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Messages - TigerEye

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Second post from CALO by Ken Huey
« on: July 14, 2009, 01:49:50 PM »
Psy, I absolutely agree with you! There are lots of community interventions to be tried, and we did (mostly against my kid's will, too, by the way - I never got his full cooperation). Let's see, some of the things that contributed to the placement decision were fire-setting (he was facing criminal charges when he was placed), violent threats against school personnel, self-harm, drug use and drug sales, truancy, theft, non-compliance with curfew, etc. I suspect it is never an easy decision to place a child residentially, but there you are - my kid was a threat to himself and others, including the family.

CALO - Change Academy at Lake of the Ozarks / Re: CALO CALO CALO
« on: July 14, 2009, 01:34:45 PM »
Quote from: "Another Brief Interview regarding CALO"
me: hey want to do an Interview?
XXXXXXX: yes i can do a interview
ME: ok.. question 1
ME: Can you remember one specific incident where a kid wasn't trying to hurt himself/herself or another?
ME: Where did it happen?
XXXXXXX: outside in the parking lot
XXXXXXX: a student was being playful and threw a snowball @ staff
ME: The parking lot is visible from the road?
XXXXXXX: that staff put her in a pcs hold immediately
 XXXXXXX: not really
XXXXXXX: its very hilly down into their facility and somewhat reclusive
ME: ok.. so let me get this straight.
ME: A young lady threw a snow ball at a staff member and was immediately put in a hold?
XXXXXXX: yes that is correct
XXXXXXX: she was being playful and laughing and in no way being harmful to the staff
ME: Did the staff member give her any sort of verbal warning?
XXXXXXX: i believe so , but was also followed with a direct PCS hold
XXXXXXX: she ended up with more injury then he did by her throwing a snowball at him
ME: The girl wasn't given a chance to follow the verbal directive?
ME: What did the hold consist of?
XXXXXXX: i can tell you of another incident where a female student was threatened to be put in a PCS hold just because she asked for a pair of socks , they made her wear socks to sleep in at night as her THerapist claimed she was self harming
ME: We'll get to that.
ME: first things first.
ME: what did the hold consist of?
XXXXXXX: the bent wrist hold and take down
XXXXXXX: obviously her face hit the ground as evidenced by the fact of how bad it cut up her face and nose
ME: ok.. when the staff moved in to do the bent wrist did it look like that hold posted on fornits?
ME: the one taught by the Flordia department of Public Safety?
XXXXXXX: except her face was torn up over it as it was on snow outside and concrete
ME: Did the young girl resist?
XXXXXXX: i don't think she did
XXXXXXX: as far as the technique they use at calo i don't think anyone is well " TRAINED " as they claim
ME: Even if she did resist does PCS call for an immediate take down to the ground?
XXXXXXX: you know the guy ( staff ) was twice her size i can't see any reason for him taking her down to begin with  he was not in a situation where he could have possibly felt threatened by this event
ME: But does PCS call for an immediate take down to the ground if being resisted?
XXXXXXX: yes sure
XXXXXXX: and  more staff would be called to get in on the dog pile ( figure of speech)
ME: ok, does the takedown require that the student be brought down in a manner that doesn't cause harm to the them?
XXXXXXX: thats like asking if talking on a cell phone while driving is dangerous , they can say one thing but in my opinion i was not seeing what they said practiced ( if that makes sense )
ME: I understand that, but I'm asking for a reason.
ME: Does PCS require the students be brought down gently?
ME: to avoid injury?
XXXXXXX: you know honestly i don't think anyone cares if the student would get harmed by the take-down so i guess i would say no to that question as after all the judgment is in the hands of the person doing the take down and very little emphasis is put on the gentleness of not harming the student in their training
ME: Ok so in training no emphasis is put on the kids being brought down safely?
ME: Who conducts these trainings?
XXXXXXX: caleb cottle
XXXXXXX: he is also their recreational leader
ME: And he makes no emphasis on bringing them down gently?
ME: Does he put any emphasis on avoiding a hold by verbally talking the student down before?
XXXXXXX: he claims the technique is efficient to bring them down apparently and not much thought obviously goes into if a staff decides to do it on pavement , broken glass ect.
ME: no i had a student tell me that is one thing she also hated about calo is they give the kids no chance to be talked down
XXXXXXX:ok.. So tell me about this other restraint involving socks
XXXXXXX: as they do in some of the other programs she HAD attended
XXXXXXX: well this particular student HER therapist had given explicit directive she had to wear socks to sleep in ( as claimed she was self-harming )
ME: ok.
ME: i can see how that might help her not catch a cold....
ME: err.. anyway.
XXXXXXX: she asked for a different PAIR of socks ( as the ones they gave her made her feet sweat at night )
ME: ok.
ME: and then what happened?
XXXXXXX: I heard staff tell her if NO she could not have a different pair of socks and if she kept on about it ---- they would put her in a PCS hold
ME: ok.
XXXXXXX: no questions asked
ME: ok, well that’s a bit psycho.
ME: I have more questions, but I have to go right now.
ME: so can I post this material up?
XXXXXX: I doubt it will follow me home
ME:: Are you sure?
XXXXXX: hold on let me read it, yeah go ahead and post it.
ME: Thanks, bye.

this interview was modified and redacted to protect the identities of the participants.

Hmmm...Very credible. An anonymous poster "interviewing" an anonymous "survivor."

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: WARNING TO ANTI-CALO MEMBERS
« on: July 14, 2009, 01:27:20 PM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Unfortunately a few of the sites I normally use to pass messages are blocked due to the latest round of Chinese government crackdowns. To those of you who this message applies, and you know who you are, be advised:

Ken Hueyis attempting to bait someone into doing something that they could get in trouble over. DO NOT post unless you are proxied.

Do not use your name.

Do use a public library terminal.

Do not tell anyone that you are posting.

I mean anyone.. not even your mom, your best friend, me, or anyone.. Keep your mouth shut.

Quite frankly it might be smart for you to avoid posting until the latest round of shennanigans from Ken Huey has passed.

And once I'm able to fully divuluge what is going on.. YOU the fornits readers... will be the first to know.

And believe me.. It's interesting...

hilariously interesting.

Huh? Last I checked my First Amendment rights were still en force...And my IP address can't be subpoenaed unless I do anything illegal (like threaten to kill somebody?)

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Second post from CALO by Ken Huey
« on: July 14, 2009, 01:20:27 PM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Dear Lizard Tits, aka Ken Hooey.

I know why you are posting here. It isn't going to work, unlike you, I'm not that big of an idiot.  We'll just have to wait and see what the future brings. We both know it won't be much longer.

As for Blombro:

CALO is every bit as toxic and disturbing as Thayer is and ever will be. You giving them any credit is a slap in the face to all of those kids jacked up in a bent wrist arm lock and thrown face first on the ground.

To the rest:

Keep in mind Mr. Ken Hooey has to protect his revenue flow. What businessman hasn't lied about his dealings to protect his profits? Don't be taken in by this scumbag.

Very nice and respectful language - Che. It is one way to avoid intelligent dialogue, eh?

One thing that comes to mind when thinking about the question "are kids free to leave" is this: are kids free to leave ANYWHERE? If my kid gets mad or upset about life in our home s/he isn't free to go. Also, in the public school they attend, they are not "free" to leave campus during the school day.

I have attended several of the CALO peer group sessions discussed earlier on this thread. There is no "screaming" or confrontation and if somebody doesn't want to talk, they can just sit there. At least two coaches are there to keep things respectful and on track, I suppose. CALO is not Elan or Family Foundation.

Most of the posters here disagree with the principle of RTCs in general, and are hell-bent to find specific "bad" things at CALO. Give it a break! And with regard to RTCs in general - if not a place like CALO, what do its detractors suggest instead? In our case it would have been jail or a lock-down psych facility.

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