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Messages - The Angel Therion

Pages: [1]
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / F U C K censorship
« on: February 20, 2004, 06:33:00 AM »
Muahaha Im no homosexual...

 Why did you steal my identity ya fucktard..

 Oh well you can have it

Seriously though...You will be alright. Moderate your drinking...try to change/remove the things in your life that suck...unbrainwash yourself...

 Recognize the insanity and think your way through comes and goes..

 Theres something you need to do...find what it is and do it..and you will get better, I promise you that. :tup:  :tup:  :tup:

 Im me...or PM me if you wanna talk...I have lots of free time atm. And yes I do actually give a shit..regardless who you are..
 You sound just like me when you described that

[ This Message was edited by: The Angel Therion on 2004-02-18 18:03 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Oxycontin welcome to 2nd phase!!!
« on: February 18, 2004, 08:47:00 PM »
This is what will happen...All of the people abusing Oxys...will switch back to Heroin..

 Meanwhile the pain patients will get screwed.....

  /golf glap

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / F U C K censorship
« on: February 18, 2004, 08:37:00 PM »
Haha you are so right.

 Reagon, you are a sponge on the group!!! You are ungreatful druggie piece of shit!!!

 (can i get 4th phase now?)

By the way anon log in if you wanna talk shit...coward!! Put your name behind it bitch! And your anonimity is not respected out in the real world..
 Spits in your face*

[ This Message was edited by: The Angel Therion on 2004-02-20 03:21 ]

I used to do that shit too man..
I would Jeckyll and Hide bad and eventually quit drinking..

 And I dont even tell people about it anymore just "Nah I dont drink"

 Like If Im on a date or something happy...I can drink...but no more pounding alot of liquor just on avg night..........

 I sometimes would do that blacked out on pills too..

 Thats why I smoke weed instead...I have never freaked on weed...and it levels out my depression...(All you anti pot people can kisseth my ass too, fuck ya!)

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / NY Post
« on: February 18, 2004, 08:08:00 PM »
More pot...less speed labs make the world better place...Down with Anhydrous Ammonia!!!
Pull me out of body don't want it don't want in,Feeble frail and rotting descending
I'm lost in a structure that's collapsing don't want it cast into maker take the body
don't want it wants me

[ This Message was edited by: The Angel Therion on 2004-02-18 17:09 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / AA Deprogramming
« on: February 17, 2004, 07:53:00 AM »
Part of mastering life is the development of communication skills which will allow us to be as honest as we can be in a given situation, (honoring our emotions), to avoid building up the spiritual stress of living as a phony or people pleaser.
In many cases, for adults, it is socially challenging to be emotionally honest. But this is not so with young children. If you've ever watched babies, you will have noticed that they are fully emotive creatures. Any inconvenience, a late feeding, a toy she can't reach, a tiny bump of the head results in shrieking cries and full remorseless expression. Once the emotions are let out, the event is forgotten fairly quickly. By crying and expressing herself, the child has realigned herself emotionally and psychologically. The incident is forgotten and the baby returns to its natural, happy state.

Babies don't need drugs or drink to feel alive. They feel alive because they fully experience and express their emotions. While I am not suggesting that people wail like infants over food arriving late at a restaurant, I am suggesting that a full emotional life where feelings are honored and expressed constructively is the goal to work toward. Newly recovering alcoholics and addicts rarely know how to handle their emotions properly. There is a need to find the balance between social acceptability (not being a danger to self and others) while at the same time, honoring emotions rather than denying them, even if those emotions are profound. Infantile expression and utter repression are both extremes for which there is a high cost.

For emotion stuffers, AA does not set out to awaken their emotional worlds. Far from it! Instant "Serenity" is set forth as the immediate emotional goal for all members... serenity being an emotional state devoid of notable highs or lows! Members are taught to avoid strong emotions! Unfortunately, before one can even think about serenity, long repressed deep emotions such as anger, rage and grief must be dealt with. These feelings cannot be "candy coated" with any hope of long term success. Sadly, when members do experience strong emotions they may be shamed for having an emotional relapse, or labeled dry drunks. The state of Serenity, which is presented as emotional flatness, is unhealthy by standards of modern psychology. A broad range of deep emotions, appropriately used is what emotional health is all about! This is what makes life colorful, rich and worthwhile. It is unrealistic to expect to go through life without strong emotions. Life brings joy as well as tragedy. Such is the nature of living.

Because members try to maintain the precarious state of Serenity, but at the same time, are often hiding deep emotional pain, they are frequently living life as emotional time bombs. This is why expression of deep emotions is often discouraged in meetings. Members are to "work the program" on their strong feelings, so they don't feel them with intensity, and most importantly, so they don't express them. The fear is that one person's "time-bomb" (the expression of strong emotion in a meeting)... will detonate the entire mine field.

Instead of working toward the goal of finally opening the Pandora's box of repressed emotions which has been neglected by years of drinking, then fully experiencing and attaching the proper feelings to past life events, many AA members fail to address these issues at all. Why? For several reasons. Firstly, AA suggests that people "let go" of the past in a wave-of-the-hand type of gesture -- to get off the pity pot and focus on the "important" things, like passing on the 12 step "remedy" to others. Also, for many it seems too terrifying to go inside and face the demons of the past! Thus by failing to go back and grieving their own pains and losses, they never develop the emotional sensitivity which is needed to make life pleasurable and which will allow them to be able to empathize with the pain of others. This is why so many sponsors are lack adequate sensitivity. Instead of dealing with the scary past, members often learn to exist in the spiritual fishbowl of AA, riding on religious fluff and an intense social high meanwhile mistakenly attributing their deadened spirit to the "disease" of alcoholism. The intense social high and the rituals of AA keeps the flame from the fuse. Too often, emotions remain buried behind a facade of gratitude for the program and the emotional pretense of serenity.

Surely we can do better than this...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / dwelling in the past
« on: February 17, 2004, 06:00:00 AM »
Quote of the Day:::::: "Theres about three people in this world I really give a shit about, and you arent one of them" :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Monday 2 - 16- 04 am 4:50
« on: February 16, 2004, 06:18:00 AM »
Sedated and lazy
Cold skies full of blue
The sun burns forever
It reminds me of you

On your dead shore
The sand is warm
She hides her tears and quickly lets it die
I will make it through even without you
My sky will be blue
I live tranquilized

Slow motion, liquid universe
I'm feeling nowhere
It doesn't matter where we go because I already been there

On your dead shore
The sand is warm
She hides her tears and quickly lets it die
Their dying of rabies, eating their babies
In a fields of dead daisies
I live tranquilized

I'm numb  and unfeeling
So I just burn and stare at the ceiling
I'm here but so far away
I see your mouth moving but can't hear what you say

And I don't think I'd give a fuck...anyway!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Monday 2 - 16- 04 am 4:50
« on: February 16, 2004, 05:49:00 AM »
Hi all! I hope you all have a great day today..

Find one thing that makes you happy today, and do it at least once..

And be nice to people and shit...even if you dont want to..

I hope you all fall in love, get rich, and have multiple orgasms!!! For I am the angel therion..

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / the 13th step
« on: February 16, 2004, 05:38:00 AM »
You are very talented sir...

Wish I could do that.

   Good day to you all

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