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Messages - RMA_PG_63

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Sheila became the team leader for Genesis before I even got there in 94.  she was very loud and holy shit if you ever crossed her you could just forget  ever having an easy day

I was in pg 63. So did anyone have a positive experince at all or did everyone hate it?

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Jackson Culotta
« on: November 02, 2005, 02:25:00 PM »
I also knew Jack.  He was my team leader at RMA before he went to BCA.  I always knew him as a very caring man who truely want to help kids

adam i wasn't on your team but i remember you. i was in peer group 63. you can send me a private message if tou would like to chat.

Why don't you grow the fuck up. and grow some balls. at least i put my name to my opinions. how about you?  Own up to what you have to say.  You can call me what ever you want and say what ever you want.  The simple fact is that you are immature and aparently have no life if you have to sit here and put people dow. I never asked anyone to agree with me or even like what i have to say.  That's why it is called an opinion. So again I will say grow up.

I remember you. i just haven't had time to get on the computer. I sent you an email

I think that it is great that you had a good experience.  Not to many on this site have. But some of the things said are true.  The school doesn't prepare you for the real world very well.  You will have to learn that everthing that is taught to you isn't alwats for everyone.  Most people will think your crazy if you tell them all about your time at the school. Especially if you use the lingo. I talking from experience.  The first few months i did great then i hit rock bottom cause i felt like no one understood me and all they wanted to do was party. right now you might think that you have to only hang out with people that support you but you will find that most people your age want to try things.  that is what we do. and that is how we learn.  I fell into the whole if you can't beat them join them.  As you get older it will become easier.  quit a few people on this site do not like what i say but i am glad to see some one else that doesn't hate this type of school.  i didn't always like it and it was hard and painfull. but i got aalot from it and i am better person now because of it.

You and mudbone357 must have been there when i was there. 94-97 i was on sheila's team

I never said that cedu was for everyone and yeah some people just didn't have a good time there. all i'm saying is that it is possible to come away with more insite that you can use if you choose to.  and to the one who said that i am full of it that is your opinion which is fine but i know what i got from it and i use that to my advantage.

I have a life and a great one at that. and at least i don't hide behind being anoymous to voice my opinions. and no i wasn't brain washed.  i didn't agree with that cedu tuaght but as you get older you realize that some things do apply to you. so if you think about who really is the dumbass

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / The best part about CEDU
« on: August 13, 2005, 02:28:00 PM »
Personally i think SOME of the people that are negative about just choose to be and choose not to uase anything that was taught.  on the other hand i see how they can feel like that from the way i see the school was changed and the way the students were being treated.  i would never say that i love the whole experienc that i had but i choose to use the tools i was taught and it has made my life a lot better. i had a really hard time after i left. it got to the point where i almost died from putting so much cocaine up my nose.  when i left ai felt like i didn't have anything. no friends that understood what i went threw so i did what i knew from before to fit in.  after i made the choice to use the tools taught to me and not all of them just the ones that worked for me my life changed.  for the better.  so like i said it is all about choices.  and if you choose to be resentful then so be it but don't expect everyone to feel sorry for you.  and if you had such a horrible time whether it was abuse or meds etc. don't just bitch about it do something to help make sure that does happen to more students. get involved

When the Wasserman's own Cedu schools there was a certain integrity that came with the schools. All of the staff members when currently in or had completely finshed the whole program.  and when i say that i mean they put there all into them.  i remember a teacher that i had that when i graduated he was one of my best friends.  when i came to that school i hated everything about it until after several months i watch this teacher come out of his summit i knew from that moment on that i wanted that feeling and it took a lot of hard painful work but i got there. i took the hard way even after i left i did things the hard way. What Brown did to these programs and the way they just started to medicate everyone makes me sick.  That was not what CEDU education was ever about and never will be.  i would love to go back and help bring back the realmeaning of CEDU education but it looks like that no  one will get that chance now that this other company wwants to bring in all the Brown workers

I know all about the bans and restrictions.  I don't think there was ever a time where i wasn't on bans from someone.  I tended to hang out with all guys.  i must have done over 20 restrictions.  when i left RMA i was post grad and on a restriction.  That was the hardest part of the school for me.  when my peer group all left and i had to stay.  well truley i made the choice to stay because i was 18 at the time.  my parents told me that i could come home to their house with out a diploma.  so i had no real choice.  i did learn alot from that school but it took me a long time to realize that i did and how to use it .

The one that sold cedu schools in the first place should buy it back and try and salvage the name and what it used to mean.  Before i heard all the shit that was going on i wanted to go back and work there.  i would even still do that if they want to have the program like it was when i was there

it makes me sad to see what they did to these schools.The wholeconcept of the cedu educationwas great. now not all of the tools they taught were for everyone.  I had to learn what ones worked for me and those our the ones that i still use in my everyday life.  So what did you think of your experience there?

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