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Messages - RobertBruce

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So we can agree that I stated that many are paperwork issues. I wanted to establish this first. Now also there are safety issues, too. These have been documented by the DHS and the school has time to impliment corrective action. This is how the inspection process works. There are also Training issues which were found.

The only thing we can agree on is that programmies like yourself aren't concerned about safety for kids whenever it affects the bottom line. You claim the program is implementing corrective action, yet how many times has this happened just at RC alone? You can't dismiss them all. As much as it burns Buchi up people from the state are going to keep coming, and we're going to keep posting these safety violations.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I agree with oversight  (and sometimes am on the fence regarding it), it can lead to a safer industry,  just like forcing people to get a drivers’ license leads to safer roads.  But the license and tests dont necessarily make me a better driver so if they didn’t force me to take the test then I would probably opt out of it.  If the DHS wanted to inspect my home and interview my kids on a monthly basis I would probably fight against it.  Overall it may make kids safer in the state but I feel I do a good job and therefore would fight against it and not document every time my kid fell down the stairs or I had to spank him etc.

So I do see the value in oversight but I also see why schools and programs fight against it.  They don’t feel the DHS is making the kids safer in their particular school.

So you feel that routine inspections and additional paperwork is not worth adding safety for a child.

You used these same bad analogies several years ago, they were no better then they are now. If you own a program you aren't raising your kids, you're being paid to raise someone elses, and thus are under closer scrutiny. Just as the health department isn't going to come into your kitchen and fine you for something they might fine a business owner for. A private home where a parent raises his own child is not the same as a program owner taking on respondsibility for other peoples children.

Are you having trouble understanding that?

Whether a programmie sees it a certain way or not does nothing to change the fact that oversite does make things safer, and even if routine inspections are a pain in the ass, the fact remains the same. If safety is a priority for these guys, why wouldnt they just grin and bear it? Why fight against it?

I read through the above post several times and did not see where I said anything about safety issues. I said Many of the citings of the DHS has to do with Paper work issues.

The fact that you didn't say it is the problem. These are safety issues, and you're attempting to downplay by claiming they are merely paperwork issues. No different then your earlier attempts to define sexual assault as flirting. Again, typical programmie mindset.

I can see why you get so angry all the time.

Over what? I'm winning the argument while you're fumbling for excuses.

You tend to read things that are not there,Bruce, that is why I am taking this a little piece at a time so that you understand what I am saying.

Oh is that why you need to pick and choose what you can and cannot respond to? I just assumed it was because you don't have an answer to give. I'll look forward to you going back and responding to the remainder of my earlier questions and comments.

I would guess that many programs feel they can monitor the children themselves and don’t feel they need for regulation and inspections.

Oversite and regulation create a safer environment. Why would any programmie oppose this unless he simply didn't care?

Most of us feel we are doing a good job raising our kids and would not want DHS visiting us all the time and telling us how we can discipline our children and how to report and document each event. Its a pain in the ass.

The state assumes that a parent loves their child and will do what's right for them. It's only when a problem occurs they have to step in. A program owner is not raising his own kids, he's been paid by someone else to do it for them. Because he's running a business he's subject to a more watchful eye, and rightfully so.

How many of us would go get a driver’s license if we were not forced to get one. If we didnt have one it would not mean we were poor drivers.

And if we weren't required to get a drivers license it would mean anyone would be free to operate a car, making the roads that much more dangerous. Regulation and oversite lead to control and safety. Something I would imagine most parents would be in support of when it comes to their children.

So then again, if we know that oversite leads to a safer program, why do programmies like Buchi oppose it unless they simply don't care?

Lets try it again. Self mutilation, sexual assault, retaliation are not paperwork issues. The failure to document them properly are paperwork issues. If a child attacks another child and the program does not document the incident properly then this is a paperwork issue. Many of the citings of the DHS has to do with Paper work issues.

So now you're saying that they aren't safety issues. Still pretty sick Whooter. Since they aren't reporting these numerous incidents, there's way of of knowing what corrective action was taken, and what steps are being taken to ensure that the same problems don't occur again. What reasons would they have for not reporting the incidents? Again you are talking about something that a child in public school could be expelled for.

I said the majority of issues seem to be paperwork, training issues.

So you still equate sexual assault, retaliation, and self mutilation as paperwork issues. Again, pretty sick, but pretty par for the course when it comes to the mentality of a programmie such as yourself. You people believe anything and everything should just be swept under the rug. Does that lead to a safe environment?

I never claimed that programs should not document everything. I think it is one of the strengths of the industry, especially the ones under regulation.

Then why did programmies like Buchi fight tooth and nail against even allowing agencies like the ORS onto the property? He operated for years without any oversite or regulation. Lied and claimed everything was above board until we forced regulation on him much to his chagrin. Since regulation leads to a safer program, why do so many programmies still fight against it?

I wish public schools detailed every event like program have to.

Can you cite some source showing what public schools are and are not required to report to state agencies? In the meantime public schools are kept in check by school boards, DOE's, PTO's, the media, and the students themselves. Programs seek to operate within a bubble while they self govern. Whooter, which do you believe of those two options is safer?

I was saying that the knee jerk reaction for most places would be to not report every event unless they had too or unless it would lead to helping the child or the profit margin.

Helping the profit margin is all these places ever care about. They don't report these types of events to state agencies or to parents for that exact reason. What parent is going to pay tens of thousands of dollars to leave their child in a place where their kid gets tea bagged at night?

I don’t know specifically RCS’ motivation but I would think the natural reaction would be to handle the issues privately the best they can. The knee jerk reaction would be not to report incidences if they didn’t feel they needed to or if the report would add value or help.
The majority of the issues from the inspection reports seem to be paperwork related and training.

You think children being molested and assualted is an issue of paperwork and training? What's wrong with you. First you claim that programs are great because you think they document every event and now you claim they shouldnt if they dont add value or help.

Which is it?

News Items / Re: Current Events
« on: December 27, 2010, 05:46:17 PM »
Do you realize how many readers think that programs brainwash kids and perform torture on them

You say this as if it wasn't true.

I can see why schools fight against having to be regulated and document each event down to every detail.


So you justify programmies attempts to avoid regulation and oversite because you believe a child's safety is not worth the paperwork. That's pretty sick Whooter, although a pretty accurate assesment of how programmies feel.

One of the points I was trying to make was that programs document every event where as public schools do not.

Programs like this one document very little as seen by the earlier violations discussing that very issue. Public schools have the added benefit of simply calling the parents, or if they don't, they are still always being kept in check by the child having the freedom to tell their parents themselves. Something programs seek to avoid and control.

Kids cut themselves in public schools all the time and just roll their sleeves down so no one can see it and if a kid grabs another kids ass in the hallway or makes unwanted sexual advances they dont document every case and report it to the police or DHS.

Neither do programs apparently, or if they do they take their time. Ridge Creek recieved a violation due to the fact that they didnt report it as required. They simply attempted to sweep it under the rug, and pretend it was no big deal.

I wish more schools had the manpower and could record this much detail and watch the kids this closely.

Watch the kids more closely? Where was the night security while this kid was being molested? Where were the kids 'counselors'? The sad part is the worst this kid would not have been removed permanetly and will remain a danger. Meanwhile if a incident like that happened in public school and came to light, the offending party would be expelled making the school a safer place. Too bad Buchi sees every kid as a walking check, and won't turn any away no matter how dangerous they are.

All the more reason why public schools are safer, they embrace transperancy and accountability. Meanwhile programs like these still try and resist it. Why wouldn't the school report the incident to the police? Amazing how much you can find out from these reports. Makes you wonder why Buchi and all his NATSAP pals fought tooth and nail for so long against oversite and inspections.

1) Review on 11/23/2010 at 8:00 am of intake report, submitted on 11/8/2010, revealed that on
11/4/2010 at 10:00am, Resident #1 reported to staff that on 10/29/10 Resident #2 got into his/her
bed and performed a sexual act on him/her. This report stated that Resident #1 said Resident #2
threatened him/her if he/she told anyone.
2) During interview with Staff A on 11/23/2010 at 3:15 pm, he/she stated that this incident was
reported outside the 24 hours requirement because he/she didn't think the incident was
reportable until after the police were involved

More examples of the efforts of RC staff to sweep blatent safety violation under the rug.


Feed Your Head / Re: NATSAP staying strong in todays economy.
« on: December 27, 2010, 12:35:27 PM »
Welcome to the deck of the Titanic ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy our violinist Whooter while you climb into your life boats.

Whooter any word on a link to these financial claims you're making?

Feed Your Head / Re: NATSAP staying strong in todays economy.
« on: December 27, 2010, 09:16:00 AM »
Welcome to the deck of the Titanic ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy our violinist Whooter while you climb into your life boats.

Whooter any word on a link to these financial claims you're making?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Public School and Program Abuse
« on: December 26, 2010, 02:23:15 PM »
Everyone understands you have difficulty with reading comprehension but the rest of the class understands you were banned for flooding and spamming. Try and catch up son.

All done Whootie. Now Anne is still waiting on you to answer her question. Why did you lie and claim she had been placed in straight for having 'unprotected sex'?

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