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Messages - nightcrawler

Pages: [1] 2
CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Rudy's new job
« on: September 19, 2005, 10:49:00 PM »
I wonder if the parents that send their kids to Waldorf in Santa Fe are aware of Rudy's past.  I think the parents are a bunch of sheep that are easily conned into thinking their kids are getting a superior education for $10K.  Instead they get Rudy with a questionable history and education.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Rudy's new job
« on: September 18, 2005, 10:08:00 PM »
Looks like Kim Rubin wasn't paying Rudy enough.  
OR perhaps the Ed-con(artist) market is drying up?
One can only hope!

The Troubled Teen Industry / MONTANA ACADEMY, MONTANA
« on: May 30, 2005, 12:23:00 PM »
Get a username and private message me.  You want some info on Monarch?  How about the lack of  accreditation?  I know of one child that ran away from Monarch just recently.  The "school" is a CEDU spinoff, with ex-CEDU staff running it.  They are following the destructive BM model.  Do you want a robot for a child?  
Your wasting your money, you can find better.  Edcon(men) recommend the schools their buddies are currently hiding out at.  Stop doing what Monarch tells you to do and say.  Have you stood up to Monarch yet?  Did they threaten you by implying your child will be worse off if you don't comply?  They will.

I'd like to add some additional requirements for those "professionals" that do the evaluations.  They should not be associated with the industry at all.  These Doctors and counselors have the programs best interest in mind, not the childs.  They should also spend more than 4 hours doing the evaluation.  Getting a second opinion would also be in the best interest of everyone involved.  This alone would prevent a number of kids from ever being sent to these places.  Once in a school, the original Doctor should be allowed to visit and continue with the evaluation.

My biggest challenge to getting custody of my grandniece was the 4 hour evaluation done by an on staff doctor who came to the conclusion she had RAD.  The doctor spent a 1/2 hour talking to a highly intelligent 15 year old, and 3 1/2 hours with placement testing, etc.  She doesn't have RAD, but I couldn't convince the court otherwise.  This Doctor also slammed me by saying I shouldn't have custody of this child.  He never met me, so how could he come to that conclusion without some heavily biased information provided by the parents and school?  Professional or a Quack in the schools pocket???

Of course my preference is not sending anyone to these hell holes in the first place.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Question on Education Consultants
« on: April 23, 2005, 07:30:00 PM »
Politicians call them "fact finding tours".  These Junket tours can be called many things, but it's still a kick back plain and simple.
How the Ed-Con(artists) decide what school to place is truly baffling.  I think a lot falls back on the good-ole boy network.  Edcons that used to work at one the hell holes sends more clients.  You'd think they'd have at least some ethics.  Such as not sending anyone to a boarding school that is licensed by the state for day school only.  (That's the case in the one I've been fighting with).

Check your PM.

Can you explain how this one works, or how they get the kids to be that way.  Would saying something like 'I hate anger, if I let it out I'll explode into a rage'.

Thank you so much Noelle & Ginger for those heartfelt letters.
You just reinforced my belief that I'm on doing the right thing.
Hang in there Noelle, I know you'll make it.


On 2005-03-16 07:47:00, BSarro wrote:

"It is a wonderful experience. The child knows he or she is on his or her way to a chance at recovery.A chance to live a better life.Hope for the future.On his or her way to freedom. To be free of the demons that the child is currently inflcted with.


Boy it's sounds like BSarro has actually taken that trip.  Otherwise how would she know it's a "wonderful experience"?  Now I know what the BS in BSarro means.  
I'm with the green guy,  :grin:  the daughter will be free of racism, hatred, & bias.  It's sad that she may end up in a hell hole, because the mother has problems.  I see the demon that the child is inflicted with is named MOM.  If the daughter has any issues, it's in knowing that her mother is nuts.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Rudy
« on: March 16, 2005, 08:58:00 PM »
Not sure if anyone is still wondering where Rudy is at.  He's working at Rubin Educational Resources in Santa Fe, N.M.


Rudy Bentz, Ed.D.
Director of School and Program Development,
Transition Coach

? Over twenty-four years experience in experiential and therapeutic education
? B.A. in Literature
? M.A. in Fine Arts in Creative Writing
? Ed. D. in Educational Leadership
? Developed performing arts program
? Headmaster at two therapeutic boarding schools
?Designed therapeutic programs and in-service trainings
? Developed and facilitated parenting workshops and in-service trainings
? Taught literature, rhetoric, and comparative religion classes
Consultant for individuals, public and private schools, therapeutic boarding schools, and educational and business organizations
? Facilitated board retreats and mediated administrative/staff disputes for businesses, nonprofits, and schools

Funny doesn't mention anything about being an authority on liver.

In most cases a "school psychologist" has a maters degree at best.  Maybe it's different in some states, but in mine they can't write prescriptions, they can only make recommendations.  I have a neighbor that is a school psychologist and he describes his frustration in being only able to recommend to parents what may be a good course of action.  It's up to the parents to take action.  If this "Licensed Professional" as Bsarro has them  labeled, has a Doctorate in psychiatry, then s/he is massively underpaid for their potential.  Or is such a quack, that working in a school is the only job they could get.

Taking in a tape recorder as Timoclea mentions is a good idea.  It's not admissible in court without their consent first.  But since the school has over stepped it's bounds, I'm sure that legal action is not what they want.  They want parents that are sheep.

Get a second, & third opinion before ever agreeing to what the school is saying.  Bias is everywhere in the medical and educational fields.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Tim Earle's NEW school
« on: March 11, 2005, 04:43:00 AM »
Is Tim Earle, Dan Earle's son?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Legal Inquiry
« on: February 12, 2005, 01:15:00 PM »
To the Anon who is worried about their sister-in laws son, may I suggest getting a 'Youth at risk' petition filed with juvenile court.  That way it's up to him to get into trouble, and then suffer the consequences of being sent to juvenile hall.  But please never send them away to those hell holes like CEDU.  
I would use the youth at risk as a last resort only.  Talking with him is very important before taking this step.  Grades slipping from A's to B's is at least still doing pretty darn good.  And a 7:30 & 8:30 curfews for a 17 year old is asking for trouble. I think it's time to allow him a little freedom.  See if he takes the responsibilty.  But again, don't consider having him locked up, taken away, not allowed any contact with the family and be subject to behavior modification torture, just because he's growing up.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / NWA Riot
« on: January 28, 2005, 09:37:00 PM »
Do you know the name of the counselor that broke the kids arm?

Also check your PM.

The Troubled Teen Industry / How about some damn ANSWERS.
« on: January 09, 2005, 11:08:00 PM »
Timoclea -- Check your PM

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