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Topics - -=Cadet=- HUMPHRIES

Pages: [1]
hey former cadets.... give me an email, i already got barekman and hayes (female) ne 1 else out there?

Thayer Learning Center / if you only knew.....
« on: August 19, 2005, 01:15:00 AM »
ok this is to those fucking pricks out there who, so self-indulged, simply, disconcern our cries for help. Some of what is said about TLC is, in fact rumor. But before you critisize us why dont you spend a week (minimum) or two in that shithole? my anger obviously, useless, but my sorrow and pain WILL BE USED AS A TOOL TO PERSONALLY MURDER ALL THE MORMON-BUNDY FUCKERS!!
killers......are quiet.

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