
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore => Topic started by: Alana on March 30, 2005, 01:45:00 PM

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Alana on March 30, 2005, 01:45:00 PM
This message is to Antigen.  I'm glad you have a forum for people to discuss and exchange ideas.  Unfortunately, some of these people spread lies.  They've spread them about the Whitmore, and now they're spreading them about me.  I frankly could care less what they think, but the exchange has become quite boring and immature, and I find the posters quite dull and unable to carry on an intelligent conversation.  Other parents who believe as I do simply ignore all the garbage.  I've decided to do the same.

Thank you for posting my messages, Antigen.

I've said all that I have to say. The truth will prevail.

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on March 30, 2005, 02:18:00 PM
Certainly hope the truth prevails, and that Whitmore is shut down, and that the Sudweeks are never allowed to work with children again.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Antigen on March 30, 2005, 03:36:00 PM
Right. Us poor, unenlightened chattering pigs are just too dumb and boring to triffle with.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-- Robert Heinlein

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on March 30, 2005, 03:51:00 PM
oh unfortunate can't stay away, (your inner most self) will tune in to find out how deceitful the SUDS really NOW know they have lied to you and TORI........stole money, crazy actions, and more...........see ya ALANA, ya crazy girl....
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on March 30, 2005, 04:01:00 PM
plus, you have a very touchy situation forthcoming, your going to see the many questions you must have??.....don't rock the boat...Tori would not understand, now would she????????....Ya, hide behind anger towards the turds post here....ya...rightous anger, the see, she would have died....just a little spit.only stole money from a couple of families, only told little lies.......SUD led group attacks....complaining kids........justifiable anger....IT WORKS...........ALANA........AMF
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on March 30, 2005, 11:44:00 PM
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on March 31, 2005, 02:05:00 AM
I agree.  I turned these people in over 3 years ago, in January of 2002.  NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING was done.  No one listened.  It was my fault for not checking them out better.
I am so glad that the public is finally seeing who they are.  I am saddened that they have been allow to steal our money and hurt our children.  It has been frustrating for me to continue to see that nothing was done about these people.  I hope that people who still have their kids with the Sudweeks will one day be able to see clearly about who they are.  Try not to be angry at us who are speaking against them, we are only doing so from experience.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Joyce Harris on March 31, 2005, 08:57:00 AM
[ This Message was edited by: Joyce Harris on 2006-05-28 13:06 ]
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on March 31, 2005, 09:03:00 AM
To the parent who made complaints before and NOTHING WAS DONE: Please call Detective Justin Kimball at the Nephi Police who is investigating this abuse case now. HE DEFINETELY will listen to you and WANTS to hear from you!

His phone number is: (435) 623-3460
His email is:  [email protected]

Other former students/parents have contacted him and he has taken their statements and is gathering information/evidence.  It is NOT too late.  Please contact him.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Gmom on March 31, 2005, 10:05:00 AM
To anonymous, who turned the Sudweeks in three years ago, please send me a private message.  I would really like to speak with you.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Antigen on March 31, 2005, 12:08:00 PM
Yah know? It occures to me to wonder how Sue Scheff feels about Alana and Tori's tone toward that question about getting paid. Doesn't she get paid for referals to Whitmore?

Anon from 3 years ago, how did you get involved w/ the Whitmore?

I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religion than it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.
--Albert Einstein, German-born American physicist

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on March 31, 2005, 01:32:00 PM
That's right, why a negative almost angry tone about a question about being paid referral fees for helping to send students to Whitmore?  Wonder why Alana and her daughter got so upset by a question about it?  That is the normal, accepted practice in the teen help industry--not some deep, dark, bad thing that isn't suppose to happen. IF people choose to do that with their time, most people expect to be "paid." Some want cash, and some want a reduction in tuition for their kids. You'd think someone had asked Alana DeGarmo if she had done something illegal, or immoral or something.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on April 01, 2005, 09:10:00 AM
So Alana is saying "bye bye" rather than answering 3 simple questions?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on April 02, 2005, 03:10:00 AM

Alana right here....kind of like the background, changes color to suit here mood.......AMF
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on April 02, 2005, 01:24:00 PM
Maybe waiting for Cheryl to answer for her. That should be interesting.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Rodney on April 03, 2005, 01:43:00 AM
[ This Message was edited by: Rodney on 2005-04-02 22:51 ]
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: AMF on July 07, 2005, 12:52:00 AM
On 2005-03-30 10:45:00, Alana wrote:

"This message is to Antigen.  I'm glad you have a forum for people to discuss and exchange ideas.  Unfortunately, some of these people spread lies.  They've spread them about the Whitmore, and now they're spreading them about me.  I frankly could care less what they think, but the exchange has become quite boring and immature, and I find the posters quite dull and unable to carry on an intelligent conversation.  Other parents who believe as I do simply ignore all the garbage.  I've decided to do the same.

Thank you for posting my messages, Antigen.

I've said all that I have to say. The truth will prevail.

 :wave:  "

SO long ago???
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 03:48:00 PM
joyce you still havent learned have you.  Its funny how some people think that quiet means nothing is happening and then i guess others believe there is quiet before the storm which do you think. I guess time will tell.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 04:03:00 PM
Joyce hasn't learned what? Is there a "storm brewing?"
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 04:13:00 PM
OOPS, Cheryl Sudweeks had a court date today, right? Time to put the focus back on this Joyce Harris. That's how it works. What a crock!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 04:28:00 PM
does anyone know yet what happened in her court thing?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 05:07:00 PM
MIKEYMOUSE posted her son was hit by a car going 60 MPH and he was life-lifted to SLC hospital. Who can believe that? Someone asked her friend, Sue Scheff at PURE a question, and it was posted her daughter was "DEAD." So they will post anything to avoid answering questions.
Suppose if the Queen of Mean showed up in court, will have to read it in the newspapers.
They only post about Joyce Harris.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 05:38:00 PM
If the Queen of Mean ::bangin:: DID show up in court today, wonder if she drug all those poor Whitmore kids with her, like they did for that horse suit Mark slapped against that former student?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 06:15:00 PM
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 06:22:00 PM
no, that did happen to her son. Also, you say its been rescheduled?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 06:23:00 PM
What was the hearing about or for and why was it rescheduled?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 08:14:00 PM
"that did happen to her son"....who knows how this boy's leg was broken?!?!?!
Kids get hurt all sorts of ways at the Whit!
Some get thrown down stairs.
Some get beaten up by groups of kids.
Some get kicked, punched by Cheryl herself.
If this boy actually got hit by a car going 60 MPH--, as posted, the question is: Who was supervising this 12 year old boy? What was he doing on what would appear to be a very busy street/highway?
Who is the adult in charge here?
Doesn't the Whitmore SAY they provide adult supervision 24/7?????
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 08:26:00 PM answer some of your many questions..he got hit by a 4wheeler up at the cabin. He had to have two major surgeries.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 09:44:00 PM
Why the posting by MIKEY MOUSE he got hit by a car going 60Mph then? Always some non-truths and exaggerations....DRAMA, DRAMA!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 10:00:00 PM
There weren't many questions, just one, did Cheryl hurt her own kid?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 11:10:00 PM
nope, it was some dude on a quad.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 11:13:00 PM
Maybe next time Mommy Dearest--The Queen of Mean ::bangin::  will be supervising the kiddos so no one gets hurt.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 11:17:00 PM
Wasn't Markie Boy on one of his toys, was it?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 08, 2005, 12:55:00 AM
hey anonymous y don't you go fuck yourself and then tell me who you really are
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 08, 2005, 12:58:00 AM
oh yea if you don't trust them that much then y don't u go check it out for yourself
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Tha Truth on July 08, 2005, 04:29:00 AM
Hey Mikeymouse, why don't you stop acting like the gestapo?? You don't run this and no one answers to you. Demanding peoples names isn't gonna get any results, they're posting anonymously for a reason. You've posted that way yourself a few times. As for telling them to "fuck themselves" not everyone spends all their time doing that there nothing more imaginitive you could say? There's no way anyone would get any answers by visiting the Whitmore. My mom visited  when I went and she didn't know the truth until the end of my year. I'd think twice about your unquestioning loyalty. The whole outfit is in the process of coming down so you definitely won't benefit from this standpoint...especially when people find out  that you knew what was really going on all along. Think about what you say BEFORE you say it, I'd say it's about time you learned that little skill.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 08, 2005, 04:35:00 AM
knowing about what i ask
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 08, 2005, 04:36:00 AM
I also just went back there to see them for a week when all the shit was going on so don't think of me as a fool
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Tha Truth on July 08, 2005, 04:39:00 AM
I don't think of you as a fool. I just think you're acting incredibly foolish. I don't care when you visited them, so what if everything was cool for those 7 days? You lived there for just about a year, same as everyone else and you saw all kids of shit which you're denying. Didn't you learn anything there? Isn't denial a BAD thing?? Think Mikey, think.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 08, 2005, 04:41:00 AM
all right im cool all the allegations that there talking about are with Joey within that time area when u wern't there and when I was so I have no Idea what you're talking about so y don't u enlighten me on what youre talking about
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 08, 2005, 04:41:00 AM
all right im cool all the allegations that there talking about are with Joey within that time area when u wern't there and when I was so I have no Idea what you're talking about so y don't u enlighten me on what youre talking about
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Tha Truth on July 08, 2005, 04:47:00 AM
What I'm saying is that there are a million conflicting stories about this Joey thing. I may not have been there but I know how things work there. It's definitely not far-fetched for a kid to say he was beat up there. Especially if was in a group on him for drinking or doing drugs or something. Those were always the worst groups. Cheryl went buck on Leah for it, weren't you there for that? For you to say that it never happened when there are police reports stating that it did, is ridiculous. Especially when other people have come forward and said that they were in the room too and saw him get beat up. It's a very twisted little soap opera being lived down there.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 08, 2005, 04:51:00 AM
he started swinging at a kid named Stephan so ya we had to restrain him
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 08, 2005, 08:57:00 AM
Well MIKEY---Why was Joey swinging at Stephan, and what do you mean WE RESTRAINED HIM...and what happened NEXT???????
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Joyce Harris on July 08, 2005, 10:48:00 AM
To the ANON who posted on 7-7-05 at 12:48:00
"Joyce you still haven't learned have you."
You will have to enlighten me as to what I need to learn.
As to my being "quiet" meaning nothing is happening--my posting, or not posting on a forum, does not control what happens in the criminal proceedings against Cheryl Sudweeks in the State of Utah. That is Mr. Jared Eldridge's job--and he appears to be doing a fine job in spite of the delays.
As for the "storm" you predict? Again, enlighten me, if you desire; rather than posting vague,veiled anonymous messages.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 08, 2005, 04:12:00 PM
I think you know exactly what i mean honkergirl.  I wonder what kind of example you have been to neighbors, students etc..
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 08, 2005, 06:06:00 PM
The first day Joey was delivered to Lake Powell and Cheryl Sudweeks wanted to impress on this boy that Whitmore "was going to be the worse year of his life..." a group of boys held Joey face down in the dirt after beating him up. Joey begged for his inhaler,saying he could not breathe...just like the boy in the above newspaper article.
Luckily Joey survived Cheryl's ordered torment!

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 08, 2005, 06:07:00 PM
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 08, 2005, 06:08:00 PM
Joey is a little bitch he was a really good kid though, if he wasn't so impressionable by other people
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 08, 2005, 06:11:00 PM
I actually feel bad though in some aspects though when he lived at the boys house with me and abuot nine or eight other kids he opened up pretty deep. the kid just wanted to be accepted really, which unfortunatley for him was any chance he could get which got him in trouble
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 08, 2005, 06:13:00 PM
Joey was swinging at stephan cause stephan tried getting a water bottle that was half filled with alcohol out of Joey's hands after Stephan ask him to give it back
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 08, 2005, 11:28:00 PM
Think the real STORY of how Brek got hurt should and will be told. Seems to be great interest in the laws in Utah that regulate the age of drivers of 4 wheelers, and parental consent of underage drivers of these vehicles. Interesting how the differing accounts of how this boy was injured are swirling about, huh? MIKEY MOUSE'S first account, in an attempt to explain Cherly's absence from court, did not mention of any 4 wheeler---THEN the next account mentions a 4 wheeler, and "some DUDE."
Now the word is Mark and this 12 year old were each operating vehicles when this "DUDE" caused the "accident."
Was there a Police report?
Who was this "DUDE" who is being blamed?
Why was a 12 year old operating a vehicle without a license?
LOTS of questions to be answered here. Sounds like some more laws need to be checked out.
Whose neglect really caused this boy's injuries?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 08, 2005, 11:31:00 PM
Mikey Mouse you need to give it a rest. The Nephi Police and DA have all the information they need about the Joey incidents, and Cheryl Sudweeks has already been charged! Perhaps if you'd like to tell your TALL TALES you could be a witness for her in the criminal trial and tell your little stories to her defense attorney. He might be interested in your B.S.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 09, 2005, 12:45:00 AM
i'll rest when I want to so you can go ahead and fuck off asswipe
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 12:56:00 AM
Mikey, does that mean, "no thank you?"
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 12:58:00 AM
What's with the Suds letting a 12 year old drive a 4-wheeler? Are there any laws these people respect in the State of Utah?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 09, 2005, 01:25:00 AM
what kind of comeback was that
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 02:03:00 AM
Surely there is a police report on this accident showing who was involved in this accident and how this Sudweeks boy was injured. Wouldn't Mark Sudweeks have received a citation for this kid driving a vehicle without a license? Was this so-called "dude" injured if he was actually going 60mph?  Something sounds mighty out of line here.
Surely this "dude" wasn't another Whitmore student!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 09, 2005, 03:41:00 AM
all right Scooby Doo go ahead and try to solve the mystery of the unknown driver
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 09:23:00 AM
cat got your tounge joyce, i say lets get the truth out and there is so much more truth isnt there.  All will be revealed but i think its a great story one that should certainly be shared with everyone especially in your town where you have taught values to kids as a teacher.  That along with furnishing money for kids to buy drugs and by the way that is proven with positive drug test and that western union record slip.  Perhaps people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 09:23:00 AM
cat got your tounge joyce, i say lets get the truth out and there is so much more truth isnt there.  All will be revealed but i think its a great story one that should certainly be shared with everyone especially in your town where you have taught values to kids as a teacher.  That along with furnishing money for kids to buy drugs and by the way that is proven with positive drug test and that western union record slip.  Perhaps people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 09:23:00 AM
cat got your tounge joyce, i say lets get the truth out and there is so much more truth isnt there.  All will be revealed but i think its a great story one that should certainly be shared with everyone especially in your town where you have taught values to kids as a teacher.  That along with furnishing money for kids to buy drugs and by the way that is proven with positive drug test and that western union record slip.  Perhaps people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 11:08:00 AM
Whoever hit this boy should not be a "mystery" should it? If this UNDERAGE boy was hit while driving a 4-wheeler, and THEN was airlifted to a Salt Lake City hospital, THEN there must be a police report somewhere. Perhaps the media can locate all this and report on it?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 11:10:00 AM
HEY ANONYMOUS get off the Joyce thing. Everytime some crap about the Suds comes up it is Joyce Joyce--how about some answers to why this kid was hurt while under the watchful eyes of this neglectful father?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Gmom on July 09, 2005, 12:11:00 PM
There seems to be a little confusion here.  Joyce Harris does not own or run a "Boarding School" for teenagers.  What she did, does or does not do is of no consequence.  Who cares?????  Sounds to me like a feeble attempt at some sort of BLACKMAIL.  OR, at the very least, slander.  To say nothing about the Federal crime of computer file theft -- which by the way, has already been reported to the FBI.  So anyone pursuing this any further would best give it a little further thought.  You might find yourself in a place you had no intention of being.

The real question here should be why was the Sudweeks son, who is under the age of 16, riding a 4-wheeler??????  Seems to me the law in Utah says no one under the age of 16 is supposed to be operating a 4-wheeler.  This boy not only has his own 4-wheeler, but a motorized dirt bike as well.

The Sudweeks seem to elevate themselves above the law, at the risk of their own children.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 12:25:00 PM
It it's such a great story, then why don't you tell it?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Gmom on July 09, 2005, 12:27:00 PM
On 2005-07-09 09:25:00, Anonymous wrote:

"It it's such a great story, then why don't you tell it?"

What story are you referring to? :???:
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 12:32:00 PM
The Joyce story the ANON keeps referring to. Let ANON tell it or shut the fuck up.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 12:36:00 PM
Perhaps people are tired of Cheryl Sudweeks's little stories and tales, huh? And perhaps people are tired of hearing her rant about Joyce Harris?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Gmom on July 09, 2005, 12:49:00 PM
On 2005-07-09 09:32:00, Anonymous wrote:

"The Joyce story the ANON keeps referring to. Let ANON tell it or shut the fuck up."

What does the so-called "Joyce" story have to do with Whitmore or what goes on and has gone on there?  I really think this "threat" is an attempt to deflect from the issues of the Sudweeks and their behavior.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 02:34:00 PM
nothing..not a thing....don't respond...sound the alarm........filthy, blood sucking whore about to lose the money store....civil players riding into town......CLAN not around.....zoo management canned........scramble to cop a plea....needs to stay year county time????..............cop to fines and 3x years no juveniles.............OJ help!!! pension....assests checked......yard sale to off set payments and HELL.................just want to save the ASYLUM bell..........AMF
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 04:21:00 PM    Honker60girl
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 04:29:00 PM
I wouldn't enter that set (trash) URL for anything..... :skull: ..get lost...AMF
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 04:34:00 PM
Joyce is trying to have me reported to the FBI cause I supposedly called her a name what is her deal, she doesn't know anything about the case, yo gmom who are u
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 05:13:00 PM
Joyce is everywhere!!!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 05:25:00 PM
thats the point what kind of persons puts there self on a site like that and there voice too.  I tend not to follow the advice of people who make poor decisions such as that. One can only hope that teachers dont cross lines like giving money to kids to run away and go to a place where drugs are so easily bought and that our local teachers arent advertising themselves on the web as completely open.  I personally dont know any teachers like that.  Also hope that i dont meet any.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 05:35:00 PM
i would not worry about joyce reporting you to the fbi over names my sources tell me she will be too busy with a little of her own publicity problems in her town and its a shame i understand her husband is a educator at a university, but dont know for sure just the word around the water cooler.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 05:43:00 PM
On 2005-07-09 14:35:00, Anonymous wrote:

"i would not worry about joyce reporting you to the fbi over names my sources tell me she will be too busy with a little of her own publicity problems in her town and its a shame i understand her husband is a educator at a university, but dont know for sure just the word around the water cooler."

Holy Cow!  Making threats are we, Anon?

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 09, 2005, 07:18:00 PM
thats good to hear anon cause shes starting to become a pain in the ass, she has to learn that shes on the internet and is going to be offended somehow
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Tha Truth on July 09, 2005, 07:56:00 PM
Mary Gentile! Haven't heard from you in a while. It's funny that you're trying to post anonymously now, you made such a point of signing your name before. I'm sure everyone else knows as well so this cloak & dagger thing is completely unnecessary. Well, I hope you'll put a name to those vague threats you keep making. Better yet, why don't you just get a user name? So few people believe in doing that around here. Nothing personal, of course, it's just a little frustrating. Take care.
Anneliese[ This Message was edited by: Tha Truth on 2005-07-09 16:57 ]
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 08:16:00 PM
Advertising to sleep with strangers while your husband does the same kinda gross. I guess Z told the truth.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 08:22:00 PM ( Honker60Girl completely open
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 08:42:00 PM
Who is MARY GENTILE?  And, what is her connection to Whitmore or anyone else?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 08:53:00 PM
Who is honkergirl?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 09, 2005, 09:27:00 PM
I guess honkergirl is Joyce Harris I don't know but she hasn't stopped bugging me about it since
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 09, 2005, 09:28:00 PM
Mary Gentile is Chris Gentiles mom a kid that used to go to whitmore but didn't come back from Christmas Break, but from what I hear hes doing good
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 09:29:00 PM
who hasnt stop bugging you about what
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 09, 2005, 09:33:00 PM
Joyce harris hasn't stopped bugging me about what she said that apparently I called her honkergirl {which I didn't} and she said the only way that I could know something like that is if I went into her computer, so now shes saying that she is going to have the FBI come to my house and start asking me questions
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 09:35:00 PM
refer the fbi to the very public website that she advertised on and by the way she recorded a voice message too.  Perhaps she shouldnt advertise there.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 09:39:00 PM
tell her to bring it on the more she stirs it up the more it will be all over where she lives and she is out of her league for sure.  Those texas bible belters dont  like their kids to be taught by swingers not to mention the neighbors.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 09:43:00 PM
only one secret revealed, I wonder how many more are left?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Gmom on July 09, 2005, 09:52:00 PM
WHO CARES????  I'll state this again:  Joyce Harris has not been charged with a crime.  CHERYL SUDWEEKS has.  Joyce Harris' personal life has nothing to do with the abuse charges filed against Cheryl Sudweeks.  What is it you are trying to do by posting anything about Joyce Harris' personal life????  Sounds like one of Cheryl's little tricks.  May work on young kids in her "program," but certainly not with intelligent adults and mature teenagers.  I really am not sure what the purpose is.  Someone want to explain?????? :???:  :???:  :???:
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 09:55:00 PM
mikey mouse if you have any more trouble post it here my sources tell me there are secrets that could lead the fbi to someone elses door and they deal in facts not fairytales and have plenty of time and resources.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 09:57:00 PM
I disagree I certainly care what the character is of a teacher and someone who slanders others.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Gmom on July 09, 2005, 09:57:00 PM
On 2005-07-09 17:22:00, Anonymous wrote:

" Honker60Girl completely open"
Whoever posted this doesn't even have the balls to say who they are?  You don't see Joyce Harris hiding behind anything she has to say by not using her name.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 09:59:00 PM
Actually she sounds like she is threatening a child with the FBI, not nice for someone who supposedly wants to protect kids.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Gmom on July 09, 2005, 10:00:00 PM
On 2005-07-09 18:57:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I disagree I certainly care what the character is of a teacher and someone who slanders others.  "
I doubt very much you know much of anything about any teacher's personal life.  BTW, who is slandering who?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Gmom on July 09, 2005, 10:03:00 PM
On 2005-07-09 18:59:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Actually she sounds like she is threatening a child with the FBI, not nice for someone who supposedly wants to protect kids."

When kids are posting things that are stolen property, they need to be prepared for the consequences.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 10:03:00 PM
why is joyce always saying someone hacked into her computer? Chris even told me that she and her worked together to do that into other computers. anyways, that is just what i was told. My question is: How in the world is she going to tell you (mike) that you got into her computer. Ive seen that site before, and it is PUBLIC! oh well.  :idea:
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 10:04:00 PM
GMOM i am a little curious about you, since you defend her so completely.  Lets hope that you are upstanding and dont have the same morals, those people with so much time to research might start looking at you, buy i certainly am against invasion of privacy and hope they dont research you or any one else.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Gmom on July 09, 2005, 10:08:00 PM
On 2005-07-09 19:04:00, Anonymous wrote:

"GMOM i am a little curious about you, since you defend her so completely.  Lets hope that you are upstanding and dont have the same morals, those people with so much time to research might start looking at you, buy i certainly am against invasion of privacy and hope they dont research you or any one else."
Have at it.  What does that prove?  What does it prove about Joyce Harris that has anything to do with Whitmore or the Sudweeks?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 10:10:00 PM
When kids are posting things that are stolen property, they need to be prepared for the consequences.

Talk about threatening........Someone who talks of the consequences of threatening....seems to be the one who is always innocent and who is always threatening others.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Gmom on July 09, 2005, 10:10:00 PM
On 2005-07-09 19:03:00, Anonymous wrote:

"why is joyce always saying someone hacked into her computer? Chris even told me that she and her worked together to do that into other computers. anyways, that is just what i was told. My question is: How in the world is she going to tell you (mike) that you got into her computer. Ive seen that site before, and it is PUBLIC! oh well.  :idea: "

"she and her"?  I do believe Chris is a boy.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 10:15:00 PM
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Gmom on July 09, 2005, 10:17:00 PM
On 2005-07-09 19:03:00, Anonymous wrote:

"why is joyce always saying someone hacked into her computer? Chris even told me that she and her worked together to do that into other computers. anyways, that is just what i was told. My question is: How in the world is she going to tell you (mike) that you got into her computer. Ive seen that site before, and it is PUBLIC! oh well.  :idea: "

Actually, someone did hack into her computer.  The FBI came to her home and took her hard drive.  They know exactly where it was done.  

Oh, about what you were told by Chris, must be the wrong Chris.  The only Chris Gentile that was at Whitmore was a boy.  It's not too smart posting things that are told to you that are not the truth.  I have a feeling there is someone using you to do their dirty work.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 10:31:00 PM
GMom......sounds very familiar!  Anyone else get it........
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 10:48:00 PM
On 2005-07-09 18:55:00, Anonymous wrote:

"mikey mouse if you have any more trouble post it here my sources tell me there are secrets that could lead the fbi to someone elses door and they deal in facts not fairytales and have plenty of time and resources.  "

IMO, these kind of veiled threats only show how desperate the W supporters are. Can't answer to the real issues so let's focus on someone else and see if we can dirty them up?  Wow.  That's some defense against allegations of abuse and hazing. No wonder the W'ers are so dazed and confused.

Here's a clue:  THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR ABUSE so you might as well pack it up and let the legal system settle this matter.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 10:50:00 PM
Will the "real" GMOM please stand up? :wave:
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 10:51:00 PM
You should know...
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 11:02:00 PM
MIkey Mouse: you are a liar---you posted HONKERGIRL on 7-8-05 at 15:06:00 and you stated in a Private Message to Joyce Harris that "someone else gave you this information and that you did not want the authorities bothering you about this." This is printed words young man.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Joyce Harris on July 09, 2005, 11:16:00 PM
Joyce Harris is not employed as a teacher and has not been employed as a teacher since 1996, so YOUR statements that she is "influcing school children is a bold face lie." Richard Harris is not employed as a college professor, that is a bold face lie.

Neither of the Harris's belong to this site posted.

The ANON posters are remaining true to form and are posting lie after lie after lie.

The only purpose for these lies is a direct attack on parents of a child who was abused at the Whitmore Academy and her parents, who have made public statements against the Sudweeks and Sue Scheff of P.U.R.E who referred them to this abusive school.

Cheryl Sudweeks has been charged with 7 counts of child abuse against 4 children, SO FAR and the investigation is still ongoing.

We will continue to support this investigation and criminal proceedings and will not be bullied by anyone who posts lies about us.

The only people putting children at risk in any way are the Sudweeks, and Sue Scheff who we understand continues to refer children to Whitmore Academy.
Let's not forget, as of today--the person who is facing criminal charges for abuse against children is CHERYL SUDWEEKS.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 11:24:00 PM
No one is "dirtied up" except the Suds!!!
They don't even know how to take care of their own 12 year old child! Who neglects a CHILD and allows him to drive a 4-wheeler and get injured?
The same type parents that raise a child in the mess they call a "BOARDING SCHOOL" where this boy observes all the abuse that goes on at that place. IT IS A SHAME!!!!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 11:27:00 PM
Don't think its TRUE FOR ONE MINUTE---but I'd have a lot more respect for adults who MIGHT BE SWINGERS than a couple of folks who run a "private boarding school" sexually molesting little girls!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 11:35:00 PM
HEY CHERYL, remember how Markie Boy was showing those pictures of Joyce (that you stole off her computer--don't forget THAT) around to everybody? Hear you didn't like that at all!! Think Markie Boy has the hots for Joyce? Jealous are you? She's not all fat like you, fat ass!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 11:39:00 PM
QUESTION: Is the child of Joyce Harris one of the children Cheryl Sudweeks is charged with abusing?  Is this why this lady is being attacked so viciously?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 11:47:00 PM
Give me "Texas Bible Belters" over Utah cult-Mormons any day of the week, PLEASE!!!!!!!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 11:50:00 PM
What??  You are simply amazing.  Duh!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 11:52:00 PM
Why thank YOU!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 11:53:00 PM
QUESTION: Is the child of Joyce Harris one of the children Cheryl Sudweeks is charged with abusing? Is this why this lady is being attacked so viciously?
Which lady are you referring to?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 09, 2005, 11:55:00 PM
I was referring to Joyce Harris, smart ass.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 10, 2005, 12:31:00 AM
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 01:42:00 AM
What's the scoop on the Sud kid? How come he was allowed to drive a 4 wheeler at the age of 12? That's sort of illegal ain't it?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 01:52:00 AM
Wonder what Cheryl, the NON-THERAPIST, does with all her free time now that she can't play GROUP THERAPIST now that Whitmore is an "Academics ONLY" Boarding School? Gotta keep Ken Stettler all happy, right? Got enough problems without him snooping about.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 10, 2005, 01:57:00 AM
wow could u come up with a better insult than NONTHERAPIST
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 02:47:00 AM
These are not insults, they are just factual things that Cheryl Sudweeks lacks in her contractual roles as the owner of Whitmore including:

Just to name a few.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 03:02:00 AM
Three Blind Mice....see how they run!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 03:37:00 AM
i went to that school so you have no idea what youre talking about
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: mikeymouse on July 10, 2005, 03:37:00 AM
i went to that school so you have no idea what youre talking about
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 09:41:00 AM
yes you did belong to that site and your voice was on it to. Dont forget things can be printed and recorded before erased.  By the way has anyone heard anything about fliers??? I heard they were printed copies from that site and someone was putting them around san antonio??? any truth to that?????
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 10:58:00 AM
let's hear the "evidence"...or, are is this just an empty bluff? :eek:
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 11:12:00 AM
Post your phone # and what time to call, ive heard the recorded message myself and i dont think they will mind playing it for you or anyone else after all when you put it on the web its not private.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 11:17:00 AM
Seems like your efforts would be better spent helping your friend Cherly Sudweeks plan her defense strategy for her CRIMINAL TRIAL since she HAS BEEN CHARGED for abusing 4 different children. WHY no concern about this? Everyone is laughing their butts off that all this energy and effort is so displaced. Couldn't have planned it better!!!!! How funny!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 11:29:00 AM
WHO CARES ABOUT JOYCE HARRIS--let's get to the criminal trial: the real issue.
Get Cheryl Sudweeks before the Judge.
Let the public know the real charges against HER!
Just what DID she do to those children?
The investigation is still on-going.
Will more charges be added on?
Will Mark Sudweeks be charged too?

This is the REAL ISSUE:  Abused children at Whitmore Academy!!!!!!

The Attorney General's Office is still actively investigating the fraud issues!  That problem has not gone away either.

The Licensing Agency and Ken Stettler has not gone away either!!!
These are the ISSUES!!!!!!!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 11:42:00 AM
Excuse me, but I don't think misdemeanor charges deserve this much attention.  If it was as bad as has been posted here, then why are they not considered felony charges?

And, what does Honkergirl have to do with Joyce Harris anyway?

Two questions...two answers.  Let's hear from everyone on this one! :em:
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Joyce Harris on July 10, 2005, 11:44:00 AM
Honkergirl is merely the name of the yahoo account and was listed here on fornits.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 11:47:00 AM
It does not have to be felony charges to received jail time, but mostly to receive the penalty to keep her away from minor children for a certain period of time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:15:00 PM
Well some of us think what joyce did was criminal, furnishing money for kids to run away, knowing they were going to a drug infested concert.  So concerned with cheryl that she would endanger these kids.  It is more than bad judgement it is grounds for a civil suit since 2 of the kids tested positive for drugs they bought with the money she gave them.  As i have said before the parents should be able to make decisions for their children without the risk of a stranger stepping in.  mary
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:20:00 PM
Mary: didn't your son Chris take these boys to this Concert? Didn't he help these boys run away? Didn't he provide his apartment for these boys come to? What is your problem?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:23:00 PM
Honker60Girl was a name used on a swingers web site for couples who swing.  Not my thing but to each their own.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:25:00 PM
Think what you wish, Mary. The ADULTS, more than one--did nothing criminal. Your son included!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:26:00 PM
No my son had no money to take the boys anywhere.  They used the money from joyce to get there and the boys stated she knew they were going to the concert.  mary
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:28:00 PM
The only person CHARGED with anything CRIMINAL is Cheryl Sudweeks: She has been CHARGED with abusing 4 different children on 7 counts of child abuse.  The investigation is still open, and hopefully more of the 59 counts will be charged against her, or Mark Sudweeks!

Cheryl Sudweeks is the person with a CRIMINAL ATTORNEY and the person dodging criminal court appearances.

Feeling a bit of stress, huh?

Maybe the lying "booking story" just might come true.  Never can tell.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:32:00 PM
On 2005-07-10 09:15:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Well some of us think what joyce did was criminal, furnishing money for kids to run away, knowing they were going to a drug infested concert.  So concerned with cheryl that she would endanger these kids.  It is more than bad judgement it is grounds for a civil suit since 2 of the kids tested positive for drugs they bought with the money she gave them.  As i have said before the parents should be able to make decisions for their children without the risk of a stranger stepping in.  mary"
Lady, I don't know where you get your information, but you, obviously, have your have facts wrong.  You are the one who should be careful of a civil suit.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:32:00 PM
Joyce I thought we had an understanding that you are not to contact, lie about or threaten my son as you have in the past.  Guess you cant help your self.  Thats ok im sure it will all work its self out soon.  mary
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:33:00 PM
Why was that 12 year old boy allowed to drive a 4 wheeler?  He's not old enough to have a license. Isn't that neglectful? Do those Whitmore students that drive those 4-wheelers all have a license to do so? Maybe that needs to be checked out.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:33:00 PM
I got my information straight from the people involved.  mary
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:36:00 PM
On 2005-07-10 09:33:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I got my information straight from the people involved.  mary"
Obviously, not ALL the people involved.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:36:00 PM
I dont know anything about 4 wheelers or the rules for their use but hope god provides a speedy recovery for such a fine young man.  Gotta go flying south today on a eagerly awaited trip.  Hope everyone is having a great summer.  mary
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:37:00 PM
On 2005-07-10 09:32:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Joyce I thought we had an understanding that you are not to contact, lie about or threaten my son as you have in the past.  Guess you cant help your self.  Thats ok im sure it will all work its self out soon.  mary"
Maybe the one you should be speaking to, in this regard, is your son!!!!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:41:00 PM
Mary, you sure post a lot of threatening sounding stuff. Are you just nutts or what? It's been posted lots of times here that your son was involved in helping Alex run away, and these 3 boys to run away. He's over 18 and seems to be able to speak and act on his own. You have some kind of problem. Try dialing 1-800-Need-a-Shrink!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:43:00 PM
Well i dont think shes the one who advertises her bush on a website.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:43:00 PM
Yeah, Mary you just pray about it all. That should just take care of things just fine. Now you just fly on off and have a great time, now that you are all done posting and slandering people for your little friends, ok?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:45:00 PM
Now, you don't really know if she advertises her bush on a website or not, now do you?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:46:00 PM
On 2005-07-10 09:33:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I got my information straight from the people involved.  mary"

Unfortunately it sounds to me like your "information" comes with a nice big glass of koolaid to wash it down with.

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:47:00 PM
On 2005-07-10 09:36:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I dont know anything about 4 wheelers or the rules for their use but hope god provides a speedy recovery for such a fine young man.  Gotta go flying south today on a eagerly awaited trip.  Hope everyone is having a great summer.  mary"

MARY, open your eyes. :eek:
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:48:00 PM
Anyone understand the concept of "tampering with a witness" in a criminal trial? Perhaps some nice criminal lawyer will be explaining that to his client and the client's friend real soon!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:50:00 PM
Sounds like some Criminal Attorney might need to get control of his case; but then again it is sort of fun seeing it all fall apart before it even gets started!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:50:00 PM
On 2005-07-10 09:43:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Well i dont think shes the one who advertises her bush on a website."

Garbage mouth ... why don't you take the trash out at Whitmore?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 12:55:00 PM
Yeah--wonder which Whitmore KID Cheryl has there posting for her?  Pitiful, huh?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 01:11:00 PM
Hey, doesn't the Suds own church, MORMON think it's ok for husbands to have multiple wives??? What's the big deal here yakking about someone who MIGHT or MIGHT NOT look at life a bit differently???
And what the heck does it have with Cheryl Sudweeks and her CRIMINAL CHARGES, anyway?
A pitiful effort at deflection.
Don't think anything about this sort of gossipy crap will ever be heard in court-criminal or civil---Suds need to shut up and try to clean up a bit of their OWN REAL TRASH!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: BuzzKill on July 10, 2005, 01:14:00 PM
All this trash talk is just a pitiful attempt at deflection.

"Don't talk about the abuse and neglect in our program. Instead, lets all talk about this other person (who is speaking out about the abuse!) See how stupid they are - they can't spell a lick, and they talk like a hick, and as they are from an Appalachian state, they must also be inbred - and lookie here what I found - they are kinky too!"

Even if its true (an it often aint) So what?

None of this has anything to do with the topic at hand - the abuse charges made by multiple people against the program that is stuffing your pockets.

You just keep proven over and over what shallow, hateful, self absorbed people you are.

*[ This Message was edited by: BuzzKill on 2005-07-10 10:15 ]
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Tha Truth on July 10, 2005, 03:22:00 PM
Oh my Lord! Thank you sooo much BuzzKill. It's so frustrating when someone asks an honest question about Cheryl someone else has to post (anonymously, of course) about Joyce Harris's alleged sexual preferences. Since when does that have to do with anything?? People are asking honest questions about the progress of the case or of Brek's recovery. They don't need some junior-high bullshit for an answer. I'm sure that this anonymous poster is a saintly little virgin with a gleaming little halo. I'm so glad this saintly individual has deigned to bless us with their criticism. Keep it coming.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 06:10:00 PM
On 2005-07-09 20:55:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I was referring to Joyce Harris, smart ass."

Sorry.  If your sentence had been gramatically appropriate, there would have been no doubt as to whom you were implicating. :wstupid:
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 06:18:00 PM
On 2005-07-09 18:39:00, Anonymous wrote:

"tell her to bring it on the more she stirs it up the more it will be all over where she lives and she is out of her league for sure.  Those texas bible belters dont  like their kids to be taught by swingers not to mention the neighbors."

NEIGHBORS?  Do you think there are any neighbors?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 06:50:00 PM
Joyce and grammar...My my...
What about the Question: Why was this neglectful father, Mark Sudweeks allowing a 12 year to drive a 4 wheeler, which is illegal. This boy was injured, a broken leg--
The Sudweeks do not follow the laws of their State, and disobeying these laws continually puts children at risk!
That is the problem HERE! Putting children at risk. The Sudweeks must be held accountable.
Has anyone contacted DCFS? Perhaps they need to step in and protect this little boy.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 07:21:00 PM
Was this 12 year old boy the one referred to as " a student at whitmore"?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 08:20:00 PM
i think there was another student...a girl.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 08:38:00 PM
I cannot believe anyone (parent) would place a 12 year old child with a group of 16 and 17 year old students with issues.  Folks!!...... THAT IS STUPID!!!!!

I know what the next line is.......Cheryl Sudweeks is charged...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH....That may be true...but, putting a child in that situation is crazy AND ABUSIVE!  It sounds like the "Pot/Kettle" thing.  

Don't tell me the parent(s) who put a 12 year old at Whitmore didn't know....The website with the pictures of the students...How many were even close to being 12? GIMME A BREAK!

What behaviors would justify placement of a 12 year old anywhere?  12 YEARS many of the posters on this forum have done this or have been the result of this ridiculously poor judgment?
Abuse can be a two way street...GET REAL.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Antigen on July 10, 2005, 09:10:00 PM
On 2005-07-10 17:38:00, Anonymous wrote:

What behaviors would justify placement of a 12 year old anywhere? 12 YEARS many of the posters on this forum have done this or have been the result of this ridiculously poor judgment?

I've seen plenty of kids 11 - 13yo placed in Straight. And I've heard of kids as young as 7 in some places. Yes, it's rediculously poor judgement. Hard to even fathom, really.

But who made the offer and arrangements? Who got paid to deliver this insane arrangement? Isn't it just incredibly sick to go into the business of fucking w/ other people's kids like this?

Education is that which remains, if one has forgotten everything he learned in school.
--Albert Einstein, Out of My Later Years, 1950

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 09:37:00 PM
Antigen said:  
"Isn't it just incredibly sick to go into the business of fucking w/ other people's kids like this?"

YES..BUT, who sends a 12 YEAR OLD CHILD away for a YEAR without careful study and investigation.

It seems to me it is the parent also that is "fucking" with the kids!  Is this not ABUSE? You've been there....let's put the responsibility in the right place.

Based on some people's logic, it is everyone else that is to blame.  Remember when you were a child and someone advised you:  "If someone says to jump off a cliff, will you do that?"

To me, it is the same.  Ridiculous...cruel...neglectful, and abusive!  Not everyone is taking responsibility for their actions and it is the children who suffer!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 09:58:00 PM
On 2005-07-10 17:38:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I cannot believe anyone (parent) would place a 12 year old child with a group of 16 and 17 year old students with issues.  Folks!!...... THAT IS STUPID!!!!!

I know what the next line is.......Cheryl Sudweeks is charged...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH....That may be true...but, putting a child in that situation is crazy AND ABUSIVE!  It sounds like the "Pot/Kettle" thing.  

Don't tell me the parent(s) who put a 12 year old at Whitmore didn't know....The website with the pictures of the students...How many were even close to being 12? GIMME A BREAK!

What behaviors would justify placement of a 12 year old anywhere?  12 YEARS many of the posters on this forum have done this or have been the result of this ridiculously poor judgment?


Abuse can be a two way street...GET REAL.


Before you going blaming the parent, HOLD YOUR HORSES, Anon.  

Are you forgetting this program was referred to the parents by someone who runs a business called PURE and that surely they were aware of the child's age and whether this would be an appropriate placement or not?

Sheesh.  Talk about DEFLECTION.

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 10:03:00 PM
On 2005-07-10 18:10:00, Antigen wrote:


On 2005-07-10 17:38:00, Anonymous wrote:

What behaviors would justify placement of a 12 year old anywhere? 12 YEARS many of the posters on this forum have done this or have been the result of this ridiculously poor judgment?

I've seen plenty of kids 11 - 13yo placed in Straight. And I've heard of kids as young as 7 in some places. Yes, it's rediculously poor judgement. Hard to even fathom, really.

But who made the offer and arrangements? Who got paid to deliver this insane arrangement? Isn't it just incredibly sick to go into the business of fucking w/ other people's kids like this?


Education is that which remains, if one has forgotten everything he learned in school.
--Albert Einstein, Out of My Later Years, 1950


Yep, very sick and to think, people actually choose to earn their living this way?

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Antigen on July 10, 2005, 10:04:00 PM
Zita, you're a very precocious young lady.

Jk, I know this isn't her. But I don't disagree w/ you at all. That's why I always refer to this industry as the troubled parent industry. I don't think the kids who land up in these places are exceptional. Some have issues going in, others don't, not significantly different from any highschool class anywhere. The sole factor that seperates these unfortunate kids from all the rest in this country is poor judgement on the part of the parents.

But what kind of person capitalizes on that kind of poor judgement? People tend to have very poor judgement when it comes to certain addictive substances, too. But do decent people become crack dealers? What kind of person takes advantage of the poor judgement of others in such a way?

There is a difference between shitty parents and people who take advantage of them. Shitty parents have to live for the rest of their lives w/ the dire consequences of shitty parenting. There are no do overs. People who take advantage of them just take the money and run. Then they turn on the marks like rabid jackals when they start to figure out the scam.

Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism--how passionately I hate them!
--Albert Einstein

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 10:15:00 PM
On 2005-07-10 18:58:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-07-10 17:38:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I cannot believe anyone (parent) would place a 12 year old child with a group of 16 and 17 year old students with issues.  Folks!!...... THAT IS STUPID!!!!!

I know what the next line is.......Cheryl Sudweeks is charged...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH....That may be true...but, putting a child in that situation is crazy AND ABUSIVE!  It sounds like the "Pot/Kettle" thing.  

Don't tell me the parent(s) who put a 12 year old at Whitmore didn't know....The website with the pictures of the students...How many were even close to being 12? GIMME A BREAK!

What behaviors would justify placement of a 12 year old anywhere?  12 YEARS many of the posters on this forum have done this or have been the result of this ridiculously poor judgment?


Abuse can be a two way street...GET REAL.


Before you going blaming the parent, HOLD YOUR HORSES, Anon.  

Are you forgetting this program was referred to the parents by someone who runs a business called PURE and that surely they were aware of the child's age and whether this would be an appropriate placement or not?

Sheesh.  Talk about DEFLECTION.

 :roll: "

Sounds to me like some "SELF"-DEFLECTION going on as well.  must be someone who didn't listen when a child...and, jumped off the cliff.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 11:27:00 PM
Sue Scheff lied about the ages of the kids at Whitmore, and continued to LIE saying 3 girls ages twelve-thirteen were being enrolled at Whitmore in the month of November 2004. Anyone like to read Ms. Scheff's emails stating this???
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 11:36:00 PM
On 2005-07-10 20:27:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Sue Scheff lied about the ages of the kids at Whitmore, and continued to LIE saying 3 girls ages twelve-thirteen were being enrolled at Whitmore in the month of November 2004. Anyone like to read Ms. Scheff's emails stating this???"

Post them!!  All you have to do is copy and paste to the forum.  You are bluffing!!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 11:36:00 PM
Doesn't matter if the kid placed at Whitmore was 6 or 18---Cheryl Sudweeks had not right to abuse any kid PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Child Abuse is ILLEGAL!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2005, 11:38:00 PM
On 2005-07-10 20:36:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-07-10 20:27:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Sue Scheff lied about the ages of the kids at Whitmore, and continued to LIE saying 3 girls ages twelve-thirteen were being enrolled at Whitmore in the month of November 2004. Anyone like to read Ms. Scheff's emails stating this???"

Post them!!  All you have to do is copy and paste to the forum.  You are bluffing!!"
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Antigen on July 11, 2005, 10:44:00 AM
You guys, this is silly. There's plenty of blame to go around. Which is worse; hiring someone to murder someone or being a paid hit man?

Black markets will always be with us. But they will recede in importance when our public morality is consistent with our private one.

Eric Schlosser, Reefer Madness

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 10:59:00 AM
12 year old girls should not be with older teens in my opinion, but ask joyce how many programs her daughter had been in before whitmore. Who starts sending such a young child away and for what reason. Z gave lots of reasons as to why. Does anyone know how many times z called cps on her mother?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:04:00 AM
Again: Joyce Harris is not the issue here people. She does not run a school for troubled teens, and she has not been arrested for child abuse. CHERYL SUDWEEKS HAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have anything about cops and Joyce Harris, POST THEM or Shut UP!!!!

What's the deal about her and YOU PEOPLE ANYWAY?
She sure seems to have gotten your goat!

We know Cheryl Sudweeks has been CHARGED!!! It is PUBLIC RECORD!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:07:00 AM
Good morning Sue!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:12:00 AM
Wonder why Sue Scheff at PURE made the placement of a 12 year old girl to Whitmore Academy? Why did Sue Scheff recommend that Whitmore was the proper placement? HUH?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:15:00 AM
Joyce Harris made the placement.  Why?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:18:00 AM
Parents referred to Whitmore never heard of the place until they talked to Sue Scheff--PURE. That's a fact!!!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:22:00 AM
Again what does a parent need to hide by sending such a young child away and ask her how many otger programs before.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:24:00 AM
She is the issue when she helps other peoples kids to run away.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:27:00 AM
Maybe because of (   Honker60Girl I wonder what else was true that z said.  It is so sad for her.  Hang in Z people care for you!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:29:00 AM
To all the kids and parents:  Do not allow someone to harass you to commit perjury for money, revenge or anything.  It is evident that someone has motives much deeper and sicker than are apparent.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:29:00 AM
Why doesn't Sue Scheff and PURE answer these Questions:  Has Sue Scheff, PURE disclosed to ALL parents ever referred to Whitmore Academy that Cheryl Sudweeks has been charged with child abuse?

Did Sue Scheff, PURE continue to refer children to Whitmore Academy
1) After the criminal investigation began against Mark and Cheryl Sudweeks?
2) After Cheryl Sudweeks was charged with child

Has Sue Scheff been actively involved in the Sudweeks criminal legal defense efforts, and in efforts to discredit parents who have brought charges against the Sudweeks?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:35:00 AM
Joyce Harris is not charged with abusing any child what-so-ever! Cheryl Sudweeks is. The COUNT SO FAR---4 kids and 7 counts of child abuse.
Go help your friend Cheryl Sudweeks with that problem!
She is the accused CHILD ABUSER!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:36:00 AM
I thought someone was suppose to stay away from Sue.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:38:00 AM
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:39:00 AM
Three Blind Mice....see how they run!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:41:00 AM
Who's suppose to "stay away from Sue?"
She got her lawyer after someone else?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:43:00 AM
Someone asks a few questions, and things get all nasty! Typical reaction here. Typical PURE.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 11:55:00 AM
blah. blah, blah..........ok, just say it...we love CHERYL SUDWEEKS...doesn't matter that she is insane...lame...zoo keeper games....we don't have any solid can, so we just talk smack and crap about JOYCE, you see???

All of this is for notta......WHITMORE is no more......litigation wheels turning......she is lame.....x3yrs no juveniles...........civil branch going to sweep the floor............CHERYL SUDWEEKS WILL BE JUST another convicted, filthy, blood sucking whore, without a money store...................

Don't respond to anything about JOYCE.........keep the blood sucking whore (CHERYL)on front page of this site...........AMF
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 01:06:00 PM
On 2005-07-11 08:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Wonder why Sue Scheff at PURE made the placement of a 12 year old girl to Whitmore Academy? Why did Sue Scheff recommend that Whitmore was the proper placement? HUH?"

Well .. that's a darn good question ... why indeed?  

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 01:22:00 PM
On 2005-07-11 10:06:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-07-11 08:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Wonder why Sue Scheff at PURE made the placement of a 12 year old girl to Whitmore Academy? Why did Sue Scheff recommend that Whitmore was the proper placement? HUH?"

Well .. that's a darn good question ... why indeed?  

 :???: "

A better question is why would parents take the word of anyone to send their 12 year old child away?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 01:26:00 PM
On 2005-07-11 08:55:00, Anonymous wrote:

"blah. blah, blah..........ok, just say it...we love CHERYL SUDWEEKS...doesn't matter that she is insane...lame...zoo keeper games....we don't have any solid can, so we just talk smack and crap about JOYCE, you see???

All of this is for notta......WHITMORE is no more......litigation wheels turning......she is lame.....x3yrs no juveniles...........civil branch going to sweep the floor............CHERYL SUDWEEKS WILL BE JUST another convicted, filthy, blood sucking whore, without a money store...................

Don't respond to anything about JOYCE.........keep the blood sucking whore (CHERYL)on front page of this site...........AMF "

How many different roles, personalities or writing styles can ONE person establish on this forum?  She asks the questions and then she elaborates and even answers the questions.  Are we talking to ourselves?  Are the voices in your head making you crazy?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 01:38:00 PM
come on now.......this is all about the cash cow...that sow, CHERYL SUDWEEKS...whats to follow????.............she pleads.....has civil misdeeds..bleeds..............lives a life OF sad weeds.......we got the money store..............and YOU want to talk crap about JOYCE?????.............get a CLUE.....................this is about that filthy blood sucking whore CHERYL SUDWEEKS AND THE WHITMORE ASYLUM zoo............AMF
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 01:44:00 PM
You Got It AMF!!!!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 01:47:00 PM
AMF is a HE....go back and read HIS post...everybody knows who HE is.....except you, it appears!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 01:50:00 PM
NOW who would DARE SAY one person is posing as themselves and as AMF......?
How stupid.

THAT WAS A LITTLE GAME that Sue Scheff played "once upon a time...." go read the WWASP VS PURE transcript. Think she was banned from another website for playing that sneaky little game of "talking to herself"

We don't play those games here.

AMF posts for himself!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 01:55:00 PM
Sounds like the cash cow just might be drying up!LOL  Think that's why they are sounding so down right vicious?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 02:10:00 PM
On 2005-07-11 10:22:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-07-11 10:06:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-07-11 08:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Wonder why Sue Scheff at PURE made the placement of a 12 year old girl to Whitmore Academy? Why did Sue Scheff recommend that Whitmore was the proper placement? HUH?"

Well .. that's a darn good question ... why indeed?  

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 02:17:00 PM
one ASYLUM at a time my ASYLUM...............remember....their not ALL ASYLUMS...............I've found several (that's more than two CHERYL)that are heads up.......AMF
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Antigen on July 11, 2005, 02:29:00 PM
On 2005-07-11 10:22:00, Anonymous wrote:

A better question is why would parents take the word of anyone to send their 12 year old child away?  "

An even better question is why would parents take the word of any stranger to send a kid of any age to other strangers who make unbelievable promises and strange demands?

Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By  any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care.
Administrative Law Judge, Francis Young,  DOJ/DEA

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 02:51:00 PM
On 2005-07-11 11:29:00, Antigen wrote:


On 2005-07-11 10:22:00, Anonymous wrote:

A better question is why would parents take the word of anyone to send their 12 year old child away?  "

An even better question is why would parents take the word of any stranger to send a kid of any age to other strangers who make unbelievable promises and strange demands?

Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By  any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care.
Administrative Law Judge, Francis Young,  DOJ/DEA


Very true!

IMO parents should use great caution when filling out requests for information about themselves and their children (e.g. my teen has a history of lying) because this information can and often is used against them when allegations of abuse surface in programs. This warning also applies to seminars and other kinds of group or individual encounter sessions where parents and teens are made to "confess" to past sins under the guise of facilitating HEALING.

What a racket, eh?

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 04:39:00 PM
Again why does a parent get rid of a 12 year old girl by dumping her in utah with older kids and that was not her first program according to her.  Maybe her mom should spend less time on web site activity.  But then i guess i cant understand because im not completely open.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Antigen on July 11, 2005, 04:46:00 PM
Why does a parent get rid of a 16yo boy, sending him to a program w/ violent, criminal kids? And then why hunker on a website about the place for months trying to declare some imaginary difference between yourself and this other sucker?

Want my opinion? You're all a bunch of immature, self centered, cruel and destructive lunatics; hence the term "troubled parent industry".

I just wish all of your kids godspeed in gaining real independence from all of you psychos. I mean that. Really. All of you assholes.

The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being of His Father, in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.
--Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President, author, scientist, architect, educator, and diplomat

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 07:56:00 PM
On 2005-07-11 13:46:00, Antigen wrote:

"Why does a parent get rid of a 16yo boy, sending him to a program w/ violent, criminal kids? And then why hunker on a website about the place for months trying to declare some imaginary difference between yourself and this other sucker?

Want my opinion? You're all a bunch of immature, self centered, cruel and destructive lunatics; hence the term "troubled parent industry".

I just wish all of your kids godspeed in gaining real independence from all of you psychos. I mean that. Really. All of you assholes.

The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being of His Father, in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.
--Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President, author, scientist, architect, educator, and diplomat


You are sooooooo right!!!!!  The parents give up their children and then break out the vigilantes when things go bad.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 07:59:00 PM
What about parents who believed the placement was a boarding school that offered psychological therapy, equine therapy--and had that expectation?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 08:06:00 PM
On 2005-07-11 16:59:00, Anonymous wrote:

"What about parents who believed the placement was a boarding school that offered psychological therapy, equine therapy--and had that expectation?"

Any therapy for my child will be done under my close watchful eye......And I would wander why a child needs therapy of that magnitude (placement or hospitalization.  It sounds as if parents are passing their problems on to others to "fix".  Problems or issues that they in some way have helped to create.  While the children are away, what are the parents doing to get "therapy".  On a horse, couch or group, you do not throw your children to strangers.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 08:06:00 PM
On 2005-07-11 16:59:00, Anonymous wrote:

"What about parents who believed the placement was a boarding school that offered psychological therapy, equine therapy--and had that expectation?"

Well .. were these expectations spelled out in an enrollment agreement?

If so, then the question would be why did the program not fullfill the terms of the agreement?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 08:11:00 PM
That's why a civil suit has been filed.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Antigen on July 11, 2005, 08:14:00 PM
On 2005-07-11 16:59:00, Anonymous wrote:

"What about parents who believed the placement was a boarding school that offered psychological therapy, equine therapy--and had that expectation?"

I think they're on about the same level as people who take those "free" weekend getaways from timeshare brokers and then are shocked, shocked to find themselves virtually confined for an extended high pressure sales pitch.

History does not record anywhere or at any time a religion that has any rational basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unkonwn without help. But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it.
--Robert A. Heinlen, American science-ficiton author

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
Drug war POW
Seed Chicklett `71 - `80
Straight, Sarasota
   10/80 - 10/82
Anonymity Anonymous
return undef() if /coercion/i;
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 08:15:00 PM
On 2005-07-11 17:06:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-07-11 16:59:00, Anonymous wrote:

"What about parents who believed the placement was a boarding school that offered psychological therapy, equine therapy--and had that expectation?"

Any therapy for my child will be done under my close watchful eye......And I would wander why a child needs therapy of that magnitude (placement or hospitalization.  It sounds as if parents are passing their problems on to others to "fix".  Problems or issues that they in some way have helped to create.  While the children are away, what are the parents doing to get "therapy".  On a horse, couch or group, you do not throw your children to strangers."

In principle, I agree with you Anon.

The problem is parents in crisis are an easy mark for the ed cons and private referral agencies who convince them to put their kid into these programs before it's too late to save them.

Trust me, no parent sends their kid away with the expectation they are paying to have them abused, or God forbid, commit suicide (as in the case of
Ryan Lewis, the little boy who hung himself at Allredge Academy).

What bothers me is this group of W parents who are so quick to accuse the other parents and children of lying and/or making up stories.

Now that's really twisted.  Why don't they wait and see what happens when the case goes to trial?  Wouldn't that be the fair and righteous thing to do?

The state (not the parents) investigated the W and brought charges, though I do believe it's possible the parents might have brought a civil lawsuit?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 08:20:00 PM
On 2005-07-11 17:14:00, Antigen wrote:


On 2005-07-11 16:59:00, Anonymous wrote:

"What about parents who believed the placement was a boarding school that offered psychological therapy, equine therapy--and had that expectation?"

I think they're on about the same level as people who take those "free" weekend getaways from timeshare brokers and then are shocked, shocked to find themselves virtually confined for an extended high pressure sales pitch.

History does not record anywhere or at any time a religion that has any rational basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unkonwn without help. But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it.

--Robert A. Heinlen, American science-ficiton author


Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen

Drug war POW

Seed Chicklett `71 - `80

Straight, Sarasota

   10/80 - 10/82

Anonymity Anonymous

return undef() if /coercion/i;"

Wow, never thought of it that way before but yeah, that sounds about right.

Listen ... some of these admissions reps and referral agencies sound like they are so slick they could convince a man to buy a year's worth of feminine hygiene products.  

Think snake oil ...

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Antigen on July 11, 2005, 08:25:00 PM
On 2005-07-11 17:20:00, Anonymous wrote:

Think snake oil ...

Exactly! That or magic beans. Here's the pitch, in brief:

The Program is better than anything you've tried; better than therapy, hospitalization, hands-on parenting or the natural resillience and ability all humans have to adapt and learn. We've got the secret and it only costs.... how much did you say you had again? Never mind that, we'll find a way! All you have to do is sign this contract waiving all normal protections for yourself and your kid, fork over the money and then trust us while you don't communicate w/ the kid till we've done our magic trick.

They're selling something everybody wants but anyone knows can't possibly exist. Typical Utopian commune stuff. Just like WWASP or Jim Jones.

It's a damn poor mind that can think of only one way to spell a word! --
--Andrew Jackson

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2005, 08:48:00 PM
On 2005-07-11 17:25:00, Antigen wrote:


On 2005-07-11 17:20:00, Anonymous wrote:

Think snake oil ...

Exactly! That or magic beans. Here's the pitch, in brief:

The Program is better than anything you've tried; better than therapy, hospitalization, hands-on parenting or the natural resillience and ability all humans have to adapt and learn. We've got the secret and it only costs.... how much did you say you had again? Never mind that, we'll find a way! All you have to do is sign this contract waiving all normal protections for yourself and your kid, fork over the money and then trust us while you don't communicate w/ the kid till we've done our magic trick.

They're selling something everybody wants but anyone knows can't possibly exist. Typical Utopian commune stuff. Just like WWASP or Jim Jones.

It's a damn poor mind that can think of only one way to spell a word! --
--Andrew Jackson


Well said, Ginger!  It's all about selling people something they want but doesn't exist .... e.g. "adolescence is a disease that can only be cured by the miraculous intervention of teen helpers who have a "calling" (gag me) to help families heal" ....


Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 12, 2005, 11:20:00 PM
Posted: 2005-04-16 09:51:00  
 spies, food...swat,annoying...don't know why...treated like a fly....feel like I will die..come join us...your sure to eat..get feet against the seat...we all think she's neat..were sweet........HE needs to be pushed,hushed,,kick with feet....just below the cheek........swell....drinking from the more ASYLUM hell......dancing until she goes to jail.........AMF

HATE YOU ALL???..............HOW ABOUT CHERLY MAKING THE CALL???............such a lovely sort..............filthy, blood sucking whore she is....we going to take the money store...........good sport MARK?????
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 13, 2005, 08:43:00 AM
my child gained weight at the whitmore so there coulnt have been no food.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 13, 2005, 09:28:00 AM
Rat shit rice?
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 13, 2005, 09:55:00 AM
Posted: 2005-04-13 11:38:00  
 pipe line to TORT??????.whats next class?? him out...!!!!.......don't disrupt my thoughts......need more ritalin.gone to the store....on the ledge my love....GET three......make him food for you........dancing in my thoughts.........OH.......court case comming..........but we're just trying to help.....some are JUST COMPLAINERS your honor.........need expensive.........calling all ASYLUM MEMBERS.......AMF

Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 13, 2005, 10:35:00 AM
Imagine a child who has had no breakfast or lunch, and that child THEN being made to sit at the good ole Golden Corral and being made by Cheryl Sudweeks to watch all the other kids fill their plates from the BUFFET and eat and eat and eat---while this child sits in hunger and is not allowed to eat ONE BITE! That happened! Cruelty and no reason for that. None what-so-ever. Withholding food for punishment. Unacceptable!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 13, 2005, 02:16:00 PM
You can be malnurished and still gain weight. Girls gain because of all the carbs given in a poor diet. Boys lose because they use up those carbs so fast and without protein and vegies all these bodies suffer.
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 13, 2005, 05:13:00 PM
nutrition 101..........ok class, can you say TREATS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 18, 2005, 12:43:00 AM
i got one thing and one thing only to say. CHERYL IS A BITCH!!!!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 18, 2005, 04:06:00 PM
On 2005-07-17 21:43:00, Anonymous wrote:

"i got one thing and one thing only to say. CHERYL IS A BITCH!!!!"

You have a lot of company!!!!
Title: Bye Bye
Post by: Anonymous on July 18, 2005, 06:32:00 PM
Can't go to jail for being a bitch, but sure can for abusing kids!