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Topics - schacherer

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Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / getting abused at the whitmore
« on: January 27, 2005, 08:56:00 PM »
I recently posted a part of my story about the Whitmore. I was just reading some of the past articles about the Whitmore and I cam across one about abuse. While I was at the Whitmore I had kissed one of the boys there and we had a marathon group about it. The group started at about 6:30 at night and did't end until about 3:00 in the morning. The next day we were made to get up on schedule at 5:00. Anyways, after the group one of the girls Anneliese came up to me upstairs where I was in the closet room (where I was made to sleep for a week) and she said she wanted to talk to me. One of the things she started out with was "Cheryl told me to come up here and teach you a lesson, and she also gave me permission to do whatever the hell I wanted to  do to you because you and just a little slut and a whore, you are worthless and thats why you do things with boys" after she was finished talking she got real close to my face and spit in it, after that she slapped me on the cheek a couple of times adn then she punched me in the stomache. There was nothing I could do because no body else was around and this girl was about 150lbs or more than me. I was so scared and there wasn't anything I could do about it.
The next time I got in trouble we had gone to Lake Powell and while we were there I stole pills from one of the boys there, they were prescription pills that Mark and Cheryl knew about that he had in his backpack, anyway me and two fo the other girls took them together. When we got caught Cheryl brought us into a room and yelled at me, but the other two girls she said that she felt sorry for so she was hugging them and telling them that she understood. Then she made them leave the room. When they left she started cussing at me and then threw a stack of huge books at me. Then she came up to me  and spit on me and pulled my hair and practically threw me over a chair. Again there was nothing I could do.
There was also another incident with the boys, there was a boy named Tony in the program when I had forst gotten there, he got in trouble for something and some of the boys that were mad at him asked Cheryl if the could beat him up, and she said "what i dont know anything about it if anyone asks" so they took the boy out on the side of the mansion where they park the cars and they (dusty, rob, aaron, cory, brian, and a few of other boys just started kicking him and punching him and they got him on the ground and they hit his head on one of the cars and they were hurting him really bad. He couldnt do anything.
Cheryl doesn't care about anything but herself. I think she takes drugs that don't belong to her. In june of 2004 i fell off of my horse and i broke my ribs and sprained my ribs and i had a few pretty big bumps on my head, i got three bottles of pills, lorotabs, ibproufin 800, and perkasets. they are pain killers, well i didnt take very many of them because my mom said that they werent good for me and plus they made me sick so there were a lot left in the bottles. I went home in july and i moved back to Utah to live on my own in the beginning of August, i went back to the Whitmore to get the pills so I could send them to my mom and there was one lorotab left and about 3 ibproufins, and i wondered where did the rest of my pills go? I had asked Cheryl and she said she didnt know. How is this a good place to send your child when they are missing pills? Mark and Cheryl always leave their downstairs bedroom door open and unlocked, its not hard to go down there and get whatever you want, trust me, i know.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / i was at the whitmore
« on: January 26, 2005, 09:13:00 PM »
Hi my name is Leah, and I was at the Whitmore Academy. I arrived there on April 29, 2003 and stayed there until July 15, 2004. When i got out I wanted to go to college so I emrolled at Utah Valley State College. I went there for one semester and now I go to a Hairstyling College. I live in Utah stilll and I am doing very well and am very happy. I no longer do drugs or drink and my family and I have a great relationship. The Whitemore Academy seems like a gret place to send your child, right? Well it has it's good as well as it's bad. You may think that just because I was there and may not have liked it that I am just trying to talk bad about it, well, that's not what I'm trying to do at all.

When I first got there they were on a trip in LaJolla, California and when I got off of the plane Cheryl, along with a few of the other kids came to pick me up in a suburban that my mother had to rent for them. When we arrived at the place they were staying at, the first thing I thought when I saw the kids was, "when was the last time any of them took a shower or changed their clothes?" At the Whitmore Academy the schedule is a very good schedule except the fact that while I was there we had to get up at 5:00 in the morning and if we wanted to shower we had to do it on our own time, either before that or not at all. After a while you get used to getting up early so it doesn't seem so bad but when we have "group" until 2:00 and 3:00 the next morning it's extremely hard to get up and stay focused.
I was recently reading about brainwashing and one of the things it talked about was all the many ways to do it, one of them being depriving someone of sleep. It talked about how  police officers sometimes do it to the people they arrest. This was very interesting to me, because most of the kids at the Whitmore talk badly about the program and how they wish that they could go home, also about how they know someone there who is doing something that they aren't supposed to. Well when we all come together in group you know when your sitting in there that the kids don't think that you should be in trouble, yet once Cherly begins talking (after a few of hours) the kids all change their minds to what she is saying.
One time we were in group and Cheryl and all of the kids who don't believe in God to raise their hands, well I raised mine because I don't believe in him, I just wasn't raised like that. Anyway, after group I had asked her if I could call my boyfriend (who was 22 and not in the program) and see if he could come over, she told me that I could call him when I knew who I truly was. Then she hounded me about believing in God, she told me that I had said to her before that I did believe in him. Later that day I talked with my best friend Hannah about it she said that she knew that I would never say anything about that to her. I wanted to tell my mother about this but i couldn't. The phone conversations I had with my mom were great, except for the fact that I had to be fake, which is something Cheryl scolds you for in the program. Another thing about religion, I had never once been to church, as I said earlier my family isn't religous. And every Sunday I was forced to go to the Mormon Church. I hated going there because I felt like it was a cult nad like someone was trying to make me become Mormon. It didn't feel right at all. Cheryl always tells the parents that if the kids don't want to go to church they don't have to but that's not true at all, if you choose not to go you don't get the same freedoms or things as the other kids. It's like you get in trouble if you don't go. Well there is a lot more I have to say but I've been at school all day and I am really tired. If anyone has any questions or anything please e-mail me @  [email protected].

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