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Messages - Guest44431444

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« on: July 08, 2009, 05:15:48 PM »
I am absolutely in disbelief that you had the nerve to try and discredit me and my experience at AARC when you have not even been through the front door.

If you've never been put into AARC, Straight or Kids - why are you even here? To debate people's experiences and to accuse anyone who speaks up as a current / former staff member or cult member?

I am sorry - I had no idea I was being lead to believe that you were once a client and had loads of experience to fall back onto with your points, my bad for being naive.

If you've never been or don't have a problem - why are you hanging out in a recovery center forum?


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« on: July 08, 2009, 04:53:07 PM »
How does me staying clean after walking out AARC make me invalidate everyone's opinion here? Please, explain.

Do I see things differently than you, yes, but that doesn't make me a target to attack me both publicly and via PM because I see things different than you.

Remember ajax13, there are ALWAYS two sides to EVERY story - you just like to see and hear your side only while twisting things around the way you see fit .

So again - when did you say you attended AARC, just for the record.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« on: July 08, 2009, 04:48:04 PM »
I'm sorry ajax13 - when did you say you attended AARC to make you such an expert on it?

Please, share...


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« on: July 08, 2009, 04:29:56 PM »
Ajax13 - your arguments are baseless.

You claim to be stating facts your not even certain about.

You have accused me of both being on staff or former staff - that could never be the farthest thing from the truth.

You have attacked me by twisting my words to say that I called everyone relapsed addicts - farthest from the truth. I simply stated that I stayed clean after I left AARC, where do you get the BS of calling everyone relapsed addicts.

Now I am deviant? Why, I feel like I just got promoted to some new level - perhaps I'm getting under your skin a little now and you'll finally get honest with who you really are.

Perhaps you may even out yourself as to when you went to AARC or did you? Perhaps all your arguments are useless as you have no idea what the hell goes on behind closed doors - maybe that is the truth about ajax13?

Just remember, I was one of the first 25, so if you retrieve the records, you'd be able to figure it out pretty quick. I was there when Brian was a "peer councilor" and Jocelyn Comeau was the coordinator. Even he saw the writing on the wall and bailed but unfortunately, it was to late for Brian (R.I.P).

Let me say for the record - As I was walking out the door of AARC, Dr. Clause told me I'd never get sober no matter where I went, well 16 years later and I'm still not drunk or drugged.


How in the hell does that equate a backhanded AARC plug ajax13?

Please - justify your very existence even more.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« on: July 08, 2009, 03:57:20 PM »
Ajax13 (your age no doubt)...

What you are missing here is that I never, ever suggested people here who are not part of AARC, or any other 12 step program, as relapsed addicts - I don't where the hell you got that...

What I did suggest was that a person who is know for their pro-pot movement protesting against AARC is ridiculous, or anyone still using drugs for that matter - it seems extremely hypocritical, that WAS my point.

It's like a heroin addict trying to sober up another heroin addict while still using - it's hypocritical!

So again, what exactly are you trying to prove ajax13?

Somebody so hell bent on attacking individuals must certainly have some pretty significant insecurities - do you need a teddy and a nap?


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« on: July 08, 2009, 02:34:16 PM »
Yet another message from boy-wonder himself...

That tactic doesn't work, AARColyte. You've still got infantile egotism that makes you think you're smarter than other people, when in fact they know exactly what you're doing. You started posting pretending to empathize with the folks on here, but you were too stupid to walk the line between overtly expressing agreement while trying to backhandedly play down the fraudulent nature of AARC and and your relationship to it. When you fucked up, you lashed out at the people willing to stand up to AARC and called them relapsed addicts. Not only are you deceitful, you're stupid and cowardly. While you may have been a victim of AARC when you were young, now you're just a creep trying to antagonize people because your belief system is under threat. That and you derive the same pleasure other deviants do from manipulating and harming other folks. My offer still stands. And by all means, post this private message in the public forum. I've seen you do that before little boy.

I guess one day you'll grow up - until then, keep posting your BS.

At least this time, you spell checked your spew.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« on: July 07, 2009, 10:08:05 PM »
Ajax13 - Again, GFY!

Sent to me via PM today by the wonder-kid himself - ajax13...

That's a very AARColyte method of lashing out that you used, little boy. Are you cognicent of it, or does it just come naturally to AARColytes? It's a standard operating procedure in totalist environments, where private communication is exposed to a group in order to undermine the individual's sense of security and to shame the individual before the group. The Chinese used it in their re-education camps, and here you are all these years later using it to defend your cult.
See you in the funny papers little boy. If you want, though, do feel free to leave your e-mail address. You're welcome to tell me to go fuck myself to my face any time you desire.

If you only knew who I really was - but please, have your little fun on this board entertaining random thoughts of just how great you think you are.

You can't even spell.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« on: July 07, 2009, 11:01:45 AM »
Ajax13 - GFY...

Also - please, don't EVER e-mail me again with your useless BS, I waste enough time reading your dribble on this forum, I don't need your crap in my in-box too.

Wow, can I relate to the OP - I too am going through deprogramming after sixteen years...

I was not in Straight or Pathways but AARC in Calgary, what a way to completely mess up me, my family and all of my relationships I once had.

To this day, I still have no relationship with my father, my brother and I are coming around and a lot of my friends I had are starting to re-surface.

I too find it weird to interact with normal people after so many years of forcing myself to believe as that was the only way I'd be accepted by my family, turns out as I found out yesterday, they were against me for being a part of the program as AARC forced them to believe stuff they couldn't.

I hope one day to regain some sort or normality back in my life but I struggle everyday with serious depression and fear of what might happen - the old cult mantra keeps playing the fucking tape in my head day in and day out...

I am lucky that I have a supportive wife and kids to help keep me going as I am sure if it were just me forging through this mess, I just could not do it.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« on: July 06, 2009, 06:12:21 PM »
Drove by on my way to see my brother yesterday and I have to say...


I counted maybe 6 protesters who had to put there signs on extra long twigs so they could be seen from the opposite side of the fence as the "protesters" were on the Glenmore side barely hanging on to the chain linked fence.

On my way back home - they had all left...

ROFLMFAO at the feeble attempt to protest the cult - maybe you should take some serious advise from Anonymous and WBM on how to protest properly - what a waste of a good Sunday...


Quote from: "Guest44431444(2)"
It is vitally important that both sides of the issue need to be stated.  Thankfully, I'm here to present the AARC side.  This is true in any situation wherein all criminal acts.   On one side, you have people who were falsely diagnosed as addicts by amateurs, and then subjected to a pseudoscientific program dreamed up forty years ago by a quack.  On the other side, you have a cult leader syphoning hundreds of thousands of dollars from charities, the government and client families.  As with any crime, it is vital that the perpetrators be able to continually cover up their actions.  AARC just has open group, Calgary print and television media, and a group of corrupt politicians to perpetuate their version of the facts.  That's why it is so important for me to ensure that this tiny voice is not drowned out by the powerful cabal of disgruntled clients posting in this web forum.  Enjoy the day, and do what I tell you.

I just love that took up a name after me - almost a way to honor me and I am flattered.

i guess why I have a differing opinion than most of you is that I chose to stay clean after I left AARC although my father stayed a corporate contributor and had his life royally screwed up and used to "cult-speak" me as well.

I love how people assume that I am just spouting "cult-speak" considering I never lasted more than 30 days either time.

Anyhow, enough with this bantering back and forth with a bunch of 16 year old's...

Enjoy the day!


Quote from: "Guest"
I'm going to go out on a limb here and call this cultspeaking poster the troll.

I am afraid you are mistaken with my affiliation with AARC - I am sure if you knew my name and went and approached The Wiz, he'd start spoutin' about the liar that I am and that I ran from the center twice and I did this and I did that - etc...

Ask Vause about the damage he alone did to the relationship with my father and I - he's proud of that and would talk proudly of it in the Parent Rap.

Please remember one thing here folks - I was one of the first 25 and I failed to stay. Upon my exit I was confronted in Rap and basically told that I would never be anything.

Ask Tammy, Jen or any of the EARLY AARC grads how well respected I was you'll get the full story - so troll, no - someone who wants the story told in a civil constructive way, yes.

I guess that's what maturity does, it allows you to state an opinion without having to resort to swearing or insinuating sexual acts.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: In Loving Memory
« on: June 10, 2009, 10:32:39 PM »
Thanks anon...

Yes, that was him - sad to see...

As for being hated - I don't know if I was so much hated as just a person who spoke my mind - and in there, that is not the way they want it.


I'd debate with either of you but it's obvious you both are about as clueless as they come.

The original intent of this post and why I responded was the absolute disgusting tone in which the OP started this thread.

I probably should have kept my nose out of it but I could not - still one of my many character defects.


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