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Messages - hann

Pages: [1]
Psych Hospitals / Re: Fair Oaks Hospital in Summit, NJ?
« on: July 02, 2010, 12:00:41 PM »
Stacey - I was in Adolescent Unit Feb-Jun 1986. My name is Heather. I'm not sure if i can place my memory of you - but I think I know who you are... I remember Erica, Krista and Melanie - and Greg with the long hair...and others... Its been a long road since then but really reaching my stride the past few years. I often wonder how kids I knew there are getting on in their adult lives.

I've been trying to remember the last name of a counselor named Denise who did the relaxation therapy sessions. Those were really beneficial to me. Do you remember her? And for all the Elvis fans out there... I had the 'pleasure' of her watching me shower because i was on "arms length" due to confessing I wanted to hurt myself.... yeach! ;)

My experience there fortunately for me was  positive - not that I was happy to be there or I enjoyed it -- but that being locked up kept me from progressing into more dangerous drug use and behavior. I know enough about myself now to understand that I function best with an imposed structure - which that place gave me. The staff introduced me to AA (which when I was ready for it, 5 years later, saved my life - I am grateful to have had that exposure at 17) and the Relaxation Therapy taught me skills which became the basis for a path of education and coping that continues to be a significant part of self care, everyday.

I was discharged after my insurance ran out -- obviously I was part of the system there along with everyone else. But, I was in big trouble back then and probably wouldn't have survived without intervention. It's upsetting to know that perhaps many of the kids were damaged by what was apparently a somewhat corrupt system. I know that other hospitals had strong reputations as places of abuse - I'm grateful I wasn't in one of those places. I'm sorry for anyone who was - or is - hurt, in any way, by these malfunctioning institutions.

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