kid being forced to go to the school as you were: this ia a big concern to me.

I am ashamed to say that it wasn't a big deal for me at the time, partly because I felt so personally humiliated and exhausted by what we'd been through for a couple of years--it was only later that I came to understand how hard the whole thing was on my child too.

My son doesn't blame us now but I kind of wish there was a better way, especially when I hear your emotionally graphic description of how it felt to you.  Even for those of us who didn't use escorts, there is a power dynamic there that is just unkind. Maybe even a dynamic that at least approaches sadistic, as you say.

What would be that better way? I mean, would it really be better to put the decision to send the kid to a school, in the hands of the courts or social services, rather than in the hands of the parents? Wouldn't that have its own problems?  

If any ideas do occur to you, I would appreciate hearing them, I also want to talk to you more later, when my son is back in town.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on August 08, 2004, 12:52:00 PM
In the light of what is and has always been commonly accepted by man, I will always sound ridiculous to most.  New ideas always have and always will be.  It is those few that have ventured forth into the unknown that have always interested me.  I have always chosen to allign myself apart from the masses and strive for original thought.  I suppose this is why I have such a problem with CEDU, SYNANON, JIM JONES, AMERICA, HITLER, STALIN, REAGAN, and all who attempt by force to make others like them.  I suppose this is how I can compare CEDU to AUSHWITZ.  My grandfather (a hungarian Jew) watched his first pregnant wife die there.  So I by no means would ever disregard the horrors of aushwitz.  Strange how it could somehow be responsible for my being.[ This Message was edited by: Bryan Felsher on 2004-08-08 09:53 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Antigen on August 08, 2004, 01:11:00 PM
None of you know what might have happened had you, your kid or the kid who wound up in your Program not landed there. None of you do. This is why the ends can never justify the means; because none of us are omnicient and, therefore, none of us can be sure what the end will be.

It's always painful to watch someone you love make mistakes and suffer the consequences. But that's just part of life. The answer to your question; what can be done about kids who (you are convinced) need help but who won't accept it is nothing! You can offer, you can demonstrate that your love for them is unconditional by never withdrawing it or threatening to. And you can have a little more faith in your own kid to, eventually, sort things out than in some stranger who thinks they know better.

A therapeutic relationship must be based on trust. Coercion destroys trust. If there is coercion, then whatever it is you may be trying to do, it is NOT therapy!

A multitude of laws in a country is like a great number of physicians, a sign of weakness and malady.

--Voltaire, philosopher (1694-1778)

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2004, 01:17:00 PM
When I went to CEDU, I was desperate. I was not oppositional or defiant or on drugs, but I was depressed, underachieving, and desperately unhappy.  In addition, I had a few traumatic experiences right before CEDU.  My parents told me they were taking me there and I myself wanted help.  So I didn't fight it.

As it turns out, CEDU was absolutely the wrong place for me, and I've listed many reasons on other posts.  The root of the problem was never uncovered, and the staff were not honest in their dealings with me or my parents. I really did need help but CEDU did not provide it. I wasn't a liar or a manipulator or a drug addict and I didn't appreciate being treated like one. Also the bullying and the taunts and the weird lingo were not helpful at all.  If anyone had treated me like an individual or directed treatment in a way to fortify your self esteem instead of tearing it down, it would have helped.  I also needed better schooling than the joke that was offered as academics.  (This may have changed over the past 10+ years--I hope so.)
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 08, 2004, 01:59:00 PM
Antigen--  I agree with you that coercion is distasteful--that's the reason for my earlier question about alternatives to it.  And I agree that you can never be sure what is going to happen.  But as a parent one constantly "best-guesses" and makes decisions, regardless of the uncertainty.

I would like to hear from CEDU grads or attendees on this subject: would it have been better if your parents had told you that no one can tell the future, and that you should make your own mistakes.

Was being forced to go to these schools, either by escort or by obeying your parents due to the power differential, worse than having been allowed to make your own mistakes in the way you were living at the time.

I kind of know how people who had a straigt-out awful experience feel about this, but I would like to hear from people who think that CEDU helped them in some way: was the loss of liberty, at least temporarily, in being sent there, worth it?[ This Message was edited by: ottawa5 on 2004-08-08 11:00 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Deborah on August 08, 2004, 02:02:00 PM
Alternative to sending one's teen to a BM Warehouse?

My suggestion is that you should give up the notion of ?helping? teens, creating an institution to churn out cookie-cutter teens. Instead, you should hold large parenting seminars to train parents on how to set up a BM program right in the comfort of their own homes. While it would require some effort on their part, they should be reminded of the obvious benefits of this option.

You could then lay out the particulars for setting up such an environment:
Their teen would not be allowed to participate in normal teen activities; in fact, the teen would not be allowed outside the house. Of course, they would be forbidden from learning to drive. They would wear a uniform daily. Individuality must be forsaken for ?mental health?. Iron bars would be installed on all windows. They would not be allowed contact with extended family members, friends, or anyone on the outside; and would have very limited contact with other household members, until the parent had determined that they had obtained a certain level of compliance- no complaining to people outside the household about what was happening.  The teen would have no access to a phone, computer or any form of media. Install a security system and surveillance cameras if necessary. Hire a goon to stand guard when you can?t be there and to transport the teen to AA three times a week. Education would be self-instructional. Set up an isolation room to be used as punishment for violation of intentionally irrational rules or for real or perceived attempts to escape. Require the teen to watch motivational speakers or religious zealots. The teen would eat frozen meals and take those meals separate from the family. The teen would have to ask permission to visit the toilet and would be allowed only 3 showers per week, supervised of course. Toiletries and condiments would have to be earned. The teen would not take part in family discussions, activities, outings or vacations. On a daily basis, and for hours on end, the teen would stand in front of other family members who would hurl obscenities at them, rage at them for the ?trouble and embarrassment? they?d caused the family. They would be drilled daily on how a model citizen must think and behave.  In addition, the teen would be required to listen to their parents describe their past sexual histories in detail and be required to divulge their own.  If the teen became too obstinate or otherwise demonstrated resistant to the BM conditioning, parents would instruct their hired goon to PT them in the blazing sun until they were too exhausted to complain.

There are so many particulars, I?m sure I?ve missed some. But that?s a good starting point.

This approach would save parents a boat load of money and work as a possible deterrent for younger children in the family who witnesses the conditioning of their older sibling(s). And the parents could almost be guaranteed forgiveness in the future, provided they ever come to their senses. It is much easier for a kid to forgive a parent for abusing them, than to forgive a parent for hiring it done.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 08, 2004, 02:42:00 PM

I'd be against a school that operated on the basis of turning out "cookie-cutter" people, on that we agree completely. The people that I've heard from here, who all went to CEDU schools seem to be very different from each other.

Where we disagree, I'm guessing is on whether some of the techiques used at these schools are helpful and needed. And also whether sometimes a parent has to resort to sending a kid to a emotional growth school.  Am I correct that you would say "Never" while I would say "Sometimes, after every at-home alternative is tried"?

Listen, if you happen to send me any response and I don't reply I'm not blowing you off, as you have thought sometimes.  My schedule is such that sometimes I can be around computers a lot, other times, not.  Today is an away-from-the-computer day from here on in.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Antigen on August 08, 2004, 02:52:00 PM
How about never by force? That alone would make a huge difference. It would create a natural limit to how far they could push the kids. It would eliminate a huge barrier to healthy, productive therapeutic relationships between staff and participants. It would also eliminate probably the #1 objection that kids who might need a little help have against going to a program.

When the government's boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence.
-- Gary Lloyd

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: bradensmith on August 08, 2004, 03:02:00 PM
good now things are looking a bit better on this forum...

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Deborah on August 08, 2004, 03:25:00 PM
I won't contribute to brainstorming 'how it can be better' because I disagree with the basic assumption that incarceration of teens is appropriate and humane, short of violent behavior-and then very temporarily.

No parent has 'tried everything'- not one. That is a gross exaggeration, and commonly used to justify out-of-home placements. Parents haven't created the environment I described above in their own homes. If a parent could accomplish the same results at home, employ the same 'techniques', why wouldn't they? It's easier to hire it done?

Therefore the industry is but a service for parents. And you hope to profit from providing that service.

Yes, the posters here have different personalities and experiences with their programs. Doesn't deny the fact that the goal of the facility was to create cookie cutter teens. To indoctrinate the teens with their brand of morals and values and perceptions of reality.

Given that parents are going to continue to take the easy was out- the very least you could do is set up a democratic, nurturing, and enriching environment in which the teens decide how they will live together, negotiating agreements (real agreements, not 'rules' presented as agreements), i could go on... but in a nutshell, an enviroment based on respect.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: former CEDU therapist on August 08, 2004, 05:02:00 PM
I hate to say it, Ottawa, but forcing a kid is sometimes necessary. I have had parents deceive the kid every time we go for placement. Here's the deal - the kid is deceiving the parent all over the place. I have deceived clients by telling them I would not call 911 when they took a bottle of Tylenol. Of course, I do call. I did not get into this business to be complicit in someone's suicide. Don?t want me to call 911? Then don?t call me and tell me you did that!

NO kid is going to go along with going to a placement facility. Why would they? It?s hard enough to get adults to get help. Alcoholics lose homes, jobs, and families, but keep on drinking. How do you get someone with terrible judgment problems to make good decisions? You can?t. I?ve been to too many funerals of bright young people with promise to think that you have to ask them nicely if they want to go.

The key is knowing who really needs it. That?s the issue. Also, as has been mentioned in these posts, decent academics would make a big difference. And number one ? decent, kind staff who don?t think that they are supposed to tear a kid down and rebuild him. All you get with that is a wounded, angry soul.

On 2004-08-08 07:44:00, ottawa5 wrote:

"Thanks, this is exactly the type of thing I am trying to learn. Thanks to the "anonymous" poster too.

If you don't mind, I'll email in a week or so, I'd like to have my son (he's travelling right now) to be in on the discussions, since he was there too, and has insights that I don't.

But one more question--what do you think can be done about what some posters call the "coercive" aspects of these schools?  

In our own case, my son would never have gone if we hadn't physically taken him there. But what else is a parent supposed to do if an underage kid is relentlessly getting involved with criminal, not to mention, physically dangerous activities?  I just didn't have the heart to let him go out into the world in the hopes that he would "bottom out" before he killed himself, and anyway, we had legal responsibilties to him as a minor.

My question, what alternatives do you see to forcing a kid to attend one of these schools--are there any that occur to you out of your own experience?

Here is the thing: I really want to do this right if I do start a school or even take part in one, so believe me, I appreciate all the input, positive, and negative, too. I intend to, and hope I can, use it all to do good, in one way or another. "
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2004, 06:52:00 PM
I went throught the CEDU program and I would say that the tactics used by many staff are manipulation, among other things that they would tell us to work on. Overall I would say that the CEDU program had given me more anger, rather than helping me locate and get over problems I had as a child. I spent nearly two years at the CEDU program, and even went to a CEDU based wilderness program called ASCENT, either of which never helped me much at all. I feel like my parnets have wasted great ammounts of money into that program.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2004, 07:23:00 PM
I am so sorry to read this. It's ironic that you would note that you felt manipulated by the staff. "Manipulation" is their favorite word to use against the students!
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2004, 07:42:00 PM
Maybe it's their favorite word for a reason. No irony there.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: oh shizzle son on August 08, 2004, 09:12:00 PM
i was escorted as well to idaho and id have to say it was the worst day of my life, the night i happened to be sleeping at home (becuase my parents were out of town!) these two big guys come in and tell me not to move...i went from the thought of oh shit i have people breaking in my house..great. Then when they said dont move i thought it was the cops so i was a bit relieved and then worry started to set in, oh shit im going back to jail, damnit! well laying in bed i looked at the clock and realized it was 4:06 haha yeah i still remember and i was a bit dumbfounded.  then before i even got the chance to move one of the guys was on my back not letting me i immediately yelled what the fuck is this?! and they said shut up! so i put up a fight like any normal person and they immediately had me up against the wall in plasticuffs. which made me bleed and wouldnt let me get dressed...i was in boxers....still not comprehending what was goin on i ran for loose and outside and realized it was freezing and got about halfway down my block and just stopped...worst mistake of my life...
next thing you know im slammed into a car and i still have no idea what the hell is going on...

next thing you know im at Ascent still wearing my boxers and a wife beater...what a day

my point is, i had no cluw what was going on the escorts posted as cops and showed no badge and wouldnt let me ask any questions and on top of that i went the whole day from 4 am to about 5-6 with no food besides water and was served an ascent meal...which is horseshit anyways...

that was my experience with escorting
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2004, 09:25:00 PM
If your folks said hey we think you are f*&^ed up and we don't know what to do about it so we want to take you to a therapeutic wilderness program/boarding school would you have gone?

I hate the idea of escort (and I'm not nuts about most of these programs), but did your parents wimp out or did they see it as a necessary evil? I know of a couple of girls at CEDU who were escorted and they did not need to be at was a total humiliation for them.

The most shocking day of my life was going to CEDU and going into a rap I could not believe the shit I ws hearing!
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: bradensmith on August 08, 2004, 10:10:00 PM
Yea Oh my God, my first rap was a little off the tracks.  It was crazy, but i guess i am happy to say that i didn't have the same escorting experience that you did.  That sounds pretty messed up.  What were your issues? were you a violent person at home and thats what they were watching out for?  Its just your escorts seem a little too harsh...
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Antibody? on August 09, 2004, 01:35:00 AM
I'm going to agree with Antigen on this one.
You can't get real with a kid without communication on a more personal level than force. What ever happened to compassion?

I continue to see kids come out of CEDU burning with anger, shivering with fear, and, with no idea who they are or how to care for themselves.

They can't apply for jobs, work, relate to real problems and live with people rationally. Their soul has been broken. Their life has been the institution. Their God a machine that throws a tray of food in front of them. No wonder they are lost in a matrix.

It is correct that parents pay to have the job of raising their kid done by someone else, someone without attachment to anything but a paycheck - and a feeling of ritiousnes.

Staff, -  These people are rescures of inauthenticity and legends in their own minds. In reality, they are empty, nothing without that false praise used by the system to enable their hidden arrogance.

They are nothing trying to be something - at your, and your parents' expence.

As for escorts - damn the escorts. They are maggots, leaches, sell-outs.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: mad on August 09, 2004, 07:26:00 AM
I believe that the work I did while at RMA saved my life, or rather I can not imagine how I would be alive today had I not gone there.  Were there facilitators and aspects about the program that were destructive?  Absolutely, but for me there was certainly more good experienced than not (I graduated in 1993).  

As I mentioned in my first post on this string, I am also sure that there is nothing that my parents could have done that would have convinced me to go to RMA of my own volition.  They tried and I choose leaving home over going ? I had been 16 at the time.  While I wish that my parents had not watched me get taken away by the bounty hunters they hired, their having me forcibly picked up was a last resort.  I had dropped out of school, was living on the street, and knowingly putting myself in harms way.

Given the other posts on this topic I also want to give voice to something that is perhaps obvious to some but maybe news to others whose situations were different than my own.  One of the best things about going to RMA was that it got me away from my parents and my home environment.  While my parents truly did the best that they could to parent me, they were pretty limited folks in what they had to offer and teach me.  Their needs not mine, had always come first.  In many ways, they were as out of control as I had been and on some level knew that they couldn?t help me anymore.

Best, M
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2004, 10:02:00 AM
I gotta agree with Antibody.

My problem with CEDU-RS, at least, was not that my feelings got hurt in a few raps.  My problem was the unethical treatment, substandard academics, abusive and dishonest raps, the group mentality, the insulated environemnt, teh unqualified staff, the atmosphere of bullying, and the fact that most of the "tools" were not really portable to the real world.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2004, 10:08:00 AM
Pre-cedu for me was sleeping on the streets, snorting or smoking an 8 ball a day of cocaine, 4 arrests (grand theft, cocaine, marijuana, firearms),
4 expulsions.  I was made a ward of the court then legally a ward of CEDU school.  The only reason I didn't split was  I thought at the time I had much more freedom then in Juvenile Hall which was my option if I didn't follow the rules.  I wish I had went to Juvenile hall instead.  There were far less repercusions and I'd rather explain THAT to people then CEDU.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2004, 11:40:00 AM
That's a pretty crazy pre-CEDU life. My posts have all spoken about the problems with CEDU. However, I couldn't imagine sleeping on the streets and multiple arrests.  Or Juvie (I've never been, so in my mind, its like prison.).  Could you explain how CEDU was worse than juvie or the streets? I'm being sincere; I really want to know. Some people might say that at least CEDU provides 3 hots and a cot and physical shelter and safety.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2004, 12:25:00 PM
I was not escorted to CEDU.   By the time, I arrived at CEDU, I did not care where I lived.    Prior to CEDU,   I was award of the court, and staying at some weird group homes.    There was also the crappy lock-up.    They told me that my option if I was not at Cedu was CYA.   But yet,  the only law that I had broken was running away from abusive places.

Kids deserve more rights.  I deserved more rights.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2004, 12:40:00 PM
At least in Juvy, I could have read what I wanted, practiced the religion I wanted, believed what I wanted, gotten a better education.  I would have learned there is a price to pay for my actions.  It was not until reliving my pre-CEDU life after CEDU and paying the consequences that I changed my life around.  (homelessness, drug addiction, county jail multiple times, multiple arrests, multiple halfway houses, psych wards kicking methadone, etc..)
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2004, 01:30:00 PM
On that note, what is Juvy like? Is imagination worse than the actual place, or is it really bad. Can they keep you safe from violent kids?
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2004, 02:30:00 PM
Never been to Juvy.  For me, County Jail was no problem.  I would assume Juvy wouldn't be as bad as County.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: oh shizzle son on August 09, 2004, 03:35:00 PM
haha yeah id rather explain Juve to people other than takes about 3 hrs just to get people to understand the first little bit of the program and wtf they claim to be a simple program

Is CEDU really shutting down?
i loved the post (an older one) antibody and when i read it i immediately called Gabe and told him you wrote about him....that was meainingful and im glad you still keep those thoughts on mind..or in the heart.  if you dont know who this is (id like to stay anon to some people) i sat in on some sessions with you and gabe mostly but with alix and evan as was just fun to listen to your theories and i can tell now how commited you are to actually helping people

also saw your website ( love the idea of encompassing the environment, im going up to bellingham soon to visit some friends BW and gabe i cant wait

if you want or have time e-mail me [email protected], itd be nice to talk to you since my old therapist im sure you know who he was doesnt respond to me......typical, although hes a great guy
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 09, 2004, 04:34:00 PM
You know I just had one hell of a sunday, and i'm in a bit of a better mood today, and I just found out that my anonymous nemesis has a name "oh shizzle son."  you know i really wish that you explained yourself to me off the bat as the guy who started this post and what you were looking for, rather than just hurling insults at me, we might of got off to a better start. look pal, i calmed down a bit, and after reading some more of your posts, you seem a bit more interesting than I gave you credit for. Looks like you had a tough run of it yourself.  For the last time I'm going to tell you that I was not threatening anybody when I gave my reasons for why I'm not a "frisbee" like someone suggested. If you really felt threatened by that, then I apologize, that really wasn't my intention.  Look shiz, we traded insults, your a bitch, i'm a coward idiot, whatever.  i'm willing to be big enough to admit that I might have been wrong to not accept your initial peace offering.  so here it is, if your still willing to squash this anymosity bullshit, and deal with me on a normal level, then I can too. I'm extending my hand to you for real here, you can shake it or slap it away, the balls in your court pal, whats it gonna be?

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-09 13:35 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: bradensmith on August 09, 2004, 05:32:00 PM

Im glad you calmed down a bit.  The truth is, if what your trying to accomplish is to get CEDU shut down this board could be a powerful place, although that is not what I am about.  I had some of the worst times and best times of my life at that school, and the truth is, it all evens out for me at least.  Anyways man, my offer from page 5 is still up if you want to talk or whatever.  E-mail me, lemme get your number, ill call you we will chat, if you want.  Take care man



Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 09, 2004, 09:26:00 PM
As a parent, I couldn't agree with you more.  Lots of times, I think, parents, often with the best intentions, are actually part of the problem.

And not only were we, in my child's case, part of the problems that my son was having, but, sadly, there was no way, absolutely no way, pre-emotional growth, that anyone could have convinced me of that.

I remember sitting with some socialite from New York, at the beginning of our first (required) parent workshop; we both sort of quietly made fun of the whole thing, one more "silly" little ritual that our children's misbehavior was making us go through.

After all (this was our reasoning at the time) we were successful, high achieving, rule-following people-- could there really be anything significant wrong with us?

Surely my son was the problem, this was my thinking when we sent him to RMA.

I just did not, and could not, understand that all of my own future direction, my resilience against anything that stood in my way, had the effect of minimizing and even trivializing the emotional struggles in which he was engaged.

I have to give CEDU parent programs credit for waking me up.  I can remember the exact moment, in a parent workshop, when I realized that we, he and I, were in this together.

At that point, it could no longer be denied, that I had not done the things I should have to help him face the challenges that (divorce of his father, several relocations, a remarriage) that my choices had dictated that he should have to face.

It is so amazing that our experiences with CEDU, my son's and my own, continue to allow us to have a sort of a common language in how we face what life throws at us.

To the poster "mad", maybe your parents didn't get as much out of the program as I did, from your comments at least, but they obviously cared a lot about you, I mean, they could have just left you on the streets.

Someone here, I forget who, sort of mocked me for saying that the fact that parents would intervene and pay a whole lot of money to send a child to a program like CEDU could reflect their love of their child.  But I think that it's true: it is certainly limited, but it is love, nonetheless to do whatever you are capable of doing for your child.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: mad on August 09, 2004, 10:08:00 PM
Ottawa5, thanks for your post.  As someone only contemplating having children I can only vaguely fathom how hard it must be for many parents to send their kids away.  Even if you don?t see how you might have contributed to their pain, on some level it is an admission that things are bad enough that people outside the family had to be called in to ?fix? the problem.  It is in the last part ? the bit about fixing ? that I think parents (and others including the kid) can easily get caught up in the reaction formation that it is the child (rather than all of the family members) who is broken and in need of some kind of repair.

My moms -- as an aside, my father and stepfather had both died shortly before I went to RMA -- got something out of the parent workshops I?m sure.  They were totally RMAed parents and spoke at parent conferences etc.  They did what they could to be supportive of me (which relative to my peers was a lot), but my experience was that they were supportive of me ?doing my work? and getting fixed (or in the least to stop making decisions that scared the shit out of them).  Their support was about making me into someone whom they could feel good about again. Oddly, their support of me was about them.  It was a fine tact to take I suppose, but it ultimately did not bring us closer because it was exactly the role that I had had since my earliest memories.

My mom acknowledged very early on at RMA that she believed that she contributed to my presenting problems. It was all very cerebral though and lacked any real insight or change on her part.  She just wasn't ready to see I suppose.  In any case, when I left RMA it became very clear that there were strong strings attached to ?good? (e.g., who she thought I should be) behavior and to playing the role that she needed in her life.  We ended up parting company for five years.  Having lost a parent I decided that I could live with that as a worst-case scenario and having her in my life was worse than losing her altogether.

We reconciled three years ago and to her credit, she did a lot of growing up while we were apart and since we have come back together.  While I know that I have matured a tremendous amount too, the difference in her is most recognizable.  She is not a core support in my life, but I do enjoy spending time in her company now (and that is huge).  I am also very careful where she is concerned and spend a lot of time being mindful about my boundaries with her ? not one of her competencies.

Long story short, RMA helped to brake up some truly caustic stuff in my family and also helped me to feel competent in the world.  I was able to walk away from my family because at some level I knew that I didn?t need them to survive anymore.  I knew that I would be OK, and for me, that was a big step toward taking my place in the adult world.  What it didn?t help me with was teasing out how to come back together. I have found RMA lessons to be great for binary thinking and very limited for more complex decisions and relationships.

Best, M
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 09, 2004, 10:35:00 PM
You know, your comments on the misdirected focus on "fixing" the child were very meaningful to me. When my son was pretty far into the program, his somewhat younger step-sister sent him a letter saying she was looking forward to seeing him after he was "fixed". I remember how angry that made him.  It didn't really register why, until I read  your post.

One of the themes of some workshop or other was "loving the child you have, not the one you would have chosen", something like that.  

That was really true for me, my son is a great person but he is a wild risk-taker, not like my other children who are more measured, more goal oriented, more, in short, like me.

But if you accept the child you have, doesn't that mean that you have to accept that child's (the one you actually have) hopes and dreams, even if they might not have been the ones that you would have chosen if you were in charge.

A pitfall I found with the RMA stuff that I learned as a parent was that it is so easy to sort of idealize the concepts presented, to believe that you have found this meaning, and to leave it at that.  The hard part is to find out how these ideas fit into your own life, where do you go with them in the real world.

It doesn't help that in my situation at least, there are few people who even understand what I am talking about when I refer to things like "emotional growth", except my son, and he has his own experiences to go through, I really don't feel like I should overwhelm him with my personal growth.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: oh shizzle son on August 10, 2004, 12:53:00 AM
SERB :tup: shake shake

good times
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 10, 2004, 08:46:00 AM
Brandon, I don't take kindly to people calling me names like "Bully", BUT It intrigued me that you would invite a male total stranger to sleep in your home which led me to suspect that either you are (A.) ONE VERY DESPERATE homosexual :nworthy:)

. [ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-10 09:45 ][ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-10 09:46 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: oh shizzle son on August 10, 2004, 02:14:00 PM
lets talk about it, i think me you and bradensmith have kinda started a massive thread here.....we should probably organize this a little better.

make one for when we need to bitch each other out

another one for ways to change or shut down CEDU

and another one on how to publicize the ideas and get our pounts across OUTSIDE of this forum...because my thought is is has a pretty shitty reputation now from people like Ottawa...BOO! but im not underminding those who have made there mark here
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: bradensmith on August 10, 2004, 09:28:00 PM

Hey Son of Serbia, to be honest it was a little more of A...... JUST KIDDING  Anyways man thanks for hitting me back and, I am glad we cleaned up this thread a little bit.  I am also glad that you havn't changed your feelings about CEDU either, to be honest, at this point if this forum influenced people I would be scared to go to bed at night.  Anyways fellas take care.  Oh SHIZZLE and thats for sure man this thread is on FIRE!

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: oh shizzle son on August 11, 2004, 02:54:00 PM
I love the flavor bradensmith, kind of nice to see someone spice it up here and there....except you propheet music you played i was about to puuuuuuuuke all over the place...haha gotta love it though at the same time

Fuck Propheets, what a big waste of fucking time
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: bradensmith on August 11, 2004, 04:54:00 PM

Thankyou for what you said, I will take that as a compliment.  Oh and watch what you say about the propheet music "LOL".... I saved the link.
[ This Message was edited by: bradensmith on 2004-08-11 13:57 ]

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2004, 07:35:00 PM
You all are pussy shit at running away. I ran away twice and both times made it to at least LA. In one case I made it to Santa Barbara - and I am not from California. Gone around a week both times. Those fuckin PI's are good.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2004, 07:46:00 PM
Man you must be a bitch if you have lay out "credentials" about your fighting. I think the other guy is right. 10 fucking years? Get the fuck over it. From what I hear, and there are stories about you, you were a prissy ass serbian "prince" who couldn't handle it if someone didn't get you your fucking drink. And if that's not you, then you were not the only serbian kid to go there - either way there goes you sorry as ego. Here's a fucking saying you'll hate: Handle your shit. Poor go "abused" at CEDU - but I thought you didn't get "tossed" around? Get the fuck over and stop bitching. You must of needed if you can get so pissed off over it. Sorry if I offended you your "highness" but you just a flat out bitch. And just so you know, CYA happens to be one of the worst "youth" prisons in California, however, you wouldn't be going there cause you're well over 18...and still bitching! HA, its funny almost. I take it back, I am amused at your bullshit. Keep going. Oh and by the way, you can save your cursin out, for another time. I don't care - I love controversy anyway.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: oh shizzle son on August 11, 2004, 09:06:00 PM
hey anon stop being a bitch and get a name you dick suckin prick, if you didnt know this thread is shutting down...its had a good life and your just the low life that keeps it going...

Get The Fuck Out Anon and your a hypocrite too you stupid fuck, bitching about someone grow up bitch....

Anyways heres my originally planned post until anon came and fucked things up...we all just made peace..damn terrorist anon!!

Original Post: im making school threads so post anything relevant to the school may help for quick referencing and so this site comes up faster on searches!!

oh and by the way ANON i made it to CANADA so FUCK OFF about your little week long LA trips, i crossed an International Boundary and could have gone to Federal Prison......if i would have gotten caught....hahaha. and also it was on september 27th 2001, right after 9/11. Could we have been more stupid? *kin and hynes one love*
[ This Message was edited by:  on 2004-08-11 18:20 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 12, 2004, 01:49:00 AM
You sound pretty straight yo. I've read around the site a lil and I like your style.   Just wonderin dough, for you and the rest of the crew, could we see your real identities instead of the lil cartoons?   They're really cute man.   NAh I'm playin.  But uh I I'd like ta see your guyzez flicks, so I know who I'm dealin wif?

peace dunny
Karl Khunive
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 12, 2004, 10:06:00 AM
Whatever stories you heard, if you heard any at all that is, were obviously not about me, bitch!  And I could care less if I was not the only serb at cedu, big fucking deal. Oh and by the way, I ain't from california, but when I split, I made it all the way to chicago, you couldn't even get out of california, you big pussy.  And yeah, i couldn't stand cedu's mind games, so I took a stand and left once and for all, I went out to the streets and survived, I pulled myself out of cedu bitch, what did you ever do?  I'm a prince who couldn't get myself something to drink? motherfucker I was sleeping on street corners, and delivering 1500 newspapers a day for a couple of slave drivers in a van, just to earn 15 dollars so I could eat, you stupid prick.
Your calling me a bitch, and yet, you don't even have the balls to post a user name you lowlife piece of shit.  Oh shizzle son is right, this thread is closing down, why don't you do us all a favor and close down with it, or go back to
sucking dick at pelican bay or cya, or wherever it was that you became addicted to sperm, you cock sucking freak!
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 12, 2004, 11:15:00 AM
No more words
you tell me you love me when you're looking away
no more words
and no promises of love
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: bradensmith on August 12, 2004, 05:12:00 PM
Serbia, Whoever said you were a moron was right man.  If your so great and independant why don't you talk like it.  Quit acting like a seventh grader who just cuss's and dosn't make any sense.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ehm on August 12, 2004, 05:39:00 PM
There was a guy in Straight Dallas that did this, and when he got out, he commited suicide.

You don't get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot
--GW Büsh, Governor of Texas. Governing Magazine, 7/98

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 12, 2004, 11:01:00 PM
Ooh yeah girl run that game...
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 12, 2004, 11:23:00 PM
Right on man, the serb is a punk ass bitch.

On 2004-08-12 14:12:00, bradensmith wrote:

"Serbia, Whoever said you were a moron was right man.  If your so great and independant why don't you talk like it.  Quit acting like a seventh grader who just cuss's and dosn't make any sense."
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: oh shizzle son on August 13, 2004, 01:40:00 AM

its done and over....

Yeah Serb said some shit and most of it was at my expense and i dont need people coming in standing up for me, me and him worked it out so just quit the stupid petty drama...thats a bullshit CEDU game and your all playing it!!
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 13, 2004, 06:18:00 AM
I was going at it with him long before you showed up. People from Serbia are arrogant and guilty of attempted genocide and I will never stop so get used to it.

On 2004-08-12 22:40:00, oh shizzle son wrote:


its done and over....

Yeah Serb said some shit and most of it was at my expense and i dont need people coming in standing up for me, me and him worked it out so just quit the stupid petty drama...thats a bullshit CEDU game and your all playing it!!"
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 13, 2004, 09:07:00 AM
Jeremiah was a bullfrog
Was a good friend of mine
Never understood a single word he said
But we always had a real fine time

Joy to the World
All the Boys and Girls

Joy to the Fishies in the Deep Blue Sea
Joy to You and Me!
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 13, 2004, 09:15:00 AM
So it all comes out now, your just a big racist, and thats why you can't let up,now isn't it? Funny how you would accuse serbs of genocide, when america and nato spent 3 months bombing hospitals, churches, bridges, schools, factories, TV. studios, rairoad lines, hotels, embassies, banks, etc... My wifes uncle was killed along with several others when a nato bomb slammed into the cancer ward of the Belgrade hospital where he was staying.

And don't tell me I'm making this up, I was in serbia not 3 months after the Nato Bombing, I saw what they bombed with my own eyes. Nato did this in defence of muslim terrorists in Kosovo.  In fact Hasim Tachi (the leader of the Terrorist Kosovo Liberation army) and several of his top officers recieved their training in Al Queda training Camps in Algeria. They were funded entirely by by Saudi Arabian Terror Groups, as well as the Albanian Mafia.  That's what Bill Clinton and our racist Anon friend are supporting.

Clinton did the same thing in Bosnia, which is now flooded with muhajadeen in the Muslin/Croat half of the country.  the Muslim president
of bosnia during the war was Alija Izebegovic,a
career long Hard Core Islamist who wrote a book during the 70's outlining his detailed plan of attack to create a pan islamic state stretching from the balkans to indonesia. He was a collegue
and ally of OSAMA BIN LADEN, and he even Issued Bin Laden an honorary bosnian passport 1993.

Yes the wars that destroyed our country (yugoslavia) were filled with horrible atrocities, that were committed by ALL SIDES, Serbs, Croats, Bosnian Muslims, Albanians are all guilty, and so are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND NATO. Unfortunately the Hague tribunal is primarily funded by the US and Nato Countries, so some of the wars biggest criminals (bill clinton, madeline albright,& wesly clark)will never face justice. Aparrantly Kosovo albanians are also getting a free pass, even though they have run a systematic campaign of murder, church burnings,ethnic cleansing, and terror for the last 5 years, under Nato and UN occupation, which most of the mainstream media has completely ignored. (conincidently the albanians have been doing this to serbs for the last 30 years in Kosovo, which is what led serbia to crack down on them in the first place).  Of course our racist Anon friend will never agree with me, perhaps he is a muslim terrorist sympathizer himself.

As for brandon, you know i really thought you were alright, perhaps I was mistaken.  Call me a
moron if you want pal, but you just sided with a racist, so what does that make you?

Thanks for speaking out on my behalf Oh Shizzle Son.  You really are a stand up guy, and I'm sorry about all the nasty things I said to you before.  I was completely wrong for what I said about you, and I'm glad that we could patch things up and move on, thanks pal.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 13, 2004, 11:06:00 AM
You know, Shizzle from MN, I think I know your type: spoiled, rich brat who's mommy and daddy sent him to a boarding school, and he's still prissy-mad about it and bragging about how high he got there--read your posts, you're a joke

And you're going to tell people "STOP POSTING HERE", you're going to tell people what thread is ending and what thread you want them posting on?

Everyone who cares about Shittle Son's approval put up their hands---oh I guess you missed a majority by a few, little guy

See I read your posts,you came here and like any privileged brat you tried to glomm onto somebody with half a clue, brandensmith, at least he's got some technosmarts and the pyrotechnics are fun to see

So you glom onto him, try to act like you and your smart bud are in charge here?

Loser forget it we post where we want around here
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 13, 2004, 11:26:00 AM
When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And tehn I don't feeeeeeeeel so bad
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Antigen on August 13, 2004, 12:45:00 PM
On 2004-08-13 03:18:00, Anonymous wrote:

 I was going at it with him long before you showed up. People from Serbia are arrogant and guilty of attempted genocide and I will never stop so get used to it.

You don't know that. You might just as well go and harass the Amish for what the Nazis did as try and blame Son of Serbia for what Melosivic allegedly did. Bear in mind that Slobodon was essentially the same rank and designation as Sadam as regards his relationship w/ US intelligence.

"If you don't sign the paper, then we can't bomb Serbia!" (pounding the desk) They don't call here Madaline "Mad Cow" Albright for nothing!

I have some fairly interesting material on the topic of modern Serbian history. If ya'll really want to tear into it, post to Tacitus' Realm.

Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.
--Julius Caesar

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
Seed sibling `71 - `80
Straight South (Sarasota, FL)
   10/80 - 10/82
Anonymity Anonymous
It is wrong to leave a stumbling block in the road once it has tripped you.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: bradensmith on August 13, 2004, 01:26:00 PM

Ok Serbia,

If you had taken a closer look, the post when i called you a moron was before the racist comments.  I am probobly one of the least racist people to step foot on this planet man.  I would never stand by a racist or anyone who denies someone based on their country of origin or the color of there skin.  I personally thought that we had all this cleared up, but then you started cussing again, and making usless attacks (No offense.)  If my comment of calling you a second grader and a moron offended you I am deeply sorry, and i can assure you that it will not happen again.  I would personally like to be done with all of this but, if there is anything that we need to speak of further, post a messege on my website [email protected] (http://mailto:[email protected]) or just keep this thread going.  Again I am sorry.

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 13, 2004, 03:05:00 PM
That's fine Brandon, apology accepted.  And yes I do curse people out who attack me, I'll try and tone it down a bit, but I got a hot temper, it's the serb in me, y'know? Let us not speak of this again. Your still Okay in my book.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: oh shizzle son on August 13, 2004, 04:49:00 PM
to whoever the fuck said i was probably a rich bratty kid. you claim i tried to tell people where to post and when to post? get a clue.  and then you come and try to tell me who i am motherfucker? what the hell is that shit, no im not a rich little prissy fuckin spoiled kid...where did you get that from?  my antics? oh well im sorry you take offense to it on the computer, thats pretty fuckin spineless. and drop the judgments, you dont know anyone here, and it just makes you look like an insecure fuck.

And who are you? maybe you if you grew some hair on your nuts you could get a name and drop the ANON because if your gonna talk shit under ANON then you really really must be a half-brained nutless fuck
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 13, 2004, 05:07:00 PM
This is just like the worthless egotistical drama at CEDU. "you hurt my ego" well "BOO HOOO HOOO."

This Thread could be useful for shutting down a gulag - but no - you all just use it to bitch each other out. There is a thread for that. Take your bruised egos and go there.

Some of us have a reason to be here.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 13, 2004, 05:08:00 PM
AMEN TO THAT, SHIZZ! If these idiots had any balls they would at least identify themselves, instead of taking these cowardly pot shots at you and me! (see Brandon, I said cowardly this time, and not pussy, i'm really trying here!)

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-13 14:13 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: oh shizzle son on August 13, 2004, 06:28:00 PM
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 13, 2004, 06:34:00 PM
Love on the rocks
Ain't no big surprise
Pour me a drink
And I'll tell you some lies
Yesterday's news
So I'll just sing the blues
All the time...
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 13, 2004, 10:10:00 PM
I don't see any name and address on you. "Son of Serbia" is just about as anonymous as "Anonymous".

On 2004-08-13 14:08:00, SON OF SERBIA wrote:

"AMEN TO THAT, SHIZZ! If these idiots had any balls they would at least identify themselves, instead of taking these cowardly pot shots at you and me! (see Brandon, I said cowardly this time, and not pussy, i'm really trying here!)

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-13 14:13 ]"
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Oppositional Defiance on August 13, 2004, 10:16:00 PM
I like Serb. I vote we elect Serb chairman of the board. All in agreement, yea! all opposed, nay!
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: bradensmith on August 14, 2004, 01:03:00 AM
It is done
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 14, 2004, 04:15:00 PM
Hey Shit-son--What makes your precious little username any less anon than Anon.  Thanks anyway, son, Anon is good enough for you.

This site makes me puke, little princes mostly who've screwed up so bad, they get a big expensive chance up in the mountains somewhereinstead of in Juvey like the rest of us would, and theyr'e still whining and moaning about it decades later becuase some counselor didn't realize what important little royalty they supposedly are  

Grow up fool, i know one kid to went to a school like this, I thought it was called Polar Creek but maybe it was Boulder Creek like you talk about here.  His parents mortaged their damn house to send him he's doing good and I never heard him whining like this place

Be thankful you prissy losers say thanks to your parents they didn't see what losers you are and just kick you to the curb and maybe give thier $$$ to someone who would appreciate it
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Antigen on August 14, 2004, 04:58:00 PM
Some ppl get through these places relatively unharmed. Some don't. Sometimes it wrecks them personally and/or tears apart their native families.

Take, for example, those kids who disclose sensitive issues on the promise of getting help. (some kids really do buy in or give in in a weak moment) Then, instead of getting help or good advice or whatever w/ their problems, they are further humiliated and bullied w/ this very private, sensitive information.

And afterward, their own parents won't believe them, will accuse them of "manipulation", even disown them if they insist on telling the truth about their experience.

I'm glad you came out of it intact. But some people didn't. It takes a thousand voices to tell just one story.

Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundation, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.
James Madison

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: oh shizzle son on August 15, 2004, 01:12:00 AM
hey ya little bitch ass anon, grow some balls kid, i dont think its bitch to post anon but when you talk shit you better have a name, i dont owe my parents shit for a damn thing kid.  I was court ordered so not a penny came out of my rents pocket.  oh and hey another thing.  You dont know these shools or anything about them, if housese were being mortgaged then shit its the parents damn fault they arent forced to send there kids there.....get your ignorant ass outta here and recognize shit before you act like you know what your talking about with you ultra-ego fuckin coward....

your friends parents were chossing to have there kid abused and tortured while there complaining about a house being mortgaged give me a break...yeah and go on and hang out with your friend whos parents got mindfucked by cedu...

i pity the ignorance man, just pity it with all i got from that damn hood in the woods
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 16, 2004, 09:45:00 PM
Look CEDU is simple. There is a ton of bullshit there, because they're trying to help way too many different types of kids at once. It's just not possible. It's a pretty fake bubble of a place, but not anywhere close to as painful as juvy or anything along those lines. To anyone who went to CEDU - remember the shit you learned from good friends and the few staff you could connect with, and just forget everything else. Life is a million times easier than that place makes it out to be. I personally have forgotten just about everything about that place, and believe me, I turned out just fine. Peace.

(BCA 2000-2002)
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 16, 2004, 10:02:00 PM
What you say makes intuitive sense to me. It is sort of what we experienced in our own family when my son went to RMA, and is now doing fine, but is not particularly interested in re-processing it again and again.

It is as if he has had the experience, he keeps what is meaningful with his friends and with us, and the rest he leaves, without much regret.

It is more complicated for me, because my focus is that I want to open a school that improves on what was good about CEDU. As you might imagine, I have to look into the nuances and the details, I realize that a lot of the people at this site do not see anything good at all in the whole CEDU experience, and I understand that.  

But to the current poster, if you could please take the time to reflect on your own personal experience: what was definitely good for you, and what parts of the program would you unequivocally eliminate?
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on August 16, 2004, 10:33:00 PM
Hey Ottawa5.  In the light of the current idiots we have posting, it's crazy- but I'd rather have you.  At least you weren't a flip-flopping complete asshole!  

p.s. that's a compliment.

We all get a little emotional sometimes.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 16, 2004, 10:44:00 PM
I think that you are getting a bad rap here at times, because you are emotional and tend to speak symbolically in certain exchanges, as if to project the nature of your anger.  

I have never thought for a minute that your passionate statements indicate a realistic threat of harm to anyone.  You speak like a poet, in abstract symbolic expression sometimes, this may be hazardous in a reality-obsessed world.  

I repeat what I said before: if I did start my own school, I would want someone like you on my board of directors to tell me what not to do. On many things we may disagree, but both of us wish to do good and to do no harm.

Hope all is going well for you, good luck.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 16, 2004, 10:45:00 PM
Sorry I'm stupid, the last post was mine.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on August 16, 2004, 10:59:00 PM
Thank you very much Ottawa5.  You know, however, that we will continue to attack you and your opinions as long as they conflict with ours. - Just as you will argue your opinion to us.  I respect that to a large extent.

We will continue to try and change your mind about CEDU.

You're perspective on me is quite accurate and I appreciate it.

We may always disagree but we should always respect eachother.  I appologize for most of my profane language and I'll try to clean it up for you.

Maybe you were more important to this site then I believed at first.

Let's keep the argument going again and try to reach the TRUTH.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 16, 2004, 11:07:00 PM
Hey Bryan!
I just wanted to say that you are really a very interesting person. I find the contrast between you and my mother to be very interesting.
But you both want good things to happen.
I know that you and others belived that I was not a real person (Example: People saying that I was my mother)But I am real! And I like hearing from people who feel very strongly and genuinely about what matters to them. Although you will continue to try and convice my mother that CEDU is bad and she in turn will try to convince you that it is good, maybe something positive will come out of all of this. :wave:
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on August 16, 2004, 11:12:00 PM
Correct in my opinion.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 16, 2004, 11:20:00 PM
Bryan Im sorry but Im a bit confussed :wave:
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on August 16, 2004, 11:30:00 PM
I don't know, my gut says you are a real person.
And I agree about let's argue and make something good come out of this.

In other words, let's fight and struggle and argue tooth and nail until we come to the TRUTH.

Isn't that all we really want?
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 16, 2004, 11:38:00 PM
Well Im glad that you now belive that I am a real person!
I feel that from you I can learn to fight for what I want. I will contiue to read your post and others. Both my mother and I hope that something good will come out of all of this. :wave:
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on August 16, 2004, 11:56:00 PM
Your mother acted in a way that we felt was downplaying and ignorant.  She seemed to ignore our claims of abuse and downplay them so we were (I think) rightfully offended.

She took a very clinical unemotional approach (which is very good sometimes) to what we consider an emotional issue.

However in this case, we simply want it to be understood and accepted at face value that these abuses really did occur and that no amount of positive expectation on other's parts can excuse or minimize the abuse that we ourselves experienced.

So we're not really angry at Ottawa5, I don't think.

I personally am angry at your mother's ideas.

The main thing is the idea that because there were ( I'm sure of it) some positive experiences at CEDU, it could somehow excuse the abuses at CEDU.

There were major abuses at CEDU which you'll see in my posts.

I just want them to answer for those abuses.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2004, 01:09:00 AM
Actually, I personally am angry at O5.  Her cold clinical attitude about the abuses and total denial they went on piss me off. I, at least, did not trample on her perspective of HER experience; just hers' of ours'.  

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 17, 2004, 11:06:00 AM
Here is how I see it.

I never meant to show disrespect for your experience, and I didn't think that I did. If i did, I am very sorry, I shouldn't have.

It sounds like you may think I'm not emotional enough in writing and this seems disrespectful to you. Please keep in mind that this could be more of an individual style and, perhaps, an age difference.  Also, as I am a person who isn't really at home in computer communication, this may be part of the problem also.

You are correct, as I recall, you personally have never slammed my "perpective" on CEDU.

And, also, I do believe that there have been abuses, although you and I may not define "abuse" identically and may disagree in individual cases.

The question I am interested in is whether, as you believe, abuses are inevitable in this kind of program or whether, as I hope, there are ways (better staff, some modification of the curriculuum) to guard against them and still retain what I see as the positive parts of the programs (positive on the basis of what others have told me helped them in CEDU programs).

The opinions of you and other posters here have definitely influenced me, especially the idea that this site is special to you and that you are concerned and don't want it used by possible spies from schools and things like that.

I have been trying to sit back and listen, rather than argue, and to respond only when addressed or when I have questions for new posters (I guess I could post Anon to keep my username out of the discussion entirely  but I don't like to do that on principle).  

So just wanted to clear that up, you have every right to dislike me personally, I find it hard to have "personal" opinions about someone on the basis of a personna presented on an internet site, but that may be an age and computer-experience related thing also.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on August 17, 2004, 04:05:00 PM
No, abuse is not inevitable at all treatment centers or specialized schools or prisons or retreats or rehabs or whatever.

However, I believe that abuse IS inevitable at any CEDU or CEDU-affliated school.

You wouldn't try to reform Abu-Graib.  Not even Bush would try.

They just bulldozed it down.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Antigen on August 17, 2004, 04:35:00 PM
Ottowa, here's the thing. Going all the way back to the first Synanon based experimental programs (one notable failure among them being Jim Jones' People's Temple) there has emerged a pattern of remarkably similar abuse reported by different people, from different backgrounds, of different ages, from different places and times and having landed in the synanon for a broad variety of reasons.

It's no coincidence. The very elements of the Program that proponants say (and often believe) make it effective also set up an environment ripe for all kinds of abuse.

Lord Acton is most frequently credited w/ first putting this aphorism to words; at least first in Anglican words. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Now, can you concieve of a CEDU w/o the absolute power? What would be left? How would it work? Who would be the target market? Forget the Toughlove hategroups. The primary draw for them seems to be that they can pay someone to do to their children what would be felony child abuse if they did it on their own. So, how, exactly, do you envision the kinder, gentler Chuck E. Diederich Unividrsity?

Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? ... If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?
-- Patrick Henry

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
Seed sibling `71 - `80
Straight South (Sarasota, FL)
   10/80 - 10/82
Anonymity Anonymous
Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 17, 2004, 06:24:00 PM
I've heard comments here referring to a link between Synanon and CEDU anad I have no other info either to confirm or dispute such a connection.

I imagine you're aware that a lot of substance treatment programs still use aspects of the old Synanon methodology without adopting the whole program.

That's a pretty common thing, actually for parts of a program to get incorporated into someone else's new idea about how to do things, even when the whole program is seen as objectionable or overboard for some reason. So it's possible that Mel Wasserman, among a whole bunch of other people, looked at parts of Synanon and decided to use what he liked.  But I don't know that, it just seems plausible.

On the other hand, other people, for example those who support motivational interviewing, would oppose any part of Synanon, in part for philosophical reasons. When I have a chance, I'll look for any real empirical studies that address effectiveness.  

I like Lord Acton, by the way, and power dynamics are always an issue, in any school, relationship or family.

But in my own case, I never experienced CEDU as having "absolute power".  On different occasions, I would discuss issues with various decision-makers there and sometimes, I would have to make a decision that was at odds with their advice.  One that comes to mind was my decision not to seek extended custody of my child in the Idaho courts.  The school accepted my decision, over their recommendations and we went from there.

And tell me more about the "felony child abuse" that I was paying them to inflict on my son in my absence?  

My sense, after reading a number of your posts, is that you are a person who is a little further over on the anarchist side of the anarchist-totalitarian dimension than I am.

I value liberty a great deal, I also think that parents have a responsibility to sometimes limit the liberty of their minor children. Do you?

Or are you one of those  people who thinks that if a kid is allowed to seek his or her own way, with no holds barred, it'll all end up fine?

I'm wondering if we just disagree on the form of the restraint that is being used here or are you saying that you don't think there should be any coercive restraint at all, regardless of what the minor child is doing to self or others?
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2004, 10:46:00 PM
i can tell you about the connection between synanon and cedu  is that mel came out of synanon and wanted money and power and cedu is what he used to get it. when i was there they said that cedu was jonestown without the kool aid and they did not care that kids would die after they left they would blame the kid saying he was troubled before he got there  investigate cascade school in whitmore,ca   it was run by michael allgood and others who were followers of mel. he would cut and run whenever there was a student revolt and there was one  and they shut down for good. when he does not get his way he blames the students and takes the money and runs or buries it in the ground in the woods and changes his hiding place if he thinks someone is watching
 mel wasserman who scammed the brown schools out of 60 million by selling them cedu and remaining as consultants when they knew the place could not legally turn a profit but legal was only something mel cared about when he sue his victims and there parents
thats right if you said anything you were sued and that includes staff. it was to scare you he never went to court because he hated the negative publicity.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2004, 03:42:00 AM
snitches dont get stitches at CEDU
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Antigen on August 18, 2004, 10:20:00 PM
On 2004-08-17 15:24:00, ottawa5 wrote:

"I've heard comments here referring to a link between Synanon and CEDU anad I have no other info either to confirm or dispute such a connection.

I imagine you're aware that a lot of substance treatment programs still use aspects of the old Synanon methodology without adopting the whole program.

Yes, and I'm aware that around 1970 or so Bobby DuPont, then head of NIDA, actually advocated replicating Synanon all over the country at public expense. And that Scientology's Narconon was taught in Los Angeles area schools up until recently. Doesn't make it valid.

Maybe that's why government studies into the efficacy of various substance abuse treatment models fail to show any significant benefit to treated populations over that to untreated populations.


That's a pretty common thing, actually for parts of a program to get incorporated into someone else's new idea about how to do things, even when the whole program is seen as objectionable or overboard for some reason. So it's possible that Mel Wasserman, among a whole bunch of other people, looked at parts of Synanon and decided to use what he liked.  But I don't know that, it just seems plausible.

Actually, it seems probable. Still, doesn't mean it's a valid or sensible way to go about things.


On the other hand, other people, for example those who support motivational interviewing, would oppose any part of Synanon, in part for philosophical reasons. When I have a chance, I'll look for any real empirical studies that address effectiveness.  

Please. And, try and find any that include a control group.


I like Lord Acton, by the way, and power dynamics are always an issue, in any school, relationship or family.

But in my own case, I never experienced CEDU as having "absolute power".  

Of course you didn't! You were the one signing the checks! Try being a "student".


And tell me more about the "felony child abuse" that I was paying them to inflict on my son in my absence?  

Just look around at what some of these former students have to tell you. No wonder they get pissed off at you. You seem to just unsee whatever doesn't fit your thesis.


My sense, after reading a number of your posts, is that you are a person who is a little further over on the anarchist side of the anarchist-totalitarian dimension than I am.
. . .

Try Occam's razor here. Your very interesting analysis of my thinking could, possibly, maybe explain my positions. Or you could take my word for it and accept my reasons for believing as I do.


I'm wondering if we just disagree on the form of the restraint that is being used here or are you saying that you don't think there should be any coercive restraint at all, regardless of what the minor child is doing to self or others?

Maybe, I don't know. How do you feel about allegedly troubled teens restraining and surveiling other allegedly troubled teens? If you're alright w/ that, then I guess you don't have a problem w/ Charles E. Dederich University.

Locate the blind spot in the culture--the place where the culture isn't looking, because it dare not--because if it were to look there, its previous values would dissolve.
Terence McKenna

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: shanlea on August 18, 2004, 11:26:00 PM

The problem with restraints is that they are often used for control when the kid isn't violent but justified anyway.  Certainly, if a kid physically charged me, I would want him to be safely apprehended.  

None of us can talk about your experience, but many of us talk about ours', which was chock full of verbal abuse and emotional abuse as well as unethical practices, such as lying or scamming.

Also, you sometimes view coersion as necessary in these environments, explaining why children are forced to attend.  

The coersion I am talking about (I couldn't imagine hiring a bounty hunter against my sons)is that I was (I'll just speak for me but I saw it profusely)coerced into rewriting my history to their benefit, my parents were coerced into keeping me there with dishonesty, and to break me down they coerced cop outs and confessions to beat me down.  All cop outs were reformatted to fit their needs and none involved any behavior where I was a lying jerk off, so basically they voyeuristically used my experiences against me. I also feel it was unfair coersion to be in the wrong placement with them BSing both my parents and me.  Another coercive eleemnt is just twisting the story and using that to manipulate you and your peers against you and barraging you in raps.

When it comes to trauma such as rape etc., you should trust the people you are confessing to rather than have them call you names or goad you relentlessly about it.

In addition, in raps and propheets, you were coerced into having--often faking--emotional breakthroughs of epic proportions and you were goaded mercilessly until you did. That is why a lot of kids made false confessions, even to your parents.  

Finally, the last coercive element is that the perspective endorsed by CEDU is binary. Everything is black/white according to CEDU and you need to live, think, talk, act, in very narrow constraints. when many of us got out into the real world, we were totally unequipped.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 18, 2004, 11:26:00 PM
That is, do you or don't you believe that sometimes parents have to use coercive measures in terms of their minor children?  

Because some people, mostly aging hippies, but others too, do believe that is this case, that you have to always let a kid make his/her own mistakes, however dangerous.  Where do you stand on this, I didn't understand from your response.

And don't worry if former students get "pissed off" at me, I'm a big girl and can handle it. The opacity makes me "pissed off" too, sometimes but I get over it.

I think that the people here who I respect understand that I do believe that abuses have occurred, my question, previously stated, but obviously not universally communicated, is how to guard against possible abuse and still keep the parts of the programs that many, many graduates have told me were helpful and even crucial to them when they were students at different CEDU schools.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: shanlea on August 18, 2004, 11:51:00 PM
I'm talking about the emotional coersion etc. that I mentioned specifically.

Parenthood is more difficult than I ever imagined, so I try not to pass judgment.  I guess on some level I understand how a parent would fear for their out of control child, especially if he is particularly aggressive or self destructive. In that situation, the parent may opt to have the child forcefully escorted. However, the use of escort have been totally abused in many cases where it was not necessary at all. I couldn't imagine having a young teenager escorted either.

I know one TV personality's daughter ran away and lived on the streets for months in a faraway state. When the mother found out where she was, she was too afraid to give her a chance to run away before she flew in, so she hired a bounty hunter to pick up the daughter.  The parent was sincerely afraid she'd lose her again before she got to her and her daughter would persih on the streets.  

I don't have all the answers; I don't know how you should deal with a child who violently resists help.  Sometimes natural consequences help. If you bail out a kid every time they lie/steal/crash the car/ etc. you will have big problems later.

My older brother actually did get addicted to heroin and lived on the streets for many, many years. He was unsafe to have around. (He would threaten us with knives etc when I was a young girl.) He did everything under the sun to support his habit. My Dad tried to get him help and treatment many times to no avail.  So finally he just let him stay on the streets (he was legal age).  After many years, he and his girlfriend (now wife) got clean on their own and now are gainfully employed with a nice home and life.  They've been sober 17 years; they re-arranged their entire life to avoid things that might trigger a relapse and keep it pretty simple. I don't know how they did it, but they did. And they aren't in N.A.  

I could not honestly say that any type of coersion is absolutely wrong, but I've always been uncomfortable with this method.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Antigen on August 19, 2004, 12:04:00 AM
On 2004-08-18 20:26:00, ottawa5 wrote:

"That is, do you or don't you believe that sometimes parents have to use coercive measures in terms of their minor children?  

It depends on what you mean by coercion. Do you mean "Get home by curfew or you'll be grounded"? Sure, that's acceptable. But also contingent on the kid submiting to being grounded. Or do you mean "Admit to being a worthless piece of shit or face isolation, no sleep and a limited diet for an indefinite period of time", which is not contingent on anything, because the people imposing the coercion can and will employ violence, drugs or whatever means necessary to make good on the threat.


Because some people, mostly aging hippies, but others too, do believe that is this case, that you have to always let a kid make his/her own mistakes, however dangerous.  Where do you stand on this, I didn't understand from your response.

Out for a bit of good, clean dead agenting again, I see.


I think that the people here who I respect understand that I do believe that abuses have occurred, my question, previously stated, but obviously not universally communicated, is how to guard against possible abuse and still keep the parts of the programs that many, many graduates have told me were helpful and even crucial to them when they were students at different CEDU schools. "

Once again, what parts of the Program do you want to keep? In my opinion, the basic Program sets up an environment ripe for abuse.

To put it another way, what do you think Chuck E. Dedrich University can do that a parent w/ support from family, friends and community can't do at home?

Can you answer a question other than with a question?

who needs regular piss tests more than a former blowski who has his finger on the button?
--Chuck Beyer

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 19, 2004, 12:27:00 AM
That's sort of interesting, my last post and your previous (second last) post were both at 20:26. Hope it's a sign that we have common ground and we are just expressing it in different ways.

The whole coercion issue is really difficult for me because I am a libertarian by nature. If, God forbide, my son was using drugs now or otherwise acting against himself, I think that I would not call in the law on him, because, painful as it might be to watch him destroy himself (and I'd try my best to influence him) he is now an adult, he has his own destiny.

I just think it's different with a minor. And sometimes terrible things do happen if you do not intervene.

When we sent my son away to RMA, the parents of one of his druggie best-friends really looked down on us for doing it, we heard about their comments on our decision. They said things like that boys will be boys, they would outgrow it, we were controlling, we were overreacting.

Then, some time later, after things were improving for my son, that druggie friend was out cruising around at 3 in the morning, still into the same crowd and behaviors, and he went across a highway median.  His car was destroyed and he was dead at the scene.

I'm not blaming these parents--they had what was statistically a reasonable hope that things would work out without what they saw as our kind of extreme intervention. And there is everyday the chance, no matter how lucky or how good you are as a parent, that tragedy will strike: a random shooting, an accident, an illness.

So I pass no judgment, but how could I live with myself as a parent, if I didn't do everything I was capable of, to keep my underage child from risking his life? If we had not intervened and that had happened to us?

What I do know is that there is a good chance that if my son had been here, and I hadn't sent him to boarding school, he would have been in the car that was destroyed that night, since these guys used to hang out together all the time.

As parents, we have to do what we feel is best, after reflection, in the least extreme way possible. And with the full knowledge that there are no certainties and sometimes not even much support for our difficult decisions.  I guess that's why parenting takes courage, which love can summon up in any of us.

I agree with you that no one should be forced to deny his/her own truths. It sounds as if the group/team leaders that you had were pretty insensitive and clumsy.  We were fortunate, I guess, it goes back to my idea that you have to hire the best, in terms of insight and kindness, and for that you have to pay a decent wage. I don't know but maybe that wasn't being uniformly done throughout the CEDU system.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 19, 2004, 12:44:00 AM
So good, you ground the kid and he respects your authority, and sees your point and learns from it, and stays grounded. Incident ended.

But what about when the kid say "No, you can't make me" or a string of four letter words and out the door with his druggie, delinquent friends?  

Do you say "Oh well, it is out of my hands".

The issues that surround parenting are complex and not always amenable to sound-bite answers or obscure philosophical debates: but I do know this: some kids are going to be defiant and go out the door, and my response is not going to be to say "oh well...".

We could agree, I think, that you should try everything else, therapy, living with other relatives, in-depth attempts at reconciliation, before sending a child, even a defiant, self and other-endangering child away.

Now to your questions about what parts of the RMA program I see as crucial: this will have to weight for another day, it's too late and my morning is going to be brutally early, but if you are interested, I will reply in the next few day---much of my opinion is influenced, of course, by my son and some of his friends who would not change much of anything about their RMA experiences,  But then they do not report the abusive behaviors that some others have reported here.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Hamiltonf on August 19, 2004, 01:11:00 AM
Shanlea, Ginger, you have to have my admiration for your continued, well thought out and patient counters to Ottawa's rather shallow perceptions.  She has consistently and in my view deliberately failed to address the many valid points you raise. my theory is that she's in denial about her own motivations for doing what she has done, or is simply racked with guilt over the horror.
I don't know whether you recall the song from the Beatles' Sgt Pepper Album, "she's leaving home".  Basically, it tells the story of a girl leaving home   where it is too stifling for her.  The parent says, "how could she do this to ME?". I think what they are saying in this song that a child needs unconditional love.  
When parents try to mould their kids into what the parent wants, and the child goes in another direction, it is really hard for parent to refrain from thinking, "How could he do that to me?" Consequently, this is transferred in the parent's mind into 1.  blaming the child, and 2. Forcing the child into a different way of thinking -- along the lines of "I'll show HIM for putting me through this HELL"  In other words, revenge!  
From what I've seen of the raps, that is precisely what is going to make the parent feel better.

Tell me I'm wrong.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 19, 2004, 01:35:00 AM
Your wrong about my mother. All of her children are very diffrent and want diffrent things out of life and she has supported all of us for what we want to do.
The differnce with my brother, is that her really could have been in that car. (read one of her last post for the full story)And yes we did try other this, therapy, relitive (sp?) ect. But none of them worked.
P.S.:Just a thought maybe my mom has to much going on in her life to sit here and answer every posters question in full. Just an thought thats all! :wave:
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 19, 2004, 08:03:00 AM
My old coorespondent--Well, I've been accused of many things in my life, but never of having "shallow perceptions", then agian you have a lot of views on things that are off the beaten track as far as I can see.

Nice of you to cheer-lead for Ginger and Shanlea also, although from my "shallow perspective" at least,they really don't need it, they are quite capable people of getting their points across.  I am always ready to respond when they address a query my way.

And I must also thank my little daughter (who is still asleep after a concert last night) for posting on my behalf (Ottawa2, that is).  I guess when you get  emotional support from your own loved ones in the real world, smart-aleck slams from usernames on a computer screen are pretty easy to put in perspective.

I will respond later to Ginger's question about specific parts of the CEDU program that we think should be retained, I have mentioned some of them before but I guess you didn't notice them, Hamilton.  Oh well, big website, easy to miss things, right now I'm off, but it is always ennervating to hear from you.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Antigen on August 19, 2004, 06:37:00 PM
On 2004-08-18 21:44:00, ottawa5 wrote:

We could agree, I think, that you should try everything else, therapy, living with other relatives, in-depth attempts at reconciliation, before sending a child, even a defiant, self and other-endangering child away.

You left out one thing. Ever consider that you might be wrong? You may be overreacting and that the kid might have a pretty good handle on things, even though he scares hell out of you?

But what about when the kid say "No, you can't make me" or a string of four letter words and out the door with his druggie, delinquent friends?

Do you say "Oh well, it is out of my hands".

In many cases, yes. When a kid reaches the level of independence where they will no longer accept your authority, it is out of your hands.

Sending them away to people who will use force to control them doesn't teach them a thing about the choices they're making. It only teaches them that might makes right, and that only lasts as long as you can maintain that coercive authority over them. And, as many posters to these forums are happy to explain to you, it can do a whole lot of damage in the process.

Now to your questions about what parts of the RMA program I see as crucial: this will have to weight for another day, it's too late and my morning is going to be brutally early...

Excuses, excuses! Come on. Simple question. What is it that a program like RMA does that you can't do yourself? If you take away the abuse, what's left?

It only takes a little prescience to understand that we're all fair game for the deeds we condone.


Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Antigen on August 19, 2004, 08:06:00 PM
On 2004-08-18 21:27:00, ottawa5 wrote:

"That's sort of interesting, my last post and your previous (second last) post were both at 20:26. Hope it's a sign that we have common ground and we are just expressing it in different ways.

No, I think it's just a sign that we post posted within roughly 60 seconds of each other. Your mentioning it suggests to me that 1) you're given to superstitious belief and 2) you're spending way too much time scrutinizing this forum.


Then, some time later, after things were improving for my son, that druggie friend was out cruising around at 3 in the morning, still into the same crowd and behaviors, and he went across a highway median.  His car was destroyed and he was dead at the scene.

First, if you give proper respect and consideration to the fine people who've taken time to answer your questions, you'd realize that you had NO way of knowing how your son was doing because all of your communication with him was subject to his staying "in agreement". Second, how do you know that your son might not have influenced his friend to stay put, get a ride or do something entirely different with his evening? You don't. All you know is that your son lost a friend and, I'm guessing, wasn't even allowed to attend the funeral. Even if he might have learned a lesson from this tragedy, that didn't happen. Instead, he's to maintain that CEDU saved him from certain death.

And, btw, who uses the term "druggie"?


I agree with you that no one should be forced to deny his/her own truths.

Well, if you send your kid to strangers in the Troubled Parent industry, they are forced to accept a lot of "truths" that are not true. Ask anyone who's been there, including some of the former staff who post here.

If triangles had a God, He'd have three sides.
--Old Yiddish proverb

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Antigen on August 19, 2004, 08:11:00 PM
Hey Hamilton! Good to hear from ya'  :wave:

Don't know if this band/song are big where you are, but I thought you might appreciate this. These are the lyrics of a song called Just Like You by a band called 3 Days Grace. It sort of sums up a bit of what we often talk about around here and it's encouraging that some young ppl are writing, singing and listening to this stuff.

I could be mean
I could be angry
You know I could be just like you

I could be fake
I could be stupid
You know I could be just like you

You thought you were sitting beside me
Your were only in my way
You?re wrong if you think that I?ll be just like you

You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You?re wrong if you think that I?ll be just like you
You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You?re wrong if you think that I?ll be just like you

I could be cold
I could be ruthless
You know I could be just like you

I could be weak
I could be senseless
You know I could be just like you

You thought you were sitting beside me
Your were only in my way
You?re wrong if you think that I?ll be just like you

You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You?re wrong if you think that I?ll be just like you
You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You?re wrong if you think that I?ll be just like you

On my own, cause I can?t take liven with you
I?m alone, so I won?t turn out like you
Want me to

You thought you were sitting beside me
Your were only in my way
You?re wrong if you think that I?ll be just like you

You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You?re wrong if you think that I?ll be just like you
You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You?re wrong if you think that I?ll be just like you

I could be mean
I could be angry
You know I could be just like you

By 1940 the literacy figure for all states stood at 96 percent for whites. Eighty percent for blacks. Notice for all the disadvantages blacks labored under, four of five were still literate. Six decades later, at the end of the 20th century, the National Adult Literacy Survey and the National Assessment of Educational Progress say 40 percent of blacks and 17 percent of whites can't read at all. Put another way, black illiteracy doubled, white illiteracy quadrupled, despite the fact that we spend three or four times as much real money on schooling as we did 60 years ago.
--Vin Suprynowicz

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 19, 2004, 09:11:00 PM
This is a response to the two posts you addressed to me today (speaking of having too much time to spend here...)

Actually, if you had read carefully, the post with the comment about posting at the same time was addressed to Shanlea, not you.  Either way, lighten up a bit, why don't you, it was a joking remark, not some reservoir of superstition. Very heavy-handed response for you to offer!

Here is the main thing though: what you addressed to me today explains the whole story vis a vis where you are coming from.  I think it goes way beyond CEDU or any particular school.

You really don't think that parents should have control over their minor children! That's the bottom line and the explanation for the basic difference between you and me.

I guess the proof of who is right will come out in the form of individual successes among a generation of kids who are raised either according to your approach or mine. I'm betting on mine, based on common sense and what I've seen up to now.

But your snippy comments ("who uses the term druggie?"), your astonishingly overbearing assumption that you could possibly know anything  about my communication with my son, anything at all about whether he was likely to be a good influence on anyone else in the days before he went to RMA---do these outlandish comments suggest a certain defensive uneasiness with your own position when any conflicting information enters your field of awareness?  

I hope so, but only time will tell.

Hope your advice doesn't lead to harm for too many people in the meantime.

Now, in answer to your original question, there are many things that I liked about the RMA experience:

I liked the removal from a home environment which had come to be filled with cues to reactivate certain behavior patterns (I wrote a paper on this, in fact, based on the Elaboration Likelyhood Model of Attitude Change). Again and again, I've said that it is better not to get to such a point--I'm talking about when you do in fact get there.

I liked most of the staff there. The parent coordinators were wonderful and my son had certain staff that were central to his turn-around. I think you have to hire staff very very carefully--the comments at this site suggest that this was not always done.

In our program, the peer relationships, especially the Big Brother relationship was instrumental in bringing about consideration of a new way of doing things.

My son and his friends loved the Propheets, and the Wilderness Experience, I know one girl who the school sent home after a year because they decided that she didn't really need that much structure (even though her family could easily have paid for the whole program).  I've heard her say that she wishes that she had stayed through the Wilderness Experience because so many of her peers found it to be an uplifting and wonderful experience.  

I think the rules about dress and the structure of the place (within reason)played a positive role in imposing some healthy limits--but there may be different and improved ways to design such a program.

And of course the Parent Seminars and Workshops gave me insights and growth that have changed our family for the better in many ways.  

I could mention other things, the beauty and isolation of the setting, the small class sizes, the participation in outside experiences such as sports and business events and so on, but I am talking to someone who is coming from a completely different value system, so I guess that sort of makes me feel like there isn't much point.

Your thinking is such that you cannot even consider that these schools may do good, you're a black and white thinker, seeing all good or all bad and I don't know if this is your nature or if something has happened that made you like this.

Even though we had a great experience, I am able to weigh what I've heard, to consider what might go wrong in other situation, to try to improve where situations of risk exist.  But I cannot see how it is possible to talk in any kind of balanced way on a complex subject with someone who thinks like you do.  

Face it: it would devastate your world if you had to admit that a program like RMA can lead to happy, grateful, forward-looking, fully-functioning graduates who don't fit the predictions that your rigid world-view would like to dictate for them.[ This Message was edited by: ottawa5 on 2004-08-19 18:12 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Antigen on August 19, 2004, 10:21:00 PM
On 2004-08-19 18:11:00, ottawa5 wrote:

You really don't think that parents should have control over their minor children! That's the bottom line and the explanation for the basic difference between you and me.

No. I think that parents have much more important and more subtle influence over their children (and children over their parents) through unconditional love and mutual respect than through brute force. You'll come to appreciate that (or not) as your kids get older and have children of their own.

Everything in moderation, including moderation.
Anonymity Anonymous (
Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 19, 2004, 11:50:00 PM
I think it's all bullshit. We're all just born to die and life means nothing. The more people in the world, the more miserable that life will be. Spare the world another mouth to feed and adopt instead.

-A population activist
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 20, 2004, 12:19:00 AM
Hey there Anti!
What?s up?
Just a few things before I go to bed. You said that you believe in unconditional love is the way to raise a child and I agree with you (as dose my mother) 100%. However what you do not understand is that, that?s why we sent my brother to CEDU. We loved him to much to let him throw his life away.

And, you question my mother about not knowing if my brother would have had a positive influence with his friends. I have only on comment for that: The way you want to raise children is no better then flipping a coin and hoping that it turns out right.

The thing you do not seem to grasp is that parent who truly love there children will do anything to help them in life; you don?t seem to believe in this. You call the parents lazy for "shipping your kids off...?

What about you? Your theory is to just let kids be. How is that not lazy parenting? Yup just let the kids do whatever he wants, don't get involved or anything like that it might interrupt your day! (BTW that part was sarcastic)

Hope to hear from you soon!
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 20, 2004, 12:21:00 AM
Sorry that was me just for got to sign in
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Hamiltonf on August 22, 2004, 01:23:00 AM
On 2004-08-19 17:11:00, Antigen wrote:

"Hey Hamilton! Good to hear from ya'  :wave:

Don't know if this band/song are big where you are, but I thought you might appreciate this. These are the lyrics of a song called Just Like You by a band called 3 Days Grace. It sort of sums up a bit of what we often talk about around here and it's encouraging that some young ppl are writing, singing and listening to this stuff.


I continue to find this site thought-provoking and inspiring.  Of course.
I think I'll pass that song along to my daughter and get her reaction.  
I wonder how Ottawa5 would have reacted to my mya daughter's growing pains -- and my son.
When my daughter was 15 and rebelling, it was her mother's unconditional love and patience that stood in the way of any draconian coercive treatment that I might have advocated.  There were suicide attempts, she lost a friend to suicide.  But she pulled through.  And she brought home friends with problems.  One I learned was a heroin user.  
And my son, always the thinker, came home expressing concern about other kids popping pills indiscriminately at parties.  So what did he do?  -- he read up on the various drugs himself, experimented himself and started a chapter of Rave-Safe (Derived from Dance-Safe of San-Fransisco)
The outcome of all this is that my daughter followed up her interest in recreational drugs, which she continues to use wisely, obtained a B.Sc. in Psychology, has moved to Vancouver (where she has met Barry, by the way, and hopes to do graduate work in his area)  and is now working full time with troubled youth in a group home.  My son, on the other hand was a software engineer for a while, taught English in China and has returned to University majoring in Economics.  
I hate to think how they would have turned out had Ottawa 5 methods been used         :roll:
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: shanlea on August 22, 2004, 11:17:00 AM

You should not assume that Ginger advocates lazy parenting just because she does not advocate the programs/schools listed on this board.

I also disagree with the approach taken by CEDU to "treat" the child, but I would never assume your mother doesn't love your brother because he was sent there; I wouldn't even assume she was a lazy parent.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 22, 2004, 01:37:00 PM
I am not saying that Anti nessacarly supports lazy parenting. I am saying that it sounds like she dose not want to bother with takeing an active role in her child's (if she even has one) life. She said that if a 15 year old would not stay home when told that they where ready for the real world. But, if that is the case then what about a 2 year old that throws a tantrum when you won't let them play with someing dangurous? According to Anti's theroy they would be ready to take on that responseablitly! I also want to thank you for been more civiled while me and my mother, then some of the people on this site. We really do appreciate it since all we want is civil conversation.

Also, to Hamilton are you saying that you are proud that both of your children are druggies???
Im not sure that can be labeled a success story.
And I can tell you what would have happened if my mother had raised your children they would have been just a successful but with out the drug use.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 22, 2004, 01:38:00 PM
Ok Im haveing seirous problems with this logging in thing!^_^* :wave:
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Antigen on August 22, 2004, 02:15:00 PM
On 2004-08-22 10:37:00, Anonymous wrote:

I am not saying that Anti nessacarly supports lazy parenting. I am saying that it sounds like she dose not want to bother with takeing an active role in her child's (if she even has one) life.

You couldn't be more wrong! When Officer Friendly came to my door suggesting that I file (false) charges against my daughter, in order for them to "help" her, the easiest, laziest CYA move I could have made would have been to go along w/ that advice. She would have landed up in Broward County's boot camp program and I would have been lauded as a good and TOUGHloving mother for pawning her off on them.

Instead, we just continued to take the fallout from some of her activities and to be there for her, even after her psycho boyfriend had driven a wedge between her and everyone else she knew. He couldn't run us off, though, even w/ death threats, even w/ false complaints to authorities and other types of harassment.

I only know of one significant difference between what Psycho Boy was doing to her and what the altruistic officers who run Broward County Juvenile Intervention Services do to kids. W/ Psycho Boy, at any moment, as soon as she decided she wanted to get off the ride, she could just walk away, come home, go stay w/ one of her old friends (far enough away to not be afraid of the asshole and his friends, family and such) or go visit a cousin. Instead of trying to force her into doing what we thought was best, we just kept reminding her that she had a lot of options if she wanted to take them and that we'd do all we could to help her get what she wanted.

The hardest part of the whole situation was learning not to mention the obvious with regard to the idiot boyfriend. As long as we said it, she'd defend him to bizarre extremes. When we quit talking about him, she figured it out for herself, got on a bus, came home, took a couple of jobs and started saving for a car and school.

The sadist cannot stand the separation of the public and the private; nor can he grant to others the mystery of their personality, the validity of their inner order for him to feel his maximum power, he wants the world to be peopled with concrete manipulatable objects...
-- ERNEST BECKER, The Structure of Evil, 1968.

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 22, 2004, 04:48:00 PM
Your still just flipping a coin with your kids. I in no way would want you to file false reports against your daughter, that definetly is not what my mother or I are supporting. But, what if those charges were true?
To me it seem like your would rather just flip a coin and say "well its heads so I guess she'll trun out alright" Instead of trying to help your child improve there odds.
For every success story on this site about drug user that turned them selfs around there are a dozen other storys out there that are not so happy. The odds are agaist them.
I guess I just have a problem with your theroy that a 15 year old can be prepared for the real world. Again no matter how many happy storys are on this site there are twice as many that are not so happy.
According to you a 2 year old that throws a tatrum should get whatever they want. Do you truely belive that?
Hope to hear from you soon! :wave:
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 23, 2004, 09:35:00 AM

On 2004-08-22 10:37:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I am not saying that Anti nessacarly supports lazy parenting. I am saying that it sounds like she dose not want to bother with takeing an active role in her child's (if she even has one) life."

Neither did Ottawa 5,she just shipped her son off to some cult, where she payed total strangers to mind-fuck him. This gave Ottawa 5 plenty of extra time to focus on her career and
return to college.  She must have found these new pursuits more worthwhile than actually hanging in there and being a real mother to her son when he obviously needed her the most.   Ottawa 2, what your mom did to your brother is the epitamy of LAZY PARENTING.  

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-23 06:53 ][ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-23 06:54 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on August 23, 2004, 03:29:00 PM
[ This Message was edited by: blownawaytheidahoway on 2004-08-23 12:30 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ehm on August 23, 2004, 05:11:00 PM
On 2004-08-22 13:48:00, Ottawa2 wrote:

"Your still just flipping a coin with your kids. I in no way would want you to file false reports against your daughter, that definetly is not what my mother or I are supporting. But, what if those charges were true?

To me it seem like your would rather just flip a coin and say "well its heads so I guess she'll trun out alright" Instead of trying to help your child improve there odds.

For every success story on this site about drug user that turned them selfs around there are a dozen other storys out there that are not so happy. The odds are agaist them.

I guess I just have a problem with your theroy that a 15 year old can be prepared for the real world. Again no matter how many happy storys are on this site there are twice as many that are not so happy.

According to you a 2 year old that throws a tatrum should get whatever they want. Do you truely belive that?

Hope to hear from you soon! :wave: "

And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, "Speak to us of Children."

And he said:

Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you,

And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts.

For they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,

For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.

For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.

The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.

Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;

For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

 -- Kahlil Gibran


A democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
A republic is where the sheep get to pick which wolves vote on what to have for dinner.
But in a constitutional republic, voting on dinner is strictly

--A Patriot

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 23, 2004, 06:23:00 PM
To SOS: My mother did not go back to college until well after my brother returned from CEDU.

Before he got sent there she tried many, many different things.  Grounding him, trusting him, drug rehab, living with other relatives, and yes just being there for him but guess what nothing worked.

Anti sat their while her daughter endured an abusive relationship and did not do so much as lift a finger to stop it. Because she wanted her daughter to ?figure things out herself?

Well guess what people? Kids don?t know what they are doing that?s when parents have to step in not just sit there so the kid COULD be killed, OD, raped ECT. But hey according to anti it?s ok because they will ?figure things out themselves?

To Anti: I am still waiting for an answer to my questions that I have asked twice now.
Do you really think that a two year old playing with a dangerous object should be aloud to ?figure things out? for them selves? Cuz if a 15 year old is ready for the really world (that is what you think right?) then why not a 2 year old? And do you really think it is safe to raise your children by just flipping a coin?

Lezli: Trust me my mother and I both know that you do not own your child like you own a lamp, but until they are 18 according to the law you are responsible for them. However I really do not see how any of the things that you quoted had anything to do with my post if you could clarify that would be much appreciated. And please use your own word.

 (BTW: none of my mothers children have been in an abusive relationship, none are on drugs, none are alcoholics, none have any mental or emotional problems and all of them are in school.)
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: shanlea on August 23, 2004, 07:53:00 PM
O2: Things get a little rough on this board, and we should all hold off on judging others who we don't know personally. Parenting is a tough, tough job. The truth is that there are a confluence of factors that contribute to a child's optimal growth into adulthood. Sometimes, great parents have an especially challenging child. This is something your family understands.

I'm sure it is difficult to read some of the more ignorant comments directed towrd your Mom. However, it is not fair to judge Antigen's parenting style on the basis that she had challenging moments with her daughter.  Most of the best parents I know face many fears or challenges with their children. Also, it is extremely difficult to force your older children out of relationships and often better to use subtler or more creative tactics in an effort to encourage in hopes their self worth kicks in.  Most kids I know went through at least one very bad relationship on the road to growing up, and many of them would not want to be judged for their worst moments in their journey in life.

In any event, I don't think Antigen advocates a "do nothing" approach to parenting. A lot of parenting is creative effort and knowing when to draw the line and when to let your kid fall on his ass and learn from it.

Before I was a mother, I was more judgmental about other mothers.  With two children of my own, whom I love very much, I've learned to be humble and supportive of other parents.  The truth is that there is no exact science to parenting; it's an art born out of love and courage and a bottomless well of humor.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ehm on August 23, 2004, 11:57:00 PM
You know what? No. I have no energy to waste on arguing forced treatment with you. No one responds to being forced to do something in a positive way. In time, you'll figure that one out on your own, (hopefully) or learn the hard way. Personally, I'll stick with Kahil's words, thank you very much.

On 2004-08-16 19:02:00, ottawa5 wrote:

It is as if he has had the experience, he keeps what is meaningful with his friends and with us, and the rest he leaves, without much regret.

Oh, just wait.

It is more complicated for me, because my focus is that I want to open a school that improves on what was good about CEDU. As you might imagine, I have to look into the nuances and the details, I realize that a lot of the people at this site do not see anything good at all in the whole CEDU experience, and I understand that.

Or Synanon, Seed, Straight, Kids, SAFE, Pathways, etc?  

Responsible does not mean confinement.  I don?t, won?t, and never will agree with what you did to your son.

Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.

--Mark Twain

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 24, 2004, 12:33:00 PM
well Lezli if your confertable not speaking for yourself and just quoteing people I guess thats ok. But you know what you didnt even answer my question. I really wish you had so I could understand your respons more clearly. Did I ever ask you to agree with me? no, the only reason my mother and I are on this site is because we thought there would be some intellingent resinable debet.
And its ok that you do not agree wioth me because my brother (not my son, im his sister pay attention!) is haveing a great live after being at CEDU a number of years ago. Oh, did you know that the book you quoted was on the aloud reading list at RMA? Thought you might be interested with that little fact.
Shanlea, thank you so much for being one of the few people here that can responed with, intelligent resonalbe respones. I did not mean to judge Anti, I was just trying to make a point, if we were to judge like my mother has its what you might call a double edged sword, or on this site a double standard. And yes it is had to read some of ignorent post thats the main reason that I got irrated . I really did not mean to sorry! :wave:
Anyway Im still waiting for Anti to responed to my question (please hurry)
PS. I ask my brother the other night to come and post but he said and I quote "I don't want to get addicted to some stupied arguments" Guess its too late for me.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on August 24, 2004, 01:37:00 PM
He'd rather let his sister and his mom fight his battles.  Yeah, Cedu turned him into a REAL GOOD MAN.  You know something your brother's a coward and Cedu made him into one.

Question:  You're in a foxhole.  Who do you want as your partner- John Wayne or the Pope?
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ehm on August 24, 2004, 01:45:00 PM
On 2004-08-24 09:33:00, Ottawa2 wrote:

"well Lezli if your confertable not speaking for yourself and just quoteing people I guess thats ok. But you know what you didnt even answer my question. I really wish you had so I could understand your respons more clearly. Did I ever ask you to agree with me? no, the only reason my mother and I are on this site is because we thought there would be some intellingent resinable debet.

And its ok that you do not agree wioth me because my brother (not my son, im his sister pay attention!) is haveing a great live after being at CEDU a number of years ago. Oh, did you know that the book you quoted was on the aloud reading list at RMA? Thought you might be interested with that little fact.

Shanlea, thank you so much for being one of the few people here that can responed with, intelligent resonalbe respones. I did not mean to judge Anti, I was just trying to make a point, if we were to judge like my mother has its what you might call a double edged sword, or on this site a double standard. And yes it is had to read some of ignorent post thats the main reason that I got irrated . I really did not mean to sorry! :wave:

Anyway Im still waiting for Anti to responed to my question (please hurry)

PS. I ask my brother the other night to come and post but he said and I quote "I don't want to get addicted to some stupied arguments" Guess its too late for me."

I do, why don't you? It was O5 I quoted, and O5 I was speaking to. Not you kid. Also, I find no admiration in you playing parent and speaking for your mother. That's not a healthy role for you to assume. Just an observation.  

The "aloud list?" Well, it's to bad it's meaning was lost in translation.

We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.
-- Ben Franklin At the signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 24, 2004, 02:40:00 PM
(Lezli)  Yeah, Ottawa5's son knows about this site, we've been calling him out for almost 2 months now.

(O2) Bryan is right Ottawa2, your brother is a big coward who needs his mom and sister to fight his battles for him. You and your mother so valiantly defend your brother's Cedu Experience, while in reality, you don't know shit about it.  I used to find this offensive, but now it's funny.  Anyways back to Mr. Self-Surveilance, why is he so afraid to post here?  Is he really that afraid of us?  Or is he more afraid that he might disagree with and offend your mother? I'm not so sure anymore that your brother agrees with everything you and your mother are saying.
I think that RMA whipped that boy so bad that he was asking your mom for permission to wipe his ass when he got out.  He's afraid I think, of your mom much more so than us.

O2 why do you come here anyways?  I thought 16 year girls had their own lives with boyfriends, dates, shopping with their girlfriends at the mall,  part-time summer jobs, cheerleader try outs, concerts, parties, etc...... Is Ottawa 5 so controlling that she won't permit you your own life, or are you just that big of a loser that you have nothing better to do than come here and help your mom defend some cult that you know absolutely nothing about?  Which is it?
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Deborah on August 24, 2004, 03:16:00 PM
It is wise for a parent to stay out of the way as much as possible whether their child is 2 or 15.
That doesn't mean that you don't scoop your two year old up if they are running into the street or about to hurl themselves off a cliff. But if that child is about to take a tumble that is not life threatening, you don't panic and rescue them. That is how humans learn. There is far too much 'rescuing' going on in our culture which greatly sabotages and/or arrests children's development-ability to learn from their experiences and mistakes. I could police my toddlers every move or I could allow him to learn first hand, and I no longer have to be the police. If he is about to touch the hot door of the oven, which might hurt but won't require medical attention, I would allow it. He won't touch it again. Well, some are persistent and it might take more than once, but you get the idea. But, he has learned something that I couldn't teach him by saying no and continually moving him away. Same with the tumbles. I could prevent my child from climbing and rob him of valuable lessons about the physical limitations of his body.

I know a 2.5 yr old whose parents are extemely over-protective. When dad is on duty he follows right behind him (literally) so he can 'prevent' any accidents. Ironically the dad is a muscle bound athlete.  When he can break free, which he is constatnly tryng to do, he invaribly gets hurt. Whether it is running away from them and therefore not paying attention or just because he knows nothing about his abilities and limitations. He would assuredly fall off the cliff because no and stop are signals for him to run like hell. His parents use the accidents as futher 'evidence' that their excessive protection is absolutely necessary. They can not see that they are interfering with his development. This child, at the tender age of 2.5 already resents his parents. He is 'defiant', sneeky, passively agressive... and I can see that he will very likely be a future candidate for drugs or incarceration.

The number one killer of teens is auto accidents. Pay attention to what I'm about to say. Drug deaths DON'T EVEN MAKE THE TOP 20. The hysteria around this 'risky' behavior is not justified. Why not incarcerate teens to prevent them from driving? -Actually, I think some parents do!! It would make more sense- if you are going to use facts and statistics to justify the warehouse industry. ... t=20#56774 (

Fact: $6000 a month buys a whole lot of resource in any community. There were options for your brother.

These are good articles about how America's fear of teens and policies actually create problems and which present a different perspective: ( (
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 24, 2004, 04:23:00 PM
To Serbia and current others on this thread--

Now this is disheartening. I thought that bradensmith, MAD and and some other new posters had gotten this site to a little higher, at least a little happier, level of discourse a couple of weeks ago.

First I want to say that I've really enjoyed this site. I've gotten a lot of good ideas and contacts from my time here earlier in the summer, more than enough good stuff to weigh-out various nasty comments--and even these have sometimes been informative. It's just that at the moment I have very little time to check in, and when I do,I see such a disappointing back-sliding on some of the threads.

Just for your information (I know, I know, like you'll believe it), my son simply has no interest whatsoever in this site.

I know that's hard for some of you to believe because this site plays a big part in your lives, but there it is: it's just irrelevant to him.  I've also mentioned Fornit's  to other CEDU grads who think the school did them good, and as far as I know, though I'm not sure of this, they haven't bothered to check in here either.  

I understand that many of you are still bound by very negative feelings to your school experiences, perhaps you believe that posting here is going to change parents' minds about the schools (though in which direction, you might want to consider!)and so forth.

But if you are going to be in touch with the full reality of the experience of CEDU grads, as a group, you are going to have to consider the fact that for a lot of people, being in a CEDU school was a learning experience, and they have taken what they learned and gone on. It's not that they are mind-controlled or in a cult or anything, they just have other things to do now.

It will their performance in these new, future-oriented parts of their lives, not their personal decisions about whether or not to argue with angry ex-students and parents on a web-site, that will define whether they are fully-functioning or courageous or anything else.

Now my daughter is a very giving, generous person, the type of person who likes to help people get a full picture of what is happening on a situation like this one, where she hears some people making such extraordinary claims and yet she knows of many people who have experienced something very different.

She is on summer vacation and she likes the computer and if she has time, well, why not?  I've told her that my advice is to go for it, if she wants to, and take what is good and leave the rest. That's what I try to do.

I think the fundamental defining difference in this debate has been clarified for me by Ginger recently and still more recently by Deborah, and it involves the role that parents should play in their minor children's lives and decision-making.

As I said to Ginger earlier, the proof of who is right will be decided, not by words, but by how children who have been raised in the differing ways that we've discussed turn out and how they contribute to the world and the future. From what I see, I'm happy with our choices.

I'll see you later.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on August 24, 2004, 04:34:00 PM
Ok. I read the whole string. I need my folks to read it. They are finally seeing that I am held back and there is only one reason why. I oscilate between feelings of greatness because I do know things that poeple who were not STUDENTS don't know. They can't. But the trade off, the very worse part is that I can't hear anything except negativity from people. Even if they don't mean it. It's one thing (one of many) that I have a very hard time with. Even some compliments from people are mistranslated in my head and instead of hearing the voice and words, my thinking only misinterprets automatically and choses the most insulting way possible.
      For all the anon people that are going to tell me to move on, grow up, grow whatever equiptment your perverted minds can imagine in order to become whole again (I can't be absolutely sure what I was since I was only 14) I will just say now that I will be ignoring all comments like that. I know what I need.
You don't know what I learned at RMA. I ran away for months at a time. And there was no restraints and drugs were way way way far from the type of program it was. I was eating snake, mice and dogs down in the desert when I ran away (8/24.88 actually)and was in SEWS. I know why things ain't right in my head and it ain't cause I smoke weed to keep me from going postal with an AR-12 and buying a one way ticket for Spokane like my folks did for me. My hurt comes from RMA. Plain and simple. Messages that I got there that I was unwanted to my parents and that I did need fixing (they break their own ideals, the words are not impeccably chosen, and they are not people of their word). The ratting and faking. I don't trust anyone and I don't walk in the middle of the hallway, I don't sit where I can't see everyone. I thought it was just idiosyncratic, y'know something quirky but it's full blown terror and that don't forget easy. RMA is still making me coo-coo for cocoa puffs!
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 24, 2004, 04:41:00 PM
I don't recall addressing you Ottawa 5, my question was for Ottawa 2.  The fact that it was you who responded to me in place of your daughter, speaks volumes to me about your relationship with her. Looks like I got my answer after all.

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-24 13:47 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 24, 2004, 05:20:00 PM
I realize that you didn't address your earlier post to me (but to my daughter), but you said some things about me, and about my son, that were off base and needed correcting.  

Sorry if trying to point out the truth is taken to mean that I am really my daughter, that I have taken over her life, or whatever other erroneous impression my post might have given you.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ehm on August 24, 2004, 06:41:00 PM
The fact that you are constantly speaking for your son shows your total lack of consideration for his personal boundaries. The fact that you encourage your daughter to participate in this forum also shows your total disregard for what is actually healthy, and growth promoting. Isn't she only 16? Your need to prove yourself right, over the emotional needs, and protection of your daughter speaks for itself. That also explains a lot about your abysmal participation, and in-depth time and emotional/physical energy you put into this site, trying desperately to show yourself that you did not make a terrible mistake in the placement of your son. You are so defensive, and so transparent. I have a hard time finding words for the disgust I feel when reading your posts. Sadly, I doubt you'll ever change, in other words, grow up. Hopefully there is time for your children, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were terrified of ever speaking out against their abuse advocate mother. In time perhaps they will realize that distancing themselves from your control is in their best interest. So far, your daughter just sounds like a carbon copy of you. Why don?t you just stop trying to prove something, and learn to let it go? That seems to be your toughest demon. If you?re so sure of success, why continue trying to prove something? I think I know the answer to that question. Why don?t you come back when you have gained some sense on the word, compassion.

My heart goes out to your future victims.

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark.  The real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.  

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 24, 2004, 08:10:00 PM
To Lezli--I don't really think that much productive can come of me addressing your post.  However,humor dictates that someone like you with almost 900 posts is not very well situated to worry about how much time I spend on this site.

Look, if you want to have a reasonable debate or a discussion, I would be delighted.

But get a grip, girl, you don't know me, you don't know my family. Your post is just a study in tantruming, venom and silliness all wrapped into one. If this isn't just about acting for an audience, I feel sorry for you.

Get back to me if and when you want to have a civil discussion.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 24, 2004, 09:07:00 PM
Hey there everyone!
Thought I would just make a few things clear.
1)My mother does encourage me to do what I want . For example posting on this site, she in no way encorages me to be a "clone copy" one of the biggest things she taught me was individulizim
2)Lezli, I really want to scream at you right now. I stated in my first post on this site that I have dyslexia,(go back and check if you do not belive me) it is very hard for me to spell/read as well as others do and is one of the things that my mother help me over come, not by doing everything for me but by haveing me read and write things myself, she was there if I had a question and was very suppotive.
3) Some complained about my mother responding for me. What about you guys responding for Anti? The question was directed at her.
Also I was out shopping for school today thats why I have not responed and my mother did (she was home studying today and probably posted when she took a break)
4)You people need to read more carefully I stated why my brother did not want to post on this site in one of my last posts. He has to much going on in his life to get involved in this. (Like some of you have)
5)SOS, no, sorry Im going to be 18 in the next couple of days. And, yes I love to go shopping and all of that. But, I find high school guys to be immature, Im often have no money (Spent it all on school supplies) to go shopping, its the summer so even if I wanted to be a cheerleadrer I couldnt, Again no money for concerts, I do have a summer job, but it doesnt take up that much time, but I do hang out with friends a lot.
6)Lezli, it dose not change anything. The people at RMA were able to read the book you quoted and appear to live by word for word
Talk to all of you soon! :wave:
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 25, 2004, 10:01:00 AM
You claim that you are an individual, yet you have never expressed one idea on this site that is your own. All of your posts about cedu are clearly regurgitations of your mothers own ramblings, recycled in your own mispelled words.

O2, you are a carbon copy of your mother, and not a very good one at that!

As for your statement "I find highschool guys to be immature." that's the typical excuse made by highschool girls who can't get a date. Let me guess you don't date college guys either, because they're "too mature" right?  you really can't blame the guys for not asking you out, I wouldn't date a carbon copy of Ottawa 5 either!

Y'know, I found this sad enough when I thought you were 16, but 18, that's just a tragedy.  There's a whole big world out there to explore, you really need to get as far away as possible from your control-freak mother, and start living your own life!  

Oh and Ottawa 5, I think what I said in my last post about your relationship with your son was dead on. There's nothing erroneous about it, you are a control-freak! If I'm wrong, then prove it.  Bring your son onto this site!

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-25 07:04 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ottawa5 on August 25, 2004, 10:46:00 AM
SOS, this is kind of amusing--by your logic, I'm a control freak, I control my son and yet I can't get him to come to this site?

I can't bring my son anywhere, he's a grown-up person.  Guess I could try to cajole or guilt him into it, but we don't have that kind of relationship, I think you are still working on the assumption that I have some kind of mind-control over him, one of the  big HATE-CEDU delusions I hear around here sometimes.

If you would consider for a moment that maybe that's not true, maybe he has his own opinions and can think for himself, then his absence from this site, which he cares nothing about, would make more sense to you.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 25, 2004, 11:15:00 AM
Nice try Ottawa5, but this has nothing to do with "Hate Cedu" delusions.  You and your daughter have been feeding us your second hand accounts of his cedu success story for 2 months now, I want to hear it from him personally.  

It's very easy for the two of you to champion cedu and dismiss the countless daily abuses, which so many posters on this site endured and have described to you.  You consistantly gloss over the abuses that go on there, with your "end justifies the means mentality."  Considering that neither you or your daughter were ever at cedu, you have no basis to defend that position!

Your son was there, if he truly shares your beliefs, then I want him to come out here and say it!  Debating you and your daughter is pointless.  The time has come for Mr. self-surveilance to speak for himself!

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-25 08:16 ][ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-25 08:16 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 25, 2004, 11:41:00 AM
SOS you really make me laugh!
You logic is very interesting: According to you my mother has control over my brother. But, she cant make him come to this site because of  that control??? Please explain this to me I find it confuseing.
Now wouldnt it be sad if I was a girl that could not get a date? I might be crying right now because of that comment if it was true. Luckly I am able to get a date if I want to but at the moment I feel no need to get into a relationship thats going to end as soon as I leave for college.
I have already explain why my spelling sucks. (dyslexia)
And we ever right to post on this site. We both see how my brother changed after CEDU all of the changes were good.
I have one last question if it is pointless to debat my my mother and me then why to do keep responding to our posts? Just woundering!
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: shanlea on August 25, 2004, 11:59:00 AM
Guys,one of our goals is to cultivate a little more awareness about CEDU for people looking up this site.  It's probably not helpful to get sucked into a quagmire w/the Ottawas by making comments about their son/brother when we do not know who he is, and we don't know anything about the family except their perception that the son is doing better post-CEDU. If he does not want to spend his time debating the merits of CEDU on this site, that is his choice. I'm sure he is a busy dude enjoying life post-CEDU.

Before you get your underwear twisted in a knot, let me remind you where I stand on CEDU. It was a waste of money to spend time in a place with substandard academics, substandard, untrained staff who were not qualified to help children using an individualized approach, abusive therapeutic techniques, lack of therapeutic boundaries with staff who were really working out their own stuff through the students, an overly controlled atmosphere that mitigated the student's ability to deal with the real world later, arbitrary bans etc. etc. etc.

When we engage with the Os, I think it best to argue without commentary about their family, whom we don't know or put-downs about their personal lives.

Also, I would be interested to hear from someone who went to RMA about the same time that Ottawa's son went into the program.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 25, 2004, 01:38:00 PM
O2: my logic is simple, your brother is afraid to come onto this site! Of course your mother cannot make him come onto the site, he doesn't live with her, but for whatever reason, he is afraid to come here.  He lets you and your mom fight his battles for him.  I personally don't think it's because he's afraid of us, i think he's more afraid of disagreeing with and offending your mom.  He's obviously grown up by now, but she still holds some sort of power over him, enough that he can't stand up to her.  You make me laugh, you so enthusiastically defend a program that you have absolutely no experince with, nor first hand knowledge of.  You're just some dumb impressionable kid whose head is filled with empty space and and your mothers been filling it with emotional growth propaganda.  I'm glad you're going away to college, you sound to me like a very repressed child.  Seriously cut loose, take some risks,learn, meet new people, have some fun, figure out who you are ON YOUR OWN.

Shanlea: I respectfully disagree with your views on commenting about Ottawa5's son.  She has in the past and continues to use his "Positive Experience" as an excuse in justifying and dismissing the inherent abusive nature of cedu's program. Whenever anyone on this site has challenged O5's and (to a lesser extent)O2's positive views on aspects of the Cedu program (raps, profeets, the rules, etc.), they consistantly come back with the position " Well.... I know it helped my son (or brother), and this proves that cedu is good."  In their eyes (O5 & O2), the experience of Mr. self-surveilance (and his supposed giant group of "positive cedu friends"  ::bwahaha2:: ), is the end-all, be-all, irrefutable evidence that their position on Cedu is the correct one.  

Shanlea: if the Ottawa's are going to continue to use Mr. self-surveilance's experience and allegedly positive outlook on cedu as evidence to refute and dismiss the abuses, which I, you, and every other ex-cedu student posting on this site endured, then we have every right to question that evidence and comment on those experiences.  This incluides the personal character of Ottawa5's son, and her relationship with him.

As for commenting on the Ottawa family, remember that we did not bring them onto this site, she did that all by herself.  If you ask me, it's all fair game.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 25, 2004, 01:47:00 PM
I wrote the last post
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 25, 2004, 02:30:00 PM
Well, I agree w/you about CEDU... and in my opinion, the problem is systemic, not unique, which is why I disagree w/Ottawa.

However, the Ottawas are looking at the fact that their son/bro was getting into trouble and having difficulty at school pre-CEDU and is now successful post-CEDU. To them, that is the proof that CEDU is good. I can't really argue against that except that it does not dispel my belief that CEDU's practices are unethical.

Also, I don't think we can presume why O's son is not at the site. I have no idea why the Ottawas are here. But I would rather not make presuppositions about them like CEDU made about me (like make assumptions about O2's personal life or why O's son updated his family on a trip he took etc.)  I want to get away from CEDU tactics as much as possible.

Ya dig?
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ehm on August 25, 2004, 02:59:00 PM
On 2004-08-25 08:59:00, shanlea wrote:

When we engage with the Os, I think it best to argue without commentary about their family, whom we don't know or put-downs about their personal lives.

I understand where you're coming from, however, as a victim of almost 4 years incarceration, ages 13-15 in a wilderness adventure program, and the other Straight, Inc. ages 15-17, along with the extreme loss and psychological distress I have felt because of that time, it is very hard for me not to be angered by O5's posts. Due to that I slipped in some jabs which were not necessary.  O5 has stated many times that she wants to open a ?program? of her own, disregarding and/or minimizing any and all accounts of harm, neglect and abuse, emotionally and physically. She, in my opinion, is the epitome of a neglectful controller who is here to make herself feel better for a choice she cannot change. Her aspiration to open her own mind rape mill also tells me that she has something to prove, ?Look what a good parent I am!? ?Look how helpful and good the program is!? It just hits a  nerve with me.  I appreciate her being vocal with her ideas, because it shows me how strong denial can be, and helps me understand others who are like her, like my own mother, who is just now beginning to come to terms with what her choices did for me, 18 years ago.

Also, I would be interested to hear from someone who went to RMA about the same time that Ottawa's son went into the program.

I?d be very interested in hearing from them too.

The internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.
--John Gilmour

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 25, 2004, 03:25:00 PM
I dig shanlea, I just don't agree with you.  The ottawas consistant use of Mr. self surveilance's alledged success story as a means to support the "end justifies the means meantality" demonstrated by them, is a tactic taken right out of the Cedu Handbook.  

at Cedu whenever any student questioned the  program in raps or elsewhere, staff always pulled out their list of former students that cedu "helped" as a means to justify the program. And if you continued to question cedu, or named the names of people in your peer group who split and disappeared, the staff and older students all gathered to the other side of the room and spewed holy hell upon you.  It was never a free discussion or exchange of ideas, cedu's position has always been this: "These people were helped by cedu and love the program, if you don't agree with us it's because your dishonest, stupid, or totally fucked in the head!"

So the way I see it, if the ottawas use cedu tactics against us to gloss over, dismiss, and justify the abuses we suffered, then why can't we use those same tactics to refute their arguements?  Let fire fight fire I say.

And yes I will continue to speculate on the Ottawas personal lives, as well as her son's reasons for not posting here.  Ottawa5 consistantly speculates on our personal stories of abuse at cedu, and dismisses us as being "Dilusional Hate Cedu Fanatics!"  Why shouldn't we give her a taste of her own medicine?  

Ottawa 5 your son is a coward, and I truly suspect that in reality he is not in complete agreement with what you've been saying about cedu. He's just afraid to tell you.  If I'm wrong ottawa5, then prove it.  BRING YOUR SON ONTO THIS SITE!

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-08-25 12:33 ]
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on August 25, 2004, 03:27:00 PM
I definitely agree with the anger re: jabs and dismissal of our experiences, and that should be addressed, especially as it does not involve presuming stuff about their lives we know nothing about.

I couldn't imagine 4 years of incarceration -- 6 months was bad enough for me and affected me in a lasting manner.  I didn't even go through all the crazy propheet experiences my peers did throughout the program.  When I read the Straight threads, it sounds worse than CEDU... really fucked up. I can't even believe it exists--I mean no privacy or respite whatsoever from all that crazy drivel and physical control. I don't know how you would get over it, have any sense of boundaries in life when none of yours were respected... it makes me absolutely ill.

Has your mother ever read the Straight site to know exactly what you endured? Because a lot of that testimony is pretty freaking powerful.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ehm on August 25, 2004, 04:25:00 PM
On 2004-08-25 12:27:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Has your mother ever read the Straight site to know exactly what you endured? Because a lot of that testimony is pretty freaking powerful.  "

Not yet. She doesn't have a computer. I did show her a story on Roloff Rebekah Home for Girls in Corpus Christi, Texas while she was visiting, and she broke down and cried while reading the testimonial. The story struck a chord that had a very powerful effect on her, and she sat and said how sorry she was, relating it to my experiences. She's also seen ( and read many stories from ex-Straightlings through that resource. She later admitted to me. "I know that I have not been a good mother, and that I have made many mistakes that I am regretful for, and I?m sorry." That was an amazing thing for me to hear from her. I have forgiven my mother, but have not forgotten. And though I am speaking to her again, I?m still setting limits on our relationship, and am developing trust. My mother is not the safest person, and has many demons to face still, in the form of prescriptions, alcohol and general self-awareness. Forgiveness is the only way to have my own peace, and have any kind of relationship with her. It has taken almost 20 years for her to be able to come to these conclusions, and I know it is very humbling to admit to me her mistakes and regrets. Admitting you hurt someone you love is always very hard to do, but the sooner the better.  I just need to stop wanting a mom I don?t have, and accept the terms and conditions of the one I do have, and set boundaries accordingly.

Totalitarianism is like a specter which drinks the blood of the living and so achieves reality, while the victims go on existing as a mass of living corpses.

Karl Jaspers, The Fight Against Totalitarianism (1963)

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Antigen on August 25, 2004, 08:06:00 PM
Re: O2

I spent nearly 10 years playing the part of the little sister while my brothers and sister went through The Seed. By the time I was 15, I was so damned good at delivering my lines, walking the tightrope... they should have sent me out on speaking engagements! But also, by that time, I wasn't really sure how much I actually believed the bullshit ther spewed so freely from my mouth and how much I was just posing to avoid landing up in the Program myself.

O2 can't win. The game is rigged. No matter how hard he/she tries to walk the straight and narrow, O5 will project the "signs" of [state your fear] onto him/her. But you can't blame him/her for trying.

As for the brother/son, put yourself in his shoes. Can you imagine voluntarily taking part in a social function based on the Program and already staked out by... well, me and my mom? I don't expect to hear from the guy for quite some time. I wish him the best and hope he's able to earn his degree, pass his boards and live a happy life as a dentist.

Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.
Mahatma Gandhi, My Autobigraphy, p. 446

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 25, 2004, 08:33:00 PM
Man, I don't even know where to begin! I mean I want to respond to ever one so lets see here...

Shanlea: You are by far the sainest person on this site. I am very greatful that you respond with calm logic instead of insain rantings like some of the people on this site. Please continue to post!

SOS: Your logic still dose not make any sence if my mother did have that kind of control over my brother then she would be able to make him come to this site and post whatever she told him to. Instead he decieds not to come to this web site. Please explain this to me! If my brother was as you called him a coward then wouldnt he do whatever my mother said??
And its not just my brothers experience its his friends as well. However we are most fimillar with my brothers so we mainly use that as an example.

Anon: You seem to be a very logical person. Please contiune to post this site needs more sain people like you.

Lezli: My mother has nothing to prove she is here to gather information as she has stated several times. However people seem very unwilling to help her in any way to gather the information.
Anti: You have yet to answer my questions. Please do I really want to hear you answer.

BTW: If you guys have to sink to the level of personal attacks I think that says something about your side of the arrgument and about your self. As for the consern some of you have about me being a "clone copy" of my mother, I can tell you we are VERY diffrent from one another. (it would take to long to type everything out) but we both agree on this subject.
Oh, just to let ever one know Ill be working at my part time job a lot in the next week or so. So, I wont be able to post so often as I have been but I'll try!
Hope to talk you you all soon! :wave:
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: shanlea on August 25, 2004, 09:11:00 PM
Lezli: that was me who inquired about your Mom.
I am interested in how people communicate with their family about their experiences in these programs once realization sets in. It would be important they don't deny your experience to have any type of relationship with them. I've never really talked to my folks about it. I don't actually blame my parents for CEDU. They really thought it was a beautiful school that would help me finish school and improve my self esteem.

I will say that I am glad to come to this forum because I'm not as ignorant on these schools/ programs anymore.  I will be getting into education and this site has helped me be aware of different programs in case any parent asks for advice.  It is very easy to be lured in by nice brochures and an ed con. Also, before this forum, I didn't really look beyond the surface either in spite of the fact I went to CEDU. If someone said they sent their kid into a program called Straight for help with drugs, I might not have questioned it if it weren't for this site.  Now I know. So, it is important and reading through different sites have helped me make important realizations.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: shanlea on August 25, 2004, 10:47:00 PM
SOS: I get why you disagree w/the Ottawas. (Disagree being a spectacular understatement) But I still think its better to not use CEDU tactics when dealing w/pro-CEDU folks.  Also, I don't think we should surmise O's son's reasons for NOT coming to the site. A lot of people would not be interested in this type of exchange and college is supposed to be fun (and hopefully a positive experience of self fulfillment after a more depending on how you see it--controlled or "structured" environment--such as CEDU). Don't you think its better to respond by talking of your experiences and insight rather than attack? I understand being pissed when you feel your experiences are undermined and that should be addressed.  You have a lot to say on the subject and I want people to hear it rather than be distracted by a pissing match.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: shanlea on August 25, 2004, 11:02:00 PM
Thanks for the vote of confidence about my sanity. Now, if you would just try to convince my kids of the same thing!

Seriously, don't get too upset by some of the posts.  I understand it's natural to want a say when people are talking about you and your family...just like some of us want a say in our experiences in different programs.  We really didn't have a choice back then! But it's hard to always respond logically if you had a hellacious experience and you feel it is being denied. Also, some of us feel there were systemic problems inherent in these programs that can really lead to tremendous breaches of ethics on different levels.  Also, the fact that it is many years later and some of us are adults with children and responsibilities, we are evaluating this experience differently.  We have the advantage of hindsight.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Son Of Serbia on August 26, 2004, 07:44:00 AM
I explained my logic to you quite clearly in my last post, your brother is afraid to come to this site. I believe that he is mostly afraid of disagreeing with and offending Ottawa5 and this is why he won't post. I believe RMA whipped him so bad that he can't stand up to her.  Your brother does not live with your mother anymore, so no she can't actually force him to come on this site.  If he was still living under your mom's roof, then she most definately could force him to come here, but as I understand it, he now lives on his own. If you ever move out of the house and start paying your own bills, you will see that your mother will lose that degree of control over you as well.  None of this changes the fact that your brother is a big coward who can't stand up to his mother, he simply removed himself from her living environment so he doesn't have to deal with her on a daily basis.

O2, you definately are a poor carbon copy of your mother,and a very poor one at that. You lack her intelligence and ability to write in complete sentences.  You our not your own individual.  This is most evident by the fact that in all of your posts here, you have not expressed a single original thought or idea.  you simply regurgutate all of the cedu propaganda that your mom fills your empty head with.  Your basically a tape recorder. I truly feel sorry for you, this is not your fault, but it is a fact.

Seriously O2, get your own life.  I don't believe for a second that guys are into you, and that you stay single by choice.  I think you're a big loser, and no one asks you out probably because you are either ugly, a total geek, or your mother simply won't allow it!  

I hope that college will change all of this for you. Just be careful.  A lot of girls like you  grow up with repressive parents.  Once they go away to college and are no longer under their Mothers control, they go nuts. Most girls who have been repressed as long as you have don't know how to handle that much freedom once they get it. A great many of them wind up becoming total whores, drug addicts and/or alcoholics, flunking out of school, and often end up having unwanted pregnancies. Word of Advice: Take your new found freedom in moderation. Oh and if you still can't understand my logic about your brother, don't bother asking me to explain it again.  It'll only make you look even more stupid than you already do.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 26, 2004, 10:29:00 AM
SOS! All I can reallly do is shack my head I guess. Due to the fact that you know nothing about my life or my familys life I feel no need to go off on an insain rant like you like to do.
Lets see where do I begin?
How about you concern about me having original thoughts. Trust me I do, but on CEDU my mother and I agree 100% and since we both know the same people that went through CEDU of course our agruments are going to be similar! are you really that dumb that you could not figuer that one out???
And no you did not explain any thing you just called my brother a coward. Please do not reply untill you feel like actually explaing it. If my mother truely had that control over him (like you seem to think she dose) then she WOULD be able to bring him here.
I must ask you not to make comments about my spelling, writing ect. It is a very sensitive subject for me and I have allready told you why it is so poor. If you do not know what dyslexia is then go look it up. If your to lazy then well guess theres nothing I can do about someone like you.
Now, as for my dateing life. You seem very cconsered with it for some reason! Mind telling me why? I guess there is no way to prove that I chose to be single. I can just say that it is just that.
BTW VERY matuer of you to take personal shots at me. Do you really not have any other arguments? Maybe you should take a break untill you actually have somthing to say.
I am a greek nad proud of it!!! :grin:  
My mother is always very happy when I bring a guy home. I and just not curentlly dateing.
You have some seirous problems if you think that is ok to call a girl ugly it was one of those nice cheap shots that you like so much.
Shanlea: I can definatly understand why peole would be upset if someone denied what had happend to them. But, in my mothers post I do not remember her ever dening what had happend. In fact I remeber her say thing like, she was a ware of the abuise due to thing like uncalified staff ect. And thats why she would want to open her own school to make sure that thing like that would not happen. If she ever actually said something like "No, that did not happen to you you are just making it up!" Please tell me which post and I will have to trouble agreeing that she was wrong but untill then I will stand by my mothers side on this one.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 26, 2004, 10:52:00 AM
Oh one more thing SOS, wouldnt it be sad if I was an ungly girl with no friends who was suicidal? Now would that make you feel like a complete jackass?
(To all other posters: please excuse the cures.)

PS. Mean people suck! :wave:
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: shanlea on August 26, 2004, 10:55:00 AM
O2: I think it was more a case of feeling she glossed over some of our issues and didn't take it seriously.  That's all.

SOS: Your post was really mean, no two ways around it. You really can't assume that O's son is a coward just because he doesn't have the time or the inclination to come to this site; you can't assume O5 is a control freak; and you can't assume O2 is ugly or stupid.  Some of the smartest people in the world have dyslexia. I honestly don't know how you can rebel against CEDU but post as viciously as you do.

If the Os keep returning to the site you could possibly choose to answer them with rationale instead of insults. Or even sarcasm.  But there is no call for the names you call O2 and your prediction for her future college life.

What if someone said these things to your daughter?  This is exactly the kind of thing that happened in raps, for God's sake.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: ehm on August 26, 2004, 01:02:00 PM
On 2004-08-25 20:02:00, shanlea wrote:

?Also, the fact that it is many years later and some of us are adults with children and responsibilities, we are evaluating this experience differently.  We have the advantage of hindsight.?

An excellent point, and you know what they say about hindsight being 20/20.

On 2004-08-26 07:52:00, Ottawa2 wrote:

PS. Mean people suck! :wave:  "

The difference is, you can turn off your computer. We had no escape. They ran our minds. Perhaps you're starting to understand.  

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on August 26, 2004, 08:19:00 PM
But I have to agree with Lezli on that last point. Not being able to leave was the very worse part. That is NOT a choice at that age.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: **PIXIE DUST** on August 26, 2004, 08:47:00 PM
i would have to agree with Lezlie too.  you do have the choice to leave, we were forced to stay there.

Under the benign influence of our republican institutions, and the maintenance of peace with all nations whilst so many of them were engaged in bloody and wasteful wars, the fruits of a just policy were enjoyed in an unrivaled growth of our faculties and resources.
James Madison

Title: How About This Theory
Post by: shanlea on August 26, 2004, 08:59:00 PM
Well, we all have a choice to leave this forum if we don't like it.  And one of the positive attributes of this site is to engender debate and expand your thinking, but I still don't think it's cool to complain about abuses in these schools and turn around and abuse someone else.  We have a real opportunity to plant some seeds or build awareness and it's wasted when we act abusively. We should not deny our anger when we feel dismissed or mistreated; but I wouldn't want to perpetuate verbal abuse, either.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Ottawa2 on August 26, 2004, 09:33:00 PM
Hey there everyone!
Well lets see...
Shanlea: I think you are the type of person that my mother wants to talk to. She is interested in why the program did not work for some people yet did work for others.
CEDU did not work for you for some reason, and she would love to hear why that is. She has stated that she wants to start her own school and her first consern is to make sure that kids that do not need the program do not get sent there. In our case (my mothers and mine) my brother was a druggie and we had tried ever thing we could think of.
Please contact O5 she really want to discuess this with someone who is able to be calm and logical.
I Think that everyone could benifit from this. I belive that schools like CEDU will responed more to someone who has the ability to say, "This did not work for me because (insiert reasons)" And they are unlikely to responed to people who talk something like this "F*** YOU F****** B******!!!" Like a few pleople on this site.
As to every one else yes I do have the opption to leave this forum and guess what you have the oppsion to ingnore me if you want to.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: shanlea on August 26, 2004, 10:47:00 PM
O2: Well I'm always up for rational dialogue. She can PM me if she wants. The problem I have is supporting any CEDU-type school that might be built.  I think the problem is systemic. I think you can have the best intentions and it goes awry sort of like how power corrupts politicians--they still have to deal with the reality that there is already a game in place with special interests and corporate funding etc.

I know part of the problem was that I was not part of my own empowerment or therapy.  There was no individual plan or work.  They didn't even ask. In raps, there was no way I was going to lay my soul bare for people to misuse and exploit unethically.  It really was a breeding ground for bullies.

I think part of the problem was that they assumed all the kids were liars and they knew the real deal. This offended me because I always answered honestly. I never lie to a direct question. Not because I'm so moral, but because I'm so transparent. I did not like or respect people who did not take what I say at face value or accused me of lying about my story. (I'm not talking about differences in perception.) I know that a lot of kids did lie or exaggerate and maybe the staff viewed all troubled kids as liars and manipulators. I don't know.  I think a lot of staff had their own issues (especially the newer ones) and they would project it onto us. Like the family head who was an addict and he treated me like an addict because I experimented even though I easily quit months before CEDU and never went back. Nobody asked --ever--what was up, and I resented people just deciding what the issue was and rewriting my story.  

I don't know if this part of CEDU has changed but they definitely were not equipped to deal with kids on an individual basis such as if you had ADD, Anxiety, Depression etc.  You can't just medicate everyone or yell at people with anxiety or ADD.  You have to be really thoughtful. You have to teach kids strategies to get through life self sufficiently with ADD or depression or whatever so they can make life work regardless of teh challenges they face.

On the other hand, I think we over label kids who are simply unique in an effort to fit them in a tidy box.  The teenage years are years where experiemntation, rejection, rebellion, and independence forms, and it is a very mercurial time. Sometimes you just gotta ride it out.

If your Mom peruses the board at all, she will find a lot of useful info on different programs and a lot of it is disturbing.  (I think Straight and its affiliates are the worst, and I couldn't fathom any parent sending their kid to a foreign country.) Honestly? And I will get my ass kicked here, I do think we need to help especially troubled kids, but I don't know how.

It is interesting to look at what different people complain about. Some seem trifling, others draconian.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: MagicalGrunk on September 01, 2004, 06:27:00 AM
For everyone on fornits. I might know alot of you so if you really want to talk or something, you can reach my email at:  [email protected]. Write me.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on November 29, 2004, 05:51:00 PM
On 2004-08-04 05:22:00, SON OF SERBIA wrote:

"I agree that being at cedu forces you to do a lot of acting and even more lying to keep the heat off your ass, i could never do it for more than a a few weeks without snapping at someone and and getting in trouble (i was always in trouble at cedu). Some of the students were obviously born to play the part, i think we called them LOOK GOODS. They used to really come after me in raps because I would never talk about my problems,I was dirty, and because i was such a pain in the ass to staff and older students. I would usually deny everything the Look Goods said about me, and then i would used their cop outs against them and they'd start crying.  Then everyone would start screaming at me. I probably spent 2/3 of my entire stay (1 yr. 7 mo.) at cedu on restrictions mostly because of this tactic.  And then I would refuse my work assignments and the LOOK GOODS got even more pissed off at me.  Man I'm sure that I generated some of the LOUDEST raps in history.  

Is knowing how to act at cedu an asset in the real world? No, certainly not. In a nutshell, "Looking Good" at cedu involves being completely dishonest, never standing up for yourself in the face of confrontation, accepting everything you are told without question, and allowing your self to be completely dominated and subserviant to people (staff) who are clearly no better than, and often times inferior to yourself.  Also, most Look Goods upon a staff's command, were able to snap into a rage of self-directed hysterics, complete with tears, mucus on the floor, and drawn out screaming reflections about how much they hated themselves for being such aweful people. While this behavior might earn some points in another institutional setting like a mental hospital for instance, it is clearly a recipe for failure in the real world. This is because cedu teaches people to be sheep. In the real world the way to get ahead is to be a Wolf, or better yet, a Tiger. Sheep get eaten alive. No one likes being around crybabies who constantly pity themselves out loud.

I submit that cedu survivors would be most successful in the real world by doing exactly the opposite  of Looking Good at cedu.



This is the one I wanted to quote and bring back to the table. What is it that this taught us? The fallout from being trained to think in a manner such as this where lying under premise of absolute truth or becoming more "real" while surrounded by absolute dishonesty, is a farce that Nixon could be proud of.
I'd like my parents to have sat in on ANY one rap while I was a student AS A STUDENT. Then they could see why didn't want/need to be there. Oh well. That's why my avatar is what it is...hand me that violin. :idea:
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on November 29, 2004, 06:51:00 PM
Ok, I'll bite...why?
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on January 24, 2005, 07:25:00 PM
The notion of acting is brilliant. Every time I saw a graduation it was like watching a play. LaTresa, Lori, Doug, no matter who ran it - it was a play.

Same thing when the propheets got out - a bunch of acting - bad acting

The Summit getting out was when the cult switch really turned on - fake happiness, fake dancing - and the enthusiasm faded over the years and became more and more pathetic. Anyone else witness this.

The one thing that always makes me laugh is La,s fake crying - god that was funny.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: CEDU 1974-75 on January 24, 2005, 07:49:00 PM
Hey,Son of Serbia,Thanks for your postings!I really appreciate your perspective on the whole CEDU experience.I ,for one, have not fared especially well since being there for about eighteen months some thirty years ago. What a drag.
   What can you say about "raps","propheets"&"dishpan"in the real world that will help you win friends and influence people?
    Go figure......   :smokin:
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on January 25, 2005, 07:20:00 PM
This Quote from Blown Away Is exactly Correct - This is what you get for "140,000

On 2004-11-29 14:51:00, blownawaytheidahoway wrote:

Is knowing how to act at cedu an asset in the real world? No, certainly not. In a nutshell, "Looking Good" at cedu involves being completely dishonest, never standing up for yourself in the face of confrontation, accepting everything you are told without question, and allowing your self to be completely dominated and subserviant to people (staff) who are clearly no better than, and often times inferior to yourself.  Also, most Look Goods upon a staff's command, were able to snap into a rage of self-directed hysterics, complete with tears, mucus on the floor, and drawn out screaming reflections about how much they hated themselves for being such aweful people. While this behavior might earn some points in another institutional setting like a mental hospital for instance, it is clearly a recipe for failure in the real world. This is because cedu teaches people to be sheep. In the real world the way to get ahead is to be a Wolf, or better yet, a Tiger. Sheep get eaten alive. No one likes being around crybabies who constantly pity themselves out loud.

I submit that cedu survivors would be most successful in the real world by doing exactly the opposite  of Looking Good at cedu.



This is the one I wanted to quote and bring back to the table. What is it that this taught us? The fallout from being trained to think in a manner such as this where lying under premise of absolute truth or becoming more "real" while surrounded by absolute dishonesty, is a farce that Nixon could be proud of.

I'd like my parents to have sat in on ANY one rap while I was a student AS A STUDENT. Then they could see why didn't want/need to be there. Oh well. That's why my avatar is what it is...hand me that violin. :idea:  "
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on January 28, 2005, 01:13:00 PM
If kids knew their right under the law that could go through the program how they want and get out when they want.

See the posts on this issue
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on January 30, 2005, 04:47:00 PM
Fuck The CEDU Schools = One thing. Dont get mad -get even
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: smallaxe on February 03, 2005, 03:41:00 PM
Hey everybody.  I am a Cedu survivor like many of you.  I am currently writing about both Cedu and Ascent for a semester long writing project.  I am interested in any postings/replies you can offer.  In my efforts I am trying to recall all of the vivid details of the hell we all suffered.  For instance work assignments, dinner dishes, propheets etc.  Any ascent survivors still freak out at the smell of dial soap???  Any details you would be interested in submitting I would be grateful for.  Thanks.
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: smallaxe on February 03, 2005, 03:43:00 PM
How about pop offs????  Fucking Grateful dead!!!!  I can say it all I want now!!!
Title: How About This Theory
Post by: Anonymous on February 03, 2005, 04:00:00 PM
How about that nasty fuckin' smell at BCA of our own raw sewage leaking up through leech fields and that bootleg septic tank.

That sperm-like smell the bleach left on your hands for the rest of the day when you had to wipe down those tables with far too much bleach.

Maybe the banging of your bathroom door late at night followed by some creepy guy strutting through your dorm with a flashlight...sometimes every 5 fucking minutes if some dickhead on the other side of your dorm went nuts earlier and threatened to cut on himself.

Speaking of 5 minutes...the Casey lights on Brad Navarro's truck aimed right into your teepee at 4 in the morning as he screams 5 minutes at the top of his lungs...

I still cringe when I smell Dial soap...along with Herbal Essences and original Barbasol.