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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Pot in the News
« on: June 11, 2004, 01:23:00 PM »,,2-2004270693,00.html

(Copy and paste link.)

ENGLAND fans will be allowed to smoke dope before Sunday?s crunch clash with France ? to keep them calm.

Cops in Lisbon plan to crack down on drunk supporters while turning a blind eye to those spotted puffing on a spliff.

Pot-smoking fans have been assured they will not be arrested, cautioned ? or even have their drugs confiscated.

Last night experts said the Portuguese police?s ?Here We Blow? policy would reduce chances of a punch-up between rival fans.

Alan Buffry of the Legalise Cannabis Alliance said: ?If people are drinking they lose control, if they smoke cannabis they don?t.

?Alcohol makes fans fight. But cannabis smokers will be shaking hands and singing along together.?

Dutch police used a similar policy in Euro 2000 and England?s hooligan element were too stoned to fight.

A Lisbon police spokeswoman said: ?If people cause a problem through drugs and become a menace then police will take action. But when this doesn?t happen why should the police be the ones making the fuss??

More than 600 officers will be on duty for England?s opening group game at Lisbon?s Stadium of Light.

Fans who seem to be drunk may be breath-tested and refused entry.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Wow...
« on: May 10, 2004, 02:04:00 AM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / This is awesome...
« on: April 26, 2004, 04:00:00 PM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Getting over it.
« on: March 22, 2004, 09:14:00 PM »
I?ve been hanging around this board for a little over a year now. While I?ve been posting here I?ve had an outlet. A place to say what I felt, no matter what it was, at any given time. I found who I wanted to find, I bitched about the things I needed to ventilate, and for about a good six month period, I dwelled, sinking into a short lived depression. Having found this enormous re-acquaintance with a terrible part of my past, that I?d never actually had the  knowledge of being a victim of. I certainly had never thought of myself as a POW before! I had been a victim of Straight, Inc. What a traumatizing discovery this board was to find.

I immediately thought I had found a wonderful thing. This camaraderie of lost souls. However, that quickly changed, when I realized that flame wars were as common as trolls around here. I have witnessed many in the past year. Quite a few more than the ?regular message boards,? that have moderators that police the board. I?m not saying this is the only ?open forum? out there, but it certainly isn?t known for keeping people under any kind of control, which I know is a big part of the freedom here. However, because of this,  this place can be a big boost of negative energy, and a very unhealthy outlet. Venom and hate truly do rule this board, which is understandable given the subject matter, ei, Miller Newton and Co. Love takes a back seat, but still exists in some small cracks and crevices.

This place can become a crutch, and an addiction, as well as a helpful tool. Just like anger becomes an umbrella emotion for pain, as well as a release. I have a huge apology to make to an anonymous poster who?s opinion I didn?t understand in my first few days. They were saying, ? Pace yourself and be careful.? ?People here have been known to fight dirty.?  And ?There is negativity here,? Explaining how harsh this place could be, and how I shouldn?t look here for healing. I now see exactly where that person was coming from, and am sorry I misunderstood their intentions in the beginning.

I've used this board, and my experience as a child with two different ?treatments,? and a lot of abuse from my family, as an excuse to remain dysfunctional. Habitually focusing on the sorrow and regret, and not looking at the beauty the world had to offer me today. As a result, I have wasted a lot of time.  I became ashamed at the way I saw myself taking life for granted, and decided to start changing everything about myself I didn?t like. After I stopped dwelling on how terrible straight had made my life, and what a victim I?d been for so long, I began to recover from it.

This place can be harsh and cruel, and has been an emotional trigger for me on occasion. It?s really played no role in the renovating of my inner being. Leaving behind a painful memory is a good thing. Dwelling in the past, and continually revisiting the past, can have negative consequences, and is an unhealthy practice. Anonymous was right. Hating is self-eradication.

Though this place may be a source of comfort and affirmation at first,  it?s not a place to find inner peace, or healing for our broken hearts. Only love can do this. You truly do just have to "take responsibility" for your own happiness. I know how hard that is. They trained us to question ourselves constantly, and believe we were nothing without program. Hence, self loathing became our second skin, and anger, sadness and pain being our primary emotions. I loved the new guy?s take on the 7th step:

?I shall become so focused on the needs of others, especially others who treat me poorly that I become co dependent. I will seek to help people who continue to annihilate my self worth because this is a way of life. This is normal. This is what I do. And I shall suppress my rage until I develop some sort of compulsive behavior be it, drinking, drugs, gambling, sex, food, shopping or all of the above. My compulsive behaviors shall continue to reinforce my negative self worth and feelings of shame, worthlessness and hopelessness.? ? Again, brilliant.

When all is said and done, all you really can do is get therapy, get faith, (whatever your concept of ?faith? may be) and get over it. Never once did I say that doing this was easy, but it?s a matter of misery or inner calm. We all make choices on a daily basis, and at any time can choose to change them.

Why bury ourselves in skeletons?

Hate steals.
Love heals.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / BUMBLING IDIOT...
« on: February 09, 2004, 11:38:00 AM »

The government is much more interested in preserving the purity of its ideology than it is in allowing patients to get effective medicine.
-- Ethan B. Russo, neurologist at Western Montana Clinic

[ This Message was edited by: morli on 2004-02-09 08:44 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight Reenactments
« on: February 07, 2004, 10:11:00 AM »
Filmed, reenactment-documentation of everyday life in straight.  Might be one way to get straight's story out. I can just see it on one of those "crime/investigative" type reporting shows.

I hope whatever that Luke guy is doing, is done well. I've called him, but he hasn't returned my messages.

Does anyone know if that's still really happening?

The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected.' target='_new'>Will Rogers, American humorist, political commentator and cowboy philosopher

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / A spoonful weighs a Ton
« on: January 30, 2004, 03:57:00 PM »
And though they were sad they rescued everyone
They lifted up the sun
A spoonful weighs a ton
Giving more than they had
The process had begun
A million came from one
The limits now were none
Being drunk on their plan, they lifted up the sun!
Forcing it off with their hands
The trap door came undone
Above our heads it swung
The privilege had been won
Being drunk on their plan, they lifted up the sun!
Yelling as hard as they can
The doubters all were stunned
Heard louder than a gun
The sound they made was love

Dedicated to all Survivors


WWASP Schools have a tremendous record of success and growth. They have helped Thousands of Teens and their families. They have a 97% parent satisfaction rate and have received over 4000 letters of reference or appreciation in past three years alone. Some competitors who don 't have the Track History and Success of the WWASP Schools and Programs, try to devalue them by promoting second hand innuendos and hear say allegations. While most would agree that this is a shameless way to do business, there are always a few parents that fall for this type of tactic. In fact, recent court records show how one such competitor and a child right activist have worked together to hurt or damage the WWASP Schools and Programs for their own benefit.


Court Document # 1: This document outlines how a parent who was very happy with her child's experience at a WWASP School changed from Major Supporter to Main Critic when she formed a competing referral business. It also outlines how she got caught making a number of deceptive and damaging postings on the internet using false identities and fabricated first hand experiences. History: This parent for months following her child's stay at one of the programs referred a number of parents to the WWASP Schools and Programs. She sent out numerous letters stating how great the programs were and that her own child's progress was " nothing short of a miracle". This all changed when she decided to start a competing business, She then started promoting vicious lies and allegations against the WWASP while offering her referral service as an appropriate alternative. (Click here to see this Court document)


Court Document # 2: This is the deposition of the child right activist who has posted hundreds if not thousands of anti-WWASP statements on the Internet and in e-mails. While this person has never been a parent, he believes that Parents shouldn't have the right to place their child in a School or Program unless the child has a right to challenge the Parent's decision with a government agency. Under oath this person admitted that he did not have any education, training, or work experience that would qualify him to understand the needs of Struggling Teens and their care. He admitted he has never even visited a School or Program for Teens with special needs. He admitted that he has made numerous postings alleging abuse at the School and Programs. Yet under oath, he admitted that he did not know of one single case of substantiated abuse at any of the WWASP Schools or Programs. He further admitted he had no factual basis to claim there is abuse at any of the WWASP Schools or programs. (Click here to see more details of this deposition)


Generally, WWASP Parents who have had sufficient time and involvement with the WWASP Schools and Programs are not affected by the rumors, inaccuracies, and allegations that these two people have promulgated. This is mostly due to the fact that the parents have had sufficient personal experience with the Schools and Programs to know differently. Unfortunately, these two people have, unduly swayed a few of the new or prospective parents who were vulnerable because they did not have sufficient personal experience with the Schools or Programs. This is why the WWASP felt they had to sue these people for defamation, conspiracy, and business interference. Furthermore, these people have preyed on a few former students who are still struggling with attitude or personal problems. They enlist these former students to promote baseless stories, exaggerations, and allegations for the news media and on the Internet. This is fairly easy to do because News reporters are often more interested in creating sensationalism or controversy than in presenting the Truth or Accuracy. WWASP can provide you with many graphic examples of inaccuracies and falsehoods contained in news accounts. There are also numerous people who feel that they have had their words deliberately twisted, changed, or ignored by news reporters in order to sensationalize an article. (For this information: e-mail and request news media info) It is no wonder that a recent Gallop Poll showed that only 36% of people believe that the press generally gets the facts correct.


The Internet is even more unreliable. It is often a haven for fabrications, lies, biases, rumors, and gossip. This is because anyone can post anything on the Internet as factual even though inaccurate or even down right dishonest. Most forums don't require you to even identify yourself nor do they monitor or preview any postings for accuracy or honesty.


The current plan orchestrated by the Competitor and the Child?s Rights Activist is to have a few former students file a lawsuit.


The goal of filing a lawsuit is to attempt to give the allegations creditability in the minds of the general public where there is actually no creditability to these claims. For example: The allegations are from a few struggling former teens with maligned backgrounds, obvious motives, and long histories of lying, dishonesty, exaggerations, and deception. Countering their allegations are the numerous other students and staff that were there during the time the allegations were suppose to have happened. Additionally, each School and Programs have at the facility on a daily basis a number of professionals including teachers, therapist (many who are independently contracted by the parents), nurses, visiting doctors, and others who are all under a professional and legal responsibility to report any abuse. All of these professionals are trained to identify abuse or potential abuse. The many Professionals are happy to testify concerning the quality of care at each of the facilities and that there have been no need for reports of abuse made by them or others who work closely with the facilities on a daily basis


More Importantly is the Reports from Independent Third Parties Agencies. For Example, in a letter from the US Consulate in Mexico to the Child Rights Activist described above. The letter stated:


Date: April 11, 2003

Subject: Casa by the Sea


Dear Sir:


Consular officers for the American Consulate have made numerous surprise visits to Casa over the last several years, interviewed its teens in private, and contacted parents. The result has consistently been the same:


All teens (as well as parents) have denied the allegations of physical abuse alleged to have occurred at Casa. Third parties, never by the teen or a custodial parent... have always made the allegations


American Consulate General, Tijuana


Each School and Program can provide similar statements or documentation from Independent Third Party Agencies.


Bottom-line: Which is more credible a few struggling former students with an axe to grind and history of dishonesty OR the numerous testimonies of objective students, staff, parents, professionals, and Independent Third Party Agencies. The answer is quite obvious, for this reason the WWASP believes the organizers of the lawsuit don't really believe they can win but just want to file the suits to try to damage the WWASP Reputation and to appear more credible and justified when they have to face a jury for their actions in the Defamation and Business Interference Suit brought against them by the WWASP.


Whoever kindles the flames of intolerance in America is lighting a fire underneath his own home.
--Harold E. Stassen, 1947

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / just another DALLAS thread...
« on: January 26, 2004, 02:26:00 AM »
hey... what's up?  ::hehehmm::

A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another; shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement' target='_new'>Thomas Jefferson  

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / edited
« on: January 15, 2004, 06:13:00 PM »

Bush Will Announce New Space Missions
Goals Include Moon Base and Eventual Manned Mars Mission

WASHINGTON (Jan. 8th) - President Bush will announce plans next week to send Americans to Mars and establish a permanent human presence on the moon, senior administration officials said Thursday night.

President Bush wants humans to return to the moon -- the last visit was in 1972 -- to build a space station.
Bush won't propose sending Americans to Mars anytime soon; rather, he envisions preparing for the mission more than a decade from now, one official said.

In addition to proposing the first trip to the moon since December 1972, the president wants to build a permanent space station there.

Three senior officials said Bush wants to aggressively reinvigorate the space program, which has been demoralized by a series of setbacks, including the space shuttle disaster last February that killed seven astronauts.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Bush's announcement would come in the middle of next week.

Bush has been expected to propose a bold new space mission in an effort to rally Americans around a unifying theme as he campaigns for re-election.

Many insiders had speculated he might set forth goals at the 100th anniversary of the Wright brothers' famed flight last month in North Carolina. Instead, he said only that America would continue to lead the world in aviation.

Earlier, White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters traveling with Bush in Florida that the president would make an announcement about space next week, but he declined to give details.

It was the Columbia tragedy that helped force a discussion of where NASA should venture beyond the space shuttle and international space station. The panel that investigated the Columbia accident called for a clearly defined long-term mission - a national vision for space that has gone missing for three decades.

House Science Committee spokeswoman Heidi Tringe said lawmakers on the panel ''haven't been briefed on the specifics'' of the plan but expected an announcement.

Rep. Ralph Hall, R-Texas, a member of the House Science Committee, said he welcomed the move because he has tried to get the president more interested in space exploration.

''I had the feeling the last 2 1/2 years people would rather make a trip to the grocery store than a trip to the moon because of the economy,'' Hall said. ''As things are turning around, we need to stay in touch with space'' and the science spinoffs it provides.

Engineers would have to build new spacecraft for the trips to and from the moon and Mars. If the Apollo-style mission design was adopted, there would also be the need for landing craft that would undock from the mother ship and touch down to the moon or Mars.

Mission plans, crew size and other factors would have to be considered in the design of such craft.

No firm cost estimates have been developed, but informal discussions have put the cost of a Mars expedition at nearly a trillion dollars, depending on how ambitious the project was. The cost of a moon colony would depend on what NASA wants to do on the lunar surface.

On Saturday, NASA landed a six-wheeled robot on Mars to study the planet. However, the Spirit rover is stuck because the air bags that cushioned its landing are obstructing its movement. A second rover named Opportunity was sent in its wake and should land on Jan. 24.

Asked Wednesday whether the success of the Mars rovers could lead to a human mission to Mars, NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe said, ''The rovers are a precursor mission - kind of an advance team - to figuring out what the conditions are on the planet, and once we figure out how to deal with the human effects, we can then send humans to explore in real time.''

While answering questions on the White House Web site, O'Keefe said interplanetary exploration depends on ''what we learn and whether we can develop the power and ... propulsion capabilities necessary to get there faster and stay longer and potentially support humans in doing so.''

In 1989 on the 20th anniversary of the first manned moon landing, his father, the first President Bush, called for lunar colonies and a Mars expedition: ''I'm not proposing a 10-year plan like Apollo; I'm proposing a long-range, continuing commitment. ... For the new century: Back to the moon; back to the future. And this time, back to stay. And then a journey into tomorrow, a journey to another planet: a manned mission to Mars.''

The prohibitively expensive plan went nowhere.

No one, least of all members of Congress, knows how NASA would pay for lunar camps or Mars expeditions. When the first President Bush proposed such a project, the estimated price tag was $400 billion to $500 billion.

The moon is just three days away while Mars is at least six months away, and the lunar surface therefore could be a safe place to shake out Martian equipment. Observatories also could be built on the moon, and mining camps could be set up to gather helium-3 for conversion into fuel for use back on Earth.

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, among others, has called for an expansion of the U.S. space program, including a return to the moon. The United States put 12 men on the moon between July 1969 and December 1972.

An interagency task force led by Vice President Dick Cheney has been considering options for a space mission since summer.

Former Ohio Sen. John Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, has said that before deciding to race off to the moon or Mars, the nation needs to complete the international space station and provide the taxi service to accommodate a full crew of six or seven. The station currently houses two.

At the same time, Glenn has said, NASA could be laying out a long-term plan, setting a loose timetable and investing in the engineering challenges of sending people to Mars. The only sensible reason for going to the moon first, he says, would be to test the technology for a Mars trip.

If quitting drugs means joining the war on terrorism, does this portend the fire bombing of Amsterdamn ?

--Felton Manifestation

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