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Messages - Carmel

Pages: 1 ... 62 63 [64]
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!
« on: February 11, 2002, 01:22:00 PM »
I second that!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!
« on: February 06, 2002, 12:11:00 PM »
I agree, it seems like the people over there talk about Straight like they were still there, like a gossip column almost.  It just seems like one big re-hash that isnt necessarily helpful to anyone. Pro or Anti Straight.

I guess it serves their purposes...just seems silly to me thats all.  I could give a shit about what staff members were cool or not...blah blah....I guess that sort of stuff has its place...but I guess i just dont see the need to carry on daily conversations about it.  

Just my opinion.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / stuttering
« on: February 05, 2002, 10:50:00 AM »
I now have pronounced anxiety.  I did not have it before straight, although I think I did during the time I was there (who didnt?), but it was better described as pure fear.  It has gotten slowly worse over the years...I have pretty rough anxiety attacks every now and then.  I believe I am in a more or less constant state of anxiety to some degree, but I do recognize it and have learned to continue to be productive and functional without the use of medication.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / STRAIGHT books, screenplays, etc.
« on: February 01, 2002, 12:01:00 PM »
I dont know if this helps...but I envy you.  I always wished that I hadnt gone in so cowed as I did.  I look back and wish that I had been more resistant.  I think the people who didnt comply with the program had a little more upstairs than the rest of us.  

You were surviving, probably a lot better than those of us who just went along.  You cant be expected to be so accountable for the way you acted.  You were just defending your mind.  if that meant taking pleasure in others pain, maybe thats what you needed at that time to keep it together.  

We all did what we had to to keep it together....and now we can laugh and cry and talk about it all with a new perspective.  Dont feel bad.  I was to afraid to lash out, god do I ever wish that I had though.

There was a girl that used to attack me all the time, like you said....targeting people.  I fought back once because there was no one close enough to restrain her and she would have pummeled my brains out had I not lashed back.  I got put on a refresher for it.

I dont hold a single bit of it against her.  She was stronger than me.  Mentally I mean...she wouldnt let them and their insanity in. I cant really see it from your point of view...but maybe I can help you to know that what you were doing was not all that horrible given the circumstances.


Looking for any Dallas people.  E-mail me at [email protected], or leave a post!

Carmel Fales

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / i feel _____ about ______ because...
« on: January 10, 2002, 03:14:00 PM »
Wow, I havent heard any of that crap in years!!!!

I have one surviving MI that I wrote on a few damn coffee cups.  i of course caught hell for writing on the cups, but better that than  not writing the damn thing at all....perish the thought!!!!


I think I remeber were there when I first came in.  I think you were on staff.  Do I have the right Chad?  

I remember Tommy Weigand, Caesar Vinnegoni, (spell?)  Mike Whellum, Craig McGinnis  etc....

Do you remeber me?

Carmel Fales

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