« on: January 15, 2003, 06:07:00 PM »
Let me see if I can explain a few things since it seems to be such a hot topic. I will do my best but I am sure once I do..
First since everyone is discussing it. Let me throw in my two cents on Fue Law. Hereafter known to me as Fue.
I do not believe you are an attorney.
Why? You ask, well ladies and gentlemen of the jury.
Do you believe that a lawyer would?
1) Have enough time to post here all the time.
2) Is it not odd that he ONLY shows up when the action committee does something to stop the abuse?
3) If he were a survivor and a lawyer and he felt that we could do something a better way, would it not make sense for him to suggest it as a professional would since that it was he claims to be.Would a professional attorney start out his conversations with very limited control and destine. Would a lawyer become almost beside himself at our actions. A lawyer who must remain calm in court and deal only with facts?
4)Where are the facts, has he presented any including his own name EVEN though a few weeks ago HE demanded our names. He even went so far as to say that because (paraphrasing here) we were anonymous our statements lost their crediability. Does that include him as well?
5) Did he specify any legal citing? No, he just said you cant do that. He did not cite Florida statues as we have done in our reports.
I ask you is this truly the behavior of an ATTORNEY.. I think not..
Now that we cleared that up..
Lets talk about this statue of limitations:
Lets talk rape: Here is FL Law on it.. might want to look this up Fue
In addition to the above, several states have no statute of limitations for prosecutions of the most serious forms of sexual assault, regardless of the age of the victim. These include Florida, Indiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota .
Now shall we move on ladies and gentleman to this issue of the past?
The question can you prosecute someone for say something like assault and battery committed ten or twenty years ago.
According to the statues. NO.
Could you say charge someone with medical neglect from say fifteen years ago.
According to the statues. No.
Umm, well if we know that, that why would we form a committee now? What could the benefit be, to bringing up stories from ten years ago or even twenty years ago.
In the case of criminal charges from the past, Almost none. That?s even true of civil lawsuits as they have a statue of limitations as well (you taking notes Fue).
So why do it?
Several reasons:
1) You could use the past twenty years to PROVE that this treatment modality does not work..
2)You could further prove since there wasn't one STRAIGHT NOT ONE that wasn't ACCUSED of abuse that this type of treatment ALMOST guarantees abuse. Twenty year history of abuse is a pretty compelling case against a treatment modality wouldn't you agree.
3) Lets suppose that in say 1983 you were tortured in Straight. You were aware when you came out as an adult that it was abuse and you filed a civil action against X staff member and the case went wherever. Now, lets say that twenty years later you realize that it was not ONLY X staff member, but now evidence exsist that proves that the State of Florida facilitated, allowed and condoned the abuse. Facts that were not available then. Well, the appeals court just might think you have a case. Maybe......
4) Now , why else would you build a pattern of abuse. Well, lets see if you wanted to prove that a particular person "knew or should have known" (that?s the civil legal test Fue) of the abuse and you did prove that , then you could also prove that this person condoned it and or chose not to do anything about it. Now, lets see if you knew someone in government office and you found out that they had supported not one year, not five years but TWENTY YEARS of abuse would you not be inclined to make darn sure they hold no place in government. Could that be another reason?
Now lets see what else could you do with twenty years of information ladies and gentleman.
Well, lets say program A is open .... and program B is closed and it closed under allegations of abuse with document after document of medical negligence, kidnapping torture for say over five years. but oddly enough its all the same people . If I came to you and said umm, these are all the same people , think we ought to look into it or perhaps these folks have totally changed. What are the odds that they have changed?
Now what else could we use all these tons of documents spanning twenty years for... umm
Ladies and gentlemen... this woman to your left named BS has her own day in Florida , thats right she has been HONORED for her work with Straight , well here is twenty years of documented abuse, kidnapping , medical neglect and the list goes on . That she (watch this Fue) KNEW OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN was taking place , you the jury get to deicide if she keeps her day. What ya think? Yes, or No.
Now lets see what else could we possibly do with all those documents from So many years ago. Umm well lets see if we use those documents,, what if ... lets just say that a person is now working with children. Lets say Miller Newton is working with children (relax he's not). Could we then as our moral and civic duty bring it to the attention of whomever. Of course, we could. Not only that Florida law says we MUST REPORT SUSPECTED ABUSE.
Now, I am not going to divuldge our whole plan here as that would be stupid.
We however do have one, unlike Fue apparently. Who not only doesnt have a plan but has only negative things to say when we do accomplish something.
As for are you emotionally ready to deal with Straight? Some are, and some aren't and for the some that aren't anyone with any compassion at all completely understands that including us.
Now I hope that clears up why, SOME documentation is necessary for over the last twenty years. We also collect ALOT of current or recent documentation.
Our goal is to close ALL abusive rehabs. Period.
Now I am no attorney , and my best guess is nither is fue but we do have one. I am but a paralegal
Hence our teams very chosen responses.
The prosecution rest your honor.
Your friend