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Messages - OverLordd

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The Troubled Teen Industry / I used to hate people. but now...
« on: July 14, 2006, 12:59:45 AM »
I dont think its wise to have pity for a victim. Sure. Help them, feel bad for what happened, promise that it will ever happen again, but pity condicends against them and makes them less for what happened to them.

The Troubled Teen Industry / I used to hate people. but now...
« on: July 13, 2006, 11:22:26 PM »
Yeah, we should, thats pretty sad, a pityful example of humanity, but again, pity does not mean that you dont face the consiquences of your actions.

The Troubled Teen Industry / I used to hate people. but now...
« on: July 13, 2006, 12:52:53 PM »
Maybe I'm not explaining my self properly, let me expand my view so hjopefully some can understand. I view pity as worse than hate. You hate a equal, you hate a person, you hate and idea.

Pity is condicending in nature. You pity a dog that got kicked, you pity people whos own actions got them in their perdicament. You hold these people up to your children as what not to do. I would rather be hated than pitied. Pity is a much worse emotion to me than hate ever could be.

I think even Ginger, in all her benifience, would crack after a while.

Nope, b/c she would never be involved in one in the first place

I meant if she had to take care of tons of crazy kids all day.

Anyway, Anne, I think your coming at this through a completely diffrent world view than I am. I am talking about individuals, not their actions, and not the consiquences of said actions. I pity the person, the soul, not the actions, or the consiquences.

Joyce, I'm just commenting on what I feel for these sad little people that need to do this job to feel good about them selfs. Feel as you please.

The Troubled Teen Industry / I used to hate people. but now...
« on: July 13, 2006, 11:40:44 AM »
Explane what you mean, I dont know what your refering to.

The Troubled Teen Industry / I used to hate people. but now...
« on: July 13, 2006, 10:04:59 AM »
I am glad you let this one out of the bag and not me.

I dont understand what you mean TSW.

And Milk Gargling Death Penal, do you really think that these guys are that far gone as to not be effected by the death of a human being? Of course there are some people that are really messed up. Of course humanity is depraved, but not that depraved. I dont think they are far gone enough not to care about lives, or people opinions, other wise we wouldent have some of them defending them selfs on this board.

Ok, guest, you know, if you have been here sence I have been here, wouldent you think about getting a login? Your right about one thing, and I should of made this clear to begin with. But no matter how much their life bites, or how much I pity them, it does not justify their actions. Continuing on, don't say im not personally affected, never say that. I have lost 2 friends to these places, and I have been yelled at by the feds for my words against these places, as well as a list of other things. Dont think I'm not affected. I'm not declaring any peace, I still dont like the places. Your trying to put words in my mouth, so cut it out.

And get a log in!

The Troubled Teen Industry / I used to hate people. but now...
« on: July 13, 2006, 02:12:50 AM »
You guys, well most of you anyway, know me. You know my earlly posts, you know the hate I tossed around and the vitrol I spewed at people that supported programs and this that and the other. My promises to do this that and the other or whatever. You could tell, I really used to hate these people. Well, after about 3 years, of thinking, growing, examing, I can really say I dont hate these people any more, at all, not one bit.

I pity them.

Yes I pity them now. I mean honestly. Who wants that job? Who wants to be acused of abusing children for a job. Weither they are abusing people or not, its got to get tireing after a while. They have rabid dogs after them in the forms of so many support groups its mind numbing, and only the fractured nature of the groups keeps them from being over run. I'm sure the people that run the programs get up in the morning, kiss their wives, and pray to god they dont get any hate mail. What kind of life is that?
They have to deal with crazy kids all day, I mean honestly, if you were not crazy before hand, you will be after getting tossed away from your family into a place like that. Who in the world would want do that. I think even Ginger, in all her benifience, would crack after a while.
Come on, were call the ones involved in the deaths of students muderers, but how do you think they feel. "Oh holy shit! The kid died on me!" Do you think they are really that sick as to kill a kid in cold blood? Sure its mansalughter, but manslaughter is not murder.
Think about that for a second. Thats really got to suck! Your getting charged with manslaughter, your facing a lawsuit, and you lost your job. I pity that! Thats not something to hate. Thats something to shake your head at and keep walking.

Some people would say that im going soft, and that I got hit hard resently so im toneing down my retoric, but honestly guys, would you rather your parents be mad at you, or be disapointed. Its kind of like that. Its better to have a enemy you can be prideful infront of, and debate, instead of one that just pities you, and wants to see you change what you do, because not only does it suck for those that you do it to, but it also sucks for you.

But there are people I still hate, well... reject maybe... well... I dont know if thats a strong enough word either. I will figgure it out as I go along. But the people I still (strong word meaning dislike to the point of rage) are those that run programs in the name of God using the name of God. As a Christian I really cant stand for that and it gets my goat.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Boy Scout Summer Camp
« on: July 13, 2006, 01:37:33 AM »
I'm glad he dident try and hit you when you were working on rifle shooting or archery merit badge.

The Troubled Teen Industry / WWASP Training Video
« on: July 13, 2006, 01:28:49 AM »
While very funny, I really dont get your point.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Boy Scout Summer Camp
« on: July 10, 2006, 12:26:00 AM »
... You hit him in the head with a rock... thats alittle hyper reactive dont you think?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Boy Scout Summer Camp
« on: July 09, 2006, 11:26:00 PM »
Just came back from summer camp. It was my first year as an adult. I got to work with the kids for the first time as an Assistant Scoutmaster. It really really streched my paitence. As a SPL you could give push-ups, or you could wack the scouts upside the head well because your considered a youth to. Apprently you can't do that as an adult. Anyway, most of the kids knew me and knew who I was, and listened to me acordingly, some did not. One latched on to my leg and followed me around for most of the week. I got to teach young people swimming merit badge as well as rank advancement. We worked in the wood yard and I swear to god I thought I was going to die in there giving some of these kids tools. Anyway there was some other stuff we did to, but im to lazy to type it so ask and I will answer. The entire point of this was just. I got to see the impact that scouting had on youth, not only boys but girls to. (Venture Scouts) And how it helped them become better people, no damned TBS, but a honest to god Scout camp.

Excuse the misspelling its late and im tired.

Grow up, all of you. I did.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Where is the outrage?
« on: June 25, 2006, 10:54:00 PM »
I resently had a talk with a friend, and we discussed a friend that got in trouble. It was something minor, and the parents grounded the person in question. No big deal, but then my friend said. "Well locking them up issent the answer." And I said. "ah well you would be suprised how many people think locking kids up is the way to go, there is a muilt billion dollar industry alowing it." and she said. "Well that sucks." And went on with the conversation. We continued to talk and the conversation went on as normal. This talk just undertscored with me the fact that no one cares. Face it. No one cares about these kids. No one cares what happens to them. No one cares who dies, and no one cares about rights, humanity, whatever... God I hate people.

The Truth is a absolute and will lie where ever it damn pleases. The truth can be radically on one side or radically on the other side. The truth does not say " Well this guy has some good points, and so does this guy, so I think I will meet them in the middle" The truth , is the truth, simple as that.

Thank you deborah, your a darling.  :grin:

The Troubled Teen Industry / Catherine Freer Wilderness Camp
« on: June 18, 2006, 03:29:00 PM »
I used to think the same thing, but I really dont believe that any more. There is to much evil in the world, and the people that can do something about it, just dont care.

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