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Messages - TigerEye

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CALO - Change Academy at Lake of the Ozarks / Re: CALO
« on: August 02, 2010, 07:53:18 PM »
Quote from: "Pile of Dead Kids"
No we're not listening Danny, because your dumb ass and this stupid bitch never have anything worth listening to.

Since you were both busy eating dick while the CALO ownage was going on, suffice it to say that they had something of an information leak. Three PDFs of "treatment profiles", all the staff, and all the kids' names were posted. That and their staff manual and, more recently, their restraint training manual.

CALO is basically HLA redux, so it wouldn't surprise me that there was also a whole lot of promises made that were never kept (like 'we will actually help your children') as well.

You're quite a classy guy, Pile of Dead Kids, judging not only by your language but by your profile name and pic.... but I digress.
All the kids' names were not posted, FYI. And anyway posting kids' mental health treatment history online could not possibly benefit them or anyone else, but then you wouldn't know that, your head being up your derrier the way it us. Who are you and who has twisted you all up, anyway?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Boarding School Pros and Cons
« on: August 02, 2010, 07:46:50 PM »
Hear, hear, Danny!

I'll say two things: first, I was forced to go to boarding school as a teen - it turned out to be a very progressive school in the Berkshires and it contributed to my delinquency as a minor, so of course I liked that! Now as a parent, I have seen some initially reluctant kids come out of programs with a different - positive - opinion after the experience, and some are actually grateful!

Also, I know many people who have had drug and alcohol interventions and were coerced into treatment. Of course that does not always work in cleaning up an addict, but often enough it does work ! Decisions sometimes have to be made for people either for their benefit or to protect society around them, and while they might not like those decisions at the time, they can end up saving their lives.

CALO - Change Academy at Lake of the Ozarks / Re: CALO
« on: August 01, 2010, 06:54:32 PM »
I am a CALO parent, and I don't know what the f*** you are talking about, George. CALO parents suing about WHAT? Uniting on what issue? Complaining to whom?

Oh, and as a complete aside, I sure wouldn't hold up the desire to litigate as apropos of anything - in our litigious society, we are ever so eager to blame others for any outcome we don't like, regardless of the reasonableness of the claim, and especially if there is a chance to make any money.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: CA LO completely changes website..
« on: August 01, 2010, 06:45:18 PM »
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."

Che, Nihilist, etc. - you are all ignorant.

CALO - Change Academy at Lake of the Ozarks / Re: Oh well!
« on: July 30, 2010, 08:49:13 PM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "funsize"
u havent gone through what the kids who are sent to calo have...i dont need to explain what calo does and how it works to u..i explain it to people who matter
You're right, you don't need to explain what CALO does and how it works. People here are trying to give you a place for that, but ... if you don't wanna, ya don't wanna.  :cry:

Prospective program parents are reading this board (apparently these people don't "matter"), and CALO's most fervent former-student advocate (thus far) is given the opportunity to educate them as to what their kid can expect and the how's and why's of it all, but .... s/he doesn't wanna. Oh well!

What hypocrites! Nobody so far has accepted what funsize had to say, they only challenged him. Don't lay a trip on him for not wanting to stay and take your abuse...

Quote from: "Che Gookin"
I suspect that Ken Huey is less after money and more after intimidating the parent population. At that time there was quite a bit of up heavel in the parent population and I'm willing to be he decided to go after Jenn's parents as a warning to other parents. Or at least that is one of his reasons and I don't view him as one of those uncomplicated sorts.

Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Perhaps one day you'll understand that being held in a PCS hold for five hours isn't help, its child abuse. Until you do understand it, please do not work with children in any capacity, for your sake and theirs.
OMG! What arrogance you show, Che.

Quote from: "funsize"
So this is the last post ima was five hours almst and they didn't keep me in a pcs hold the whole time..and to the parents if you want the information about calo don't come on here these people honestly don't know what the program can do for kids.and to the people who spend all there time bashing this place I hope life works out for you!
Funsize, I do appreciate hearing your perspective even if the hard-liners on this Forum don't want to believe you. I am really glad you benefited from your experience at CALO.

Che, how about listening to funsize and not dissing what he says? You might learn something. I find it interesting that he has a positive perspective on the experience at this point.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Second post from CALO by Ken Huey
« on: July 17, 2009, 06:24:32 PM »
Quote from: "M_Hilton"

what there saying is if your kid was doing the things you said he and others like him should be held apart from other kids how may not have as severe issues
this is some thing i have always had an issue with the public "special ed" system they put the kids with learning disablitys in with the kids that act out
and being some one that in that i can say it wasnt for the better

CALO and other programs have also said they will not take kid/teens with severe issues like the ones you said so this also brings up questions if they really can deal with it other then brute force

then theres the issue one size fits all again if they ARE taking kids like that then the kids there for other things on a more emotional level are going to get screwed in a VERY restrictive setting that may not be right for them

Lastly are there daily staff trained to deal with some one like your son which looking at there site i dont think they are; most are just "kids them selves out of high school
i know i wouldnt want some bestbuy rejects "helping" my kid god know what issues they could add on top of every thing else

bottom line it seems ether you didnt really look in to the place or were lied to or some of both ether way if i were you i would rethink your sons placement
even jail or lock down mental ward is better becouse then HE HAS RIGHTS THAT HE DOESNT HAVE AT A PROGRAM

You really have no idea about the place and therefore you don't know what you are talking about. You just THINK you know.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Second post from CALO by Ken Huey
« on: July 17, 2009, 06:21:54 PM »
Quote from: "bobpeterson1973"

If you did your homework, you would be able to answer the above questions within 10 minutes.  Why are you avoiding them?  I was told "Because your motives are dishonest. You have already made up your mind about me and now you are looking for more ammunition in order to condemn me. I am not accountable to you, Bob".  The name of the  person who sent me that message will not be revealed.

It was me. And my "real" name you do not know.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Second post from CALO by Ken Huey
« on: July 16, 2009, 01:16:09 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "TigerEye"
Quote from: "Guest"
OK, then. We have confirmed that CALO takes deeply disturbed kids like arsonists who are dangers to themselves and their families. Just wanted to get that cleared up so we can talk about CALO's population more intelligently.

Do they mix in more-or-less normal kids with the dangerous ones like your boy? Or is there a general population and some sort of special housing unit where they keep the really bad ones?

This is all any parent needs to know.  Dangerous population, mixed together, living together and untrained, uneducated "coaches" facilitating "therapy."  I'd run from this place.  This "treatment model" is crazy!

For those of you 'who' haven't noticed yet, "TigerEye" is not a CALO parent.

Right. Alot you know! Read back, knucklebrain.
And btw, what is "normal," anyway? Are YOU "normal?"
And for the purposes of argument, why would you case so much about my identity?

Well, because it speaks to your motive for defending the indefensible.  Once more, you are asking us to believe two mutually exclusive pieces of information:  One, that your kid is so dangerously deranged that he would be appropriately placed in a lock-down psych ward or in prison (your words, not mine); and two, that CALO is a safe environment, free from dangerous attendees (Ken Huey's words, not mine).

Obviously, your kid a is dangerous.  Arson is a dangerous crime with a potential for many fatalities in dorm-style housing.  It also happens to be very, very highly correlated with sexual abusers.  Considering that CALO accepts these very dangerous types, it's hard to reconcile why any parent would send a "struggling teen" there, as it seems to be populated with dangerous and potentially deadly offenders.

I just want you to characterize CALO fairly.  It cannot be both a safe environment for struggling teens and suitable for kids who belong in prison or lock-down psych wards, as you stated your kid does.  

I'm just pointing out your logical fallacies here.  Don't shoot the messenger.

I never said my kid "belonged " in prison or a psych ward. I said that is where he would have ended up. My child is a good kid who needs the kind of environment and the help that CALO offers. Like it or not...

And the correlation is between firesetting behavior in kids and being a VICTIM of sexual abuse, physical abuse or neglect, fyi.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Second post from CALO by Ken Huey
« on: July 16, 2009, 12:55:54 AM »
You guys have totally lost me...I don't know what the hell you are talking about on this thread anymore...Let's see, earlier somebody said that kids shouldn't be sent to residential unless they are dangerous to themselves or others. I responded that in my kid's case, and in most cases at this RTC that was true. Then I explained that "dangerous" in terms of behavior in the general outside world is different than what might be expected in a controlled, therapeutic environment. The community resources, the parents, the schools can't keep these kids (or themselves) safe.
Then somebody said that "dangerous" kids like mine should be kept separate from the "normal" ones. Then nobody could define normal. Then there was a lot of speculation about who I am, why I don't answer all of the "pointed" questions with which bobpeterson would like to pin me against the wall, since I am supposedly such an evil bitch of a parent. And then it was that either Ken or I were lying.

WTF! I have lost interest in this supposed "dialogue"...

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Second post from CALO by Ken Huey
« on: July 15, 2009, 11:15:07 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
OK, then. We have confirmed that CALO takes deeply disturbed kids like arsonists who are dangers to themselves and their families. Just wanted to get that cleared up so we can talk about CALO's population more intelligently.

Do they mix in more-or-less normal kids with the dangerous ones like your boy? Or is there a general population and some sort of special housing unit where they keep the really bad ones?

This is all any parent needs to know.  Dangerous population, mixed together, living together and untrained, uneducated "coaches" facilitating "therapy."  I'd run from this place.  This "treatment model" is crazy!

For those of you 'who' haven't noticed yet, "TigerEye" is not a CALO parent.

Right. Alot you know! Read back, knucklebrain.
And btw, what is "normal," anyway? Are YOU "normal?"
And for the purposes of argument, why would you case so much about my identity?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Second post from CALO by Ken Huey
« on: July 15, 2009, 03:24:12 AM »
Who are you, the Grand Inquisitor? Or is this a job interview...

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