
General Interest => Open Free for All => Topic started by: Botched Programming on September 03, 2010, 01:53:44 PM

Title: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Botched Programming on September 03, 2010, 01:53:44 PM
Back in the 60's and 70's the art of protesting was alive and well. Musicians would even write songs describing their views and the airwaves were constantly getting their message out. Protestors showed their courageousness, they were committed, they would get beaten and put in jail for their beliefs. They stood united, they spent time making protest signs and would strategically get together and demonstrate on behalf of what they believe, and believe fully strength is in numbers.

Today protestors have gotten soft or forgot what protesting is. Today protestors sit behind a computer screen where they are just mere words on a computer screen, faceless nameless words. Our musicians are not writing words that enspire us to get up and yell and scream at the top of our lungs that the issue is unethical.. Today's protestors sit behind the mask of their computer and their plight is minimized.

I am so glad there are activist groups such as Green Peace who still know how to protest, these people stand up yell, scream and will not be silent. These people are willing to put theirselves in harms way. They are willing to make sacrifices, and their words are heard loud...

Just some random thoughts.

Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 03, 2010, 02:04:13 PM
Maybe we could whine and sigh just a little louder. That might help.
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Botched Programming on September 03, 2010, 02:16:56 PM
Freedom of assembly or association

The right to form groups, to organise and to assemble together with the aim of addressing issues of common concern is a human right. The ability to organise is an important means by which citizens can influence their governments and leaders. The right to freedom of association and assembly is protected in international and regional human rights treaties. These rights are applicable to any issue. Mass protest is a potent symbol of the exercise of this right.

Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 03, 2010, 02:21:25 PM
But seriously, The days of the protesters were over a long time ago. When the youth (and I mean teenagers, collage kids)  had to grow up and join the real world.I think of myself as older (54), but hell that made me all of 11 years old 1n 1967.
That was the "summer of love" Sgt pepper came out. But what the hell does an 11 year old know. My generation has grown up more worried about the lot rent at the trailer park. The old lady's got kids hangin' from every tit. They would probably be quicker to protest the price of cable t v, than to worry about the  ozone layer or the whales. Only the nieve and idolistic have time or energy for such persuits.(and again I mean teenagers, collage kids) Me,I have to worry about keeping mac and cheese on the table.
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Botched Programming on September 03, 2010, 02:28:03 PM
Quote from: "none-ya"
But seriously, The days of the protesters were over a long time ago. When the youth (and I mean teenagers, collage kids)  had to grow up and join the real world.I think of myself as older (54), but hell that made me all of 11 years old 1n 1967.
That was the "summer of love" Sgt pepper came out. But what the hell does an 11 year old know. My generation has grown up more worried about the lot rent at the trailer park. The old lady's got kids hangin' from every tit. They would probably be quicker to protest the price of cable t v, than to worry about the  ozone layer or the whales. Only the nieve and idolistic have time or energy for such persuits.(and again I mean teenagers, collage kids) Me,I have to worry about keeping mac and cheese on the table.

Me for one.. I refuse to let myself to become a pasifist.. Hence part of the reason I pass out flyers at AA Meetings.. Hell we need to protest in front of treatment centers... Want a liberating feeling protest openly.

Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 03, 2010, 02:34:38 PM
I don't want to start another pissin' match here, (enough of those here already) But do you mean to tell me that if you hand out 1000 flyers, and 1 guy goes "hey your're right AA is bullshit". And he starts drrinking again,youu would feel good about that?
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Botched Programming on September 03, 2010, 02:39:34 PM
Quote from: "none-ya"
I don't want to start another pissin' match here, (enough of those here already) But do you mean to tell me that if you hand out 1000 flyers, and 1 guy goes "hey your're right AA is bullshit". And he starts drrinking again,youu would feel good about that?

Don't matter to me either way... He has freedom of choice... Not forcing my belief on him... My good feeling comes from knowing I am doing the right thing by getting my info out... My protest is thus far a peaceful one.
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 03, 2010, 02:44:45 PM
So what are you promoting, Pro drinking, or just non AA?
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Maximilian on September 03, 2010, 02:54:54 PM
Quote from: "Botched Programming"
I am so glad there are activist groups such as Green Peace who still know how to protest, these people stand up yell, scream and will not be silent. These people are willing to put theirselves in harms way. They are willing to make sacrifices, and their words are heard loud...

Have you ever seen that show Whale Wars or read about the organization called Sea Shephard? I think they are very brave to risk their lives to save whales, and I do admire people who stand up for what they believe in.
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Botched Programming on September 03, 2010, 03:01:46 PM
Quote from: "Maximilian"
Quote from: "Botched Programming"
I am so glad there are activist groups such as Green Peace who still know how to protest, these people stand up yell, scream and will not be silent. These people are willing to put theirselves in harms way. They are willing to make sacrifices, and their words are heard loud...

Have you ever seen that show Whale Wars or read about the organization called Sea Shephard? I think they are very brave to risk their lives to save whales, and I do admire people who stand up for what they believe in.

They are directly tied in with Green Peace and yes I admire those guys to the fullest...  To be honest I would love to have the opportunity to join them...
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Botched Programming on September 03, 2010, 03:01:48 PM
Quote from: "Maximilian"
Quote from: "Botched Programming"
I am so glad there are activist groups such as Green Peace who still know how to protest, these people stand up yell, scream and will not be silent. These people are willing to put theirselves in harms way. They are willing to make sacrifices, and their words are heard loud...

Have you ever seen that show Whale Wars or read about the organization called Sea Shephard? I think they are very brave to risk their lives to save whales, and I do admire people who stand up for what they believe in.

They are directly tied in with Green Peace and yes I admire those guys to the fullest...  To be honest I would love to have the opportunity to join them...
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 03, 2010, 03:10:07 PM
I'd like to see 1 of your flyers.
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Botched Programming on September 03, 2010, 03:18:40 PM
Quote from: "none-ya"
I'd like to see 1 of your flyers.

In given time my brother..... Trust must be built.. you understand... Rome was not built in a day..
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 03, 2010, 03:21:11 PM
You don't trust me but you'll hand a flyer to a complete stranger on the street? Sup wi dat?
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 03, 2010, 06:39:53 PM
I kinda' knew you had nothin'. There are plenty of other things to be passionate about, but promoting alcoholism? May as well join Max , and root for the whales.
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 03, 2010, 07:05:50 PM
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Botched Programming on September 03, 2010, 07:26:33 PM
Quote from: "none-ya"
I kinda' knew you had nothin'. There are plenty of other things to be passionate about, but promoting alcoholism? May as well join Max , and root for the whales.

Get all huffy because you don't have TIME to build trust... TIME broke down means Things I Must Earn... Just like the Rolling Stones said "You don't always get what you want, but you might find sometimes you get what you need"

Be back in about an hour... AA meeting getting ready to start up the road and I gotta get my flier on the windows by 8:15 while they are opening the meeting.

Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 03, 2010, 07:33:40 PM
Now I'm the who. Sorry you got that one 100 0/0 wrong. Like I said, you've got nothing. (execpt maybe beer).
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: shaggys on September 03, 2010, 07:40:33 PM
I appreciate the copy of the flyer you just sent me via email Botched. I dont know why none-ya is being so demanding about it right now. Damn dude chill, I'm sure Botched will get around to it when he feels like it.
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 03, 2010, 10:26:16 PM
I am simply courious of the message.I guess it's an inside joke. (wink wink,secret handshake).
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Botched Programming on September 03, 2010, 10:50:01 PM
Quote from: "none-ya"
I am simply courious of the message.I guess it's an inside joke. (wink wink,secret handshake).

No inside joke... Read your PM I sent you and maybe it will be clearer.

Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 03, 2010, 10:59:51 PM
I think I get it.[attachment=0:1bnwo6pf]protest 2 copy.jpg[/attachment:1bnwo6pf]
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 03, 2010, 11:25:16 PM
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 04, 2010, 12:23:02 AM
[attachment=0:2q697hqi]churchsign 2.jpg[/attachment:2q697hqi]
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Botched Programming on September 04, 2010, 12:29:58 AM
Quote from: "none-ya"

Everybody... Even including you too Who... Take a look at the sign that none-ya posted... It is not just a personal vandetta for me as others all across this country are doing the same as me... Call me a radical if you will but it is not only me... Look deep within your ownselves as the truth can set you free....
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Che Gookin on September 04, 2010, 01:13:20 AM
Protesting Benchmark with psy was one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had with these forums. Once back in the US I plan to find a program, dig up the dirt on it, and protest the hell out of it on a regular basis.

What made the Benchmark protest so worthwhile, I spent all told about 3000 bucks, give or take, I couldn't tell you exactly as it was a while ago. For that 3000, benchmark got so psychotic over the whole thing, plus Psy railing away at them every chance he got with his website, that they tried suing him. In the end the 3000 bucks I spent, cost them far far far far far more in legal bills. They had to pay their own, and Psy's legal expenses after the judge told them to blow it out their ass.

Kids Helping Kids more or less got ran out of town by the repeat protests that kept the pressure on them. They ended up getting protested so many times that they probably could have set their watches by it, well that is if they had watches, I'm pretty sure they had to pawn their watches to pay their light bills towards the end.

Protesting programs isn't anything like protesting during the 60s. Protesting a program isn't going to automatically draw alot of sympathy and support. To get that you need to be willing to take the time to build that foundation within the community. Using things like the internet, mobile phones, camcorders, digital cameras, and websites are merely modern day implements which we can wield to great affect.

Seriously, if you want to protest.. Protest... lemme know.. If I can help in someway, I will. My means are far more limited now that I work in China, but what I have, I'm willing to give. Ask one of the PV protesters. The camera he used to get his videos came from me. I sent it to him with my regards and wished him good luck. Not sure what happened to the kid, but hopefully he's getting some good use out of that camera, it was a nice little number.

So again, if I can possibly help you, remember my means are limited, I will help you.

But god damn it, if you wimp out at the last minute over something trivial, that's bullshit.

Grow a pair.
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 04, 2010, 01:23:15 AM
We seem to have a consensus.[attachment=0:2g8keeak]FUCK AA.jpg[/attachment:2g8keeak]
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Botched Programming on September 04, 2010, 01:29:50 AM
Quote from: "none-ya"
We seem to have a consensus.[attachment=0:1aczyyvk]FUCK AA.jpg[/attachment:1aczyyvk]


You go bro....
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: psy on September 04, 2010, 01:44:21 AM
Quote from: "none-ya"
We seem to have a consensus.[attachment=0:1v1f6e0i]FUCK AA.jpg[/attachment:1v1f6e0i]
I don't think that's quite the point.  Taking a "pro-drinking" stance isn't going to sway many who want to quit.  How about "AA is not the only way" or "be S.M.A.R.T. you're not powerless" (as in the alternative to AA).

Some people are quite simply better off not drinking.  They never learned good habits and they never learned the self control to moderate.  She's  For them it's simply easier not to drink at all, and that's fine...  And if they feel they could use help quitting there are alternatives to AA.  There are also approaches such as MM which can help people learn the moderation skills they never acquired growing up.  I think that if you're going to protest, that's what you should say.  There are many people who truly believe AA is the only way.  There are many people who are simply not happy with AA.  Show them alternatives and give information about SOS / Smart meetings and the like.  Hold up a sign saying "court ordered?  talk to us" and if anybody asks, explain to them they can sue the state for referrals.  Enough lawsuits and the practice might actually stop.

Otherwise, if you take a pro-drinking stance you're just going to be mocked by the stepcraft practitioners as a bunch of drunks who don't want to quit.  Whether or not that's accurate is irrelevant.  That's what they'll see and you won't win anybody over that way.  Personally, I wouldn't even be hostile at all, other than to the idea that AA is the only way.

Not that what I think matters, but I would personalyl prefer if you guys protested actual troubled teen programs which abuse kids...  but if there are none in your area...  It's not that i'm saying AA isn't worthy of protest.  I'd just argue there are more worthy targets.
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Botched Programming on September 04, 2010, 01:54:52 AM
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "none-ya"
We seem to have a consensus.[attachment=0:39ni0vfv]FUCK AA.jpg[/attachment:39ni0vfv]
I don't think that's quite the point.  Taking a "pro-drinking" stance isn't going to sway many who want to quit.  How about "AA is not the only way" or "be S.M.A.R.T. you're not powerless" (as in the alternative to AA).

Some people are quite simply better off not drinking.  They never learned good habits and they never learned the self control to moderate.  She's  For them it's simply easier not to drink at all, and that's fine...  And if they feel they could use help quitting there are alternatives to AA.  There are also approaches such as MM which can help people learn the moderation skills they never acquired growing up.  I think that if you're going to protest, that's what you should say.  There are many people who truly believe AA is the only way.  There are many people who are simply not happy with AA.  Show them alternatives and give information about SOS / Smart meetings and the like.  Hold up a sign saying "court ordered?  talk to us" and if anybody asks, explain to them they can sue the state for referrals.  Enough lawsuits and the practice might actually stop.

Otherwise, if you take a pro-drinking stance you're just going to be mocked by the stepcraft practitioners as a bunch of drunks who don't want to quit.  Whether or not that's accurate is irrelevant.  That's what they'll see and you won't win anybody over that way.  Personally, I wouldn't even be hostile at all, other than to the idea that AA is the only way.

Not that what I think matters, but I would personalyl prefer if you guys protested actual troubled teen programs which abuse kids...  but if there are none in your area...  It's not that i'm saying AA isn't worthy of protest.  I'd just argue there are more worthy targets.

My comment was made ion a joking fashion Psy.... I would never put that in one of my Fliers.... The information I put is basically the same as what you were quoting... However I have not ever thought of using "You Are Not Powerless" That is a powerful statement.... May have to stand in front of the church on the road and hold a sign up so they can see it when they pull in then leave a flier... Thanks for the insight on a new tactic.

Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Che Gookin on September 04, 2010, 01:57:56 AM
You could always protest child abuse at a Catholic church. Plenty of those places have a pedo-priest or have had one in the past.
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 04, 2010, 02:49:02 AM
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 04, 2010, 11:00:14 AM
i'LL BE THERE![attachment=0:1p4raddv]ST. FORNITS.jpg[/attachment:1p4raddv]
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: DannyB II on September 04, 2010, 01:00:55 PM
Quote from: "none-ya"
But seriously, The days of the protesters were over a long time ago. When the youth (and I mean teenagers, collage kids)  had to grow up and join the real world.I think of myself as older (54), but hell that made me all of 11 years old 1n 1967.
That was the "summer of love" Sgt pepper came out. But what the hell does an 11 year old know. My generation has grown up more worried about the lot rent at the trailer park. The old lady's got kids hang-in' from every tit. They would probably be quicker to protest the price of cable t v, than to worry about the  ozone layer or the whales. Only the naive and idealistic have time or energy for such pursuits.(and again I mean teenagers, collage kids) Me,I have to worry about keeping mac and cheese on the table.

Of all the posters I have read so far None-Ya your about the oldest and the rest of us are 50, 51 and 52. My point we were all young adolescents learning from our elders. In case my older brothers and sisters. I have a sister who turned 65 this year. From her I learned about Al Green, Temptations, Bobby Darin, Tommy James and the Shondells, Elvis, my older brothers were into to the English wave of music, Beatles, Deep Purple, Eric Clapton, Jeff beck, Jimmy Page, John Mayall and the Blues-breakers, Manfred Mann, Stevie Ironwood, Donovan, Van Morrison, Moody Blues. American bands, Climax Blues Band, Muddy Waters, Eddie Cochran, Paul Butterfield, Mile Davis ect.......I then grabbed all of this and started my own journey with Led, Black Sabbath, Hollies, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Isley Bros.
My first protest was in 1969 at the age of 10, I went with my oldest sister to downtown Boston, to the Boston Commons (park) and I watched as she yelled and screamed at the Vietnam (Vets) soldiers that had come back from 'Nam. I did not like her doing this and told her so, she told me to shut up and learn. Well I did learn, if you can not stand behind the troops in war, feel free to stand in front.
I disliked the Vietnam war both my brothers went and I fretted everyday they were gone, they had no choice, they were drafted and in my house you went to war when called.
In 1974 when Nixon was being expelled and the whole story of Cambodia came out in the "Pentagon Papers" and "Watergate" was exposed my dislike for my Gov't was reinforced more.
Protest, by 1974 it was over, protesting had become dangerous, example; Kent State, I think America had enough of the killing home and abroad. All the hippies grew up to be yuppies and then grammas and grandpas.
"White" folk have forgotten how to stand up for themselves. Just look at the Hispanics 300,000 illegal immigrants protest and were watching it on the 6 o'clock news, they are getting what they want, Black the same thing, where are the white folk. Don't we care anymore, Oh, that's right we have the "tea party" with Glenn Beck.  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: DannyB II on September 04, 2010, 01:10:46 PM
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "none-ya"
We seem to have a consensus.[attachment=0:birno9qr]FUCK AA.jpg[/attachment:birno9qr]
I don't think that's quite the point.  Taking a "pro-drinking" stance isn't going to sway many who want to quit.  How about "AA is not the only way" or "be S.M.A.R.T. you're not powerless" (as in the alternative to AA).

Some people are quite simply better off not drinking.  They never learned good habits and they never learned the self control to moderate.  She's  For them it's simply easier not to drink at all, and that's fine...  And if they feel they could use help quitting there are alternatives to AA.  There are also approaches such as MM which can help people learn the moderation skills they never acquired growing up.  I think that if you're going to protest, that's what you should say.  There are many people who truly believe AA is the only way.  There are many people who are simply not happy with AA.  Show them alternatives and give information about SOS / Smart meetings and the like.  Hold up a sign saying "court ordered?  talk to us" and if anybody asks, explain to them they can sue the state for referrals.  Enough lawsuits and the practice might actually stop.

Otherwise, if you take a pro-drinking stance you're just going to be mocked by the stepcraft practitioners as a bunch of drunks who don't want to quit.  Whether or not that's accurate is irrelevant.  That's what they'll see and you won't win anybody over that way.  Personally, I wouldn't even be hostile at all, other than to the idea that AA is the only way.

Not that what I think matters, but I would personalyl prefer if you guys protested actual troubled teen programs which abuse kids...  but if there are none in your area...  It's not that i'm saying AA isn't worthy of protest.  I'd just argue there are more worthy targets.

Psy, I know it is that lump in your consciousness/throat that just will not go away. Com'on say it AA is OK, not worth protesting over, has never hurt anyone.
Thanks Buddy, I know it was hard but admission is always difficult.
Boy I can not wait till you grow up out of this idealistic stage your in. You will, don't worry.
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 04, 2010, 04:24:37 PM
Danny B wrote
"Beatles, Deep Purple, Eric Clapton, Jeff beck, Jimmy Page, John Mayall and the Blues-breakers, Manfred Mann, Stevie Ironwood, Donovan, Van Morrison, Moody Blues"

Who is Stevie Ironwood?
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: DannyB II on September 05, 2010, 12:28:36 AM
Quote from: "none-ya"
Danny B wrote
"Beatles, Deep Purple, Eric Clapton, Jeff beck, Jimmy Page, John Mayall and the Blues-breakers, Manfred Mann, Stevie Ironwood, Donovan, Van Morrison, Moody Blues"

Who is Stevie Ironwood?

Hell if I know, quit smokin ya weed and fill in "Winwood".
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: Botched Programming on September 05, 2010, 12:34:20 AM
For the most part survivors will admit that the lyrics will apply.... (

Ballad of Dwight Fry

Mommy where's daddy? He's been gone for so long.
Do you think he'll ever come home?

I was gone for fourteen days
I coulda been gone for more
Held up in the intensive care ward
lyin on the floor

I was gone for all those days
but I, was not all alone
I made friends with a lot of people
in the danger zone

See my lonely life unfold
I see it every day
See my only mind explode
Since I've gone away

I think I lost some weight there
and I--- I'm sure I need some rest
Sleepin don't come very easy
in a straight white vest

Should like to see that little children
She's only four years old--- old
I'd give her back all of her play things
even, even the ones I stole

See my lonely life unfold
I see it everyday
See my lonely mind explode
when I've gone insane

I wanna get out of here
I wanna, I wanna get out of here
I gotta get out of here
I gotta get out of here
Ya gotta let me out of here
Let me outta here
I gotta get outta here
Let me outta here
I gotta get outta here
Let me outta here
I gotta get outta here

See my lonely life unfold
I see it everyday
See my only mind explode
Blow up in my face

I grabbed my hat and I got my coat
and I, I ran into the street
I saw a man that was choking there
I guess he couldn't breathe
Said to myself this is very strange
I'm glad it wasn't me
But now I hear those sirens callin'
and so I am not free

(See my lonely life unfold)
(I see it every day)
See my lonely mind explode
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 05, 2010, 01:17:45 AM
Quote from: "none-ya"
i'LL BE THERE![attachment=1:b3ui479q]ST. FORNITS.jpg[/attachment:b3ui479q]
Fine I can do re-runs too[attachment=0:b3ui479q]ST. FORNITS.jpg[/attachment:b3ui479q]
Title: Re: The art of protesting is being lost
Post by: none-ya on September 05, 2010, 02:08:03 PM
OUR NEW MANTRA[attachment=0:9zgo5mj6]THE PROGRAM.jpg[/attachment:9zgo5mj6]