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Messages - Max Greene

Pages: [1]
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Escapes-Smuggled messages
« on: September 02, 2001, 02:13:50 AM »
Re: Escapes-Smuggled messages
At St. Pete the parents are forced to be an integral part of the program. If a newcomer escapes they will not be able to go home since their parents will probably send them back. The staff and clients alike were uncanny in their ability to tell by looking at people if they are ready to cop out. The day I copped out I was actually reported by my newcomer as a possible cop out before I ran--wow, what awareness!

Also, if you are court ordered they will chase you down no matter where you go. We would see people who copped out months ago being brought back after hiding in swamps, malls, and one was found on a train going to Kansas City.

The police were always more than willing to help with the return of newcomers as well.

With my first paycheck from the St. Pete times I bought a bus ticket and hid out in downtown St. Pete until I could hop on the bus and on to Charlotte.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / straight
« on: September 01, 2001, 01:40:09 PM »
Re: straight
Do you remember Baxter Greene, Rick Godfrey or the Polo borthers? I was in St. Pete in 1983 and escaped after 10 months. I was working at the St. Pete Times at the time as a mailboy (I was on 4th phase). I took my first paycheck, hid out in downtown St. Pete until the bus left to take me back to Charlotte--and freedom! Remember the all night raps after open meeting where anyone who had to urinate had to do it in their seats? Man what a trip! (woops! druggy language again!)

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Anybody from Sarasota Straight?
« on: September 02, 2001, 02:30:17 AM »
Anybody from Sarasota Straight?
When I was a newcomer at St. Pete my brother was a fourth phaser at the same program. Early in 1984 he and the rest of the fourth and fifth phasers were taken to the Sarasota program to try and revive it. When my brother got back he said that the kids there had been abused so much that they had given up completely. No one was motivating during rap! That would have resulted in being sat on in the St. Pete program--but apparently the kids at Sarasota had completely given up. I think that particluar program closed soon after.

Does anybody know specifics about what happened at Sarasota?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Sugar and Flower
« on: September 02, 2001, 01:58:30 AM »
Re: Sugar and Flower
When I was in St. Pete the staff took sugar away from us because they thought we were too "wired" to concentrate.

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