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Topics - A friend in FL

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The Seed Discussion Forum / Moral Inventories
« on: November 11, 2002, 12:35:00 AM »
Hi everyone, A couple of weeks ago I was going through my dusty closet and found an old black sachel. It was full of my Moral Inventories from 1974-75.  I began reading through them and found them very disturbing. What I found that most disturbing was that the "parroting" I did in the raps extended into my own journaling.  It is true that our inventories were read by our Oldcomers. However, I do not think that I was just "preaching to the choir".  I was beleiving the garbage. It is very sad when something that is so close to a diary in nature, is a collection of myths. I was unable to be true to myself.

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